Three Houses Supports/Dorothea Sylvain

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C Support

Sylvain: Ah, Dorothea. What are you doing here?

Dorothea: I was actually waiting to see you. Were you going to invite me out to dinner? I accept.

Sylvain: Yes, I was. I don't think it would be so bad to share a meal with you from time to time.

Dorothea: How about tonight? I'm busy tomorrow...

Sylvain: That's fine by me.

Dorothea: What are you busy with, I wonder? Girls? And more girls?

Sylvain: Heh heh, isn't it an unwritten rule not to ask about such things? But what a curious turn of events. Have you perhaps got an ulterior motive?

Dorothea: No ulterior motives. If you're worried, we can just pretend this conversation never happened.

Sylvain: No, wait! That's not what I meant. I just don't understand why you want my company now...when you've always been so cold to me. Have you perhaps...fallen in love with me?

Dorothea: Ugh, my stomach just got queasy. You know what? Maybe I'll eat on my own after all.

Sylvain: Fine, fine. I get it. You want someone to chase your loneliness away.

Dorothea: Something like that, yes. If you don't want to, I'll ask someone else.

Sylvain: Don't dream of it. It would be my pleasure, milady. And to be clear...the reason you chose to spend time with me is my family, yes? Or is it my Crest? Both? I'm just curious about such things. Say I was a commoner. Would you still have invited me to dinner? Is this really necessary for a simple dinner invitation?

Dorothea: Actually, I have a question of my own. Say I was a hoarse-voiced old hag... Would you still be flirting with me? Would you still want to hold my hand and whisper sweet nothings?

Sylvain: That's a difficult question. I have nothing against mature women, but... Even if you were an old man, I still would have invited you out. If you were a former noble exiled from his family, or an orphan from the streets, my heart cares not! Just kidding. I just wanted to try saying it. Of course it's better that you have money.

Dorothea: Heh, you little...

Sylvain: Eh, that's probably true. So, Dorothea, about that dinner? It would be an honor to have you join me tonight. And let's not talk about things like this over dinner, OK?

Dorothea: Even if I was an old man or an orphan, huh?

B Support

Sylvain: Ah... Why am I so unlucky with women lately?

Dorothea: Oh, Sylvain, what's that face for? Have you been dumped again?

Sylvain: Heh, isn't there an unwritten rule you shouldn't ask someone that?

Dorothea: I'm sorry. I thought you didn't mind being dumped. Huh. So, your love life can get you down sometimes after all. Who knew?

Sylvain: I'm sad every time I break up with someone! It's just, I usually try to be the one doing the breaking up. I've never had a hard time with girls...ever. Not until recently. But now when I think about it, I wonder what any of them even liked about me. It's not as if any of them knew much about me. I don't get it.

Dorothea: Isn't that what a relationship is for? Learning about someone else? You can't know it all right at the start. I asked you before, if you would have invited me out if I was a peasant.

Sylvain: You did ask me that, yes.

Dorothea: That was wrong of me to say. I've just...

Sylvain: It's not an excuse, but I'm always so suspicious. I'm a nobleman with a Crest. The marriage proposals don't stop coming. Everybody wants me. Except they don't actually want me at all. They want my bloodline. Within my family and without, it's always the same story. Sometimes I think that if I didn't have a Crest, no one would look at me twice.

Dorothea: I see.'re probably not wrong. Honestly I've had those same sort of thoughts myself.

Sylvain: Oh? What sort of thoughts might those be?

Dorothea: I sang, people cheered and applauded, and when I walked off stage, I'd find the same thing every night. A mountain of presents and marriage proposals. But none of those people knew me. All they knew was the singer they saw on the stage. All they wanted was my looks and my voice. None of them even tried to get to know the real me.

Sylvain: Heh, I'm pretty sure I've heard this somewhere. We may come from different places, but we're much the same, wouldn't you say?

Dorothea: Yeah, I suppose we are.

Sylvain: Look, Dorothea. I've realized something. Even if you were an old grandma, I'd still flirt with you...and I'd absolutely win you over. Though, I'd much rather win you over now...and be with you until you become an old grandma.

Dorothea: That might be the most legitimately romantic thing you've ever said, Sylvain. And I can't say I disagree... I'd rather you win me over now too, so that I can stay by your side until you're an old grandpa.

Sylvain: Well, before any of that, will you go to dinner with me?

Dorothea: I'd be happy to.