Three Houses Supports/Dorothea Ingrid

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C Support

Dorothea: Ingrid? Do you have a moment? We're going to perform an opera in the cathedral.

Ingrid: Uh...we are?

Dorothea: Yes! It's a small one, but I need some volunteers. Let me tell you, Alois is very excited. He's already doing a ton of work for the show.

Ingrid: I see... What's it about?

Dorothea: Classic opera fare. A tragic love story. A princess who falls in love with a handsome commoner. But our princess, she carries the fate of her country on her shoulders... And no matter how in love she is, she can't just marry whoever she wants... Or can she?

Ingrid: That's quite a story-- sounds tragic and beautiful. Who will be playing the princess?

Dorothea: Me. I was a singer in an opera company, though I hope I'm not being too presumptuous casting myself. Even if you're not interested in being part of the production, you will come to see it, won't you? I'm asking everyone to dress up properly. I want it to be a stylish and elegant night.

Ingrid: That does sound quite lovely... And I do want to go, but

Dorothea: Please don't worry if you can't make it. I understand we're doing this on such short notice.

Ingrid: No, no! It's not that. I just...uh... I struggle with the elegant part of things. I don't really do myself up in elegant clothing and makeup and such. (Pre-TS) It's not often that I do myself up in elegant clothing and makeup and such. (Post-TS)

Dorothea: If fashion's your concern, lady, you're in luck.

Ingrid: I am?

Dorothea: If you don't dress for the occasion, no one will take you seriously. But don't worry about a thing. I'll happily work my magic on you. When it's time, I'll meet you in your room. We'll make you the most beautiful woman in the theater.

Ingrid: Oh, goodness. OK...

B Support

Dorothea: ...

Ingrid: Why are you sighing at me like that? Is my face really so hopeless?

Dorothea: Ingrid, trying to think of something polite to say right now. It's as if you have no experience dressing elegantly. At all.

Ingrid: I mean...I don't. Dorothea, I appreciate you taking the time, but yes, you do have your work cut out for you. (Pre-TS)

Dorothea, I appreciate you taking the time, but yes, we're in the middle of a war. It hasn't been my top priority. (Post-TS)

Dorothea: I'm sorry. I...I shouldn't be so hard on you. I was just surprised is all. A gal like you? You're a beautiful young noblewoman...

Ingrid: Who somehow has no experience with either makeup or fashion.

Dorothea: This is basic stuff, Ingrid. The basics of the basics, really.

Ingrid: It may be basic for you, but I'm only just now learning. Annette has been taking the time to show me, actually.

Dorothea: Still, I can't believe you didn't know anything about it before her. But it's like you've never even tried.

Ingrid: I was just never interested before. Even as a child, it never appealed to me. Fussy, pretty things always felt unnecessary. And gussying myself up to attract someone has never played an important part in my pursuits as a knight. But you've piqued my interest in all this.

Dorothea: How?

Ingrid: It's not like I'd be dressing myself up just to attract someone. I'd be dressing up for the occasion, specifically. Even if I don't dress up any other time, a special occasion such as this is a good reason to try it out.

Dorothea: Well, yeah. That's why we dress up when we go out. You might meet someone, and you want to look your best, don't you? Get their attention? Ingrid: Lure them in?

Dorothea: That's the exact opposite of what I just said.

Ingrid: You said previously that dressing up for the occasion is reason enough.

Dorothea: Oh, I just said that so you wouldn't run off screaming.

Ingrid: I see.

Dorothea: My real point is that you're quite lovely even before getting all fixed up. Absolutely bewitching, in fact. So when I'm finished with you, well... Someone looking at you could be forgiven for... wanting to pounce.

Ingrid: Could they be? I don't know that I'd forgive them. Oh, I know. That's why, just before I lunge, I'm gonna ask permission.

Dorothea: Permission is not granted-- ever! Just back off.