Three Houses Supports/Dimitri Raphael

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C Support

Raphael: Hey, Dimitri! I heard about what you did!

Dimitri: Hm? What are you talking about, Raphael?

Raphael: Some folks are saying you lifted a whole wagon on your own, and you made it look easy!

Dimitri: Ah. I suppose I do recall something like that. I happened across a toppled wagon, you see. Those people needed my aid, so I aided them. But what of it?

Raphael: You gotta teach me your training secrets! I wanna build muscles like that!

Dimitri: You training secrets, so you can build more muscle? I'm sorry, but...I honestly don't think I can offer anything that would help you. The royal family has always been blessed with immense strength. I imagine it's largely due to our blood, and perhaps our Crests.

Raphael: Oh, c'mon! You don't have to keep your secrets from me!

Dimitri: As I said, I really wish I could help, but... Look, logistics aside, why are you so interested in my strength to begin with?

Raphael: I wanna be really strong like you. I don't just wanna, I gotta! I've had to provide for my little sis ever since our parents died. If I wanna do that, I gotta get strong so I can become a knight!

Dimitri: I see. In that case, I suppose I could try to help you. Though I meant it when I said I'm not sure I have much to offer.

Raphael: Really?! Aw, yeah!

Dimitri: I'm no expert on the topic of building muscle... However, for greater strength, you could try devoting more time to spear and sword training. You probably already know that, eh? Of course you do. Let's see... As a child, I was forced to train by running through the mountains all night in heavy armor!

Raphael: You had to run all night in heavy armor? That sounds tough! What else did you do?

Dimitri: Aside from that... I trained by lifting large boulders, or carrying multiple barrels filled with rocks.

Raphael: Got it! I'm gonna give that a try right now!

Dimitri: Wait a moment! You don't want to push yourself too hard too quickly. You'll damage yourself if you're not careful.

Raphael: You shouldn't worry so much. I know my limits! My muscles are gonna be so big after this!

Dimitri: Perhaps... I should not have told him all that.


B Support

Raphael: Urgh... Dimitri...

Dimitri: Raphael! What's the matter? You look awfully pale.

Raphael: I think... I think... I think I'm gonna die!

Dimitri: What in the world happened?

Raphael: My whole body... It's stinging and aching... I've never felt anything like it! I feel weak all over. I don't have the energy to do anything. This has never happened to me before!

Dimitri: Well, what are you waiting for? Get yourself to the infirmary! If you can't walk, I'll carry you there. This could be very serious!

Raphael: Thing is, I already tried going there, but I didn't see Manuela or the monks... (Alive) Thing is, I already tried going there, but I didn't see any of the monks who are usually around... (Dead)

Dimitri, listen. If anything happens to me, I need you to take care of my little sis...

Dimitri: Steady yourself, Raphael. Protecting your sister is a task that will fall to you alone. Is that not why you wish to become a knight?

Raphael: At this rate I won't even be able to fight alongside everyone else! I'm gonna be completely useless! Ugh, of course this happens after I spend all night training.

Dimitri: Wait... You were training all night? Raphael... Tell me exactly what sort of training you did last night.

Raphael: Well, first I ran all across the mountains while carrying a gigantic boulder. Then I found a big log and lifted it a few hundred times. After that, I ran 50 laps around Garreg Mach wearing heavy armor. Then I tied a rope to a barrel full of rocks and swung it around for a while.

Dimitri: Right. I believe I get the picture. And is this something you've been doing every night recently?

Raphael: I train every day, but yesterday I decided to try out some new techniques. I took the ideas you gave me and used them to come up with a whole new regimen.

Dimitri: I see. Raphael, listen to me very carefully. Your ordinary muscle pain.

Raphael: Muscle...pain? I don't understand.

Dimitri: After a training session like that, even my muscles would probably be aching. Didn't I tell you not to push yourself too hard?

Raphael: Wait, wait, wait. If this is muscle pain, does that mean I hurt my muscles?

Dimitri: Well, you caused them to hurt, sure, but that doesn't mean...

Raphael: I can't believe I was so mean to my muscles! I need to make it up to them! I gotta go eat some food so my muscles can get the nutrition they need! And I can't waste any more time talking about it!

Dimitri: Hold on! What happened to your muscle pain? And if you eat too much, you'll give yourself a stomachache! Uh oh... He's headed straight for the stairs. I thought he could hardly walk with his muscles in that state...

Raphael: Aaghh! My muscles!

Dimitri: Let this be a lessen to you, Raphael... There are times when even your muscles can betray you.