Three Houses Supports/Dimitri Gilbert

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C Support

Dimitri: Here you are, Gilbert. Have you finished your prayers?

Gilbert: Ah! Your Highness! I... This...

Dimitri: Ah, but you and I are the only ones present, so I suppose I should not call you Gilbert. Gustave... It's been a while, hasn't it? Around three years, I believe? Gustave... It has been eight years since I last called you by that name.

Gilbert: Your Highness. I must deeply apologize for leaving the Kingdom without permission. I was...

Dimitri: There is no need to explain, old friend. I can guess at your reasons... The Tragedy of Duscur. You felt responsible for that incident, and sought respite in the goddess, abandoning your name, rank, and homeland in repentance. Am I right?

Gilbert: I have no excuses to offer. This... It was all I could think to do.

Dimitri: I always knew you for a pious man. And I figured that if you were to leave, this is where you would end up. You have changed much. Your face does not have the same resolve it once did.

Gilbert: If I may, Your Highness... You have changed as well.

Dimitri: I can't disagree.

Gilbert: It was my duty to protect His Majesty. Your father. Naturally, that also included Lady Patricia and yourself as well.

(Alternative route) It was my duty to protect His Majesty. Your father. Naturally, that included yourself as well.

Dimitri: My father and mother are gone. No amount of regret will bring them back.

(Alternative route) No amount of regret can bring the dead back to us.

Gilbert: My dreams are haunted by the thought that, had I arrived at Duscur more swiftly...

Dimitri: You saved my life at Duscur. I have only gratitude for you, no blame to speak of.

Return to the Kingdom, Gustave.

(Alternative Route) I wish for you to remain in the Kingdom, Gustave. Even after this conflict is over.

I need your strength to help rebuild the rotten husk that Faerghus has become.

(Alternative Route) I need your strength to help rebuild the ravaged land that Faerghus has become.

Gilbert: Please. I beg your forgiveness, but there is no place left for me in that land.

Dimitri: I see. Though much has changed, your stubbornness remains. I have no desire to trouble you. If you do not wish to return, that is your choice to make. But I do advise you to at least visit the place of your birth. If only for your family's sake.

Gilbert: Yes, Your Highness. Thank you. I appreciate your concern.

B Support

Gilbert: Your Highness. It falls to me once more to instruct you in the ways of battle. It does not befit a leader to fight on the front lines. I would ask that you refrain from such conduct in the future.

Dimitri: I've not had to weather your lectures in many a year. And here I thought you were avoiding me.

Gilbert: That is...a separate matter. You have a duty to consider the value of your own life.

Dimitri: Your words ring true, of course. I admit I was a bit careless out there. However, I have always been a man who is good for nothing but war. To best support our cause, I must carve a path through the battlefield with my own hands. I truly believe that will lead us to victory. Why the dark expression, Gustave? Do my words trouble you so?

Gilbert: You remind me of your father. His Majesty once said the same thing, more than a decade ago, during the northern campaign.

In you, I see his manner, and I hear his words. You grow more like him with each day's passing.

(Alternative Route) And, in you, I am reminded of my failure in my duty to him.

Dimitri: I do not wish to speak of that matter. As I said before, I feel no resentment toward you.

Gilbert: Even so... You have changed since that fateful day, Your Highness. Perhaps too much. I worry that in your pain, you have locked away your true feelings. Your passion is dulled. And your vigor faded.

Dimitri: You want to hear my true feelings, Gustave? Then let me ask you this. Why did you save my life that day? Why did you not allow me to die along with the others? If you truly wish to atone for your sins... Then take my life, here and now.

Gilbert: You would ask me to perform the unthinkable! You are the future of Faerghus. Your Kingdom needs you alive. That I was able to save you... is my only sense of salvation. Your Highness, I repeat myself—consider the value of your own life. If you continue risking all, be it on the battlefield or by issuing mad orders such as this, I will be forced to save you from yourself.

Dimitri: I see. So, you will continue to protect and serve me, will you? In that case, when I assume the throne, I will order you to work for me in the Kingdom.

Gilbert: Your Highness? No... Please...

Dimitri: My father would be happy to see such a day. Perhaps I will ask you to instruct me further in the ways of battle when that time comes.

Gilbert: If I wish to atone for my sins, I must take your life? Deception has never been your strong suit, Dimitri. Or do you think I cannot see? You must know I would take my own life before I let anyone harm you.

A Support

Dimitri: What brings you here at this hour? And with sword in hand, no less. Hardly the appropriate attire for prayer.

Gilbert: I am not here to pray to the goddess. I am here... to atone for my sins.

Dimitri: I see...

Gilbert: You are your father's reflection. He was never skilled at deception, either... Your demand that I take your life was sincere. No matter how you might pretend otherwise.

Dimitri: How astute of you. So, you think you can see right through me, do you?

Gilbert: I watched over you from the day you were born. And that is why it pains me so to do this. It is like taking the life of my own son.

Dimitri: I am sorry to burden you with this, but you have my gratitude. Now, make it quick.

Gilbert: Yes. Hrrahhh! You really are... a cruel man... You believe death will bring an end to your torment? That is nothing but an act of cowardice. No matter how difficult, no matter how painful... Your duty to your people is to continue fighting. Even if those who have died...the many whose lives I have taken...would rather see me dead? Many pray for your death. However, there are far more who need you here. Alive. In Faerghus. In the monastery. In this army. And here. Standing before you. To serve you. To bear your torment alongside you. That, Your Highness, is my atonement.

Dimitri: Look at my hands... They are shaking. When I saw your sword swing before my eyes... For the first time, I did not wish to die. Many times I have felt that I cannot afford to die... But this was the first time I truly feared the prospect. Tell me, Gustave... Is it really right for me to live?

Gilbert: It is, Your Highness. It truly is.

Dimitri: I... Thank you.