Three Houses Supports/Dimitri Dedue

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C Support

Dedue: Your Highness, the hour is late. May I ask where it is you're going?

Dimitri: I'm off to the library for a bit of research before I train. After that, a bath and bed.

Dedue: Very well. I shall accompany you.

Dimitri: Ah, no, there's no need for that. I am a grown man, after all.

Dedue: You sustained an injury during yesterday's training. My presence may be of use to you.

Dimitri: It was a mere bruise that will heal in no time. No need to fret over me, Dedue.

Dedue: Are you dissatisfied with me, Your Highness? Please do not hesitate to correct me.

Dimitri: And there it is again.

Dedue: Yes? What is it?

Dimitri: Well... You often choose to address me as "Your Highness." When we first met, you used to call me by my name.

Dedue: That was because I was unfamiliar with Fódlan speech. Thinking back, such rude manners were inexcusable.

Dimitri: To be honest, I much preferred it. I feel more comfortable being addressed by my name, rather than with the honorifics that go along with being a prince.

Dedue: But...

Dimitri: I did not teach you to read and write so that you'd know how to address me properly. And I brought you to the academy as my friend, not a vassal.

Dedue: But Your Highness, a vassal is precisely what I am.

Dimitri: So much has happened since we met, yet we cannot seem bridge this gap... So be it. I give you leave to return to your quarters. Take an early night and reflect on what I've said. Please.

Dedue: I couldn't possibly. I said I would accompany you, did I not?

Dimitri: True, but I would much prefer that we take steps to ease this mindset of yours...

B Support

Soldier(1): He's always with that man from Duscur. How strange...

Soldier(2): I'll bet he used some dirty tricks to gain his favor. That's how those scoundrels from Duscur operate.

Dimitri: What a pleasant conversation you seem to be having. May I join? Please, continue.

Soldier(1): Oh! Um! Your Highness... I was just... Dimitri: I said continue.

Soldier(2): I... I... I'm sorry, Your Highness!

Dimitri: Such foolishness runs rampant. I fear it is the reality of Faerghus for now.

Dedue: It must appear strange to them, to see me always in your company.

Dimitri: Does it bother you, Dedue?

Dedue: Of course not. However...

Dimitri: Let me guess. You take exception to the gossip that you used dirty tricks to obtain your position. Is that it?

Dedue: That does perturb me. But not for my own sake. I am concerned about Your Highness's reputation.

Dimitri: We're not talking about my feelings, but yours. As far as I'm concerned, those fools can talk nonsense until their tongues fall out.

Dedue: I am afraid I cannot agree. But if you were not concerned for your honor in this instance, then why did you intervene?

Dimitri: Because it is my duty to do so. The day my father was killed, I saw the swine who did it. They were not of Duscur. I saw that. Knew it, beyond a doubt. And yet I was unable to prevent the massacre that followed. Nor could I clear away the dishonor of regicide that has unjustly clung to you and your people! I will not rest until I make up for that. I owe you, just as I owe the spirits of those I let die.

Dedue: I do consider Faerghus to be abhorrent. But you are an exception. You offered me your hand, and pulled me out from an abyss of suffering and death.

Dimitri: ...

Dedue: You risked your life to save a foreigner you had never met. The moment you extended your hand, I decided that only for your sake would I live the remainder of my life. And I would cast it aside in an instant if my death were to your benefit. For that reason, I cannot consider myself your friend. There are still many in the Kingdom who despise the people of Duscur. It would be selfish of me to stand by your side as an equal.

Dimitri: Dedue...

Dedue: Your Highness?

Dimitri: Do you really believe I care one bit about the chatter of the ignorant?

Dedue: Of course not. Please forgive my impudence.

Dimitri: I understand the intention of your words. Still, they grieve me. If you wish it so, you may continue to think of yourself as my vassal. I clearly cannot stop you. We need not be anything more, or anything less. If that is what you wish, Dedue, so be it.

Dedue: Your Highness...

A Support

Dedue: Your Highness, you still have scars on your back. It does you no good to languish in pain. I will procure some medicine.

Dimitri: No, it is fine. They are still deep...these are from nine years ago. They do not hurt any longer. Besides, it would be a shame if the scars I got from protecting you were to fade. I bear these scars proudly. It makes me think that it was worthwhile that someone like me survived.

Dedue: To hear you say such things...

Dimitri: Dedue, you say that I saved you, but do you know that you also saved me that day? If I had been unable to save anyone, I would have been the sole survivor. I would have had no reason to keep living. But I saved someone - saved you. That and that alone has always been my crutch.

Dedue: When I stood before those soldiers and their swords that day, I was prepared to die. But then you suddenly appeared, and you shielded me. I knew then that a savior's hand could reach into even the deepest darkness. I still have not been able to repay that debt.

Dimitri: Have you not heard a word I've said? You have saved me in countless ways. Five years ago, I did nothing but await my execution within my jail cell. Was it not you that saved me?

Dedue: That was nothing more than my duty as your vassal.

Dimitri: Listen, Dedue... Perhaps you consider me to be someone special. But I think the same of you. You are irreplaceable. Cherished. So stop saying that we cannot be friends. Stop saying such awful things.

Dedue: not look at me that way. You promised me you would build a Kingdom that is proud to boast of Duscur blood. In this Kingdom, where there is no distinction between the people of Duscur and the people of Fódlan... Will I finally, without reservation, be able to call you my friend? Will I...Dimitri?

Dimitri: Dedue... Yes, you will call me your friend, again and again. No matter how many hardships I must endure...

Dedue: I will do all I can to bring about that world as well. To be your what I have always wanted.

Dimitri: Is that so? I...I am glad to hear it.

Dedue: But until that time, we must allow no harm to befall you. So please call upon me when you walk alone at night. And even when you go out in the day, please tell me where you are going, and whom you are meeting.

Dimitri: In the end, I suppose there is no fixing your overprotectiveness, is there... I suppose I can live with that.