Three Houses Supports/Dimitri Ashe

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C Support

Dimitri: Hm, this tent is torn. Can you please fix this one first, Ashe?

Ashe: Absolutely!

Dimitri: Sorry, I should probably take care of it myself, but we’d be here until sundown if I-

Ashe: No problem at all! I’ve had lots of practice with things like this. Happy to help however I can.

Dimitri: Oh. Well, thanks. Actually, I’ll fetch you something to make the job less of a burden. You like sweet things, right?

Ashe: Ah. Well, yes… Sorry, no! I can’t ask you to do that!

Dimitri: Ashe… I’ve told you, there’s no need to act like that.

Ashe: I can’t have someone from the royal family running errands for me. It doesn’t feel right. Lonato would be furious with me, I’m sure!

Dimitri: If Lord Lonato says something to you, I’ll write him a letter of protest. I really don’t mind, so you needn’t worry about that. And while I’m being candid… I’d prefer it if you didn’t speak so formally to me. We’re supposed to be allies. We’ve fought side-by-side as equals, haven’t we?

Ashe: I know. But to commoners like me, you’re royalty. Regular folks normally only lay eyes on someone like you once or twice in their whole lives.

Dimitri: I understand. I really do. When I ascend the throne, perhaps I should do a tour of each city…

Ashe: What? No, that’s not what I meant!

Dimitri: I’m at a loss… I wish to make things better, but I seem to only upset you more and more. That is certainly not my intention. Perhaps I should leave you be and take care of our shopping…

Ashe: Please, I promise I’ll go myself just as soon as I’ve finished with the tent!

Dimitri: Ashe. Enough. OK... I’ve a question. Answer me this. I don’t normally eat sweets, so what would you recommend?

Ashe: Oh. Well, if price isn’t a concern for you, then you should go for the sugar candies. The ones they make in town are really delightful. Ah! Oh, Your Highness--please, you musn’t!

Dimitri: Got it. Sugar candies it is. I’ll go and fetch some.

Ashe: Your Highness! Please come back! I’m so sorry! I’ll-I’ll make sure these repairs get done!

B Support

Ashe: Your Highness--sorry, I mean, Dimitri--would you, um, do you want to train together today?

Dimitri: Ashe! Of course, I’m glad you asked. After classes conclude for the day, meet me at the training ground. I’ll be waiting. And afterward, let’s plan on dinner. We’ll certainly have worked up an appetite.

Ashe: Oh! Yes, I suppose--I mean, sure, it’d be--That is… It would be my pleasure to, ah--to dine? With you? I mean, I… Um…

Dimitri: Ashe…

Ashe: I’m sorry, Your Highness! I’m just no good at this! I’ll do my best to improve!

Dimitri: Are you still worrying over what I said to you before?

Ashe: I’m trying to do as you asked, but it’s just completely against my nature.

Dimitri: Trust me, I understand the urge to show respect where it is due. However, that is not the case here. Yes, I was brought up in a different family and raised in a different way, but otherwise, you and I are the same.

Ashe: That all makes sense, Your Highness. But I just can’t bring myself to speak to you in such a casual way. Sure. When you get right down to it, royalty like you and commonfolk like me… We’re all just people. But the commonfolk still rely on the nobility to keep the peace, and to keep them safe. Commoners pay the price for that in taxes and respect. That’s what Lonato says.

Dimitri: I suppose I can understand that point of view. But the flaw in your logic is that I am not king just yet.

Ashe: But that’s not all there is to it!

Dimitri: Hm?

Ashe: I also respect you as a person. You carry the weight of the whole Kingdom on your shoulders. You’re a faultless warrior, and you’re always so kind to your allies. Even me.

Dimitri: On all accounts, I can the same of you. But you also have a strong heart. I can’t say that about myself. No matter the circumstance, you are never drawn toward darkness. That mindset of yours has done me well on countless occasions.

Ashe: Well, I… I do my best. So I guess… mutual respect between us is what’s really the most appropriate.

Dimitri: Precisely. Which means there’s never any need to be nervous or uncomfortable around one another. It seems we may have circled back to where we started with this conversation, but… Let’s at least agree that we both should learn to bend a bit. How’s that sound?

Ashe: All right! Let’s start from the beginning, then. Would you like to train with me today, Your Highness?

Dimitri: Of course, Ashe. Come at me with everything you’ve got!