Three Houses Supports/Dedue Ingrid

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C Support

Ingrid: Are you injured?

Dedue: No.

Ingrid: Good. ... I'd have cut my way through. Alone. Without your assistance.

Dedue: My apologies.

Ingrid: Your apologies are empty.

Dedue: ...

Ingrid: I... I spoke out of turn. I'm sorry, Dedue. His Highness has put his faith in you. You're a valuable comrade, no matter my feelings. I... The people of Duscur...

Dedue: Save your breath. There were countless people like you in the capital. People who spat, threw things-- insults and stones alike-- whenever they pleased. Their anger was natural. I do not begrudge them.

Ingrid: I... I see.

Dedue: You owe me no apology. And I will keep my distance on all other occasions. But on the field of battle, allow me to aid you. If you were to fall, His Highness would grieve.

Ingrid: I see. Then I will accept your help. On the battlefield.

Dedue: Understood.

B Support

Dedue: Are you injured?

Ingrid: Dedue. Saving the day again?

Dedue: Apologies.

Ingrid: I'm the one who owes you an apology. You've saved my life how many times now? If I keep being so callous, I'll seem ungrateful.

Dedue: No matter.

Ingrid: But...

Dedue: I'm accustomed to it.

Ingrid: I'm sorry, Dedue.

Dedue: Why?

Ingrid: Because the way I speak to you is unnecessarily harsh. The truth of it is, I lost someone very dear to me in Duscur. The punishment came swift to your people, and when I heard of the slaughters... Well... I thought it was a punishment well earned. I thought the people cruel and heartless, deserving of the tragedy that ultimately befell them.

Dedue: ...

Ingrid: But you? You're different. You seem nothing like the people of whom I speak. So why not speak back against how I and so many others feel? Why not question this unfair prejudice, and tell me I haven't the right to hold a grudge against you? If you'd just speak to me-- if you'd tell me the truth about all of this...

Dedue: I do not know the truth of it, myself. His Highness says the tragedy was not the fault of my people. But just like anywhere, there were many different people in Duscur. Some very good, and others very bad. It is not unimaginable that some may have conspired to take part in that wickedness. Perhaps we are merely victims. Or perhaps we are regicidal monsters.

Ingrid: Whatever the truth of it is, you are not to blame. The people I hate are the ones who are responsible for that whole mess. just got caught up in all of it.

Dedue: Ingrid.

Ingrid: You've rushed to my side-- you've saved me countless times. I am sorry for how I've treated you. Truly.

Dedue: If you think of me as your ally, that will suffice. For me, that is enough.

A Support

Dedue: ...

Ingrid: Uh, Dedue? Are you OK? You look unwell.

Dedue: Ingrid. Is my face frightening?

Ingrid: Uhh... What? I, sort of-- er, not exactly... I wouldn't use the word frightening. Aggressive, maybe? But it's really nothing to worry about. Why-- did someone say something cruel?

Dedue: I made a village child cry.

Ingrid: Oh. I see... Let me guess. You feel like you look frightening, so you walked around with a smile glued to your face...

Dedue: How did you know?

Ingrid: I'm starting to understand how you think. The thing is, forced smiles never work well. They usually just end up making a person look creepy and insincere.

Dedue: I see. Duly noted.

Ingrid: To be honest, when we first met, I was pretty intimidated by you. Not because of a smile, but a lack of any emotion whatsoever. And you so rarely spoke. I had no idea what to make of you.

Dedue: ...

Ingrid: But that's only because I wasn't making an effort to get to know you. Because you were from Duscur. As I started to get to know you-- to understand your personality-- I realized what a fool I'd been.

Dedue: Personality?

Ingrid: You may come off intimidating, but underneath that cool exterior is a kind, loyal, and noble person-- a really wonderful person. In a certain regard, you are one of the knightliest people I know.

Dedue: ...

Ingrid: What is it?

Dedue: Wonderful person. This is the first time anyone has ever said a thing like that to me. It is rather...awkward.

Ingrid: It's only awkward if you make it awkward. kind of

Dedue: Ugh...

Ingrid: Ugh...

Dedue: Well...let me know if you need anything.

Ingrid: Yes, of course. Same to you, Dedue.