Three Houses Supports/Dedue Flayn

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C Support

Flayn: Ahhh, tonight's meal looks exquisite! Time for me to make the most of this opportunity. MmmMmMmm!

Dedue: Are you all right? Slow down. Your dinner is not going anywhere.

Flayn: I am not sure it is your business to tell me how to consume my meal. You must admit this food is absolutely delectable! I have not eaten something this tasty in ages!

Dedue: Well, good.

Flayn: I suppose my enthusiasm is a tad overwhelming. Do you happen to know who cooked this meal?

Dedue: I did.

Flayn: You are the chef?!

Dedue: Today, yes.

Flayn: I...I do not think I have ever been brought to tears by a meal... Dedue, you are a chef without peer! Why, that was truly more delicious than anything I have eaten in all my years!

Dedue: I highly doubt that.

Flayn: No need for modesty. I could certainly never make anything even remotely so delicious. Hmm, that gives me an idea. Will you please teach me how to cook such delicacies as the one I ate just now?

Dedue: You want me to teach you to cook?

Flayn: Indeed! I have never been so emotional over cuisine-- you must teach me your ways!

Dedue: Very well. But only if you are serious and do not quit halfway through.

Flayn: I would not dream of it! Thank you, Chef Dedue!

B Support

Dedue: Chop the vegetables into bite-size pieces. After that, skim the top layer off the pan. Be mindful of the heat.

Flayn: Certainly, Chef Dedue.

Dedue: There is no need to call me that. Are you displeased?

Flayn: No, not in the slightest! I just got momentarily sleepy. It happens to me from time to time... Let me see...

Dedue: First, chop the vegetables.

Flayn: Coming right up, Che-- Er, Dedue!

Dedue: Good.

Flayn: I am so bored... Day in and day out, it is nothing but dicing vegetables and waiting for water to boil. I want to feel like I am actually cooking. It is not as though I do not know the basics... He could at least let me hold the spatula sometime...

Dedue: Next, we peel the vegetables.

Flayn: Chef Dedue, I was hoping to speak with you regarding something that has been on my mind.

Dedue: Speak?

Flayn: Surely you have noticed my skill while wielding pans and knives. Therefore, I think it is time you taught me how to cook-- beyond all this water boiling and vegetable chopping business.

Dedue: Impossible.

Flayn: But why?!

Dedue: All must be done in the proper sequence. And the first step here, whether you like it or not, is to learn to use the tools perfectly.

Flayn: Come now! You have seen how I use a ladle! You know I'm good for it. Hmph. He has left me no option but to take matters into my own hands. Stubborn you may be, Chef Dedue, but I will show you the true meaning of delicious!

A Support

Flayn: Er...hello there, Dedue... I just want to say that I am really, terribly sorry.

Dedue: For what?

Flayn: I, um... I tried to cook. On my own. It was an absolute disaster. Adding that seasoning... Adding all that seasoning. Ugh, what a mistake.

Dedue: Mistakes happen.

Flayn: But Chef-- that is, Dedue! I defied your instructions!

Dedue: Quite blatantly, I might add.

Flayn: I tried to cook before I had gained mastery over the tools. I have been a terrible student... Are you going to stop teaching me now?

Dedue: Is that what you want?

Flayn: Not in the slightest. I desperately want to learn from you.

Dedue: As you were, then.

Flayn: You... I... Truly?!

Dedue: You have not disappointed me. The food itself tasted awful, of course. But there was more to it than that. I could feel the thought you put into it. The wish to please others. To be faithful to what you've learned.

Flayn: actually ate the food I made?

Dedue: I did. The ingredients were chopped to perfection. You also seem to have learned how to handle fish without my instruction.

Flayn: I learned by watching you.

Dedue: You have talent. One day you will surpass me.

Flayn: I was certain you would be angry with me. It is decided, then. Someday, you will exclaim that something I have made is delicious. I do not quite know how many years it will take, but I am willing to rise to the challenge. Please, help me get there!

Dedue: I will. However long it takes, I look forward to it. Now, your next lesson will consist of the selection and seasoning of ingredients.

Flayn: Of course, Chef-- er, Dedue, rather.

Dedue: Call me whatever you want.

Flayn: Oh! This is so exciting! Let me see... Chef Dedue! Master Chef Doodah? Ooh, Supreme Chef Deddie-pie!

Dedue: I suppose I've already committed.

Flayn: Oh, I know! Chef Deddles!