Three Houses Supports/Dedue Felix

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C Support

Felix: Hold a moment, dog.

Dedue: Are you speaking to me?

Felix: I don't see anyone else here, do you? You're that boar's lapdog.

Dedue: Do not mock His Highness.

Felix: Ha, spoken like a good pet. Why do you follow him with such devotion? Do you really think a man like that is worth it?

Dedue: Faerghus destroyed my homeland. Burned it all to the ground. Slaughtered my people.

Felix: The punishment of Duscur.

Dedue: My father, my mother, my siblings-- all were killed. We received no aid. No respite. Faerghus murdered our dignity and torched our pride. His Highness is different. He is the only one who sees my people as human. He risked his life to save mine. And it is thanks to him that I no longer wish for death.

Felix: That's what we call "blind obedience." Tell me. Would you give your life for him?

Dedue: Yes.

Felix: And what if he commanded you to join him in a senseless massacre?

Dedue: I would do it.

Felix: Even a massacre of children, or the elderly, or your own comrades?

Dedue: Without hesitation. You have misunderstood me. I am the sword and shield of His Highness. Weapons do not have a will of their own. Blind obedience.

Felix: You're right. I did misunderstand. I shouldn't have called you a lapdog. You're a rabid cur. You and the boar prince make quite a team-- two crazed animals.

Dedue: I warned you not to mock His Highness. I am aware you have a history of friendship with him, but one more word...

Felix: I've said my piece. Scamper back to your master.

B Support

Felix: Hey, wait.

Dedue: What is it.

Felix: You defended me in battle. Why?

Dedue: His Highness does not wish for our military strength to be depleted. The loss of your strength would be significant.

Felix: You are a colossal idiot. One slip-up and you would have died. You think he would've been happy about that?

Dedue: No, I do not.

Felix: Then why protect me? I thought you were his mindless weapon, his sword and shield.

Dedue: I heard about your brother. He was at Duscur. He died to protect His Highness.

Felix: He did, but I don't see what that has to do with anything. Are you repaying some kind of debt? I hope you're not going to praise his death. I hear enough of that from my old man.

Dedue: I will not praise it, then. Instead I will say I would have done the same in his position. Is it really so unnatural to put one's life on the line to protect a brother in arms?

Felix: To hear a rabid dog call me a "brother in arms"... Your insults are merely an attempt to avoid addressing me as what I am.

Dedue: I am a man of Duscur.

Felix: Yet you were concerned for my life.

Dedue: "Concerned" is a strong word. Your death would have been unpleasant. That's all.

Felix: Coming from you, that is enough.

Dedue: What's that supposed to mean?

Felix: I just meant-- Never mind! OK, go ahead, protect me. But if you act like a fool and get yourself killed, I'll kill you.

Dedue: How can you kill me, if I am already dead?

Felix: I... You-you know what I meant!