Three Houses Supports/Bernadetta Sylvain

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C Support

Bernadetta: So full! That fruit plate really hit the spot... Time to get nice and snug, maybe do some sewing...

Sylvain: Hey, Bernadetta. You look pretty happy. Celebrating something?

Bernadetta: What? N-no! Nothing at all!

Sylvian: Hey, relax! It's OK if you'd rather not tell me. By the way, I believe you left something in the library...

Bernadetta: A half-written manuscript?

Sylvain: Your own work, I presume? I was curious who it belonged to and gave it a read-through. You're a really talented writer!

Bernadetta: ...

Sylvain: I'm sorry. I peeked at the first page then the next, and I couldn't stop. I think it's good enough to publish. It's the kind of adventure story that will make people laugh and cry! I love how you never know what mess the hero is going to get herself into next. I'm dying to read more!

Bernadetta: ...

Sylvain: Uh, your mouth's hanging wide open. Bernadetta? Are you OK?

Bernadetta: Sorry, um... Was someone talking about a story?

Sylvain: Yes? That would be me. I read your book.

Bernadetta: Y-y-you read my book?

Sylvain: Yeah, and I loved it!

Bernadetta: Aaah! I'm so humiliated! Please, forget everything you read!

Sylvain: Humiliated? No, I think the word you're looking for is "humbled" because-- and she's gone. Now what do I do with this book?

Bernadetta: Ugh, he actually read it! I regret everything... Even if I burn the pages, I can't burn his memory. Not unless I...throw him in the fire too... No, that's awful. Don't think things like that, Bernie.

B Support

Bernadetta: Ugh... I've looked everywhere... I guess Sylvain must still have it... Huh? When did this book get here? Wait. This is mine! And there's...something sticking out of it... A letter? "Dear Author, I read your manuscript quite by accident and duly apologize. "However, I also write today to inform you that I enjoyed your story tremendously. "I laughed and cried as the heroine overcame her many obstacles, growing stronger with each step. "Your literary style presents a unique perspective. I could sense you watching over the protagonist." Heh-heh! Wow, so many compliments, and so much attention to detail. "The girl's failures are as compelling as her triumphs. Since authors are told to write what they know... "I believe your tale would not have been so convincing were it not for your own experiences." Um, what? My own experiences? That's a weird way to give praise... Who wrote this, anyway? Who would read my story so carefully and then write this long letter to tell me about it? Whoever it is, they must be wonderful. Someone like my dear old uncle... "I do hope my letter inspires you to keep writing. "Looking forward to the next chapter. Your devoted fan, Sylvain." What?! Sylvain?! It can't be!

Sylvain: Heya, Bernadetta. Did you read my letter?

Bernadetta: Ah! How long have you been standing there?!

Sylvain: I'm sorry, but I fell head over heels for your story. It's so good, and I just had to tell you about it. So what do you say? Will you write more? Why don't we talk literature over some tea?

Bernadetta: Oh, I see your plan now! You're out to humiliate me! Very clever, but I'm not falling for it!