Three Houses Supports/Ashe Gilbert

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C Support

Gilbert: Excellent! Well done, Ashe. Continue such work, and you will certainly make a name for yourself.

Ashe: You think so? Thank you, Gilbert!

Gilbert: You really are amazing, you know. Your skills with the lance and bow are just incredible. One learns the craft of knighthood well after 40 years of service.

Ashe: Wow. 40 years! That's incredible. With that many years of training, I'd be really strong, wouldn't I?

Gilbert: Further training and service will only make you stronger. Yet, why spend your life this way? Knighthood is not glamorous. On long campaigns you sleep rough in all manner of weather, and may eat gruel more often than venison... It seems odd that you would admire me. Or that you would long to be a knight. Are you sure of yourself?

Ashe: But of course! It's been my dream for a long time, now. I really can't help but admire you. Your years of knighthood are so impressive!

Gilbert: I do not deserve your praise. I merely performed my duties to the best of my skill.

Ashe: Don't be modest. You're a great knight! If there's any more you can teach me, I would be very happy to learn.

Gilbert: Hmm. Tell me this... Once you don the armor, raise your shield, and level your lance... Why? What is it you wish to protect?

Ashe: Protect? I, um... Well, whatever needs protecting, right?

Gilbert: You must know exactly what you protect before you become a knight.

Ashe: I understand. I'll take that to heart. What is it that you want to protect, if I may ask?

Gilbert: My duty has always been to protect my lord. That is a given for any knight, but for myself, doubly so. Then there are the personal reasons. Each knight has their own, yet mine... I do not speak of.

Ashe: Oh. How come?

Gilbert:Because it is personal. Mine. It allows me to focus on the work and grants me discipline. That is sufficient.

Ashe: Discipline, huh... Something to protect. I'll have to think of something.

B Support

Gilbert: Is something the matter? Your heart does not seem to be in your training today.

Ashe: I'm sorry. Something's been bothering me.

Gilbert: Idle thoughts do hinder training. Tell me what bothers you.

Ashe: You were sworn to protect the royal family. But when we met five years ago, you weren't in the Kingdom capital. You were in Garreg Mach. What could have made a great knight like you abandon his vow?

Gilbert: difficult to explain. You are aware of the Tragedy of Duscur? When the king's party was massacred nine years ago?

Ashe: I am. It affected me too. My brother was suspected of being involved in the attack, and so the church... They...

Gilbert: Forgive me. That must be a difficult memory.

Ashe: Why are you apologizing? It's not your fault.

Gilbert: I disagree. Had I been by His Majesty's side on that day, where I was sworn to be... Perhaps His Majesty would not have lost his life, and all would be different.

Ashe: Is that why you left Faerghus?

Gilbert: Yes. You may laugh, but I feel I was responsible for everything.

Ashe: I would never laugh at something like that. But I do think you should have seen things through to the end. Even if you had to endure dishonor for a while, you could have restored your name!

Gilbert: I'm sorry. That was inconsiderate of me. I got carried away by how much your situation resembles my own. You were adopted by Lord Lonato, correct? I once told you that I wished to protect one thing other than my king...and that is my family. My wife and my daughter, both of whom I left behind in the Kingdom. Lord Lonato took up his sword for his son. Even if that meant turning his back on the goddess... As a father, I cannot condemn Lord Lonato for raising an army. ... Yet, perhaps he too lost sight of what should be protected. Just as I did.

Ashe: I don't understand what you mean. What should Lonato have protected?

Gilbert: You, Ashe. Because you are also his son.

Ashe: You're right... I think I know what I need to protect now. It's been staring me in the face all this time. I don't know why I couldn't see it. I'm Lonato's son. His pride and his wishes are my inheritance. Those are what I should protect.

Gilbert: I see. Ashe, you will be an excellent knight.

Ashe: It's too early to say that, but I'm willing to learn if you'll teach me!

Gilbert: It would be my pleasure to oversee the training of a new generation.