Three Houses Supports/Annette Lysithea

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C Support

Annette: Hi hi, Lysithea! When are you going to teach me magic? Is now good?

Lysithea: Why do I have to?

Annette: Why? Because you're way better at it than me, silly!

Lysithea: Is that so. I thought you were something of an honors student at the school of sorcery?

Annette: Well, sure... But I wouldn't say I've got any kind of natural talent for it. I'm going to have to try very hard to become as good of a mage as you are!

Lysithea: What is that supposed to mean? Are you implying that I don't work hard too? If you think my skills are inherent, you are sorely mistaken.

Annette: No! I wasn't saying that at all! Everyone knows how hard you work. I just meant that if I want to be as good as you, I'll have to work really, incredibly hard!

Lysithea: Hm. And what is it you want to learn about?

Annette: Oh! So you'll teach me?! Thank you so much! Um, actually... Oh, I get it now! I never thought about it that way before!

Lysithea: Look at how quickly you're picking this up. You're clearly very skilled already.

Annette: Don't be silly. You're just that good of a teacher! Your way of looking at the world is so fundamentally different from mine.

Lysithea: Do you insist on taking the conversation in that direction?

Annette: Oh no, I'm sorry! I wasn't doing that! There I go, saying the wrong thing again.

Lysithea: It's fine. Let's just drop it. A bit more self-confidence would go a long way for you, Annette.

Annette: Huh?

Lysithea: That's all I've got for you today. I need to get going now. Lots to do.

Annette: Oh, I'm so sorry to take up your time! Thanks again for teaching me!

B Support

Lysithea: Oh, you're still here?

Annette: Lysithea! Hi! Did you forget something?

Lysithea: I did. What are you reading?

Annette: Just something I found. Though there are things in here I don't quite get.

Lysithea: Is that The Compendium of Light and Dark?

Annette: It is! Amazing how you could tell that just from a glance at the cover.

Lysithea: I've read it so many times I have nearly the entire thing memorized. That said, it does seem to take liberties with some topics, so be aware of that while you're reading it.

Annette: Wait, really? Yikes! Thanks for the warning.

Lysithea: You've got quite the stack of books here for only wanting to brush up on one thing. I knew you were a hard worker, Annette.

Annette: No, not as much as some people. I'm... Oh! Sorry. There I go again.

Lysithea: It's all right. In getting to know you, I've taken some time to self-reflect. I used to think that I worked harder than anyone. But I'm not so sure anymore. I have to work even harder to keep pace with you!

Annette: Oh no! But then I'll have to work extra, extra hard to keep up with you!

Lysithea: Well, if you work extra, extra hard, I'll need to work super duper extra hard!

Annette: Aw, come on! Fine. Super duper quadruple extra hard it is!

Lysithea: OK, OK. That's enough. We could do this forever, but we've got better things to do.

Annette: Heh, sorry. It's fun to see you get carried away like that though. I'm glad we had this chat. I feel excited to continue working super duper extra hard now. I'm lucky to have someone like you around to inspire me.

Lysithea: I feel the same. I'll do my best to keep pace with you!

Annette: Why are you smiling?

Lysithea: Oh, it's nothing. I was just thinking about how nice it is that we can motivate each other like this.

Annette: It is nice, isn't it?

Lysithea: But I still intend to surpass you.

Annette: Nuh-uh! I'm gonna surpass you! But before that... Uh, could you explain this part of the book to me?

Lysithea: I'm not quite sure how someone of your caliber is struggling with this one, but let me break it down for you...