Three Houses Supports/Annette Gilbert

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C Support

Annette: Father! Father! Why do you pretend not to recognize me?!

Gilbert: Annette... I—

Annette: I've been looking everywhere for you. Please stop treating me like a stranger. I can't bear it!

Gilbert: ...

Annette: Father, wait! How long will you keep avoiding me like this?!

Gilbert: I have lost the right to face you or your mother.

Annette: This has nothing to do with rights! We're family. I'm your daughter.

Gilbert: Indeed, you are my daughter. Yet I am no father. I am only a fool who abandoned his family.

Annette: You really think it was foolish to abandon us?

Gilbert: I do.

Annette: Then the least you can do is apologize. I'm fine, but Mother deserves as much.

I've finished my studies at the school of sorcery and entered the Officers Academy. I have a busy and satisfying life now.

(Post time-skip) I've finished my studies at the school of sorcery and the Officers Academy. I have a busy and satisfying life now.

But Mother... She's waited for you to return all this time, living under my uncle's roof.

Gilbert: I... I am sorry, Annette.

Annette: I already told you. Don't say that to me. Apologize to Mother! Let her see your face!

Gilbert: That I cannot do. I know you do not understand, but it is the way of things. As for you, Annette. Say the word, and I will disappear from your life forever. For now though, I must return to my duties.

Annette: Father... How could you be so cruel...

C+ Support

Annette: What's wrong, Father? I didn't expect you to summon me...

Gilbert: I carved this on a whim. I wish for you to take it, Annette.

Annette: A wooden doll... You used to make these for me when I was a child.

Gilbert: I still do it. When the mood strikes.

Annette: It's so cute! It's...wait. No. What do you want from me?

Gilbert: I want nothing. I was carving and... I thought of you. I remembered how happy you would be, as a child, when I handed one of these dolls to you.

Annette: I was back then, but I'm not a child anymore. It's too late for this now, Father. It doesn't make me happy anymore.

Gilbert: Annette...

Annette: I... I was so lonely after you left. I was always, always alone. I didn't know where you were, or who to turn to for comfort. All I could do was look at the dolls you carved for me, and remember you...and weep!

Gilbert: If you don't need it, you can throw it away. It is all the same in the end. I am sorry, Annette. I should have given more thought to my actions.

Annette: Father, wait! No, this won't do at all. It would be better to throw this doll away. ... You are too cruel, Father. Of course I... I could never throw it away...

B Support

Annette: Praying, Father?

Gilbert: Yes. Praying is all I can do. For I am at fault for each death upon the cursed plain of Duscur.

Annette: You keep saying it's your fault, Father, but you're wrong. His Highness doesn't blame you. Neither does King Lambert, I'm sure of it. But...I guess that's not the issue for you, is it?

Gilbert: It was my duty to protect the royal family. I should have given my life to protect the king. Even if His Highness has forgiven me, my knightly vows are still broken. My knighthood is lost.

Annette: That's obvious from looking at you, Father. I think Mother understood it as well. But before fleeing the country, I wish you had thought about your family, if only for a moment. Even if the whole world had condemned you, we would always have been your allies...

Gilbert: I am sorry, Annette.

Annette: No... I told you before. I don't particularly want you to apologize.

Gilbert: Annette...

Annette: Yes, Father?

Gilbert: Take this.

Annette: A bundle of letters... There are so many...

Gilbert: Look inside and you will understand. Should the contents make you sad, please burn them.

Annette: Father! Oh, for the love of... He's done it again! But what have we here... Hm, just as I thought. Letters for me and Mother. And so many... But why, and how? I suppose I'll have to read them if I hope to find my answers...

A Support

Annette: Hello, Father. May I have a moment?

Gilbert: Of course.

Annette: I...I read all your letters. You never stopped writing them, did you?

Gilbert: ...

Annette: My birthday. Mother's birthday. Every possible occasion, without fail...

Gilbert: Yes.

Annette: So why didn't you send any of them? If you had sent even one, we would have...

Gilbert: Each time I thought to send one, I could not do so. Such behavior belittled my penance. Time passed, and with it my feelings of guilt toward you and your mother grew. Even though I wrote the letters, I could not send them.

Annette: I would always talk about it with Mother... If only he'd write us, at least once, we'd say. We waited and waited... all those long years.

Gilbert: I am sorry.

Annette: I'm tired of hearing it, so just stop. Your apologies change nothing! Send those letters to Mother. She'll be happy to hear from you.

Gilbert: I cannot.

Annette: In that case, why don't I send them?

Gilbert: I have given them to you. They are yours to do with as you wish.

Annette: All right then, I'll send them. You don't get to take it back afterwards. Father... You should know that they made me happy.

Gilbert: Happy?

Annette: Knowing that you were thinking of us all along. We were worried about you, Mother and I. Neither of us ever came out and said it, but... We thought maybe you hated us, were trying to forget all about us...

Gilbert: Never. I swear it on his late majesty, and on my homeland.

Annette: I see. All right...then swear. Swear that some day, when this war is over, you'll come back to us.

Gilbert: I hear you, Annette. I will return without fail.

Annette: No matter what. That's a promise you just made. If you break it, I'll never speak to you again.

Gilbert: Yes. I promise.

Annette: Great! Now I'm positively elated! I can't wait until we're all a family again!

Gilbert: I look forward to it, Annette. More than anything.