History Mode Script - Together To The End

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Soldier: The alter should be at the bottom of these stairs. Some say that once you enter, you can never leave. So, you know...be careful.

Lianna: This place is giving me goose bumps... Listen--do you hear that moaning?!

Rowan: Could be whoever's trapped down here. We need to hurry and rescue them!

A Girl in Trouble

Lianna: Do you see that? Over there! A woman's being attacked!

Celica: Agh! Why...is this happening?

Rowan: What are we standing around for? Let's go to her rescue!

Celica's Rescue

Lianna: Are you all right?!

Celica: I-I am. Thank you. But who are you? Why are you even here?

Lianna: We heard that someone was trapped down here. We came to rescue you!

Rowan: Everything's fine now. I'll beat this guy to a pulp!

Celica: Good luck with that. This enemy's been able to brush off every attack I've made. Not to mention he's covered in Mongalls. He's so heavy, he can barely move. To be honest, I've...I've pretty much given up.

Lianna: But that was before we arrived! We'll find a way to get you out of here.

Validar, the Captor

Validar: Heh heh heh. Now that you've arrived... you will not be leaving with your life. Worry not. You won't die too quickly. I value human suffering far too much. You'll die slowly. Bit...by...bit... Aware of every painful moment. The joy your suffering brings me will be truly immeasurable!


Celica: We face a terrifying foe. There is only one way to approach this battle. Four, eight... Ugh...I can't take any more...

A Rematch


Celica: Please... Save them, somehow, and I'll ask for nothing more.


Validar: Fools. Velezark's power will make certain you regret your actions.

Iago's Apology

Iago: Welcome, ladies. It is now time for you to die. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Another Threat

Gharnef: Come to me, my servants. Now is the time to fulfill you contract!

Staying Positive

Lianna: This isn't so hard!

A Little Enthusiasm

Rowan:' As if I'd lose to the likes of you. Bring it on!

Iago's Demise

Iago: May the power of Velezark be with us.

Good-Bye, Gharnef

Gharnef: May Velezark's protection be with us.

Confronting Darios


Lianna: Why are you doing this, Darios?! Tell me--what are you after?

Darios: Hand over the girl. Now.

Rowan: Is something wrong in your head? We're taking her out of here! Move it!

Celica: I can't believe you two would fight for me like this... But if we want to free this man from the darkness, all three of us need to fight!


Darios: All is well. I entrust care of this world to you. Take up my mantle and rule this land. Lead its people with strength and love. And see to it that I am never disturbed from my slumber again...


Celica: Finally... He has fallen into a slumber. I'm Celica, by the way.

Lianna: Nice to meet you, Celica. So...what are you going to do now?

Celica: I don't know. Maybe I could join your party... If that's OK with you, of course! I've been alone long enough.

Rowan: Sure, you can come with us. I'll look forward to more company.

Celica: Really?! That's be great!


Celica: Thus does the curtain fall on the battle. What purpose did it serve? None can say. The only certainty is that someday mankind's hubris will swell again... It will stoke new flames to scorch the earth, and all will be lost. Yet that is not the most hideous aspect of this horror. What frightens me more is that this quality is unique to humanity...


Celica's Chaos

(Part 1)

Lissa: Impossible... This is impossible! There's no way we can beat that!

Hinoka: Damn it! What are we supposed to do? This world is done for...

Camilla: I never thought my final moments would be alongside a Hoshidan princess.

Chrom: I won't die so easily. If our time has come, I'll meet it on my feet!

Caeda: It can't be...Have we truly failed? Was it all for naught?

Celica: Don't give up! The dragon is massive, but we can win as long as we work together!

(Part 2)

Celica: We won't back down! This is my... This is our destiny! Have faith and fight! With the Seal of Flames, the Fire Emblem on our side, we fight for this world!


Celica: Is that it? Did...did we win? Well done, everyone!

Dragon Tamer

(Part 1)

Marth: We made it. All that remains is to find Velezark.

Frederick: We'll take care of those underlings. Godspeed, Lord Marth, prince of Altea...

(Part 2)

Darios: You dare disturb me while I slumber? Oh, how you will regret it as you die slowly, painfully, writhing in the fires of the inferno!

Marth: Come, my friends! We have a dragon to tame! Help me confine Velezark to the shadows for eternity and return light to the world!


Darios: Nngh... Defeated again...by humans! Know this, Altean prince--the light that surrounds you is but temporary respite. So long as the darkness in your hearts sustains me...I cannot be...DESTROYED!

Marth: It's finally over. I'm glad everyone made it through safely.

Beastly Battle

(Part 1)

Fighter: I know a royal when I see one. They don't call it a king's ransom for nothin'!

Celica: You wretched beasts! Mila, please restore their humanity...

(Part 2)

Robin (M): Celica! Good, you're all right.

Celica: Did you come to save me? I hope you didn't endanger yourself...

Robin (M): Not at all. I'm just happy to see you in one piece. Come on! Let's take care of the rest of these enemies.


Fighter: Grrrr, damn it! Beaten down so easily... Where has my luck gone?!

A Slippery Axe

(Part 1)

Lissa: OK! Time to take my favorite axe and crush some bad guys! Take THAT! ...AAAAAH! I dropped my axe!

(Part 2)

Celica: Is this golden axe the one you dropped? Or was it this silver one?

Lissa: Ummm, actually, I think my axe was made of iron...


Celica: You're an honest person. As a reward, I'll give you this Brave Axe.

Lissa: Thank you... Um, but what about my axe... Hey, wait! What in the world was that?