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Information for the Fire Emblem Trading Card Game (FETCG for short).
This category has the following 17 subcategories, out of 17 total.
Pages in category "FETCG"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 691 total.
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- Abel (Cipher)
- Al (Cipher)
- Alec (Cipher)
- Alen (Cipher)
- Alfonse (Cipher)
- Alice (Cipher)
- Alm (Cipher)
- Almedha (Cipher)
- Alois (Cipher)
- Altena (Cipher)
- Altina (Cipher)
- Amelia (Cipher)
- Amid (Cipher)
- Anankos (Cipher)
- Anna (Cipher)
- Annand (Cipher)
- Annette (Cipher)
- Aran (Cipher)
- Arden (Cipher)
- Ares (Cipher)
- Arete (Cipher)
- Arion (Cipher)
- Arlen (Cipher)
- Arran (Cipher)
- Arthur (Jugdral) (Cipher)
- Arthur (Nohr) (Cipher)
- Artur (Cipher)
- Arvis (Cipher)
- Asaello (Cipher)
- Asbel (Cipher)
- Ashe (Cipher)
- Ashera (Cipher)
- Ashnard (Cipher)
- Ashunera (Cipher)
- Astolfo (Cipher)
- Astram (Cipher)
- Astrid (Cipher)
- Asugi (Cipher)
- Athena (Cipher)
- Athos (Cipher)
- Atlas (Cipher)
- August (Cipher)
- Automaton (Cipher)
- Aversa (Cipher)
- Ayra (Cipher)
- Azama (Cipher)
- Azelle (Cipher)
- Azura (Cipher)
- Bael (Cipher)
- Balthus (Cipher)
- Banba (Cipher)
- Bantu (Cipher)
- Barry Goodman (Cipher)
- Barst (Cipher)
- Barth (Cipher)
- Bartre (Cipher)
- Basilio (Cipher)
- Bastian (Cipher)
- Benny (Cipher)
- Beowulf (Cipher)
- Berkut (Cipher)
- Bernadetta (Cipher)
- Bertram (Cipher)
- Beruka (Cipher)
- Black Knight (Cipher)
- Boey (Cipher)
- Bord (Cipher)
- Bors (Cipher)
- Boyd (Cipher)
- Brady (Cipher)
- Brigid (Cipher)
- Brom (Cipher)
- Brunnya (Cipher)
- Bruno (Cipher)
- Bryce (Cipher)
- Byleth (Female) (Cipher)
- Byleth (Male) (Cipher)
- Caeda (Cipher)
- Caeldori (Cipher)
- Cain (Cipher)
- Caineghis (Cipher)
- Cairpre (Cipher)
- Calill (Cipher)
- Camilla (Cipher)
- Camus (Cipher)
- Canas (Cipher)
- Caspar (Cipher)
- Castor (Cipher)
- Cath (Cipher)
- Catherine (Cipher)
- Catria (Cipher)
- Cecilia (Cipher)
- Ced (Cipher)
- Celdia (Cipher)
- Celica (Cipher)
- Chad (Cipher)
- Charlot (Cipher)
- Charlotte (Cipher)
- Cherche (Cipher)
- Chrom (Cipher)
- Chulainn (Cipher)
- Clair (Cipher)
- Clarine (Cipher)
- Clarisse (Cipher)
- Claud (Cipher)
- Claude (Fódlan) (Cipher)
- Clive (Cipher)
- Colm (Cipher)
- Comprehensive Rules of FE Cipher
- Conrad (Cipher)
- Constance (Cipher)
- Cord (Cipher)
- Cordelia (Cipher)
- Cormag (Cipher)
- Corrin (Female) (Cipher)
- Corrin (Kingdom of Valla) (Cipher)
- Corrin (Male) (Cipher)
- Cynthia (Cipher)
- Cyril (Cipher)
- Daisy (Cipher)
- Danved (Cipher)
- Darios (Cipher)
- Darros (Cipher)
- Dayad (Cipher)
- Dayan (Cipher)
- Dean (Cipher)
- Death Knight (Cipher)
- Dedue (Cipher)
- Deen (Cipher)
- Deirdre (Cipher)
- Delthea (Cipher)
- Devdan (Cipher)
- Dew (Cipher)
- Dheginsea (Cipher)
- Diarmuid (Cipher)
- Dieck (Cipher)
- Dimitri (Cipher)
- Disciple of Order (Cipher)
- Dithorba (Cipher)
- Donnel (Cipher)
- Dorcas (Cipher)
- Dorothea (Cipher)
- Dorothy (Cipher)
- Douglas (Cipher)
- Dozla (Cipher)
- Draug (Cipher)
- Dwyer (Cipher)
- Echidna (Cipher)
- Eda (Cipher)
- Edain (Cipher)
- Edelgard (Cipher)
- Edward (Cipher)
- Effie (Cipher)
- Eir (Cipher)
- Eirika (Cipher)
- Eldigan (Cipher)
- Elen (Cipher)
- Elena (Cipher)
- Eleonora Yumizuru (Cipher)
- Elffin (Cipher)
- Elice (Cipher)
- Elincia (Cipher)
- Elise (Cipher)
- Eliwood (Cipher)
- Emma (Cipher)
- Emmeryn (Cipher)
- Ena (Cipher)
- Ephidel (Cipher)
- Ephraim (Cipher)
- Erinys (Cipher)
- Eriu (Cipher)
- Erk (Cipher)
- Est (Cipher)
- Ethlyn (Cipher)
- Etzel (Cipher)
- Ewan (Cipher)
- Excellus (Cipher)
- Eyvel (Cipher)
- Faceless (Cipher)
- Fae (Cipher)
- Farina (Cipher)
- Faye (Cipher)
- Febail (Cipher)
- Fee (Cipher)
- Feh (Cipher)
- Felicia (Cipher)
- Felix (Cipher)
- Femina (Cipher)
- Ferdinand (Cipher)
- Fergus (Cipher)
- Fernand (Cipher)
- Template:FETCG0
- Template:FETCG0-1Skill
- Template:FETCG0-1Skill1Support
- Template:FETCG0-1Support
- Template:FETCG0-2Skills
- Template:FETCG0-2Skills1Support
- Template:FETCG0-2Supports