History Mode Guide - Shadow Elimination 3

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Stage Details

Map Difficulty Mission Type Restrictions Deploy Limit
Aytolis City Lv. 34 Shadow Elimination None None
Deploy Slots Allied Commander Enemy Commander
4 Controlled, 4 Uncontrolled Swordmaster Chrom
Target Enemy Captains
Sages (x2), Chrom Shadows
Minor Enemy Captains
Myrmidons, Soldiers, Mages

S-Rank Requirements

Clear Time Enemies Defeated Damage Taken
15:00 2000 80%


The northwest end of the map is mostly home to Soldiers while the southeast end houses Myrmidons. They should be assaulted by an axe user and a lance user respectively while a powerful physical attacker takes on the Mages of the middle forts. A cavalcade of shadow Chroms will assault the allied base, so it should be defended by a lance user with access to healing magic; there are no enemy Archers on the map, so a Pegasus Knight is a safe deploy.

Priests and Rally Captain Swordmasters will spawn periodically to support the shadow Chroms, and should be eliminated before they can conduct their business. During the mission, an enemy Thief and an allied Fighter will spawn and battle each other. The Thief will promote if left unchecked, and should be eliminated quickly.

Once both summoning Sages and all Chrom shadows are defeated, the enemy base will open and one of your lance units can begin fighting Chrom. During this time, an enemy Summoner will appear and begin summoning low-level enemies around your leader; these pose little threat and can be good for racking up KOs, so eliminating the Summoner is not a high priority.

Anna's Memento


  • Condition: Defeat 1,000 enemies
  • Location: E Town Fort


  • Condition: Take five enemy forts
  • Location: N Square Fort