Support Increasing Quotes (Awakening)

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Initial Characters


Mood - Question
Hello. You’re in a good mood. Find a new weapon you like?
Mood - Answer
Oh, I’m just having a regular day. You’re the one who looks happy!

Hobby - Question
I’ve noticed you vanish from camp sometimes. Where is it you go?
Hobby - Answer
If I’m not napping, I’m swinging a sword. ... Predictable, I know.

Dream - Question
I’ve often wondered what drives you. Do you have any dreams or aspirations?
Dream - Answer
I just want to be strong enough to keep my friends and loved ones safe.

Fighting Together - Question
You know, you’ve grown very skilled. Care to pair up in the coming battle?
Fighting Together - Answer
All right. Together, we’ll be unstoppable. We’ll smash right through their ranks!

"I love you." - Question
I love you, <lover>. I just want to make sure I say that often.
"I love you." - Answer
Well...I love you too. It’s a bit silly to just say it like that, but there it is.

"You're beautiful." - Question
<Lover>, I never get tired of looking at you.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
You’re the one who’s beautiful. I’m a lucky man to have you.

"Don't leave me." - Question
How are you holding up, <lover>? I couldn’t bear to lose you.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Don’t worry. I’m doing just fine. I would never leave you to fend for yourself.

Gift - Question
You dropped something, <lover>. Is this...
Gift - Answer
Oh! That’s a gift for you. I remember how your eyes lit up when you saw it in town.

Life - Question
Tell me about the future, <child>...
Life - Answer
Well, you missed a lot before we met. More than I could ever describe.
We should have a meal and share these stories-Just the two of us.
That way I can learn more about you, too.

"Are you ill?" - Question
How are you holding up, <child>? I’ve been worried.
"Are you ill?" - Answer

Gift - Question
You must have sacrificed a lot to come back in time, <child>. Anything you need?
Gift - Answer

Training - Question
<Child>, we should train sometime. See how you fare against your father!
Training - Answer

Hobby from another time - Question
Tell me about the future, <child>. How did you pass the time?
Hobby from another time- Answer

Robin (Male)

Mood - Question
You seem to be in a good mood. Did someone tell a funny joke?
Mood - Answer
Huh? No, I was just thinking about some crafty tactics you and I could use in battle.

Hobby - Question
I was going to ask: how do you pass time when we’re not fighting?
Hobby - Answer
I retire to my tent and work out new strategies. Or take walks when I’m down.

Dream - Question
What do you dream about?
Dream - Answer
I dream of being a great tactician. That’s why I study whatever I can get my hands on!

Fighting Together - Question
Would you be interested in fighting by my side in the coming battle?
Fighting Together - Answer
Certainly! I’ll devise some strategies and drop by later.

"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer
I'll stay safe if you promise to do the same. I want to grow old together.

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer

Robin (Female)

Mood - Question
You seem to be in a good mood. Did someone tell a funny joke?
Mood - Answer
Huh? No, I was just thinking about some crafty tactics you and I could use in battle.

Hobby - Question
I was going to ask: how do you pass time when we’re not fighting?
Hobby - Answer
I retire to my tent and work out new strategies. Or take walks when I’m down.

Dream - Question
What do you dream about?
Dream - Answer
I dream of being a great tactician. That’s why I study whatever I can get my hands on!

Fighting Together - Question
Would you be interested in fighting by my side in the coming battle?
Fighting Together - Answer
Certainly! I’ll devise some strategies and drop by later.

"I love you." - Question
I love you, <lover>. I’m lucky to have you by my side.
"I love you." - Answer
Stop it! You’re making me blush. ...But I love you, too.

"You're beautiful." - Question
You seem...different, <lover>. You look even more handsome than always!
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Really? Well, thank you. You look quite dashing yourself!

"Don't leave me." - Question
<Lover>, promise you won’t leave me. Promise you’ll stay safe.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
I’ll stay safe if you promise to do the same. I want to grow old together.

Gift - Question
<Lover>, what’s that sticking out of your pocket?
Gift - Answer
Oh no! You saw it? ...Well, it’s a gift. I was hoping to surprise you.

Life - Question
<Child>, are you comfortable talking about the future? I'd like to know more.
Life - Answer
I’ve lived a checkered life, it seems. And that’s just the part of it I remember. I’m not entirely sure what sort of person I was before meeting Chrom. But what I do know, I’d like to share with you. Let’s sit down tonight and talk more.

"Are you ill?" - Question
Are you all right, <child>? You’ve been working yourself silly these days.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
You can see right through your mother, <child>. But don’t worry, I’ll be fine.

Gift - Question
<Child>, is there anything you need? Why not let your mother get it for you?
Gift - Answer
Thank you, that’s sweet. How about a book detailing battle strategies?

Training - Question
<Child>, let’s train together. I want to see how you adapt to my strategies.
Training - Answer
Sure, anytime you want. But don’t think you’re going to outwit your mother!


Mood - Question
Hey, how come you're in such a great mood? ...New haircut?
Mood - Answer
No, I’m just glad the two of us got to talk! There’s always too many people around.

Hobby - Question
How come you vanish after each battle?Do you have a hobby or whatever?
Hobby - Answer
I keep an eye on my brother. He’s always breaking stuff when he trains.
Hobby - Answer (to Chrom)
I make sure you don’t break stuff! Emm was furious when you smashed up the palace.

Dream - Question
Hey, what are your dreams for the future? Sometimes I feel like life has no direction…
Dream - Question (to Chrom)
You have any dreams for the future, Chrom? Sometimes I feel like life has no direction…
Dream - Answer
I want to be a proper lady like my sister. … But don’t tell anyone I said that.

Fighting Together - Question
It’s nice having strong people like you around. Can we team up next time?
Fighting Together - Answer
Okay! I’ll do my best. Together we can take whatever the bad guys throw at us.


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
You're not hurt, are you, <lover>? Don't do anything reckless.
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer

Gift - Question
- Gift - Answer
Thanks! How about a nice dress? Something regal.


Mood - Question
You seem to be in a fine mood. Was bear meat on the menu today?
Mood - Answer
No, I was just thinking about starting fires. …Er, campfires, of course.

Hobby - Question
You never seem bored, do you? How do you spend your rainy days?
Hobby - Answer
You mean when I’m not serving the Shepherds? I gather rare mushrooms.

Dream - Question
I’ve noticed you’ve been working hard. Trying to fulfill some lifelong dream?
Dream - Answer
I dream only of helping us all attain what we seek.

Fighting Together - Question
How would you feel about fighting together in the next battle?
Fighting Together - Answer
I would be honored to keep you safe. Let our enemies break themselves against us!


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
Well, you look damned happy to be alive. You win your last practice match or what?
Mood - Answer
You wish. I’m just in a good mood because I feel like it. Reasons are for chumps!

Hobby - Question
Hey, how come I never see you in camp after battles?
Hobby - Answer
Usually I’m maintaining my weapons or training. But I go on walks, too.

Dream - Question
Got any aspirations? I have a crapload of respect for people who follow their dreams.
Dream - Answer
I want to train until I'm the best damned knight I can be–better than any man!

Fighting Together - Question
You’re doing great out there. Why don’t you and me tag-team some Risen scum?
Fighting Together - Answer
Of course! Damned if I’ll let you down.


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
What are you hiding, you sneaky little mule-brain? I’m on to you.
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
My, you positively glow today. Has my dashing entrance left you enraptured?
Mood - Answer
Oh, it’s not that at all. I am simply having a good hair day.

Hobby - Question
I have always wondered how people like you fill their days.
Hobby - Answer
I go around collecting herbs to make tea. A civilized thing to do, wouldn’t you say?

Dream - Question
Come, friend. Tell me of your dreams.
Dream - Answer
Why dream when you live the legendary life OTHERS dream of?

Fighting Together - Question
You have a grace about you when you fight. What do you say to battling by my side?
Fighting Together - Answer
Of course. Our every move shall be a saga in the making! The bards will swoom.


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Thank you, my love. But do not fear for me. Epic heroes are so hard to strike down!

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
Mood - Answer
Oh, no, I just had a good meal, that's all. Want to eat together next time?

Hobby - Question
Sometimes it helps to just unwind, huh? What do you like to do in your spare time?
Hobby - Answer
I make sure my weapons are in tip-top shape, and then I find out about food!

Dream - Question
Got any big plans for the future? What do you dream about doing?
Dream - Answer
Well, once a knight, always a knight. But I'd like to try the world's best food just once.

Fighting Together - Question
Fighting Together - Answer
Sure, if you don't mind. I bet we'll make for a devastating duo.


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer
This? Oh, it’s a flower I picked. It reminds me of you.


Mood - Question
Hey, you look like you're in good spirits! Just finished some secret trainin'?
Mood - Answer

Hobby - Question
So whaddya do to kill time? You're hardly ever around camp.
Hobby - Answer
The Vaike strives for greater perfection, of course. All role models should!

Dream - Question
Hey, so what do ya dream about doin' one day?
Dream - Answer
Well, nothin', really. The Vaike is already master of all!

Fighting Together - Question
Nice work out there! You and Teach should partner up for the next fight.
Fighting Together - Answer


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Life - Question
- Life - Answer
What? Ya don't know? The Vaike is a household name!
Born to Brawl? Selected to Shepherd? Surely those names stood the test of time!
Our family teaches Chrom's everything they know! It's tradition! ...Starting right now.


Mood - Question
You look jubilant today. Have you devised a new algorithm for sorting your possessions?
Mood - Answer
No. ...I'm sorry, but could you straighten your clothes? They're not even.

Hobby - Question
Hobby - Answer
I primarily read. ...And I put every book back exactly where I found it.

Dream - Question
Studies have shown ambition nourishes even the most logical minds. Do you dream?
Dream - Answer
I simply wish to demystify all the world's mysteries. No trifling endeavor, I know.

Fighting Together - Question
Would you pair up with me? Fighting in teams increases our probability of success.
Fighting Together - Answer
Aptly put. Teaming up ameliorates our chances of success. ... Very well, I am yours.


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Thank you for the compliment. …Oh! My heart rate just increased 5.7 percent.

"Don't leave me." - Question
<Lover>, apply yourself in moderation, or you shall leave me a widow.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
I make no strict guarantees, but I shall endeavor not to bring tears to your eyes.

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


"Are you ill?" - Question
Are you all right, <child>? I detect the absence of your usual alacrity.
"Are you ill?" - Answer


Mood - Question
What a nice smile! I guess you were happy with what my flower-petal fortune said.
Mood - Answer
Oh, you know... I used the flower petals to tell my fortune, and things are looking up.

Hobby - Question
Hobby - Answer
I make sure everyone else is safe and sound. Nothing hurts like losing a comrade.

Dream - Question
The flower-petal fortune said your dreams will come true! What do you dream about?
Dream - Answer
Well… I’d like to tell a fortune with griffon feathers for a change. Does that count?

Fighting Together - Question
I know I have a ways to go, but why don't we try fighting together in the next battle?
Fighting Together - Answer
I'd love to. I just hope I don't trip or get in the way.


"I love you." - Question
I love you, <lover>. It warms my heart whenever you're close.

"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Oh, you're just saying that! Hee hee! ...Sorry, I'm not good with compliments.

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
Hey, what’s so funny? Did I put my breastplate on backward?
Mood - Answer
Um, no... Wait, you actually SEE me?

Hobby - Question
It's funny. Sometimes I can't find YOU after a battle. What are you up to?
Hobby - Answer
Oh, I'm usually standing in the middle of the camp, counting the people who ignore me.

Dream - Question
I'm curious--what's the one thing you want more than anything?
Dream - Answer
To stand out.

Fighting Together - Question
I don't think the enemy even sees me. Can I fight with you next time?
Fighting Together - Answer
Of course! I'll be your invisible shield.


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer
Thank you. But I already know I'm the luckier one to have you.

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
Well now, don't you look pleased as a pig! Did ya do well in the last battle?
Mood - Answer
Naw, I'm just tickled to be among such a brave group'a folks like y'all!

Hobby - Question
Say, what do ya do after the battle's over and ya got time to yerself?
Hobby - Answer

Dream - Question
Ya sure fight hard out there! I reckon yer fightin' for some big dreams, huh?
Dream - Answer

Fighting Together - Question
Hey, would ya mind fightin' with me durin' the next battle? I can tell yer a pro.
Fighting Together - Answer
Me? Are ya sure? Well, sure! I’ll do the best dang job I can.


"I love you." - Question

"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
Ya sure are pretty <lover>, not a day goes by I don’t think it.
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
I won’t let anybody hurt ya, <lover>. Promise to stay close!
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Don't worry! I ain't smart and I ain't strong, but I can take a lickin'!

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question (to men)
Why the stupid grin? Did someone tell a funny joke?
Mood - Question (to women)
Wh-what are you ginning about? Did someone tell a funny joke?
Mood - Answer (to women)
None of your business. I'm the same as always. Now begone!

Hobby - Question
What do you do when you need a distraction?
Hobby - Answer (to men)
I better my swordsmanship. Nothing else.
Hobby - Answer (to women)
I practice! With my sword! ...Now mind your own business.

Dream - Question
Do you have dreams?
Dream - Answer (to men)
I dream of mastering the blade, no matter what other weapons I add to my arsenal.
Dream - Answer (to women)
My dream? To master the sword. ...Now leave me be!

Fighting Together - Question
Fighting Together - Answer (to women)
Fight with you? A woman?¹ Nngh, fine! But I demand ample space. …AMPLE!


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer
D-don’t say that so loud! ...But I love you, too.

"You're beautiful." - Question
You look...lovelier than ever, <lover>.
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Never you worry. I won't die when I know you still need me.

Gift - Question
You dropped something, <lover>.
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
What are you so happy about? Did you find a puppy? ...Can I see it?
Mood - Answer

Hobby - Question
So what do you do when the fighting's done and you have a moment to yourself?
Hobby - Answer
I study magic! Well, actually, I play with forest creatures. ...What? They like me.

Dream - Question
Hey, so what do you dream about more than anything else?
Dream - Answer
I dream of being taller. Maybe a little more muscular. ...Stuff like that.

Fighting Together - Question
We're about to face some tough enemies. Do you think we could team up? Please?
Fighting Together - Answer
Of course. I'm so happy you asked! I guess I'll have to work twice as hard now!


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
Why the satisfied expression? Did you suddenly come into money?
Mood - Answer
Certainly not. This morning's tea was refreshing and put me in high spirits.

Hobby - Question
I'm always so bored after a battle. How do you pass the time?
Hobby - Answer
I study self-defense. A little "parasol fu" works wonders on thugs and brigands!

Dream - Question
If you don't mind sharing, what do you dream of doing with your life?
Dream - Answer
I want to be a big, hairy barbarian! ...Ugh, laugh, would you? It's a joke.

Fighting Together - Question
I must say, you're a reliable fighter. Why don't we join forces out there?
Fighting Together - Answer
Certainly. You won't regret your choice.


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Thank you. I try to look my best around the man I love.

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
Mood - Answer

Hobby - Question
So, what do you do in your sparetime? Could you go on a cookie run for me?
Hobby - Answer
I gather honey in the forest. Wanna see my bee stings?

Dream - Question
Say, you got any big dreams?
Dream - Answer
I drew up the blue print to a gingerbread house once. ...Did I just say that out loud?

Fighting Together - Question
If I give you a cookie, can we team up during the coming battle?
Fighting Together - Answer


"I love you." - Question

"I love you." - Answer
That's sweet of you to say. And I like sweet. Guess I picked the right lady!

"You're beautiful." - Question
<Lover>, you're as cute as a bonbon. Even the fancy kind!
"You're beautiful." - Answer
You're not the first to fall for me, but you're the only one I've cared about back.

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
I've never seen you so happy. Did they serve carrots for breakfast?
Mood - Answer
No. But I have not had anyone to talk to for some time. It feels...nice.

Hobby - Question
We have so little free time these days... How do you spend it?
Hobby - Answer
I find a remote patch of nature and relax. Settled areas do not mix with me.

Dream - Question
Dream - Answer
Last night I dreamt I raided a carrot patch. ...Is that not the sort of dream you mean?

Fighting Together - Question
It seems taguel are not the only strong ones. Shall we fight together more?
Fighting Together - Answer
If you desire it, I will keep you safe. ...I have lucky rabbit feet, after all.


"I love you." - Question
<Lover>, have I ever told you taguel females fancy men like you?
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Training - Question
Shall we practice together, <child>? Those with Taguel blood must stay agile.
Training - Answer


Mood - Question
Did you just meet the love of your life? You look so happy!
Mood - Answer
Ha ha! Where did you get that idea? I just like being in good company, that's all.

Hobby - Question
I haven't seen you around camp in a while. What have you been up to?
Hobby - Answer
Oh, I'm always running errands to town. My pegasus is suited for that sort of thing.

Dream - Question
Dream - Answer
I just want my days to be filled with joy. You never know which will be your last.

Fighting Together - Question
Fighting Together - Answer
Of course. I would welcome the change of pace.


"I love you." - Question
I love you, <lover>. You're the only one I don't have to be perfect around.
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
<Lover>, look me in the eye and promise you’ll stay safe for me.
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
You are looking happily today. Perhaps you find gold lying around, yes?
Mood - Answer
Oh ho ho! No no! Gregor just happy to be in pleasant company.

Hobby - Question

  • Sigh* No one here has the fun. What do you do to kill time?

Hobby - Answer

Dream - Question
World is a messy place, yes? But at least we have dreams. What are yours?
Dream - Answer
Gregor want to be rich, of course! Perhaps you hire Gregor?

Fighting Together - Question
Gregor very impressing with your skills. Maybe we should make with the teaming up.
Fighting Together - Answer
How much you pay Gregor? ...That was joke. Gregor help for free.


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer
Gregor love <lover> too. Would perhaps win in contest of affection, yes?

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
Why so chipper? Did you make a new friend?
Mood - Answer
Nope! I'm just happy to have my freedom and be around all these fun people.

Hobby - Question
How come you always disappear after battles? Did you pick up a hobby?
Hobby - Answer
Oh, I'm always going around talking to people. I love a good story!

Dream - Question
Hey, what do you dream about? I could always use some new ideas to fill the years.
Dream - Answer
I've always wanted to transform into new things. Cat... Bird... Ooo, maybe a spider!

Fighting Together - Question
Wanna fight together next time? I bet we'd make a dangerous duo.
Fighting Together - Answer
Okay! I'll do my very bestest.


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
Mood - Answer

Hobby - Question
Hobby - Answer
If there is a place of worship nearby, I pray there and purify my heart.

Dream - Question
Dreams are a powerful thing. What is it that you seek for yourself?
Dream - Answer

Fighting Together - Question
Your presence truly strengthens me. Might we join forces in the coming fight?
Fighting Together - Answer
It would be an honor. May the gods be with us both.


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
Well, lah-dee-dah. Don't you look happy. Trying to make the gloomy woman feel bad?
Mood - Answer
Go away. What do you care how I feel?

Hobby - Question
Have I mentioned you've been acting odd lately? Why do you wander off from camp?
Hobby - Answer
What do you think? I hack together hexes and fish for fools to try them on. ...Busy?

Dream - Question
Dream - Answer
Dreaming is dull. Who wants to walk around with sparkles in their eyes? Not me.

Fighting Together - Question
Our foes grow stronger. Why don’t you and I fight together next time?
Fighting Together - Answer
Oh, I see. You think I'm too weak and puny to fend for myself. Have it your way...


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
Still in one piece, <lover>? If you die before me, you'd better run in the afterlife.
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer
It's an accessory. Why don't you put it on? Let everyone know you BELONG to me.


Mood - Question
Hey, you look cheery! Find a nice weapon on sale?
Mood - Answer
Actually, I just go some hot new items in. Are you in a spending mood?

Hobby - Question
Hey, what do you do in your spare time?, I hope?
Hobby - Answer
Me? I do inventory. Want to watch? I'm a whiz at counting vulneraries.

Dream - Question
Take my word for it - the world is full of big dreamers. So what do you dream about?
Dream - Answer
Me? I dream of big profits, obviously. So drop by my shop and help a girl out!

Fighting Together - Question
Fighting Together - Answer
Sure. But let's not do anything reckless. A dead shopkeeper earns no profits.


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
Hello. You're certainly glowing today. Did someone dance for you?
Mood - Answer
Not at all. But it's nice to be noticed.

Hobby - Question
I need other hobbies besides dancing. How do you pass the time?
Hobby - Answer
I usually try to help out where I can. Cooking, stocking know.

Dream - Question
Dream - Answer
I just want to be the best dancer around. ...If I can get over my stage fright first.

Fighting Together - Question
I feel very safe around you, you know that? Can I fight with you in the next battle?
Fighting Together - Answer


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
<Lover>! Don't stare like that. You're so handsome, you'll make me blush...
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
<Lover>, PROMISE me you won't get yourself hurt. I couldn't bear to lose you.
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
What do you have there, <lover>? If you're busy, I can put it away for you.
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
Why so cheerful? Did you stumble upon a cute little caterpillar?
Mood - Answer
No, I just got to watch my dear Minerva shed her skin. It was incredible!

Hobby - Question
Oh! Where have you been? I haven't seen you for a while.
Hobby - Answer
I try to wash and mend our clothes. Fashion like this is hard to come by!

Dream - Question
We all need dreams to sustain us. What are yours?
Dream - Answer

Fighting Together - Question
How are you holding up? I was wondering if we could fight together for a change.
Fighting Together - Answer
If it pleases you. Together, we can face any opponent without fear.


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
You look happy as a hog! Were you out there playing with the crows, too?
Mood - Answer
Oh, no. I was just playing hide-and-seek with the nicest blac cat. It's my lucky day!

Hobby - Question
Hey, I'm bored! Got any ideas about how to pass the time?
Hobby - Answer
I collect crow feathers. Maybe if I gather enough, I can fly. Fingers crossed!

Dream - Question
We all need a dream worth dying for. Or a death worth deaming about! What's yours?
Dream - Answer
I want to die a horrible, bloody death that's completely painless. ...I don't like ouchies.

Fighting Together - Question
You fight really funny. We should try taking on the enemy together!
Fighting Together - Answer
All right. We'll sweep up the enemy with my curses and your skills!


"I love you." - Question
<lover>, I love you so much, my spleen hurts. ...I hope that's normal.
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
<Lover>, you're as cute as a dead puppy. I'm head over heels for you!
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Don't worry. I won't die a gory death just yet. And no curse will ever part us!

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
Mood - Answer
Nay. I was simply remembering more joyful times in Chon'sin.

Hobby - Question
If I may ask, how do you spend your idle hours in camp?
Hobby - Answer
I perform what services I can for the Ylissean army. 'Tis the least I can do.

Dream - Question
Dream - Answer
I dream of restoring Chon'sin to glory.

Fighting Together - Question
Our foes have grown strong of late. Mayhap we could join our might in the next battle.
Fighting Together - Answer
Very well. I am not too proud to accept the help, nor offer mine in return.


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
What are you grinning about? Let me guess-you want my hair ornament.
Mood - Answer
No, silly! You're just fun to be around. You remind me of someone I was once close to.

Hobby - Question
Say, how do you pass your time in camp?
Hobby - Answer
I do as much as I can. Walks, cooking... I never know when my next sleep will come.

Dream - Question
I've met so many people with just as many dreams. What is it that you strive for?
Dream - Answer

Fighting Together - Question
Fighting Together - Answer
Of course. I'll do my best. And it's always flattering to be asked for help!


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
My love, promise you'll stay with me as long as you can. I can't bear to lose you to war.
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
Mood - Answer

Hobby - Question
Hobby - Answer

Dream - Question
One thing's for certain--we all need a dream. So what's yours?
Dream - Answer
I'd like to keep winning the tournament and keep that oaf Basilio off my throne!

Fighting Together - Question
I must say, I like the way you move. Why don't we team up in the coming battle?
Fighting Together - Answer
It's a deal! I'm no lone wolf when I don't have to be.


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
Mood - Answer
Ha! Aren't you reading into it a little too much? ...Not that I'm not amused.

Hobby - Question
So what do you do for kicks?
Hobby - Answer

Dream - Question
Dream - Answer

Fighting Together - Question
What do you say you and I team up on the battlefield? I think we're a good fit.
Fighting Together - Answer
You have excellent taste! All right, why not? Let's make the enemy weep!


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer

Child Characters


Mood - Question
What are you smiling about? Did you see me break the training dummies again?
Mood - Answer
No. I'm just happy for the company and laughter. It's still a new feeling.

Hobby - Question
I was wondering how you pass your leisure time.
Hobby - Answer
I often gaze at the stars. They seem brighter now than they did in the future.

Dream - Question
Do you have any dreams for the future?
Dream - Answer
Only to undo the dark future to come. I'd give my life to see that dream realized.

Fighting Together - Question
I feel so empowered around you. Have I mentioned that? Why don't we team up?
Fighting Together - Answer


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer
I love you as well. Don't you dare think of dying out there.

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer

Life - Question (to her mother)
Mother, what was your life like before you met me?
Life - Question (to Chrom)
I'm so glad we can be together again, father. Tell me more about your life.
Life - Answer (to her mother)
You want to know about the future? I have told you most of what I know. Why don’t we talk about the few memories I have of you? We could sit down over dinner. I would like that very much.

"Are you ill?" - Question (to her mother)
Mother, you look pale. Should I get help? Lie down for a bit!
"Are you ill?" - Question (to Chrom)
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to her mother)
I appreciate your concern, Mother. But you need to take care of yourself, too.
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Chrom)
That’s kind of you to ask, Father. But I worry about you, too.

Gift - Question (to her mother)
Mother, do you need anything? I finally have the chance to be a good daughter.
Gift - Question (to Chrom)
Gift - Answer
Oh! Thank you. But just being able to spend time with you is a wonderful gift.

Training - Question (to her mother)
Mother, why don’t we have a little contest to see whose cooking Father prefers?
Training - Question (to Chrom)
Training - Answer
A contest? I’d rather not...but if you insist, I will not hold back.

Hobby from another time- Question
Hobby from another time- Answer
I remember a little of a more peaceful time when I was very small. I pretended I was captain of my very own Junior Shepherds! Be kind to baby Lucina if she does such silly things. They...may be all she has.

Morgan (Male)

Mood - Question
Mood - Answer

Hobby - Question
Hobby - Answer

Dream - Question
Dream - Answer

Fighting Together - Question
Fighting Together - Answer


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer

Life - Question (to his father)
Life - Question (to Robin)
Hey, Mother! What was your life like before you met me?
Life - Answer (to Robin)
The future? I hardly remember anything, so I'm not sure what to say. I certainly don't remember the impending doom and despair Lucina speaks of. ...It's hard to believe that's how the world will turn out...
Life - Answer (to his father)
Well, I can’t remember anything about the future. But seeing how close you and Mother are now, I imagine you will be then, too. I must have been so happy. So lucky! But...that’s all I can come up with. I’m sorry.

"Are you ill?" - Question
"Are you ill?" - Question (to Robin)
Mother, are you all right? We need your mind, but not at the expense of your health.
"Are you ill?" - Answer

Gift - Question
<Parent>, is there anything you need? I’d like to get you presents now and then.
Gift - Answer

Training - Question
Training - Answer
All right. But I must admit, I’m a little nervous to face you!

Morgan (Female)

Mood - Question
Mood - Answer

Hobby - Question
What do you do when you finish fighting?
Hobby - Answer

Dream - Question
My father always said to dream big while you're still young. What do you dream of?
Dream - Answer
I want to be a great tactician like my father! But I'll have to study hard.

Fighting Together - Question
How would you feel about joining forces in the next battle?
Fighting Together - Answer
Of course! I'm no match for my father, but I'll think of some plan to see us through!


"I love you." - Question
I love you, <lover>. I may not remember much, but I will never forget you.
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
Go easy on yourself, <lover>. It would sadden me to lose you.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Don't worry. I promise to stay alive. I've even devised a few strategies. Ha!

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer

Life - Question
Life - Answer
The future? I hardly remember anything, so I'm not sure what to say. I certainly don't remember the impending doom and despair Lucina speaks of. ...It's hard to believe that's how the world will turn out.


Mood - Question
Why the smile? Was my ultimate attack truly that breathtaking?
Mood - Answer

Hobby - Question
Even the Chosen One needs a day of rest. How do you fill your spare time?
Hobby - Answer
Me? I secretly battle with evil. The forces of darkness fall upon me at every moment!

Dream - Question
Today I came one step closer to my place in the sagas. What do you dream of?
Dream - Answer

Fighting Together - Question
My sword hand! I cannot control it! I...I need your help!
Fighting Together - Answer
I understand. You seek the power of the heroic bloodline. ...Very well!


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer

Gift - Question
- Gift - Question (to Lissa)
Mother, do you need anything? I'm having a "dutiful son" moment.
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
Mood - Answer
Not at all! Do I really seem that happy? It flatters me you even noticed.

Hobby - Question
Hobby - Answer
Join me for tea, and perhaps you'll learn how I fill my private time.

Dream - Question
What do you dream about? People like us should share these things!
Dream - Answer
I dream of being a danc... Uh, I mean, sweeping the ladies off their feet!

Fighting Together - Question
You know, you're fun to be around. Why don't we fight together in the next battle?
Fighting Together - Answer
I'll do my best. Together, we should be able to handle any foe!


"I love you." - Question
I love being with you, <lover>. Today more than ever.
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer

Life - Question
Life - Answer

Hobby from another time- Question
Hobby from another time- Answer
Hmm... When Mother was still alive, she talked about you a lot.
About how brave and kind you were. You must have earned a lot of points!
I was actually quite shocked at how aver... Er, never mind.


Mood - Question
Mood - Answer

Hobby - Question
Everyone gets so busy when we return to camp. How do ya pass the time?
Hobby - Answer
I'm usually practicin' with weapons. Don't get too close, though-my aim is rubbish.

Dream - Question
What are your dreams? People always laugh at me what when I talk about mine.
Dream - Answer
I wanna be a violinist. I'm actually pretty good, I think. ...All right, go on. Laugh.

Fighting Together - Question
Fighting Together - Answer


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer
I love ya, too. ...Dammit! I'm so moved, I can't even say nothin' clever.

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
Don't do anything crazy out there, Morgan. I need ya, yeah?
"Don't leave me." - Answer
I ain't going nowheres. Think I'd leave ya here to boo-hoo yourself silly?

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Life - Question (to his mother)
- Life - Question (to his father)
Tell me about life before I came along, Pop.
Life - Answer


Mood - Question
It's nice to see you in good spirits. Did you win your last training match?
Mood - Answer
No. I was just thinking you would make a worthy training partner.

Hobby - Question
How do you spend your leisure time? We all need to rest our minds and bodies.
Hobby - Answer
I train, and then I train some more. Skill is my currency, and I seek to line my pockets.

Dream - Question
Dreams and goals bring out the best in us. What are yours?
Dream - Answer
I dream of becoming the ultimate warrior. And who says a woman can't do it?

Fighting Together - Question
You fight with style, you know. We should take on the enemy together.
Fighting Together - Answer
I'd be honored to fight with any man or woman willing to see my worth.


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
Mood - Answer
Nuh-uh! I came up with a new heroic battle stance. You want to see it?

Hobby - Question
Hobby - Answer
I make sure everyone is safe! Seeing another crisis averted makes me happy.

Dream - Question
Dream - Answer
I dream of becoming someone's hero! I want to protect the people who matter.

Fighting Together - Question
You really stand out on the battlefield! We should fight bad guys together.
Fighting Together - Answer
Sure! I can spare a little extra oomph for you. Leave the toughies to Cynthia!


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer

Life - Question
Life - Answer

"Are you ill?" - Question
"Are you ill?" - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer
How about a father-daughter special move? One that will make a foe's knees knock!

Training - Question
Training - Answer


Mood - Question
Ugh, what are you sneering about? Did you meet someone dreamy?
Mood - Answer

Hobby - Question
How do you while away your free time? Not that we ever get any...
Hobby - Answer

Dream - Question
Dream - Answer

Fighting Together - Question
Fighting Together - Answer


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
Mood - Answer
No, it's simply...heartening to have someone's ear from time to time.

Hobby - Question
I hate having time alone with my thoughts. How do you distract yourself?
Hobby - Answer
I go where no one can find me. I do not wish to create ties to this world.

Dream - Question
Dream - Answer

Fighting Together - Question
We should team up and fight the enemy together. Two are more powerful than one.
Fighting Together - Answer
As you wish. But it will be a temporary alliance. Do not get too cozy.


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
Mood - Answer

Hobby - Question
Nothing feels better than surviving a battle. What do you do to celebrate?
Hobby - Answer

Dream - Question
Dream - Answer

Fighting Together - Question
Please, you have to fight alongside me! The taguel will die out without you!
Fighting Together - Answer


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Training - Question
Training - Answer
What? If we both die, that will be the end of our race! Let's just practice hopping, okay?


Mood - Question
You seem to be in excellent spirits. Did you discover a book to your liking?
Mood - Answer

Hobby - Question
Hobby - Answer

Dream - Question
I've heard a theory that verbalizing dreams makes them come true. Care to test it?
Dream - Answer

Fighting Together - Question
Fighting Together - Answer


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


"Are you ill?" - Question
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Miriel)
You're...worried about me? ...Who are you, and what have you done with my mother?
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to father)


Mood - Question
Mood - Answer
Very funny. Oh, I see. You're trying to make me laugh. That's funny, too.

Hobby - Question
Hobby - Answer

Dream - Question
Dream - Answer

Fighting Together - Question
Fighting Together - Answer


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
Mood - Answer

Hobby - Question
How do you spend your free time between battles?
Hobby - Answer

Dream - Question
Returning to the past helped me find my dreams. What are yours?
Dream - Answer
I dream that my long years as a dragonkin can be spent with humans like you.

Fighting Together - Question
Fighting Together - Answer


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer

SpotPass Characters


Mood - Question
Ha! You look proud of yourself. Have you struck upon some cruel new scheme?
Mood - Answer

Hobby - Question
Hard to enjoy the more bawdy diversions in wartime. How do you fend off boredom?
Hobby - Answer
I do whatever I please, and it's none of your damn business.

Dream - Question
Dream - Answer
Bah! I dream of nothing. Dreams will only drive their twisted dagger into your back.

Fighting Together - Question
What do you say you and I team up and take the next commander down personally?
Fighting Together - Answer
You mean gang up on the enemy? Ha! That sounds deliciously underhanded.


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer
It's a hairpin - a gift you should accept gratefully before I change my mind.


Mood - Question
Mood - Answer

Hobby - Question
Hobby - Answer

Dream - Question
Dream - Answer

Fighting Together - Question
Fighting Together - Answer


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
Mood - Answer

Hobby - Question
Hobby - Answer

Dream - Question
Dream - Answer

Fighting Together - Question
Fighting Together - Answer


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
Mood - Answer

Hobby - Question
Hobby - Answer

Dream - Question
Dream - Answer

Fighting Together - Question
Fighting Together - Answer


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
Mood - Answer

Hobby - Question
Hobby - Answer

Dream - Question
Dream - Answer

Fighting Together - Question
Fighting Together - Answer


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer


Mood - Question
Mood - Answer

Hobby - Question
Hobby - Answer

Dream - Question
Dream - Answer

Fighting Together - Question
Fighting Together - Answer


"I love you." - Question
"I love you." - Answer

"You're beautiful." - Question
"You're beautiful." - Answer

"Don't leave me." - Question
"Don't leave me." - Answer

Gift - Question
Gift - Answer