Heroes of Light and Shadow Base: Astram and Jeorge

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Base conversations

Astram and Jeorge 1

Astram: Sorry, Jeorge. I shouldn't have forced you to stall that battle

Jeorge: No, I don't mind. As a knight of Archanea, your conduct was impeccable as always. ...But, it's been years since we've been able to chat like this.

Astram: Yeah. This brings back memories. I was just a simple mercenary commander and you, a single bow knight...

Jeorge: Heh heh, it's been a while. There... was someone else too.

Astram: You mean Midia?

Jeorge: Yeah. She was always grumpy when you came to the palace.

Astram: That's because Midia believed wholeheartedly in the Archanean knights. She probably thought... that mercenaries were a blight on the force.

Jeorge: Hang on a moment. Don't act like you had nothing to do with it. Who was it that picked a fight with the female commander over everything?

Astram: Gah, that was...

Jeorge: I remember hearing your voices echoing throughout the palace: her orders, and your rebuttals.

Astram: Do you honestly believe any self-respecting mercenary could stand being told to "leave this army at once and go home"?

Jeorge: I'm pretty sure there were other mercenaries there too. Hmm... By any chance, were you the one who mistook Midia for a man, and got in trouble for it...?

Astram: Bah, of all the things... That is utter nonsense. Her silken locks, that heavenly face, radiating her pride and sense of duty... It would take a tasteless scoundrel with no eye for beauty to see her as anything less than a goddess.

Jeorge: Astram... That... might be too much information, thank you.

Astram: Hah!

Jeorge: Honestly... You might just be the most entertaining person I know.

Astram: Tch. ...I'm heading back.

Jeorge: Hmm. Did I go too far?

Astram and Jeorge 2

Astram: ..Oh right, Jeorge. Do you remember?

Jeorge: What?

Astram: That final attack of yours... In our last practice.

Jeorge: Yes, I remember.

Astram: It surprised me quite a bit... Did you aim there on purpose?

Jeorge: Of course. I was originally a mounted soldier, my friend. It's not as hard as it looks.

Astram: What!? ...Then, do all bow knights learn tricks like that...?

Jeorge: ...It was a joke. That was the first time I pulled it off in a real battle.

Astram: Jeorge! My heart was welling up with admiration for a moment there. Give it back!

Jeorge: Haha, sorry about that.

Astram: Do you remember? After that training session.

Jeorge: Midia was furious. She really put you through the wringer. Er, oops...

Astram: Wha- How did you...?

Jeorge: I told you, Astram. Your voices--they echoed. "Why in god's name didn't you retaliate!?" ...I think that's what Midia said. What she said really got to you, didn't it? All of us sympathized with you that time.

Astram: Bah...!

Jeorge: Whoops, I've gone too far again. Sorry about that.

Astram: N-no... It's okay.

Jeorge: ...So, Astram. Today, you're going to tell me.

Astram: You want me to tell you about Hardin... Am I correct in assuming so?

Jeorge: Exactly. I highly doubt you hadn't noticed anything. Not after receiving Mercurius.

Astram: ...

Jeorge: You'll tell me, right? Well, Astram?

Astram: Yes. So, you had best listen carefully.

Astram and Jeorge 2

Astram: ...In short, Prince Marth was my target.

Jeorge: Your loyalty to your liege was absolute, was it not...? Well?

Astram: That's correct.

Jeorge: ...Sigh. As stuffy as ever, eh, old friend?

Astram: Wh-what's wrong with being a little adamant?!

Jeorge: Precisely. You take something on, think too much about it... and then blindly cling to your conclusions.

Astram: ......

Jeorge: Of course, I do believe you were right this time. As a knight, that is. However... as a friend, I'm not so sure.

Astram: As a... friend?

Jeorge: Astram, listen. You should trust people more. There's nary a knight who doesn't know of your unshakable loyalty. And of course, I'm... one of them.

MBTK_ASTRAM_JORJUE_A_2: Astram: ...Jeorge.

Jeorge: I want to help you.

Astram: Yeah... I get it. Truly, I absolutely agree with you. ...You have my deepest thanks, Jeorge.

Jeorge: Heh heh, this certainly is a change.

Astram: Of course. You aren't ever this serious when there's nobody else around... I know you're being considerate.

Jeorge: Haha, indeed. This time, you really do understand, Astram.

Astram: Heh, how long have we known each other, eh? ...Anyway. Enough of the past.

Jeorge: Indeed.

Astram: ...Don't die, Jeorge.

Jeorge: Yeah. You too, Astram.