Cavalier (Three Hopes)

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Abilities & Combat Arts

Type Name Description
Ability Lance Prowess Increases damage dealt to enemies when equipped with an lance.
Ability Desperation When HP is at 50% or below: strong attacks will break an enemy's guard.
Ability Desperation When battallion endurance is at 1/3 or below: strong attacks will break an enemy's guard.
Ability Knight's Wisdom Increases Warrior Gauge fill rate when using class actions of lance-wielding cavalry.
Ability Knight's Ploy Guarantees the enemy's guard will break when activating the class actions of lance-wielding cavalry with at least one bar filled.
Ability Def +2 increases Def by 2.
Skill Frozen Lance Launch columns of ice at foes. Damage dealt will increase with Mag.
Skill Frozen Lance Perform a series of lance attacks imbued with lightning.
Skill Glowing Ember Hurl a fiery lance straight ahead. Deals damage will increase with Def.


1 Star 2 Star Mastered Characters
Desperation Lance Prowess, Frozen Lance Knight's Ploy Shez,
Desperation Lance Prowess, Glowing Ember Knight's Wisdom Dimitri, Sylvain, Annette
Desperation Lance Prowess, Glowing Ember Knight's Ploy Dedue, Mercedes, Raphael, Yuri
Desperation Lance Prowess, Thunder Rush Knight's Wisdom Felix, Linhardt
Desperation Lance Prowess, Thunder Rush Knight's Ploy Petra
Battalion Desperation Lance Prowess, Thunder Rush Knight's Ploy Ashe, Dorothea
Battalion Desperation Lance Prowess, Frozen Lance Knight's Wisdom Ingrid
Battalion Desperation Lance Prowess, Frozen Lance Knight's Ploy Ignatz
Desperation Lance Prowess, Frozen Lance Knight's Wisdom Rodrigue, Bernadetta, Lorenz, Marianne