Supply Depot (Three Hopes)
Speak with the Supply Master to take advantage of this facility. This facility has the following services.
Trade in unwanted weapons/items for smithing stones. You can increase the ratio of how many you get in return by upgrading the facility.
Trade in unwanted facility materials/ores for smithing stones. You can increase the ratio of how many you get in return by upgrading the facility.
Trade you smithing stones in for ore/facility materials. You can increase the ratio to require less smithing stones by upgrading the facility. The facility materials available will depend on your chapter/story progress and on subsequent play throughs will remain available at all times. The ores available for trading depend on the upgrades for the facility and need to be unlocked.
Recieving the stockpile of resources after battle. In order to unlock this service you have to obtain the 1st upgrade. At the beginning the Supply Master can hold up to 9 items. After a battle 3 random resources will be chosen. After 3 battles the Supply Master will be full and can no longer obtain any new resources until you've collected what they have. After the 2nd upgrade following that line, they'll increase to holding 15 resources and gain 5 per battle. After the final upgrade in that line, they'll increase to holding 21 resources and gain 7 per battle. You'll have to collect the resources after every 3 battles to take full advantage of this service.
The resources are chosen at random and will either be an ore, a food ingredient, or facility material for upgrading.