
From EmblemWiki
Revision as of 15:20, 16 March 2011 by VincentASM (talk | contribs)
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General queries about this wiki can be forwarded here (guest-posting is enabled).

Submitting content

Game Guides

Naturally, you don't need to submit anything that's already on the main site and it's probably pointless to move stuff from the main site to the wiki, when you can just link from there.

Related to this, I'd greatly appreciate it if contributors could state in advance about the content they're intending to submit (via the section's or VincentASM's Talk page), in case it's already being worked on.

In general, you don't have to mention anything about starting walkthroughs or character ratings specifically. Still, it might be useful to state somewhere that you're intending to start such a guide, in case you get comments or help from others.

General Articles

Like Game Guides, because this content is also found the main site, I'd like contributors to state in advance before starting a page, in case of a clash of interests.

Story Articles

As the name suggests, this is the same as the old story articles project. The rules for this are more or less exactly the same as before (aka almost none). This time, instead of contacting me, you can just start a near-empty page informing other users that you've starting working on a page. If you're confident, you can just post a complete page straight away, but it might scare some people.

If you submitted a story article in the past, it would be great if you could re-post it to the wiki. Just the main body of the text will suffice, stuff like images or the profile box can be added by staff or other users.

ROM Hacking

Links to patches or hacking tools are welcome, just make sure they're safe to use and obviously don't link to illegal content.