Navarre (Warriors)

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(Picture of Navarre goes here)
Weapon Recruit English VA Japanese VA
Sword Shadow Dragon DLC Pack


Promotion Gains

HP Str Mag Def Res Skl Spd Lck
101 24 5 14 14 30 31 25

Level 99 Stats

Surge Crest HP Str Mag Def Res Skl Spd Lck Mov
No 632 78 16 46 46 96 98 80 5
Yes 733 102 21 60 60 126 129 105 5

Level 110 Stats

Surge Crest HP Str Mag Def Res Skl Spd Lck Mov
No 696 86 18 51 51 106 108 88 5
Yes 797 110 23 65 65 136 139 113 5

Level 130 Stats

Surge Crest HP Str Mag Def Res Skl Spd Lck Mov
No 813 100 20 59 59 123 126 102 5
Yes 914 124 25 73 73 153 157 127 5


To do

Navarre shares his basic moveset with Lyn.


To do