Request: Repel the Rejects

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There is a Sister Mirage NPC on the 5th floor of the Illusory 106.

Mirage: Urgh... Huh? Hey, I'm busy, can't you see that? Geez, quit botherin' me and scram. What is it about my Perfoma? Is it THAT amazing? I've been attractin' nothing but losers, it seems...

>Speak to her again.

Mirage: ... And here's another one! *Groan* Kid, you're gettin' on my nerves, could ya just do me a favor and buzz off? Oh! Wait! I just thought of something! Yep, I think I'll let you live... And in return, I want you to go and "take care of" some pesky losers! Those nitwits think they can just come up and start talking to me...? Ha! The nerve!

The player is given the choice of accepting the quest.

If player says "no":

Mirage: Wait... Hold on... You seriously aren't gonna help me? You are SUCH a scrub!

>The conversations ends, request unaccepted

If the player says "yes":

Mirage: Right... I need you to track down that noisy Ironclad Myrmidon and his friend, the hairy, snout-nosed Cavalier. Oh! And I forget his name, but the last one in the trio is the worst. The worst! Get that shrimpy, potty-mouthed guy! Now, as proof... I'd like you to bring me their Force. Sound good? Now off you go!

The last enemy she is referring to is the Dark Barbarian. Once you have the Force from all three enemies (the items in question are enemy drops), speak to the Sister Mirage again.

Mirage: That's all of 'em! Good work there. Say, not too shabby... for a human! I guess that about does it for this place, don't ya think? I'm outta here!

Request complete! Obtained Treasure Key as thanks.