Request: Lucky Spot 1

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Urabe: Oh, Itsuki! What brings you here? You always leave right when school's over. You busy with work...? Hey! Are you interested in fortune-telling? I got something you can help me with. Is that all right?

The player is given two options on how to respond:

  • Yes
  • No

If the player responds with "no":

Urabe: Ah, yes, well, um... that's too bad... If you ever change your mind, let me know!

>Conversation ends, request unaccepted.

If the player responds with "yes":

Urabe: See, I'm the president of the Fortune-Telling Club, and I want to practice my gift, if you know what I mean! And there's where YOU can help me out! All you gotta do is let me look into your future... and then you report back after! All right then! I'll tell you your fortune! ... But take a step back. It's dangerous!

>The screen slowly fades into white, before coming back to colour.

Urabe: Hm... Huh... Eh...? EUREKA! "Approach with modesty, and outcome shall be favourable. Approach with haste, and nothing shall go as planned." ... Or I guess if you want the "quick fix," as it were, then you should go forth! Onward, to Daitama's round elevator! And, uh, that's all there is to it! See...? Great! I look forward to your full report!

>Gameplay resumes. Urabe can be spoken to again immediately.

Urabe: "Daitama's round elevator"? Not sure what that means, but I guess if you just keep your eyes peeled...?

The next objective is located on the bottom floor of Illusory Daitama, after the first elevator. The objective is in front of you as soon as you get off. Interacting with it, you pick up a Treasure Key.

Itsuki: (Hey, I guess Kanae's fortune was right after all... I should report back.)

Speak to Urabe.

Urabe: Welcome back! So how'd it go?

>Itsuki told Kanae that she accurately predicted a fortunate outcome.

Urabe: Really!? Huzzah, it worked! You know, Itsuki, this means now you HAVE to acknowledge my gift! Call me Kanae the Soothteller! Whew! All right, see you in class!

>Request complete! Obtained Kiddie Candy as thanks.