Fates Supports/Dwyer Selkie

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C Support

Selkie: Hey, get back here! I'm talking to you, mister!

Dwyer: Ugh. What's with all the racket, Selkie? Are you yelling at me?

Selkie: No, dum-dum. I'm chasing a bird!

Dwyer: I know I'm going to regret asking... But why?

Selkie: Why? That's a silly question. Why not?

Dwyer: How deep.

Selkie: I guess if I have to have a reason... I'm chasing it because it's flying. So there.

Dwyer: Have you considered the possibility of actually catching the bird? That is...what would you actually do with it? Eat it?

Selkie: What else do you do with birds?

Dwyer: No, I don't WANT you to eat it, Selkie. I'm just speculating about the possible endgame of your frivolous activity.

Selkie: Huh? Anyway, I might eat it.

Dwyer: How splendid for you. Anyway, I'm going to leave now.

Selkie: Yeah, me too. This is boring. Here, birdie, birdie, birdie! Wait up, you little dum-dum!

(Selkie leaves)

Dwyer: Gods...

B Support

Selkie: Aha! We meet again!

Dwyer: Oh... It's you.

Selkie: I have a name, you know. It's Selkie. You should use it.

Dwyer: Fair enough. My name's Dwyer.

Selkie: Yeah, I already knew that. So, anyway, Dwyer...let's play!

Dwyer: Why?

Selkie: What do you mean, "why"? Don't you like horsing around?

Dwyer: No, that sounds like it would require effort.

Selkie: You're silly. Play isn't work. Play is fun!

Dwyer: In your opinion.

Selkie: Meh, whatever, Captain Boring Pants. You can just sit there, but I'm gonna jump out of that tree!

Dwyer: Is this the part where I'm supposed to stop you?

Selkie: Heh...nope! Here we go. One, two, three... JUMP! OW! Stupid branch!

Dwyer: What a surprise.

Selkie: Aww...this really hurts! And I'm bleeding!

Dwyer: Stay put. I'll get some bandages.

Selkie: Really? Thank you! But...wouldn't that be work?

Dwyer: I suppose so. But what sort of gentleman would ignore a pretty lady in distress?

Selkie: Dwyer...

Dwyer: Yes?

Selkie: You just called me pretty.

Dwyer: Hmm. Indeed I did. Perhaps I should have used a less suggestive term. What sort of gentleman would ignore a not-ugly lady in distress?

Selkie: Aww, I liked it better when you said pretty.

A Support

Selkie: Hey, Dwyer! Are you watching? I'm gonna do a backflip off this building!

Dwyer: That seems ill advised.

Selkie: Oh yeah? Just watch me!

Dwyer: You're just going to get hurt again when you land...

Selkie: But you'll take care of me if I do, right? It's a total win-win!

Dwyer: Doesn't it hurt when you...get hurt? Do you not feel pain or something?

Selkie: Yeah, I guess it kinda hurts. Hmm. Maybe I won't try it after all.

Dwyer: Thank you. It hurts me to watch you hurt yourself.

Selkie: Really? Why?

Dwyer: Well...because we're friends. Aren't we?

Selkie: Oh, yeah! We're friends! But friends play together. So, let's go play, Dwyer!

Dwyer: You're unbelievable.

Selkie: Wait, is that a compliment? Bah, who cares? Let's go play in the mountains! Wheeee!

Dwyer: What would we do up there?

Selkie: I dunno...chase birds or something. Frolic! C'mon, let's go!

Dwyer: That sounds more like work than fun.

Selkie: Aww, don't say that!

Dwyer: Let me put it this way. It sounds like fun if you enjoy running around until you pass out. Which I don't.

Selkie: Then...you're not coming? Even though we're friends?

Dwyer: No, I'm coming. I'd hate for you to hurt yourself out in the middle of nowhere.

Selkie: Yay! Thanks, Dwyer!

S Support

Dwyer: Selkie. We need to talk.

Selkie: Hey, Dwyer. That's a weird face you're making...

Dwyer: I just need to know. Are you planning on chasing after things and attempting risky stunts...forever?

Selkie: Well, of course! I can't imagine a life without play.

Dwyer: So...a lifetime of reckless play...

Selkie: Yeah! Sounds amazing, right?

Dwyer: That's not the word I'd use, but... You'll probably be getting injured with some regularity, it seems fair to assume...

Selkie: Yeah, probably. I can get carried away sometimes. But I can't think about a little spill here or a tumble there. That ruins the fun!

Dwyer: Well, I suppose that settles it. I'll be spending my life tending to your scrapes and bruises.

Selkie: Hey, I didn't ask you to do that.

Dwyer: No, but I can't stand by and watch you get hurt.

Selkie: But forever is such a long time! Like, sometimes when I have to wait an hour for something, I can't even do it. And how many hours are in forever? It hurts my brain to think about!

Dwyer: Well, you don't need to worry about it. I'll just take care of you.

Selkie: But why? You hate doing work, don't you?

Dwyer: I have my reasons.

Selkie: Because we're friends?

Dwyer: Er...yes.

Selkie: So, you're going to stay by my side for the rest of your life?

Dwyer: That's my intent.

Selkie: Well, then we're more than just friends, Dwyer. It's more like we're husband and wife, wouldn't you say?

Dwyer: I...I guess?

Selkie: Oh, don't be shy! Should we just get married and make it all official?

Dwyer: I guess if that were to happen someday, I wouldn't be disappointed...

Selkie: Someday? Pfft. Let's do it today! Yaaay!

Dwyer: Very well. I promise never to leave your side.

Selkie: Woohoo! We're married! This was my plan all along. I can't believe it worked! Bwahaha!

Dwyer: You're cleverer than you let on, aren't you?

Selkie: Duh! Heehee!