Fates Supports/Kaze Selena

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C Support

Selena: Hold it right there!

Kaze: Pardon?

Selena: I am Selena, retainer of Lady Camilla, Princess of Nohr. And you're the one they've been talking about. Kaze, right?

Kaze: I am Kaze, true. And what exactly have "they" been saying about me?

Selena: That you're one of the most dangerous ninja in all of Hoshido. And that you are brother to the famous Saizo the Fifth. Meaning, of course, that you belong to the renowned Saizo clan.

Kaze: I see. And you are trying to bait me to get a sense of my temperament?

Selena: Um. Yeah, actually. Pretty much.

Kaze: And this is because...you believe Nohr and Hoshido will forever be at war?

Selena: ...I hadn't thought about that, no. I only wanted to see if you would be a useful ally.

Kaze: That's not what your eyes say. They are shining with suspicion.

Selena: Hmph!

Kaze: However...I don't think there will be another war after this one. Something tells me this peace will last.

Selena: Ha! That whole "serene and aloof" act just makes you even more suspicious! And having your arms crossed like that doesn't help.

Kaze: Your arms are crossed as well.

Selena: Uh... That's...

Kaze: I suppose this means we're both suspicious people, yes?

Selena: Shut up! That was just a coincidence!

(Selena leaves)

Kaze: What a charming young woman. She must be very strong to be a retainer to the royal family... I'll have to keep an eye on her.

B Support

Kaze: Selena. May I speak with you for a moment?

Selena: Kaze? What do you need?

Kaze: In our last battle...I was watching the way you fought.

Selena: Oh? Sizing me up, were you? And what did you think?

Kaze: You were quite the sight. Your skills far exceeded my expectations.

Selena: You've got a discerning eye, I'll give you that. So, has your opinion of me changed?

Kaze: Yes. In fact, I was unsettled by what I saw.

Selena: Unsettled?

Kaze: To be so young, and yet so accustomed to battle. It appeared as though the chaos and the killing were routine to you. You must have seen a tremendous amount of bloodshed in your life.

Selena: ...

Kaze: Just what kind of violence have you been witness to?

Selena: N-nothing unique. We live in violent times. You should know this, of all people. And maybe you should think twice before putting your nose where it doesn't belong.

Kaze: I see. May I ask you one last thing? What is it you are fighting for?

Selena: For Nohr! And Lady Camilla. I live only to serve my country and my liege.

Kaze: Are you quite certain that is your only reason?

Selena: Of course it is! Now, I've got some urgent business to attend to. Good day!

(Selena leaves)

Kaze: Hmm...

A Support

Kaze: Selena?

Selena: What do you want, Kaze?

Kaze: If my intuition is correct...

Selena: Yes?

Kaze: You're hiding something from everyone, aren't you?

Selena: What are you talking about?!

Kaze: Perhaps not everyone. Two others know your secret, do they not? Like you, they also serve the Nohrian royal family. And also like you, their origins are shrouded in mystery and rumor.

Selena: Are you going to waste my entire day with all this wild speculation?

Kaze: It's true, I don't have any proof. If I am mistaken, I apologize. But I'm not mistaken. Am I, Selena?

Selena: ... What would it matter if you weren't? Are you saying I'm untrustworthy?

Kaze: No. I understand that many people do not like to talk about their past. I myself am no exception.

Selena: Kaze...

Kaze: Besides, I have fought at your side enough to know you are not traitorous. You love your friends, and you would risk your life to accomplish your mission.

Selena: I see. Thank you.

Kaze: We all have secrets. I simply wanted to advise you to be more discreet. And to say that I am very glad to call myself your ally.

Selena: Hmph. All right. Thank you, Kaze. B-but don't go thinking this makes us friends!

(Selena leaves)

Kaze: Heh. Charming as always.

S Support

Kaze: The moon is so bright tonight. I can't imagine anyone would risk attacking... Hm? Is someone there?

(Kaze leaves)

Selena: Kaze? What's wrong?

Kaze: Ah, Selena. I'm pleased to see you. I'm just finishing up my night patrol. I feared you were an enemy scout. What are you doing here at this hour? Your shift isn't for another few days.

Selena: I was just watching the moon. It's so pretty tonight... *sigh*

Kaze: I see...

Selena: Is something wrong?

Kaze: Ah, no. Forgive me. I just felt for a moment like I was intruding. It seemed like you were remembering something. Another place, perhaps. Was it your homeland?

Selena: Wh-what?!

Kaze: I am sorry. Forget I said anything.

Selena: Forget? No... I won't forget. Not what you said... and not you, either.

Kaze: Selena?

Selena: So you'd better remember me, too. You hear? No matter what happens...

Kaze: Selena... Does this have to do with your secret? Will you be leaving us someday?

Selena: I-I don't know what you mean.

Kaze: Please...don't.

Selena: Huh?

Kaze: I beg of you. Don't go. I wish to have you here, by my side. As my friend, and... *sigh* Well, and as my love.

Selena: What?! You mean...?

Kaze: Yes. I have fallen for you, Selena. So, again, I beg of you. Please... don't ever disappear.

Selena: Kaze... I can't promise that...

Kaze: No matter what kind of secret you are keeping... I will protect you and support you with all my strength...if only you'll stay.

Selena: ...OK. I will try. I will try my hardest to stay with you. But I make no promises.

Kaze: Thank you. And please, do one more thing for me. Promise me that when this world again knows peace, you will tell me your secret.

Selena: I will. I promise. But I need you to wait until then, OK?

Kaze: Yes, of course. I will be waiting, Selena. But for now...let us enjoy this peaceful night side-by-side.

Selena: I'd love nothing more, Kaze.