Awakening Supports/Sully Vaike

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Avatar m map.pngAvatar(M) Avatar f map.pngAvatar(F) Chrom map.pngChrom Lissa map.pngLissa Frederick map.pngFrederick Virion map.pngVirion Sully map.pngSully Vaike map.pngVaike Stahl map.pngStahl
Miriel map.pngMiriel Kellam map.pngKellam Sumia map.pngSumia Lonqu map.pngLon'qu Ricken map.pngRicken Maribelle map.pngMaribelle Panne map.pngPanne Gaius map.pngGaius Cordelia map.pngCordelia
Gregor map.pngGregor Nowi map.pngNowi Libra map.pngLibra Tharja map.pngTharja Olivia map.pngOlivia Cherche map.pngCherche Henry map.pngHenry Lucina map.pngLucina Sayri map.pngSay'ri
Basilio map.pngBasilio Flavia map.pngFlavia Donnel map.pngDonnel Anna map.pngAnna Owain map.pngOwain Inigo map.pngInigo Brady map.pngBrady Kjelle map.pngKjelle Cynthia map.pngCynthia
Severa map.pngSevera Gerome map.pngGerome Morgan m map.pngMorgan(M) Morgan f map.pngMorgan(F) Yarne map.pngYarne Laurent map.pngLaurent Noire map.pngNoire Nah map.pngNah Tiki map.pngTiki
Gangrel map.pngGangrel Walhart map.pngWalhart Emmeryn map.pngEmmeryn Yenfay map.pngYen'fay Aversa map.pngAversa Priam map.pngPriam - - -

This content was originally provided by Naui.

C Support

Mm-MMM! Now that smells like a slice of heaven. Whatcha eatin' there?

Bogsberry and cabbage pie, the best cream of treacle in all of Ylisse.

A shiny copper coin says it was baked them lady friends that were followin' ya!

Keep your coin. They gave it to me before we left to keep me warm on the journey.

Gremlin's tail! The Vaike's never had a gaggle of maidens bake HIM a pie!
How'd ya do it?! What's your secret?!...Er, not that I'm jealous or nothin'.

I suppose I'm just charming like that. Why, you need advice?

Har har! Ol' Teach don't need advice on that score!
I mean, sure no one's ever bothered to bake me a tasty pie...
But I knew a milkmaid once who gave me an apple—and it only had one worm in it!

Well, good for you.

'Sides, I'm more of a man's man, ya know? And men don't usually go for pie bakin'.
I'd rather eat a donkey's hindquarters than a pie baked by one'a my mates! Har har!
Still, I'd give anything to have lasses offering me their pies all the time.
...Maybe it's the horse? Ladies do love the horses...

An idiot on a horse is still an idiot.

What's that supposed to mean?
Hey, wait a sec, Sully. You're a woman. ...Er, right?
Got some tips for the Vaike? What do YOU admire in a man?
Sully: He has to be better than me. Someone I can respect.

Better? ...You mean better looking?
Sully: I mean better at important things! Smarter, stronger, faster with a blade and lance...

Well, maybe you should take me on. I'm pretty tough ya know.
Sully: If you think fighting me will attract women, you're an even bigger fool than I though...
...Eh, but why not? It's been days since I've dished out a good thrashing, heh heh.

B Support

C'mon, Sully. Help ol' Teach out here. Why can't I ever win the girl?
I got devilish good looks, the strength of an ogre, and the charm of a fancy noble!

Well, one of those is true. ...Sort of.
I suppose you can handle a lance, even if I'm better with a sword.
Our match was pretty darn even until you decided we should arm wrestle.
So, yes. I'll admnit that you're strong. ...Not bright, mindyou, but strong.

98... 99... 100!
Er, sorry. What was that last bit? Hard to hear you over these biscep curls...
Anyway, ya gotta help me out here, Sully. Ya just gotta!
Look at these arms! Just look at 'em! I mean, what else does a lady want?

Gods be damned, but you are thick. How about being kind? Or thoughtful?!

Er, what would a girl want that stuff for?

...Look. If you ask me, I'd want a man with ideals. One who wants to better himself.
If I'm going to spend the rest of my life with someone, I have to respect him.

Har! That's me up and down! Heck, I joined the Shepherds 'cause of my ideals.

Now that you mention it, you never did tell me why you're fighting for Chrom.
So? Out with it. What made you sign up?

Har! That's me up and down! Heck, I joined the Shepherds 'cause of my ideals.
I wanted to be the greatest warrior in all the realm!

No, idiot. I'm asking why you wanted to be a great warrior in the first place.

Well, it's a bit of a tale, but you need more Teach-talk that bad, eh? Well, all right...
I grew up poor in this podunk little villiage where I was famous for never losin' a fight.
Local kids latched on to me, and before I knew it, I had my own little gang.
Course, we were just a bunch of ne'er-do-wells as far as the adults were concerned...

What a surprise...

So one day, Emmeryn herself came to our corner of the world, and she said...
"I seek to bring prosperity and equality to all of the people of Ylisse!"
Well, that struck a nerve. Soon as I heard it, I knew what my mission was.

To forsake your misspent youth, join the Shepherds, and fight for social justice?

Er, yeah, that! That was it exactly! What you just said!
Okay, maybe not the EXACT same words I used, but...

...Vaike? You may not be such a complete moron after all.
You might even, dare I say it? ...Deserve some respect?

That's the Vaike! Man of your dreams, right here, reporting for d-

No, I stand correct. No respect warranted. None, whatsoever.


A Support

Hey-ho, Sully! Just the gal I was hopin' to see. Got a question for ya.

What is it? I'm busy.

Why did YOU sign up for the Shepherds?
I told ya my story, remember? Now you gotta tell me yours. Fair's fair!

My story is dull... I joined so I could become a knight.

Aw, come on! You're havin' me on!

You got a problem?!

No, it's just... See, I thought ya already were a knight.

I have armor and arms, but yet to undergo the formal ceremony...

Ah, I see. So you're gonna cover yourself in glory here with us Shepherds...
Maybe catch Chrom's eye and earn yourself knighthood?

Not quite. I was born into a long line of knights. My house and all that crap.
This tittle will be mine by inheritance when the time comes.
I could spend my life eating grapes from a damn silver bowl and still be called "sir"!

Er, so then why-

Because there's no honor in accepting someting you haven't earned!
A knight shouldn't just be lucky enough to be born to some damn noble!
A knight has duties. ...Responsibilities
"A knight is brave and true, aids all in need, and defends the weak from evil."
I can't up hold that oath without honing my skills. Suffering hardship. All of that.
How can I know courage if I don't face bloody death a bunch of times?
I'll fight for the Shepherds until I've damn well EARNED the tittle of knight!

Criven's horn, that's a rousing speech!

Oh please, I'm not trying to... It just means a lot to me is all.
I don't get a chance to talk about it much. I'm sorry if I bored you...

...Bored?! Har har! Ain't NOTHIN' boring about you, Sully.
In fact, the Vaike hasn't been this excited since the exalt came to visit my li'l ol' town!


Cross my heart and hope to... Okay, well, just cross my heart.
'Cause I realized something, Sully: you and me should duel more often!
You wanna be a knight among knights, I wanna be a warrior's warrior.
Seems we can help each other out!

Hmm... Don't expect me to go easy on you. It'll hurt....Maybe a lot.

Har har! Bring it on! The Vaike can take it!

S Support

Heya, Sully.

Oh. Hello, Vaike

So I was just thinkin', and i... Look, are you fallin' for me?

...Where the hell did you get that idea?!

Well, it's just that you've been actin' different around me. Not yourself, like.
I thought maybe that was the reason. But if I'm wrong, then I'm wrong.

Well, I... I never said you were WRONG, exactly...Er, that is...
Well...yes. Yes, I suppose I am...maybe...starting to fall for you...a little... But I still don't like you a lot!

That's good enough for the Vaike! 'Cause truth be told, I'm startin' to take a shine to you, too.

Whatever should know...I won't be doing any damn housework

Har har! Not exactly what I was expecting to hear, but okay.
I mean, duh, I'd be the biggest fool in all of Ylisse if I expected that!
I'm a simple man, but I like being with you. I feel like I can trust ya with my troubles.
And I guess that's why I'm ya might...make a good...wife.

Thinking back, I never would have though...I mean this is all so unexpected, it's just...
Oh, hell with it! Why not? Let's get married!

Now hold on! I'm the man here, and that means I'm doin' the askin'!

Pfft! Too late, knucklehead.

Aw, this whoe thing's a mess! I spent all day plannin' it out, too
Even bought this blasted ring...

Well?! Are you going to give me that ring or stand here like a damn fool?!

Yah, all right. ...Here, catch! (Wow bro, classy)

Oop! Got it... Oh Vaike, this is... It's gorgeous.

Only the best for Mrs. The Vaike!