Expeditions (Three Hopes)

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Expeditions can be initiated by talking to an ally while at Base Camp, and choosing Invite on an Expedition (costs one Activity Point).

Similarly to Tea Time in Fire Emblem Three Houses, the goal is to achieve a Perfect Conversation by answering three correct multiple-choice prompts - see our guide below for the correct responses to choose.

Successfully doing so allows you to freely Observe your ally; they may also react with a voice line when you observe their face (initially), hair, and body.

Gifts may be given after the multiple-choice prompts, irrespective of whether a Perfect Conversation was achieved or not.

Support between Shez and the ally will increase slightly on conclusion of the Expedition; achieving a Perfect Conversation raises the support further. Additionally, morale will increase by one stage for both characters.

Conversation Time - Talk

Comment Correct Answer
I've always had strange dreams. You? Reveal that you do too.
Jeralt's reputation took a big hit after you defeated us. Suggest building it up again.
We live in an age of war—but I feel like that's what I'm suited to. Express your doubt about that.
I took naturally to the sword from the first moment I held one. Share your own first sword memory.
I hope all our allies survive this war. Say you'll all pull through.
You're easy to fight for. Your commands are intuitive. Say Byleth is better.
I've had an immense appetite since I was small, but can also go days without eating a thing. Say you feel the same way.

Conversation Time - Ask a Question

Question Comment Correct Answer
Ask about their likes. I don't know if "like" is the right word, but I find myself helping people almost reflexively. Commend that.
Ask about their dislikes. You know, I'm not sure—though I suppose if someone were to harm my father, I could never forgive them. End things there.
Ask about dreams for the future. I honestly have no idea. I'm not even sure if I'll take over the mercenaries or not. Offer encouragement.
Ask about their worries. None of my worries would be helped by talking them out. Be relieved.
Ask about their home. I have no hometown. As far back as I can remember, I've been traveling with the mercenaries. Be impressed.
Ask about memories of the past. I remember all of our fights—you're probably the only person I've ever feared on the battlefield. Sympathize.
Ask about their friends. You have a different aura from my mercenary companions. It was hard to get used to at first. Acknowledge it.
Ask about preferred fighting style. Swordwork, as well as the sort of guerrilla warfare I learned from my father. Get competitive over it.
Ask what they think of you. I feel that you and I are very much alike. Agree.
You swore to surpass me one day, but I've not been standing still in the meantime. Nod emphatically.
Ask about any personal news. I can still wield a blade, so I must be fine. Extend a challenge.
If you're asking how well Jeralt's band is fitting in, I'd say things are...getting better. Be relieved.

Conversation Time - Talk

Comment Correct Answer
Though I don't see them, I know Hubert's people are out there somewhere, watching us. Suggest you look for them.
I thought outings like this were a noble pastime, but I see you're an expert at it as well. Say that you're just acting like one.
Do you ever wish you could be completely and utterly alone? It is a daily dream for me. Express concern for her.
The sun is so warm on my skin. I see why people pine for it so. Say you're one of those people.
There are hunting grounds near Enbarr that the Imperial family uses for outings. Invite her to hunt with you.
Tell me if you see any pretty flowers. Not to pluck, mind you—just to admire. Promise you will.
What are you thinking about? You look as if your mind is a dozen leagues away. Say you're thinking about dinner.

Conversation Time - Ask a Question

Question Comment Correct Answer
Ask about their likes. I adore nature, which is precisely why I treasure days such as this. Smile.
Ask about their dislikes. I dislike convention. I can't stand missing a good opportunity simply because I'm "not supposed to." State your thoughts.
Ask about dreams for the future. My dream is to sit about and simply do...nothing. Sadly, there's so much demanded of me it will likely remain a dream until my final days. Give a pep talk.
Ask about their worries. Oh, I could go on and on about all of my intractable problems. How much time do you have? Act dependable.
Ask about their family. I'd rather not talk about that right now. Perhaps some evening, when sleep eludes me. Let that sink in for a moment.
Ask about memories of the past. Have I told you about the boy who gave me the dagger? I called him "Dee," which is all I really remember about him. Be envious.
Ask about their friends. I'm lucky they're all so capable, as are you. I do hope you see that. Give a pep talk.
Ask about preferred fighting style. I don't object to swords or magic, but an axe has always felt most natural in my hand. I'm not sure why. Ask for more details.
Ask what they think of you. I hope I'm paying you adequately for your service. The Imperial army would be lost without you. Act dependable.
I hope you'll continue to lend me your strength long after this war is over. Be shocked.
Ask about any personal news. Me? Oh, I suppose I can't complain. Express worry.
Don't worry, I'm taking care not to overwork myself. Express worry.