Selkie (Cipher)

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Selkie: Thread of Gold
Class Nine-Tails ({{{class_type}}}) Cost 3
Symbol None None Affinities None None None None None
Attack 60 Support 10 Range 1
Skill 1 {{{skill1}}}
Skill 2 {{{skill2}}}
Support Skill N/A
Card Code {{{card_code}}} Illustrator
Comment Mind that Selkie also gains an attack boost every time a unit is deployed, even during the opponent's turn. It can make your opponent hesitant on deploying many cards. The more units you can deploy, the more powerful her offensive capabilities grow.
Selkie: Playful Fox Spirit
Class Kitsune ({{{class_type}}}) Cost 1
Symbol None None Affinities None None None None None
Attack 40 Support 10 Range 1
Skill 1 {{{skill1}}}
Skill 2 {{{skill2}}}
Support Skill AttackSupport.png Attack Emblem Support Until the end of this battle, your attacking unit gains +20 attack.
Card Code {{{card_code}}} Illustrator Nejita