Side Story: Godmother

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When this Side Story is available, you will receive the following Topic from Maiko:

Maiko: Itsuki, there's something I want you to do for me. Do you have a moment? If you can, come by the office.

Maiko: Tmsfe-sticker 15.png

Fortuna Office

Maiko:' Hi there, Itsuki. Sorry to get right to the point, but would you kind do me a favor? I need some documents delivered.

The player is given two options on how to respond:

  • Yes
  • No

If the player chooses "no":

Itsuki:' I'm sorry. I'm a little busy...

Maiko: Aww, really? Well, it's no rush, so come talk to me again when you have the time.

If the player chooses "yes":

Itsuki: Leave it to me.

Maiko: There are documents on Kiria's next photo shoot that I want you to deliver to Nobu.

Itsuki: A photo shoot?

Maiko: Yup. There'll be a special on Kiria in a magazine, and the shoot's for the poster included in it. Nobu's the photographer. It's gonna take place in Guam. GUAM! Lucky her.

Itsuki: I see.

Maiko: Here, these are the documents. I believe he'll give you some paperwork too, so make sure you bring those back. Nobu should be at Daiba Studio for another shoot. I'll be counting on you.

Itsuki: Roger that.

Obtained (Key Item) A4 Leather Case.

As you leave, you receive an urgent Topic from Kiria:

Kiria: do you have time right now, Itsuki?

Itsuki: I'm on an errand for Ms. Maiko at the moment.

Kiria: Maiko, can I borrow Itsuki for a bit?

Maiko: Sure thing! My errand's nothing to hurry about anyway. I'm not boneheaded enough to get in the way of you two going on a date. <3

Maiko: Shit, don't forget about my errand too! Nobu's at Daiba Studio.

Maiko: Tmsfe-sticker 15.png

Kiria: it's settled then. come to the cafe, Itsuki.

Itsuki: On it.

Shibuya Central City

Kiria: Sorry to call you out like this.

Itsuki: Oh no, it's nothing. So what did you want to talk about...?

Kiria: Let's go talk about it inside. Better than standing out here.

Cafe Seiren

Kiria: ...Sorry to call on you when you're so busy. I'll get straight to the point. The five-year anniversary of Fortuna's founding is coming up. So to commemorate that, I was wondering if there was anything we could do for Maiko. ...What do you think?

Itsuki: That sounds great. Count me in! She's always helping us out, after all.

Kiria: That said, do you have any ideas on what we could do for her?

Itsuki: Hmm... How about a third photo book for her trilogy?

Kiria: ...I see. Her series "My Complex," right?

Itsuki: She told me about it when I helped clean the office the other day... Ms. Maiko still seems hung up over it.

Kiria: So we'll make that photo book ourselves and give it to her as a present... ...I'm sure Maiko would love it.

Itsuki: The question is where can we get the shoot for that done...

Kiria: I may have a plan in regards to that. I'll be going to Guam soon for a magazine photo shoot. Mr. Horinozawa's the photographer.

Itsuki: Then you mean...

Kiria: Right. The arrangements for doing a photo shoot of the legendary third book are already in place. I'll try and get her to come with me. I want you to talk to Mr. Horinozawa about this.

Itsuki: Got it.

Kiria: It's decided then. Well then, let's get going. I'll tell everyone else about this too.

Daiba Studio

Horinozawa: Ah, you're one of Maiko's. Itsuki, right? I can't thank you all enough for what you did back then.

Itsuki: OH no, it was nothing. And, um, this is for you.

Horinozawa: Oh, is this for Kiria's photo shoot? Got it. Thanks for bringing it over.

Itsuki: By the way, Mr. Horinozawa, I'd like to discuss something with you...

The screen goes blank for a second.

Horinozawa: I see! That's a great idea! The third volume has always been on my mind too! ...But it'd be impossible.

Itsuki: How so?

Horinozawa: I don't have the lens---the one I used for that photo book, I mean... The "My Complex" trilogy was shot using a special lens. It was one that could capture the very shape of one's soul, and was made by a master artisan who's no longer alive. But that lens broke during the commotion in Shibuya---that's why I said it's impossible... I can't in good conscience crown something with the name "My Complex" if it isn't shot with that lens...

Itsuki: I see...

Horinozawa: I'm sorry that I can't be of any help.

The scene transitions to Itsuki alone.

Itsuki: That's a bummer... We can't proceed with a plan like this. I guess I should discuss it with Kiria...

Itsuki sends an urgent Topic:

Itsuki: Kiria, about Mr. Horinozawa... He won't do the photo shoot because he doesn't have a special lens.

Kiria: I see... well I think I can understand...

Kiria: I'm an artist too, so I can understand his want of creating something that's your best, under the best conditions.

Kiria: so what's this special lens, then?

Itsuki: Supposedly it's a lens that "captures the shape of souls"...

Maiko: What's this? Is Nobu still wanting a new lens?

Maiko: Men are always like that! Hear me out! It happened a few years ago.

Kiria: Maiko, can we listen to this another time?

Maiko: Tmsfe-sticker 17.png

Kiria: Itsuki, Tharja says it may be possible to make something similar.

Kiria: the gem that Tharja uses when casting...spells? it can be found in the Idolasphere at the 106.

Kiria: she says it's truly a "gem that can capture the shape of a soul."

Itsuki: If we can use that and make it into a lens, maybe we can convince him otherwise.

Tiki: I've been listening in on the conversation!

Tiki: When you find that gem, can you bring it to me?

Tiki: I think I can transform it into this lens thingie.

Itsuki: Thoughts, Kiria?

Kiria: we're going to get it, of course. come to the Idolasphere.

Kiria: thanks, Tiki.

Tiki: No problem! I'm glad I could help out too!

Maiko: Waaaaah! Am I being left out of the conversation again?

Maiko: Tmsfe-sticker 18.png

Shibuya 106 Idolasphere

Kiria: You made it. Well then, let's begin the treasure hunt at once.

Itsuki: Yes. Let's do what we can.

Tharja: Do your best...

Kiria: You're helping too!

The gameplay resumes and you receive a new Topic from Tiki:

Tiki: So about the gem... If you want to find a big one, then I suggest looking where there are strong enemies.

Tiki: You gained access to go underground recently, right? Why not check there?

Tiki: Tmsfe-sticker 20.png

Shibuya 106 Idolasphere B2F

Obtained (Key Item) Illusory Dougen Gem.

Kiria: We can get the lens made as long as we have this.

Tharja: We did it... Heh heh...

Itsuki: Yes.

Kiria: Well then, let's contact Tiki.

You receive a new urgent Topic from Kiria:

Kiria: Tiki.

Tiki: Hello, hello!

Kiria: We got the gem.

Tiki: Really!? Good job!

Tiki: All right, can you bring it to the Bloom Palace?

Tiki: Just leave the rest to me!

Tiki: Tmsfe-sticker 19.png

Bloom Palace

Tiki: Welcome back! It looks like you got the gem!

The player is given two options on how to respond:

  • If you please, Tiki.
  • I want to use the facility.

If the player chooses option 2:

The player is given the option to create new Unity.

If the player chooses option 1:

Tiki: All right, I'll give this a go, right away!

Tiki turns around and the scene of her performing the act is shown.

Tiki: It's done! Here you go. The lens is ready! Phew, I'm tired.

Itsuki: Thanks, Tiki. You're a big help.

Tiki: No problem! I wanted to do something for Maiko too, so I'm glad I could lend a hand. Anyway, you should hurry and get that to Mr. Horinozawa!

Obtained (Key Item) Soulfocus Lens.

Daiba Studio

Horinozawa: Hey there, Itsuki. Good timing. I have some papers to... give... Wait...! That shine...! It's reallyt he same as the lens I used to have! Where in the world did you get this? ...No, it'd be rude of me to ask that.

Itsuki: Please use it. You can shoot the third volume of "My Complex" if you have this, right?

Horinozawa: Of course! It just needs a little treatment, but I'll be able to use it at once! Thanks, Itsuki! I promise you that I'll take the best photos of Maiko under the blue skies of Guam...! Oh, and, Itsuki!

Itsuki: Yes, sir?

Horinozawa: ...These documents are for Maiko. Please give them to her.

Itsuki: I completely forgot about those.

Obtained (Key Item) A4 Leather Case.

As you leave, you receive an urgent Topic from Maiko:

Maiko: Itsuki, are you done yet? Once you get the docs from Mr. Horinozawa, bes ure to come back without making any detours.

Maiko: Tmsfe-sticker 18.png

Fortuna Office

Maiko: Welcome back. And thank you for the delivery! Kiria's photo shoot can go smoothly without a hitch now.

Kiria: Ah yes, about that photo shoot... If it's all right with you, care to join me? I know how busy things have been lately. The island air would be a nice break...

With that, Maiko accompanied Kiria to Guam. And so...

In Guam, photos of Maiko in different poses are shown on screen.

Maiko: Goodness, was I surprised. I never imagined that a photo shoot for me would suddenly spring up like that.

Kiria: You seemed rather pleased to go with it though.

Maiko: Well, of course I was. Guam is special for me. And that cute outfit... How could I not get totally excited?

Mamori: Ehehe... We selected that for you!

Eleonora: I suggested something with more Hollywood flair, but I was shot down...

Tsubasa: The star-spangled banner one? That was a bit much...

Eleonora: Yours was no better than mine! Why did you choose a cat one!?

Ayaha: Now, now. No need to fight.

Maiko: Hehehe... Thank you, everyone.

Touma: It's not over yet, Ms. Maiko.

Yashiro: Indeed. We wouldn't be exaggerating if we said that all this was merely the opening act.

Touma: That's totally overexaggerating things!

Itsuki: Kiria.

Kiria: ...Maiko. Congratulations on the fifth anniversary of Fortuna Entertainment. And also... thank you for everything. This is from all of us.

Barry: Wooooooooooooooo!

Maiko: This is... the third volume of "My Complex"...

The camera goes around the team as they nod and smile.

Maiko: ...So that's what al this was about. Thank you... Thank you so much, everyone...!

The screen goes blank and Maiko shows up on the screen.

Maiko: Hey, Itsuki? You were the one who suggested the idea for this present, weren't you? You remembered what I said back then...

Itsuki: We just wanted to show our appreciation for you. Thank you for everything you do for us.

Maiko: It's no problem at all. You're all my adorable children, after all! Hee hee...