Side Story: Lost Memories

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When Side Story is available, you receive a Topic from Maiko:

Maiko: Heeeeyyy their babe. I've got a teensy favor to ask. Is that okay? <3 I want you to come to the office.

If you wait a while to do the Side Story, you will receive the following topic:

Maiko: Ooooh... you NAUGHTY boy, making me wait this long. I might have to punish you if you dont hurry and come to the offfice. <333

Fortuna Office

Maiko: Ooh, thanks for coming Itsuki. I need help organizing some stuff in the office... Won't you help me?

The player is giving two options on how to respond:

  • Yes
  • No

If the player chooses "no":

Itsuki: No way.

Maiko: Aww, so mean! Fine... I'll wait forever for you!

If the player chooses "yes":

Itsuki: Sure.

The screen goes blank for a second before it transitions to Maiko standing in front of Itsuki.

Itsuki: Putting that aside, Ms. Maiko... are you drunk?

Maiko: Yup, I sure am! Eheheheheheheheh! But it's only a teensy bit, so no worries!

Itsuki: Okay, so what do you need me to do?

Maiko: Sooo, you see that box over right there? I wanna reorganize the things in it. For example... The first letter I got... goes in a bonfire. The matching rings... to the ocean floor. But where do I put my broken heart...?

Itsuki: Wh-What in the world is she saying...?

Maiko: Aaaaand... Itsuki, your hands should go... here.

Itsuki: May I leave?

Maiko: Sorry, it's a joke! I'm just joking! Please don't leave.

Itsuki: Sheesh...

The screen goes blank and gameplay resumes. The player has to click on the box to resume.

Itsuki: There's a lot of stuff in here... Which one should I start with...?

The player is given four options on how to respond:

  • Personnel documents
  • Kiria's debut CD
  • Magazine Tele-V
  • Uta-loid software

If the player chooses option 1:

Itsuki: This looks like a folder of personnel documents. I wonder where should I put this away...

Maiko: Ooh, I haven't seen that in ages. This sure brings back memories. Ah, this was when Touma went overboard on a gig as an extra.

Itsuki: What do you mean?

Maiko: He was supposed to be an extra, but he was all, "I'm gonna take over the lead!" and stood out so much... In the end, all the scenes with him in them were cut. We got complaints from the company too...

Itsuki: Haha, that sounds like him.

Maiko: Yes indeed. Well, that's both the bad and good about Touma. He's been working much harder compared to before. He might be on fire because you've joined the agency too.

Itsuki put the personnel documents away on the filing shelf...

Itsuki looks inside the box... There are still things for him to organize...

If the player chooses option 2:

Itsuki: This is a CD of Kiria's debut song. I wonder where should I put this away...

Maiko: Ooh, that's from when Kiria made her debut! She was so sensitive around that time. ...Well, she still is. Anyway, she never cracked a smile at all.

Itsuki: Really?

Maiko: But ever since you all joined, her expression's softened quite a lot. I wonder if it's because she has adorable younglings under her now. Tee he! Perhaps Kiria's grown up too...

Itsuki put away the debut CD onto the CD rack...

Itsuki looks inside the box... There are still things for him to organize...

If the player chooses option 3:

Itsuki: Magazine Tele-V... I wonder where should I put this away...

Maiko: Wow, now THAT brings back memories! This is the magazine that Ellie appeared in for the first time. She only had a side role in a TV drama, but there was a tiny picture of her in that show's article.

Itsuki: Huh.

Maiko: It gets funnier from there! So, I came to the office that day, and I found that magazine sitting on the table. On top of that, it's open to the page of that article. And guess what? Ellie says in this nonchalant way, "You forgot this."

Itsuki: I can imagine.

Maiko: Seriously, it was so cute. She gets the short end of the stick sometimes because she looks fierce, but she really is a good girl.

Itsuki puts away the Tele-V on the magazine rack...

Itsuki looks inside the box... There are still things for him to organize...

If the player chooses option 4:

Itsuki: Uta-loid software, huh? I wonder where should I put this away...

Maiko: Ooh! That right there is the sample version of "Tiki"!

Itsuki: A sample?

Maiko: Mm-hm. I remember having Tharja do the programming for it.

Itsuki: Oh right. Tiki maintains her form with the Performa that's created from the songs made from this program...

Maiko: That's right. Everything started that day when I met Tiki... It was right after that day I had way too much to drink. When I saw that Tiki was see-through and about to vanish, I thought she was a fairy that only drunk people could see...

Itsuki: That doesn't sound dramatic at all...

Maiko: I've been with her for five years now. That girl hasn't changed at all. Ugh... Isn't there any way for me to become a virtual idol too?

Itsuki put away the Uta-loid software under the trophy shelving...

Itsuki: That just about does it... Hm? What's this?

Maiko:' Ahhhhhhhhh! There it is! I've been looking for that!

Itsuki: WHat is this?

Maiko: I guess you could call it... the footsteps since the founding of Fortuna Entertainment.

Many photos of Itsuki's friends at Fortuna line the album.

Recent pages have pictures of Touma, Tsubasa, and Itsuki too...

Itsuki: Everyone looks like they're having fun.

Maiko: This is like an energy boost for me. I gaze at it when times are tough. I can't believe it's already been five years...

The player is given two options on how to respond:

  • Why did you start the agency?
  • You are getting old, boss.

If the player chooses option 2:

If the player chooses option 1:

Itsuki: Why did you start the agency, Ms. Maiko? Being president is quite the career change from modeling work.

Maiko: If I were to give a reason... I guess it'd be because of my sense of duty.

Itsuki: What do you mean?

Maiko: I felt that I had to fight to save this world. When that incident occurred five years ago, I met Tiki... which in turn lead to the creation of Fortuna. I've been frantically gathering Masters since then.

Itsuki: So I see.

Maiko: I'll admit there were times I was depressed because I couldn't quite give up my original career. But as I continued to watch over all the other talent, I began to think differently. I thought, rather than me take the spotlight, I want these children to shine brighter; I want them to the top. That's why I'm proud of the work I do now.

Maiko: Ahaha, sorry to ramble on like that. It's been a while since I've done such a thing. What is this? Is this your special skill to make people talk? Pretty impressive considering how young you are. I know. I'm going to give you something nice to thank you for your work today, Itsuki.

Itsuki: Something nice?

Maiko hands you a book...

Obtained (Key Item) Maiko's Photo Book 2.

Maiko: Tadaaaah! This is a rare item that you can't buy anymore!

The player is given two options on how to respond:

  • Are you done with modeling?
  • I'd rather see the real thing.

If the player chooses option 2:

If the player chooses option 1:

Itsuki: Are you done with modeling?

Maiko: Hmm... I'd be lying if I said that I wouldn't want to do it again. You know, this was planned as a trilogy, but I retired before the last book was shot. It was supposed to be in Guam. I guess I could say that that's my only regret... Haha, just kidding. Right now, I feel that my purpose in life is to watch over all of you as president of this company, so don't worry about it.

Itsuki: I see.

Maiko: Hehehe, you're such a good listener that I think I spoke too much... Well then, thank you for today! If anything comes up today, I'll ask for your help.