Prologue: Reincarnation

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Introduction Cutscene

>Cutscene showing a teenage girl in an opera house watching a show starring a male and female actor, as well as a small string orchestra. Purple fog mysterious appears and the actress suddenly disappears, leaving the crowd muttering questions to themselves. Soon, everyone in the audience starts to disappear, leaving only the teenage girl. As the fog approaches her, she begins crying, and a bright bubble suddenly appears around her, dispelling the fog. She looks around, confused.

Newspaper: Mass disappearance at opera house. Audience of a thousand missing; still unaccounted for. Whereabouts still unknown for veteran actor Chikaomi Tsurugi and idol ingenue Ayaha Oribe. Local 13-year-old girl, only survivor.

And so… five years later...

>Game intro plays, features Reincarnation by Kiria Kurono.

Prologue: Reincarnation


>Camera pans into the TV station seen in the game’s intro, an older teenager who resembles the 13-year-old girl in the first cutscene is shown in the station. Camera shifts to the blue-haired teenage boy seen in the game’s intro, who is also in the station.

Itsuki: Some kind of event, huh…? Wonder what’s taking Touma so long.

>Wii U GamePad shakes, shows a text conversation between Itsuki and a red-haired teenage boy called Touma.

Itsuki: Aren’t you two overreacting a little?

Touma: hey, we’re all friends here. what’s wrong with wanting to all hang out

Touma: welp, guess that means tomorrow’s gonna be us guys out on the town!

>An urgent message appears on Topic.

Touma: blargh sorry! running late! I seriously just got off the stage

Touma: sorry, man. gah, and i was the one who set this whole thing up, too

The player is given two options on how to reply:

  1. Don't worry about it.
  2. Welp. I'm going home.

If the player chooses option 1:

Touma: thanks man. sorry again!

Touma: oh btw, i saw someone who looked a lot like tsubasa in odaiba today. did she tell you anything about her plans?

Itsuki: Nope…

Touma: eh, it was probably someone else then. Anyhow, i’ll be there as soon as i can, so just hang on a little more

Touma: sends a picture of a masked man with the words, “here I go!” written on it.

If the player chooses option 2:


Itsuki: (Guess I'll just wander about, then...)

>Camera shifts towards the back of the female girl.

Itsuki: Tsubasa?

>Game transitions to gameplay. The option to scroll up on the currently-selected Topic conversation is given, revealing the beginning of the conversation.

Touma: hey itsuki! you down to hang out in odaiba tomorrow? have a little end-of-exams party?

Itsuki: responds with an “ok” picture

Touma: awesome. i’m working as an extra until like 1, so let’s meet up around then

Touma: you want in on this tsubasa

Tsubasa: sends a picture depicting a crying person

Tsubasa: wish I could, but I’m busy tomorrow… ;_;

Itsuki: Ah, well. It happens.

Tsubasa: invite me next time you guys go hang out, okay? I’ll definitely go then!

Touma: no worries, tsubasa. as soon as itsuki has some free time, i’ll let you know

Tsubasa: sends a picture of a smiling person with sparkles all over them

Itsuki: Aren’t you two overreacting a little?

Touma: hey, we’re all friends here. what’s wrong with wanting to all hang out

Touma: welp, guess that means tomorrow’s gonna be us guys out on the town!

>Clicking ‘CONTACTS’ allows the player the reveal two additional conversations on Topic: one with Tsubasa, and another for Touma

>Player clicks Tsubasa’s profile.

Tsubasa: Itsuki! how’s studying going? you ready for the next test?

Itsuki: Eh, it’s going okay… How about you, Tsubasa?

Tsubasa: we only have tests in two subjects tomorrow, so I just finished reviewing. now I’m going to sleep early ^_^

Itsuki: There’s three subjects tomorrow. English, Literature, and Math.



Itsuki: Tsubasa?

Tsubasa: I FORGOT MATH!!!!! D8

Tsubasa: actually, I probably blocked it out of my mind because I didn’t want to think about it…

Tsubasa: sends a picture of a blushing dog looking shocked

Itsuki: Good luck.

>Player clicks Touma’s profile.


Itsuki: What’s up?

Touma: what are you acting all calm for!? you know we have a test tomorrow! holy crap i am not sleeping tonight

Itsuki: Why don’t you study then?

Touma: what, you feel like you’re ready for it?

Itsuki: Eh. So-so, I’d say.

Touma: woooow, this crap again? yeah, i can tell you’ve been studying your ass off!

Itsuki: No, seriously. I haven’t really had a lot of a time for that.

Touma: there’s no time to waste! gotta use these final moments to cram as much as i can!


Touma: sends a picture of a masked him with the words, “Here I go” written on it

Itsuki: Best of luck to you.

>Player navigates through the area in order to meet with Tsubasa. Tsubasa turns around and notices Itsuki.

Tsubasa: H-Huh!? I-Itsuki!?

Itsuki: I thought that was you, Tsubasa.

Tsubasa: I-I-I thought you were hanging out with Touma today!

Itsuki: He hasn’t shown up yet, so I figured I’d hang out for a while.

Tsubasa: Urgh… Thanks, Touma…

Itsuki: Tsubasa?

Tsubasa: I, uh, well… O-Oh, did you hear!? Kiria’s doing a live concert in the middle of Shibuya soon. Isn’t that awesome!?

The player is given two options on how to reply:

  1. Yeah, pretty awesome.
  2. “Kiria”...?

If the player chooses option 1:

Itsuki: Yeah, pretty awesome.

Tsubasa: I know, right?! I mean, Kiria’s one of the best female artists in Japan right now. She’s totally my hero…

Itsuki: Sounds like you’re really into this Kiria stuff.

Tsubasa: I’m her biggest fan! You should really listen to her sometime, Itsuki!

Itsuki: I’ll… get around to it.

Tsubasa: You promise?

Itsuki: Yeah, yeah.

Tsubasa: Don’t “yeah, yeah” me… You’re just saying that to get me off your case. *Sigh* Come on, Itsuki, we’ve been friends since we were kids. Can’t you take me seriously for once? Okay, got it. If you don’t listen to Kiria... We’re getting parfait, your treat! Make sure it’s extra large!

Itsuki: I mean, I’ll get you parfait if you want… I just don’t see why you’re trying to get ME excited about her.

Tsubasa: It makes perfect sense! I just want to be able to talk about Kiria stuff with you.

Itsuki: I think that’s probably enough about her… So what exactly are you doing here in Daitama, again?

Tsubasa: Gah, I thought I threw him off the trail…! Uh, well, you know, just… things…

If the player chooses option 2:


>An announcement over the speaker suddenly interrupts the conversation.

Announcer: All applicants for the One of Millennium idol audition, please gather in the reception area.

Tsubasa: Gaah! I-I, uh, just remembered there was something I had to do! So, uh… Gotta go! I’ll see you later!

Itsuki: Tsubasa?

>Transitions to gameplay.

Itsuki: (Sounds like something’s going on in the back… If Touma’s going to be a while, I might as well check it out.)

>Player moves to the queue where people are waiting to enter the back room. Itsuki walks past a large mirror, and a shadowy, red-cloaked figure suddenly emerges from behind him, before disappearing as quickly as it came. A small glow also appears on Itsuki’s person. He doesn’t notice the two abnormalities. As Itsuki enters the back room, he ends up in a crowd of people cheering at a bunch of girls on a stage, with one of the girls being Tsubasa. In front of the girls on stage is a man dressed in an orangey-yellow suit. The suited gentleman begins to speak.

MC: Ladies and gentlemen, your finalists for the One of Millennium Idol Discovery Audition! And I’m your host, Teru Gojuin. Which talented contestant will get the glory of victory and a shot at stardom!? Are… you… READY?

The crowd cheers “Yeeeeaaah!”

Gojuin: And so am I!

>Itsuki makes a comment regarding that the “idol audition hosted by Gojuin has begun”. One by one, the girls on the stage step up and start being interviewed by Gojuin. Itsuki is on his phone, uninterested at what’s going on.

Gojuin: Next up, number four--Tsubasa Oribe.

>Tsubasa walks up next to Gojuin. The crowd cheers a “Whoa…!” Itsuki notices Tsubasa, appears surprised.

Itsuki: Huh? Tsubasa?

Tsubasa: My name is… Tsubasa Oribe! I-I’m meased to pleat you!

The crowd laughs at her speech mistake. Tsubasa blushes.

Tsubasa: Aw, geez… I totally messed that up.

Itsuki: What’s Tsubasa doing onstage…?

>A tense pulsation is felt by Itsuki. The shadowy, red-cloaked figure is seen looming behind Tsubasa. Like Itsuki before, Tsubasa has a small, faint glow appear on her. Itsuki notices the two this time.

Itsuki: Huh...?

>The cloaked figure and the glow on Tsubasa both disappear.

Itsuki: What… was that…?

Gojuin: So tell us, Tsubasa, what kind of star did you want to be?

Tsubasa: I… I want to become an idol that can… make everyone happy!

The crowd cheers a “Whoa…”

Gojuin: Wooow. And just what motivated you to want to be that kind of idol. We’re just dying know, aren’t we, folks?

The crowd cheers a “We are!”

Tsubasa: Well… A while ago… I went through some hard times and got really depressed… Everyone was really worried about me, but that just ended up feeling more like a burden… But… I had a friend that still talked with me like everything was normal--just like he always did. That cheered me up… and it helped me feel like I could smile again. That’s why… I want to be able to help everyone smile, just like my friend did for me.


Gojuin: By the way… why don’t you tell us what it was that made you so depressed?

Tsubasa: Huh…? Well, um…

Gojuin: Is it, maybe… something to do with your sister?

Tsubasa: …!?

Gojuin: Your sister is the idol Ayaha Oribe, isn’t she?

Tsubasa: Y-Yes… that’s true…

Gojuin: Well, why didn’t you say so!? This is very important information. So, tell us… what kind of sister was she?

Tsubasa: She was always cheerful, a great singer… And most importantly… sh-she was a very kind person.

Gojuin: Buuut, five years ago… during that so-called “Mass Disappearance” your sister disappeared, didn’t she?


>The crowd starts to go wary.

Suspicious Crowd: Hey… These questions are getting a little weird.

Informed Crowd: Isn’t the Mass Disappearance where all the performers and audience in a theater just disappeared?

Gojuin: A girl whose heart cries out for her missing sister. Oh, so tragic. So beautiful! Oh, my heartstrings! But here, now, HERE… We come to the most important question of all. Tsubasa. For your incredible talent, I could let you see your beloved sister once again… How about it?


Gojuin: The truth is… I have called Ms. Ayaha Oribe to be our special guest today!

Tsubasa: ...Huh? Sh-She’s here!?

Gojuin: Hah! You took it hook, line, and sinker!

>Gojuin’s face turns demonic, with his tongue sticking out and exposing his pointy teeth. His skin slowly turns into a shade or purple, and his limbs turn black. Small, black triangles start to circle his body.

Gojuin: I got something special for gullible idiots like you… You’re going to get exactly what your sister got!

>Multiple of the shadowy, red-cloaked figures appear, forming a wall in front of Tsubasa and the other three girls on stage, as well as appearing in the crowd. Everyone present goes into a state of fear and worry.

Scared Crowd: Gaaaaaaah! S-Stop, you can’t-guh…

>Members of the crowd start to collapse.

Scared Crowd: Wh-What’s going on!? Nooo! Ugh… gah…

Gojuin: Gwahahahaha! Get to it, lads! Grab it all! I want all the Perfoma these humans got!

>Camera focuses on Itsuki, who is clutching his head in pain. He is surrounded by veils of dark triangles.'

Itsuki: Ungh… What’s... happening…?

Tsubasa: Aaaaaah!

Itsuki: Gah…!

Gojuin: Don’t let her escape, now! That little girlie’s gonna make a fine vessel for her!

>There is a blue and white portal behind Gojuin. He turns around and walks through it, leaving the scene.

Tsubasa: Aaaaaah…!

Itsuki: Tsubasa!

>One of the shadowy figures has Tsubasa by the neck. It starts to take Tsubasa through the portal Gojuin just walked through.

Tsubasa: Itsuki…! Help me!

>The shadowy figure forcefully takes Tsubasa through the portal. When gone, the other figures in the room disappear, leaving behind a conscious Itsuki and an unconscious crowd.

Itsuki: Gah…!

>The small glow again appears on Itsuki. Once it flashes and disappears, the black triangle veils binding him vanish.

Itsuki: Wh-What-- What’s going on…? Ts-Tsubasa…!

>The game transitions to gameplay. The player has the option of backtracking, but nothing new will happen. So the player walks Itsuki towards the portal.

Itsuki: I have to… save her…!

>The player interacts with the portal.

Itsuki: (Tsubasa was taken through here…)

The player is given two choices:

  • Touch it
  • Cancel

If the player selects “Cancel”, the game will not progress. So the only option is to select “Touch it”.

>Itsuki sticks his hand into the portal and is immediately warped to a dungeon. Noticeable attributes include a green and black sky, large torches emitting white hot flames, floating debris, and neon blue lights lighting the walkway. The atmosphere is dark and brooding.

Illusory Daitama

Itsuki: Tsubasa...!

>Itsuki looks around the surroundings, notices a few unconscious people on the floor, presumably from Daitama.

Itsuki: What the-- What is this place...? Am I even... in Daitama anymore...?

>A mysterious flash happens in front of Itsuki; a small female with green hair appears, floating in the air. She is wearing unusual clothing.

Mysterious Girl: You have to hurry...

Itsuki: Huh?

Mysterious Girl: She's in danger... You have to hurry to the depths...

>The mysterious girl starts to head into the dungeon, fading in and out of existence as she does so.

Itsuki: Who was that girl...? No... She can wait. I have to find Tsubasa.

>Game transitions to gameplay. The player has the choice of going back through the portal to Daitama, though as it does not progress the story, the player has no choice but to go deeper into the dungeon. As Itsuki takes a few steps forward, he receives a text from Touma. The conversation goes as follows:

Touma: hey, some weird stuff's going down in daitama right now. where are you? is everything okay?

Itsuki: I think I'm still in Daitama... I went through this weird gate thing and ended up in some huge place I've never seen before...

Touma: oh crap. that's not good.

Itsuki: You know this place?

Touma: i can't explain right now man! itsuki, i need you to get out of there NOW!

Itsuki: I don't really get it...

Itsuki: But Tsubasa got kidnapped by some kind of monsters. I'm not just leaving her behind in here.

Touma: hey! come on! itsuki!

>As Itsuki puts his phone away, a sudden scream grabs his attention.

Girl's Voice: Aaaaaaah!

Itsuki: Huh!?

>Game transitions to gameplay. As Itsuki walks, he can hear a deep voice uttering words. He eventually finds a elevator. He goes down on it, takes a few steps forwards once it stops, and hears the feminine scream again.

Girl's Voice: Ahhhhh!

Itsuki: What was that...!?

>Game transitions to gameplay. As Itsuki jogs for a short period of time, he notices one of the girl's that were on the stage earlier being chased by one of the red-cloaked figures.

Itsuki: That's-

>The girl is quickly surrounded by the cloaked figures. She becomes terrified.

Girl: Auuuugh...!

> The cloaked figures lift her off the ground; the woman is clutching her head in pain. Gojuin suddenly appears from the ground.

Gojuin: Not bad, not bad... Guess I should've expected as much from a vessel we picked out specially.

>One of the cloaked figures comes up behind the girl. It then merges with her, giving her a look similar to Gojuin: a purple and black complexion.

Gojuin: Won't be long now til Tsubasa's finished... Everything's goin' perfect.

> Gojuin, the girl, and the remaining cloaked figures all seep through the floor, vanishing from the scene.

Itsuki: No...! Tsubasa...

> The deep voice heard before speaks again, uttering a "Give me.."

Itsuki: Wha-?

Deep Voice: Your power... It is mine... Your power is mine...

>The source of the deep voice manifests behind Itsuki. It is another red-cloaked figure, but as the camera zooms in on it's face, two bright blue "eyes" are shown. The bottom half of it's face is covered. Itsuki turns around to meet the voice, and is surprised at what he sees. He then runs off, afraid.

Itsuki: Ahhhh!

>Itsuki runs to a dead end with a large drop. Turning around, he sees the cloaked figure speedily approaching him.

Cloaked figure: Your power is miiiiiiiine!

>With no choice, Itsuki turns around and jumps off. The force of the impact landing on the surface beneath him was so great he stumbles and falls over. When he turns around, he notices the figure is no longer following him. He gets up and the game resumes back to gameplay. As Itsuki walks forward, he comes across a door.

Itsuki: (I sense a dangerous presence beyond this door... What should I do?)

The player is given two choices:

  • Proceed
  • Do not proceed

>Itsuki proceeds to open the door.

Tsubasa's Voice: No... Stop...

Itsuki: ...! Tsubasa!

>The cloaked figure that was chasing Itsuki suddenly appears behind him again.

Ghostly Man: Give me... Your power... It is mine... Your power is mine...

>Itsuki turns around, again surprised to see the cloaked man.

Itsuki: Whoa...!

>In horror, he turns around and forces himself through the door. An animated cutscene then plays, showing Itsuki falling over under his own force and weight. When he looks up, he sees Tsubasa floating in the air, being choked by one of the cloaked figures.

Itsuki: Tsubasa!

>Purple fog comes from behind Itsuki, forming into the figure that has been following Itsuki. The figure binds Itsuki with the black triangles, then forcefully pulls Itsuki towards him. The figure then pushes Itsuki away, releasing him from the binds. As Itsuki tries to get up, the figure slowly approaches him and brandishes a sword that was concealed under its long sleeve. As he is about to slash Itsuki, a mysterious glow suddenly starts to flash on Itsuki's body, forcing the figure to relent. The glow then manifests into a floating orb. Itsuki grabs hold on his orb and attacks the figure with it. The orb forces its way into the figure, putting it under extreme pain. The orb glows inside the figure, and soon it's robes burn off, revealing a blue-haired man in blue, purple, and silver clothing. The game then transitions back to in-game.

Ghostly Man: Gods... What was I doing...?

Itsuki: Ngh...!

>The figure turns around suddenly and sees three more red-cloaked figures. He then brandishes the sword that was held in it's sheathe.

Ghostly Man: Go! I'll take care of them!

Itsuki: Huh...? But why are you...

Ghostly Man: We don't have time to talk! Go and rescue that girl!

Tsubasa: Nngh...!

Itsuki: Tsubasa!

Ghostly Man: Now!

Itsuki: Rrgh... But... what can I do to save her...?

Tsubasa: Itsu... ki...?

>The glow then appears on Tsubasa, stunning the figure that was choking her. Released, she falls onto her knees, holding the glow that has now also manifested into an orb. Itsuki, remembering what he did to pacify his assailant, realises what either he or Tsubasa must do.

Itsuki: That's it...!

>He runs over to Tsubasa, and another animated cutscene plays. Itsuki holds his hand over Tsubasa's orb, taking it from her. He then shoves it into Tsubasa's assailant. The process is repeated, revealing Tsubasa's assailant to be a blue-haired woman armed with a lance, wearing predominantly white and pink armour. She is seen kneeling on the floor, holding her head in a confused state. Itsuki, Tsubasa, and the two uncloaked figures are then surrounded by malicious, cloaked figures. The four nod at each other.

Itsuki & Tsubasa: Carnage Form!

>The uncloaked figures both into lights, with each of them travelling into their respective person. Itsuki and Tsubasa's physical appearance change drastically; they're in their Carnage Forms.

Itsuki: Yeah!

Tsubasa: Mm-hm!

>The two of them brace themselves for combat.

Itsuki: How can I...

Mysterious Voice: Incredible...

Itsuki: Gahh! A talking sword!? Wait... I know that voice. Are you that... blue ghost from before?

Itsuki's Sword: Yes. Somehow, it looks like I... became a blade.

Itsuki: This... can't be real...

Tsubasa's Lance: Be careful!

Itsuki's Sword: It's all right. I'm here with you... Now, come on!

>First battle starts. The four are victorious. They revert back to their usual attire, though they are still holding their weapons.

Ghostly Man: Looks like we managed to take them out...

>The two ghostly figures revert back to their usual selves

Ghostly Woman: And it seems as though we're able to revert back to these forms as well.

Ghostly Man: Much of all this is still unclear, but my name is Chrom. I can remember that much...

Itsuki: Chrom... thank you. I couldn't have saved Tsubasa without you. I'm Itsuki--Itsuki Aoi.

Chrom: Itsuki Aoi, huh...

>Chrom extends his hand.

Itsuki: ?

Chrom: I should be the one thanking you. It was that light within you that freed me from the darkness. ... You have my gratitude. And it's a pleasure to meet you, Itsuki.

Itsuki: ... Of course! Likewise, Chrom!

>Itsuki shakes Chrom's hand.

Ghostly Woman: My name is Caeda. And yours was... Tsubasa, wasn't it?

Tsubasa: Huh? Oh, yes! I'm Tsubasa Oribe, 18 years old!

Caeda: I really am sorry, Tsubasa. I must have scared you quite a bit, didn't I?

Tsubasa: Well... actually, yes, that was really scary. But if it wasn't for you, who knows what would have happened to me back there, so... Thank you, Ms. Caeda.

Caeda: Please, just call me Caeda... You're a kindhearted girl, Tsubasa.

Itsuki: Sorry, but... what exactly are you two? I mean you attacked us and then you saved us...

Chrom: I'm sorry, but I can't even remember why I'm here in the first place.

Tsubasa: Caeda... is your memory gone too?

Caeda: Unfortunately, yes... I've been trying to recall, but...

Tsubasa: I see... Itsuki, what should we do?

Chrom: I say we get out as soon as we can. If we linger too long, we might find ourselves with unwanted company.

Itsuki: Chrom's right. We can figure out the details after we get out of here alive.

>Game transitions to gameplay. The player can speak to Tsubasa.

Tsubasa: Thank you for coming after me, Itsuki... I was so relieved...

>The team exit through a second door. Chrom quickly makes a remark after a few steps.

Chrom's Voice: Wait, Itsuki.

>An enemy suddenly spawns. It has not noticed the party.

Itsuki: (There's an enemy here too...!)

>The enemy notices the party. Once defeated, gameplay is resumed. Chrom interrupts again after picking up an chest containing some medicine.

Chrom's Voice: Loos like there's quite a few enemies lurking around here... Keep an eye on your health, and heal before things get out of hand.

>Gameplay is resumed. The party finds a green wall with a red object protruding from it. The text reads, "A mysterious power is protecting this wall... There is nothing Itsuki can do right now." As the party ascends and steps off a nearby elevator, a text from Touma is received The conversation is as follows.

Touma: ITSUKI! are you okay!?

Itsuki: Yeah, somehow. I found Tsubasa, too. We're all right.

Touma: where even are you guys right now?

Itsuki: I actually have no idea.

Touma: gaahhh you dumbass

okay look. you guys gotta find the exit. got that?

Touma: there should be a round building somewhere south of you. the exit's near there, so get moving!

Touma: and BE CAREFUL. you guys better not die!

>Itsuki turns around a sees a large, red, circular building.

Itsuki: That must be it

Tsubasa: Aaah! I-Itsuki!

>Itsuki hastily turns around, sees two enemies in front of Tsubasa.

Itsuki: Gh...!

>Fight ensues. After the enemies are beaten, a glowing orb is left behind.

Itsuki: ... The monsters keep leaving these behind. What is this?

Chrom: It's called Perfoma. Chances are, it was harvested from a human...

Tsubasa: Per...forma?

Caeda: It's a power than only you humans carry within... For beings like us, it provides sustenance and power.

Itsuki: So that host at the audition... was kidnapping people to steal their Perfoma...?

Tsubasa: Wooow... Look at it sparkle!

Caeda: *Chuckle* I sense Perfoma shining within you, too, Tsubasa.

Itsuki: A power carried by humans...

>Game resumes back to gameplay.

To be added...