Mia (Cipher)

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Mia benefits from having Frail Priest, Rhys on the field, bolstering her attack by 10.

Mia: Unrivaled Sword Hand
Class Swordmaster ({{{class_type}}}) Cost 4
Symbol None None Affinities None None None None None
Attack 70 Support 10 Range 1
Skill 1 {{{skill1}}}
Skill 2 {{{skill2}}}
Support Skill N/A
Card Code {{{card_code}}} Illustrator
Comment Mia is one of the few cards that your opponent's main character can't avoid. It's a useful skill that usually requires a hefty cost to use only once, while this card constantly achieves it after collecting a stack of 4.
Mia: Young Warrior of the Mercenaries
Class Mercenary ({{{class_type}}}) Cost 1
Symbol None None Affinities None None None None None
Attack 40 Support 10 Range 1
Skill 1 {{{skill1}}}
Skill 2 {{{skill2}}}
Support Skill
Attack Support
"Emblem of Strength" Until the end of the battle, the attacking unit gains +20 attack.
Card Code {{{card_code}}} Illustrator