Weapon Experience Quotes (Awakening)

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Character Quote
Chrom I got some quick training in. A leader should always be at the top of his game.
Robin (Male 1) All right! I managed to sneak some practice in.
Lissa I snuck in some practice. Gotta keep up with the others, after all.
Frederick I managed some extra training. I must stay sharp to protect my comrades.
Sully I snuck in a little extra training. Felt damn good, too.
Virion This extra training has left me exhausted, but at least I have the grace to not look it.
Sumia I snuck in some practice. If anyone needs it, it's me...
Donnel Whew! Bit'a extra practice is tougher'n plowin' the fields any which day!
Lon'qu I just cut down a couple brigands in the meantime. Gotta keep my arms loose…
Ricken I snuck in some practice. Gotta prove that I can hold my own!
Maribelle I managed some additional practice. I'm not afraid of a little extra work.
Gaius I snuck in some practice, but I could use a sugar boost in a big bad way.
Panne I snuck in some extra training. I must represent my people proudly.
Cordelia I snuck in some training. Effort is the start of excellence.
Nowi I practiced my dragon RAWR! Hopefully it’ll scare away more baddies now.
Tharja Me, weaving horrible, awful hexes? Oh, those were just PRACTICE curses. Honest.
Olivia I snuck in some weapon practice. Can't rely on dancing all the time, after all.
Cherche I snuck in a bit of training, but I still have much to learn...
Henry If practices makes perfect, then an extra bit of practice is perfectly fine by me.
Lucina I snuck in some practice, but will it be enough…
Morgan (Female) I snuck in some practice. Maybe there's hope for me as a tactician yet!
Owain Secret Art...BIDING BLADE! Heeyaah! Yes, I can feel the extra training working...
Inigo I snuck in some practice, if you know what I mean. ...What? No, FIGHTING practice.
Brady I snuck in some practice. Now if I could just keep my weapon from flyin' outta my hand...
Cynthia See that? The practice session of champions! I'm so strong now, it's scary.
Gerome I snuck in some practice. You'd think I would be beyond that by now...
Gangrel I snuck in some practice to see how it felt, but I admit, I prefer executions to exercise.
Legacy characters …!