Shez (Three Hopes)

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Route Chapter Condition
Scarlet Blaze Chapter 0 Starting character.
Azure Gleam Chapter 0 Starting character.
Golden Wildfire Chapter 0 Starting character.


Tier Class Stars Category Name Description
4 Dark Bishop 3 Absorb Absorb Speed Grants a minor boost to Spd each time an enemy commander is defeated. The boosts last throughout the battle.
2 Archer 3 Adjutant One Heart One Mind When this unit is an adjutant: greatly increases elemental effects of Adjutant Follow-Ups.
3 Sniper 3 Adjutant Warrior Assist When this unit is an adjutant: increases the fill rate of the active unit's Warrior Gauge.
2 Fluegel 3 Awakening True Awakening Extends the duration of Awakenings.
2 Armored Knight 1 Battalion Defensive Tactics Reduces damage to battalion endurance by 30%.
4 Asura 1 Breaker Axebreaker Grants one tier greater advantage against enemies equipped with axes. Increases damage to them by 50%.
2 Archer 1 Class Skill Archer's Ploy Increases the critical hit rate of Archer, Sniper, and Bow Knight class actions.
2 Armored Knight 3 Class Skill Armored Infantry's Wisdom Nullifies status effects inside areas created by Armor Knight and Fortress Knight class actions.
2 Brawler 1 Class Skill Brawler's Ploy Grants the class actions of Brawlers, Grapplers, and War Masters a chance to produce the Stun Gauge.
2 Brigand 3 Class Skill Warrior's Ploy When using Brigand and Warrior class actions, temporarily reduces enemy Def in proportion to the number of bars filled.
2 Cavalier 3 Class Skill Knight's Ploy Guarantees the enemy's guard will break when activating the class actions of lance-wielding cavalry with at least one bar filled.
2 Fluegel 2 Class Skill Dual Wielder's Ploy Increases the attack range of Asura and Fluegel class actions.
2 Mage 3 Class Skill Mage's Ploy Imbues Mage, Warlock, and Gremory class actions with an element regardless of whether they are chained from strong attacks.
2 Mercenary 3 Class Skill Mercenary's Wisdom Increases damage dealt by Mercenary, Swordmaster, and Mortal Savant class actions in proportion to Spd.
2 Priest 3 Class Skill Priest's Wisdom Increases damage dealt by Priest and Bishop class actions in proportion to Lck.
2 Thief 3 Class Skill Thief's Ploy Gives Thieves, Assassins, and Tricksters a rare chance to instantly defeat non-commander units with class actions.
3 Dark Mage 2 Class Skill Dark Mage's Ploy Extends the time enemies are paralyzed by Dark Mage and Dark Bishop class actions.
3 Fortress Knight 2 Class Skill Smite When using cavalry or armored classes, dashing through enemies inflicts damage.
3 Wyvern Rider 2 Class Skill Wyvern Rider's Wisdom Increases damage to enemy Stun Gauges when using the class actions of axe-wielding fliers.
4 Dancer 2 Class Skill Special Dance Increases the potency of a dancer unit's class actions.
4 Great Knight 1 Class Skill Armored Cavalry's Wisdom Increases damage dealt by Great Knight class actions in proportion to Def.
3 Swordmaster 1 Critical Boost Critical Increases critical hit rate.
3 Swordmaster 3 Critical Apex Sword Increases critical hit damage when equipped with a sword.
2 Brawler 3 Damage Concentration Moderately extends the time before the hit count expires.
3 Dark Mage 3 Damage Transmute Taking hits from enemies equipped with tomes increases all stats by [0:NUMBER] for a period of time.
4 Holy Knight 2 Damage United Front Increases damage dealt to enemies in proportion to the number of allied commanders nearby.
4 Wyvern Lord 2 Damage Howl Makes it easier to knock back enemy commanders.
2 Cavalier 1 Defiant Desperation When HP is at 50% or below: strong attacks will break an enemy's guard.
2 Mercenary 1 Defiant Vantage When HP is at 50% or below: Perfect Guards restore a small amount of the Warrior and Awakening Gauges.
3 Warrior 3 Defiant Wrath When HP is at 50% or below: greatly increases damage dealt by critical rushes.
3 Wyvern Rider 1 Defiant Defiant Str When HP is at 25% or below: increases Str by 20.
4 Bow Knight 3 Defiant Defiant Spd When HP is at 25% or below: increases Spd by 20.
4 Holy Knight 3 Defiant Defiant Res When HP is at 25% or below: increases Res by 20.
4 War Master 3 Defiant Quick Riposte When HP is at 50% or below: forces enemies to sustain damage proportional to the damage they inflict.
4 Wyvern Lord 3 Defiant Defiant Crit When HP is at 25% or below: drastically increases damage dealt by critical rushes.
3 Dark Mage 1 Elemental Buffs Essence of Darkness Causes dark-based combat arts, magic, strong attacks, and class actions to instead produce a more powerful version of that attack.
3 Warlock 1 Elemental Buffs Fiendish Blow Increases the power of elemental effects.
3 Assassin 1 High Dex Sneak Attack Attacking foes from behind greatly increases damage in proportion to the unit's Dex.
3 Paladin 1 High Dex Aegis Grants a (Dex × 0.25%) chance of nullifying damage from enemies equipped with bows or tomes.
4 Trickster 1 Pefect Guard/Dodge Pass Makes it easier to perform Perfect Guards.
2 Thief 1 Rewards Appraisal Improves the quality of weapons and materials dropped by fallen enemy commanders.
3 Assassin 2 Rewards Despoil Awards gold for defeating enemies.
2 Fluegel 1 Stats Carpe Diem Increases Dex and Spd by 5.
2 Brigand 1 Stun Death Blow Keeps the Stun Gauge visible for longer.
3 Warrior 1 Stun Heavy Hitter Gives strong attacks a low chance to produce the Stun Gauge.
4 Trickster 3 Stun Patience Hitting an enemy while they are readying an attack greatly increases damage to the Stun Gauge.
1 Soldier 1 Super Armor Backbone Reduces the unit's chance of getting knocked back by attacks.
4 Asura 3 Super Armor The Creation Completely prevents knockback if at least one bar of the Warrior Gauge is filled.
4 Great Knight 3 Super Armor Stalwart Stance Prevents hits from swords, lances, axes, and gauntlets from knocking back the unit mid-attack.
4 Mortal Savant 3 Super Armor Serene Stance Prevents hits from bows and tomes from knocking back the unit mid-attack.
3 Fortress Knight 1 Survivability Anchor Sometimes automatically guards against enemy attacks that would otherwise knock the unit back.
4 Trickster 2 Survivability Medical Expertise Increases the potency of vulneraries, concoctions, and elixirs by 50%.
2 Priest 1 Survivablity Miracle Allows the unit to survive a single blow that would otherwise reduce HP to zero.
3 Bishop 3 Survivablity Renewal Restores a slight amount of HP at regular intervals.
3 Grappler 3 Survivablity Rejuvenation Restores HP every 800 hits.
3 Swordmaster 2 Survivablity Provoke Draws attacks, increasing the frequency that surrounding foes attack the unit.
4 Great Knight 2 Survivablity Knucklebreaker Taking a hit while guarding causes the enemy to incur damage proportional to the unit's Def. The enemy's Str is also temporarily reduced by 10.
2 Mage 1 Trade Off Lifeforce Greatly increases damage dealt by combat arts and magic, but causes the unit to sustain damage with each use in proportion to Mt.
4 Dark Bishop 1 Trade Off Impossible Feat When HP is at [0:NUMBER]% or above: greatly increases damage dealt to foes, but attacking also causes the unit to sustain damage for a period of time.
1 Fighter 1 Warrior Spirited Seize Slightly restores the Warrior Gauge upon seizing a stronghold.
3 Warlock 3 Warrior Aggression Increases the Warrior Gauge fill rate when attacking foes with status effects.
4 Asura 2 Warrior Renewed Carnage Gradually restores the Warrior Gauge.
4 Dancer 3 Warrior Charm Catalyst Increases the Warrior Gauge fill rate in proportion to the unit's Cha.
4 Dark Knight 2 Warrior Cyclical Specials Temporarily increases the Warrior Gauge fill rate after initiating a Warrior Special.
4 Dark Knight 3 Warrior Specials Master Defeating 30 or more enemies with a single Warrior Special temporarily increases critical hit rate.

Tier Class Stars Category Name Description
2 Archer 3 Adjutant One Heart One Mind When this unit is an adjutant: greatly increases elemental effects of Adjutant Follow-Ups.
3 Sniper 3 Adjutant Warrior Assist When this unit is an adjutant: increases the fill rate of the active unit's Warrior Gauge.
2 Fluegel 3 Awakening True Awakening Extends the duration of Awakenings.
2 Armored Knight 1 Battalion Defensive Tactics Reduces damage to battalion endurance by 30%.
4 Asura 1 Breaker Axebreaker Grants one tier greater advantage against enemies equipped with axes. Increases damage to them by 50%.
2 Archer 1 Class Skill Archer's Ploy Increases the critical hit rate of Archer, Sniper, and Bow Knight class actions.
2 Armored Knight 3 Class Skill Armored Infantry's Wisdom Nullifies status effects inside areas created by Armor Knight and Fortress Knight class actions.
2 Brigand 3 Class Skill Warrior's Ploy When using Brigand and Warrior class actions, temporarily reduces enemy Def in proportion to the number of bars filled.
2 Cavalier 3 Class Skill Knight's Ploy Guarantees the enemy's guard will break when activating the class actions of lance-wielding cavalry with at least one bar filled.
2 Fluegel 2 Class Skill Dual Wielder's Ploy Increases the attack range of Asura and Fluegel class actions.
2 Mage 3 Class Skill Mage's Ploy Imbues Mage, Warlock, and Gremory class actions with an element regardless of whether they are chained from strong attacks.
2 Mercenary 3 Class Skill Mercenary's Wisdom Increases damage dealt by Mercenary, Swordmaster, and Mortal Savant class actions in proportion to Spd.
2 Pegasus Knight 1 Class Skill Pegasus Knight's Ploy Adds an element to Pegasus Knight and Falcon Knight class actions. The element is determined by the active unit.
2 Priest 3 Class Skill Priest's Wisdom Increases damage dealt by Priest and Bishop class actions in proportion to Lck.
2 Thief 3 Class Skill Thief's Ploy Gives Thieves, Assassins, and Tricksters a rare chance to instantly defeat non-commander units with class actions.
3 Fortress Knight 2 Class Skill Smite When using cavalry or armored classes, dashing through enemies inflicts damage.
3 Wyvern Rider 2 Class Skill Wyvern Rider's Wisdom Increases damage to enemy Stun Gauges when using the class actions of axe-wielding fliers.
4 Dancer 2 Class Skill Special Dance Increases the potency of a dancer unit's class actions.
4 Great Knight 1 Class Skill Armored Cavalry's Wisdom Increases damage dealt by Great Knight class actions in proportion to Def.
3 Swordmaster 1 Critical Boost Critical Increases critical hit rate.
3 Swordmaster 3 Critical Apex Sword Increases critical hit damage when equipped with a sword.
4 Gremory 3 Damage Magic Attack Range+ Extends the range of long-distance tome attacks.
4 Holy Knight 2 Damage United Front Increases damage dealt to enemies in proportion to the number of allied commanders nearby.
4 Wyvern Lord 2 Damage Howl Makes it easier to knock back enemy commanders.
2 Cavalier 1 Defiant Desperation When HP is at 50% or below: strong attacks will break an enemy's guard.
2 Mercenary 1 Defiant Vantage When HP is at 50% or below: Perfect Guards restore a small amount of the Warrior and Awakening Gauges.
3 Warrior 3 Defiant Wrath When HP is at 50% or below: greatly increases damage dealt by critical rushes.
3 Wyvern Rider 1 Defiant Defiant Str When HP is at 25% or below: increases Str by 20.
4 Bow Knight 3 Defiant Defiant Spd When HP is at 25% or below: increases Spd by 20.
4 Holy Knight 3 Defiant Defiant Res When HP is at 25% or below: increases Res by 20.
4 Wyvern Lord 3 Defiant Defiant Crit When HP is at 25% or below: drastically increases damage dealt by critical rushes.
3 Warlock 1 Elemental Buffs Fiendish Blow Increases the power of elemental effects.
3 Assassin 1 High Dex Sneak Attack Attacking foes from behind greatly increases damage in proportion to the unit's Dex.
3 Paladin 1 High Dex Aegis Grants a (Dex × 0.25%) chance of nullifying damage from enemies equipped with bows or tomes.
2 Pegasus Knight 2 Pefect Guard/Dodge Tableturner Extends the period of critical attack time after a Perfect Dodge.
4 Falcon Knight 3 Pefect Guard/Dodge Muster Temporarily increases all stats by 10 after a successful Perfect Dodge.
4 Trickster 1 Pefect Guard/Dodge Pass Makes it easier to perform Perfect Guards.
2 Thief 1 Rewards Appraisal Improves the quality of weapons and materials dropped by fallen enemy commanders.
3 Assassin 2 Rewards Despoil Awards gold for defeating enemies.
2 Fluegel 1 Stats Carpe Diem Increases Dex and Spd by 5.
2 Brigand 1 Stun Death Blow Keeps the Stun Gauge visible for longer.
3 Warrior 1 Stun Heavy Hitter Gives strong attacks a low chance to produce the Stun Gauge.
4 Trickster 3 Stun Patience Hitting an enemy while they are readying an attack greatly increases damage to the Stun Gauge.
1 Soldier 1 Super Armor Backbone Reduces the unit's chance of getting knocked back by attacks.
4 Asura 3 Super Armor The Creation Completely prevents knockback if at least one bar of the Warrior Gauge is filled.
4 Great Knight 3 Super Armor Stalwart Stance Prevents hits from swords, lances, axes, and gauntlets from knocking back the unit mid-attack.
4 Mortal Savant 3 Super Armor Serene Stance Prevents hits from bows and tomes from knocking back the unit mid-attack.
3 Fortress Knight 1 Survivability Anchor Sometimes automatically guards against enemy attacks that would otherwise knock the unit back.
4 Falcon Knight 2 Survivability Item Expertise Increases the potency of recovery items by 50%.
4 Trickster 2 Survivability Medical Expertise Increases the potency of vulneraries, concoctions, and elixirs by 50%.
2 Priest 1 Survivablity Miracle Allows the unit to survive a single blow that would otherwise reduce HP to zero.
3 Bishop 3 Survivablity Renewal Restores a slight amount of HP at regular intervals.
3 Swordmaster 2 Survivablity Provoke Draws attacks, increasing the frequency that surrounding foes attack the unit.
4 Great Knight 2 Survivablity Knucklebreaker Taking a hit while guarding causes the enemy to incur damage proportional to the unit's Def. The enemy's Str is also temporarily reduced by 10.
2 Mage 1 Trade Off Lifeforce Greatly increases damage dealt by combat arts and magic, but causes the unit to sustain damage with each use in proportion to Mt.
4 Gremory 2 Trade Off Pact Greatly increases the Warrior Gauge fill rate, but also increases the damage the unit sustains.
1 Fighter 1 Warrior Spirited Seize Slightly restores the Warrior Gauge upon seizing a stronghold.
3 Warlock 3 Warrior Aggression Increases the Warrior Gauge fill rate when attacking foes with status effects.
4 Asura 2 Warrior Renewed Carnage Gradually restores the Warrior Gauge.
4 Dancer 3 Warrior Charm Catalyst Increases the Warrior Gauge fill rate in proportion to the unit's Cha.
4 Dark Knight 2 Warrior Cyclical Specials Temporarily increases the Warrior Gauge fill rate after initiating a Warrior Special.
4 Dark Knight 3 Warrior Specials Master Defeating 30 or more enemies with a single Warrior Special temporarily increases critical hit rate.

Combat Arts

Tier Class Stars Category Name Description
1 Myrmidon 3 Sword Flash Strike Unleash a single, powerful slash.
2 Fluegel 1 Sword Windsweep Generate a cyclone.
2 Mercenary 2 Sword Firesweep Generate a fiery cyclone.
2 Thief 3 Sword Shadowblade Lash at foes with a dark magic-based [n] [cdb]sword attack. Deals damage based [n] [cdb]on Mag.
3 Assassin 3 Sword Assassinate Slash while charging forward. [n] Has a chance to instantly defeat [n] [cdb]non-commander units.
3 Swordmaster 2 Sword Mortal Struggle Sacrifice Prt, reducing the user's defense, to make the Stun Gauge display with all attacks.
3 Swordmaster 3 Sword Astra Perform a series of five slashes while [n] [cdb]moving swiftly.
4 Asura 2 Sword Swift Slice Strike a wide area ahead with a series [n] [cdb]of slashes. Damage dealt will increase [n] [cdb]with Spd.
4 Dancer 1 Sword Sword Dance Slash while charging forward.
4 Mortal Savant 1 Sword Haze Slice Strike a wide area ahead with a series [n] [cdb]of slashes.
4 Trickster 1 Sword Electric Grounder Strike with a trio of [n] [cdb]lightning-charged slashes. [n] Deals damage based on Mag.
1 Soldier 3 Lance Knightkneeler Perform a powerful lance thrust.
2 Cavalier 2 Lance Frozen Lance Launch columns of ice at foes. [n] Damage dealt will increase with Mag.
3 Paladin 3 Lance Tempest Lance Conjure up a whirlwind with an [n] [cdb]overhead spin of the lance.
4 Dark Knight 1 Lance Dark Lance Send dark hexes flying at foes. [n] Damage dealt will increase with Mag.
4 Dark Knight 2 Lance Titanic Might Temporarily increase Str.
4 Holy Knight 1 Lance Lightstrike Absorb a portion of inflicted damage [n] [cdb]as HP. Damage dealt will increase [n] [cdb]with Mag.
4 Holy Knight 2 Lance Airshaker Perform a powerful thrust that [n] [cdb]produces a shockwave.
1 Fighter 3 Axe Smash Pummel a wide area ahead. Often [n] [cdb]yields critical hits.
2 Armored Knight 2 Axe Lightning Axe Hurl a lightning-charged axe. Deals damage based on Mag.
2 Brigand 2 Axe Spike Launch the foes ahead into the air, [n] [cdb]then swat them away with a swing of [n] [cdb]the axe.
3 Fortress Knight 3 Axe Wild Abandon Rip through foes with axe swings.
3 Warrior 3 Axe War Strike Bring an axe down so fiercely it [n] [cdb]sunders the ground and sends [n] [cdb]enemies flying into the air.
3 Wyvern Rider 3 Axe Crush Smash the ground and generate [n] [cdb]pillars of ice.
4 Great Knight 1 Axe Armored Strike Hit foes hard with a single, powerful axe blow. Damage dealt will increase with Def.
4 Wyvern Lord 1 Axe Helm Splitter Smash the foes ahead with a powerful [n] [cdb]overhead strike.
2 Archer 1 Bow Tracking Shot Send a series of arrows toward the [n] [cdb]locked-on target.
2 Archer 2 Bow Drill Arrow Skewer foes with a blindingly fast [n] [cdb]arrow that temporarily reduces their [n] Def.
2 Archer 3 Bow Point-Blank Volley Attack a wide forward area with [n] [cdb]three consecutive shots.
3 Sniper 1 Bow Thunderbolt Fire a barrage of electrified arrows.
3 Sniper 2 Bow Tornado Shot Conjure a cyclone that launches [n] [cdb]enemies into the air.
3 Sniper 3 Bow Hunter's Volley Attack enemies launched into the air [n] [cdb]with three consecutive shots. Often [n] [cdb]yields critical hits.
4 Bow Knight 1 Bow Ward Arrow Attack enemies launched into the air [n] [cdb]with three consecutive shots that [n] [cdb]temporarily reduce their Mag.
4 Bow Knight 2 Bow Precision Volley Perform a long-distance attack that [n] [cdb]hits multiple times. Deals damage [n] [cdb]based on Dex.
2 Brawler 1 Gauntlet Battle Trance Temporarily make it easier to fill the [n] Warrior and Awakening Gauges.
2 Brawler 2 Gauntlet Bombard Pummel the enemy with both fists. [n] Often yields critical hits.
3 Grappler 1 Gauntlet Mystic Blow Temporarily deal damage based on [n] Mag.
3 Grappler 2 Gauntlet Lightning Fist Launch foes into the air with an [n] [cdb]electrified punch, then create a [n] [cdb]shockwave on landing that sends [n] [cdb]them flying.
3 Grappler 3 Gauntlet Fierce Iron Fist Strike down at foes from midair. [n] Damage dealt will increase with Spd.
4 War Master 1 Gauntlet Flamewhorl Kick Generate a fiery cyclone in front of [n] [cdb]the unit that launches enemies into [n] [cdb]the air.
4 War Master 2 Gauntlet Mighty Blow Channel force into a perfectly [n] [cdb]executed punch.

Tier Class Stars Category Name Description
1 Myrmidon 3 Sword Flash Strike Unleash a single, powerful slash.
2 Fluegel 1 Sword Windsweep Generate a cyclone.
2 Mercenary 2 Sword Firesweep Generate a fiery cyclone.
2 Thief 3 Sword Shadowblade Lash at foes with a dark magic-based [n] [cdb]sword attack. Deals damage based [n] [cdb]on Mag.
3 Assassin 3 Sword Assassinate Slash while charging forward. [n] Has a chance to instantly defeat [n] [cdb]non-commander units.
3 Swordmaster 2 Sword Mortal Struggle Sacrifice Prt, reducing the user's defense, to make the Stun Gauge display with all attacks.
3 Swordmaster 3 Sword Astra Perform a series of five slashes while [n] [cdb]moving swiftly.
4 Asura 2 Sword Swift Slice Strike a wide area ahead with a series [n] [cdb]of slashes. Damage dealt will increase [n] [cdb]with Spd.
4 Dancer 1 Sword Sword Dance Slash while charging forward.
4 Mortal Savant 1 Sword Haze Slice Strike a wide area ahead with a series [n] [cdb]of slashes.
4 Trickster 1 Sword Electric Grounder Strike with a trio of [n] [cdb]lightning-charged slashes. [n] Deals damage based on Mag.
1 Soldier 3 Lance Knightkneeler Perform a powerful lance thrust.
2 Cavalier 2 Lance Frozen Lance Launch columns of ice at foes. [n] Damage dealt will increase with Mag.
2 Pegasus Knight 3 Lance Stormblade Whip up a storm that ravages the [n] [cdb]surrounding area with blades of wind.
3 Paladin 3 Lance Tempest Lance Conjure up a whirlwind with an [n] [cdb]overhead spin of the lance.
4 Dark Knight 1 Lance Dark Lance Send dark hexes flying at foes. [n] Damage dealt will increase with Mag.
4 Dark Knight 2 Lance Titanic Might Temporarily increase Str.
4 Holy Knight 1 Lance Lightstrike Absorb a portion of inflicted damage [n] [cdb]as HP. Damage dealt will increase [n] [cdb]with Mag.
4 Holy Knight 2 Lance Airshaker Perform a powerful thrust that [n] [cdb]produces a shockwave.
4 Falcon Knight 1 Lance Lance Jab Perform a thrusting attack that often [n] [cdb]yields critical hits. Damage dealt will [n] [cdb]increase with Spd.
1 Fighter 3 Axe Smash Pummel a wide area ahead. Often [n] [cdb]yields critical hits.
2 Armored Knight 2 Axe Lightning Axe Hurl a lightning-charged axe. Deals damage based on Mag.
2 Brigand 2 Axe Spike Launch the foes ahead into the air, [n] [cdb]then swat them away with a swing of [n] [cdb]the axe.
3 Fortress Knight 3 Axe Wild Abandon Rip through foes with axe swings.
3 Warrior 3 Axe War Strike Bring an axe down so fiercely it [n] [cdb]sunders the ground and sends [n] [cdb]enemies flying into the air.
3 Wyvern Rider 3 Axe Crush Smash the ground and generate [n] [cdb]pillars of ice.
4 Great Knight 1 Axe Armored Strike Hit foes hard with a single, powerful axe blow. Damage dealt will increase with Def.
4 Wyvern Lord 1 Axe Helm Splitter Smash the foes ahead with a powerful [n] [cdb]overhead strike.
2 Archer 1 Bow Tracking Shot Send a series of arrows toward the [n] [cdb]locked-on target.
2 Archer 2 Bow Drill Arrow Skewer foes with a blindingly fast [n] [cdb]arrow that temporarily reduces their [n] Def.
2 Archer 3 Bow Point-Blank Volley Attack a wide forward area with [n] [cdb]three consecutive shots.
3 Sniper 1 Bow Thunderbolt Fire a barrage of electrified arrows.
3 Sniper 2 Bow Tornado Shot Conjure a cyclone that launches [n] [cdb]enemies into the air.
3 Sniper 3 Bow Hunter's Volley Attack enemies launched into the air [n] [cdb]with three consecutive shots. Often [n] [cdb]yields critical hits.
4 Bow Knight 1 Bow Ward Arrow Attack enemies launched into the air [n] [cdb]with three consecutive shots that [n] [cdb]temporarily reduce their Mag.
4 Bow Knight 2 Bow Precision Volley Perform a long-distance attack that [n] [cdb]hits multiple times. Deals damage [n] [cdb]based on Dex.


Tier Class Stars Category Name Description
1 Monk 3 Magic Heal Basic light magic. Heals surrounding [n] [cdb]allies.
2 Mage 1 Magic Mire Β Basic dark magic. Lingers for a while [n] [cdb]after casting.
2 Priest 1 Magic Physic Intermediate light magic. Heals allies [n] [cdb]across a wide area.
3 Warlock 1 Magic Banshee Θ Intermediate dark magic.
3 Warlock 3 Magic Luna Λ Intermediate dark magic. Ignores [n] [cdb]enemy Res.
4 Asura 1 Magic Dark Spikes Τ Advanced dark magic.


Class 1-star 2-star 3-star
Myrmidon Spd +2 Sword Prowess Flash Strike
Soldier Backbone Lance Prowess Knightkneeler
Fighter Spirited Seize Axe Prowess Smash
Monk Res +2 Faith Heal
Fluegel Carpe Diem, Windsweep Dual Wielder's Ploy True Awakening
Mercenary Vantage Sword Prowess, Firesweep Mercenary's Wisdom
Thief Appraisal Sword Prowess Thief's Ploy, Shadowblade
Armored Knight Defensive Tactics Axe Prowess, Lightning Axe Armored Infantry's Wisdom
Cavalier Desperation Lance Prowess, Frozen Lance Knight's Ploy
Brigand Death Blow Spike Warrior's Ploy
Archer Archer's Ploy, Tracking Shot Bow Prowess, Drill Arrow One Heart One Mind, Point-Blank Volley
Brawler (male) Brawler's Ploy, Battle Trance Brawling Prowess, Bombard Concentration
Mage Lifeforce, Mire Β Reason Mage's Ploy
Priest Miracle, Physic Faith Priest's Wisdom
Pegasus Knight (female) Pegasus Knight's Ploy Tableturner Stormblade
Swordmaster Boost Critical Provoke, Mortal Struggle Apex Sword, Astra
Assassin Sneak Attack Despoil Assassinate
Fortress Knight Anchor Smite Wild Abandon
Paladin Aegis Lance Prowess Tempest Lance
Wyvern Rider Defiant Str Wyvern Rider's Wisdom Crush
Warrior Heavy Hitter Axe Prowess Wrath, War Strike
Sniper Thunderbolt Bow Prowess, Tornado Shot Warrior Assist, Hunter's Volley
Grappler (male) Mystic Blow Brawling Prowess, Lightning Fist Rejuvenation, Fierce Iron Fist
Warlock Fiendish Blow, Banshee Θ Reason Aggression, Luna Λ
Dark Mage (male) Essence of Darkness Dark Mage's Ploy Transmute
Bishop Res +B Faith Renewal
Asura Axebreaker, Dark Spikes Τ Renewed Carnage, Swift Slice The Creation
Dancer Sword Dance Special Dance Charm Catalyst
Falcon Knight (female) Lance Jab Item Expertise Muster
Wyvern Lord Helm Splitter Howl Defiant Crit
Mortal Savant Haze Slice Spd +C Serene Stance
Trickster Pass, Electric Grounder Medical Expertise Patience
Great Knight Armored Cavalry's Wisdom, Armored Strike Knucklebreaker Stalwart Stance
Bow Knight Ward Arrow Bow Prowess, Precision Volley Defiant Spd
Dark Knight Dark Lance Cyclical Specials, Titanic Might Specials Master
Holy Knight Lightstrike United Front, Airshaker Defiant Res
War Master (male) Flamewhorl Kick Brawling Prowess, Mighty Blow Quick Riposte
Gremory (female) Res +C Pact Magic Attack Range+
Dark Bishop (male) Impossible Feat Reason Absorb Speed