Altena (Cipher)

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Altena - Series 15

Altena: Wishing for a Warless World
Class Dragonmaster (Advanced) Cost 4(3)
Symbol Holy War Flag None Affinities Female Lance Flier Dragon None
Attack 60 Support 30 Range 1
Quote "I will assist Leif in bringing unity to Thracia. It is the least I can do to atone for the sins of my adoptive kin."
Skill 1 Prayer Upon the Gáe Bolg ACT Once Per Turn [ Flip 1 "Altena" Bond card face-down] Until the end of your opponent's next turn, this unit gains +40 attack.
Skill 2 Oath Upon Gungnir ACT Once Per Turn [Send 1 of your Bonds to the Retreat Area] Choose up to 3 non-Main Character enemies with a Deployment Cost of 2 or less, and destroy them.
Card Code B15-078SR Illustrator Masaki Hirooka
Altena: Thracian-Raised Princess
Class Dracoknight (Base) Cost 1
Symbol Holy War Flag None Affinities Female Lance Flier Dragon None
Attack 30 Support 30 Range 1
Quote "You would ask us to enrich ourselves at the expense of other lands! Please, Father. This is not the way..."
Skill Bond Skill Flowing Blood of Righteousness Bond Skill AUTO [ Flip 1 Bond ] When you play this card in your Bond Area, you may pay the cost and if you do: Choose 1 ally, and move them.
Support Skill Attack Support Flying Emblem Support Choose 1 ally, other than your attacking unit. You may move that ally.
Card Code B15-079N Illustrator Masaki Hirooka
Altena: Thracian-Raised Princess
Class Dracoknight (Base) Cost 1
Symbol Holy War Flag None Affinities Female Lance Flier Dragon None
Attack 30 Support 30 Range 1
Quote "'Prince Arion and Princess Altena? Why, they're the kindest souls you could ever hope to meet. Like peas in a pod, those two are! Always have been, right from the cradle.'"
Skill Bond Skill Flowing Blood of Righteousness Bond Skill AUTO [ Flip 1 Bond ] When you play this card in your Bond Area, you may pay the cost and if you do: Choose 1 ally, and move them.
Support Skill Attack Support Flying Emblem Support Choose 1 ally, other than your attacking unit. You may move that ally.
Card Code P15-008PR Illustrator Cherokee
Comment The promo is one of six cards included in ‘Promotional Card Pack Vol.15’ given out for participating in local shop battles and events.

Altena - Series 10

Altena: Thracian Princess-General
Class Dragonmaster (Advanced) Cost 3(2)
Symbol Holy War Flag None Affinities Female Lance Flier Dragon None
Attack 60 Support 30 Range 1
Quote "Hear me, soldiers of Thracia. We have no business continuing this battle! All hands, retreat at once!"
Skill Princess-General's Command ACT Once Per Turn [ Flip 1 Bond ] Move all other allies to the Back Line.
Card Code B10-048HN Illustrator Sachiko Wada

Altena - Series 8

Altena: Aura-Inheriting Dragon Princess
Class Dragonmaster (Advanced) Cost 4(3)
Symbol Holy War Flag None Affinities Female Lance Flier Dragon None
Attack 60 Support 30 Range 1
Quote "I am Altena, daughter of Quan...! And to fulfill the lost ambitions of my mother and father, I fight!"
Skill 1 Gáe Bolg's Successor CONT If you have 1 or more "Altena" cards in your Bond Area, this card gains +10 attack.
Skill 2 Princess of Leonster CONT If you have 1 or more "Quan" cards in your Bond Area, this card gains +10 attack.
Skill 3 Rekindled Bond AUTO When an "Altena" or "Ethlyn" card is placed in your Bond Area, you may flip 1 of your Bond cards face-up.
Card Code B08-091SR Illustrator lack
Altena: Princess of Thracia
Class Dracoknight (Base) Cost 1
Symbol Holy War Flag None Affinities Female Lance Flier Dragon None
Attack 40 Support 30 Range 1
Quote "I am Altena, daughter of Travant. You seem to be out of sorts..."
Skill A War for Whose Sake AUTO When this card is deployed, tap this unit if you do not have an "Altena" or "Leif" card in your Bond Area.
Support Skill Attack Support Flying Emblem Support Choose 1 ally, other than your attacking unit. You may move that ally.
Card Code B08-092N Illustrator lack