Warriors Supports/Takumi Lissa

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Takumi: Ahh...nothing like hitting the sack at the end of a long day... Wait a second. Something isn't...WHO'S THERE?! Gah! It's...some kind of...FACE...up in the ceiling!

Lissa: Heehee! Gotcha!

Takumi: What?! Who are you? Come out and fight me to the death!

Lissa: Takumi, it's just me--Lissa!

Takumi: Lissa! It sure didn't look like you! Anyway, thanks for taking a few years off my life.

Lissa: Yeesh! I'm sorry. It was just a prank. I didn't think I'd scare you THAT much.

Takumi: Are you kidding? Hiding in the shadows and putting that...THING on the ceiling?

Lissa: It's a portrait of Chrom, if you must know. Frederick drew it!

Takumi: That's supposed to be Chrom? I was sure it was some sort of demon. Anyway, I'd appreciate it if you would never EVER do anything like that again.

Lissa: Well, OK. I'll be sure to never EVER do anything to upset you ever again.

Takumi: ...Gee, that sounds awfully familiar. Haven't we had this talk before?

Lissa: Oh, have we?

Takumi: Yes. Do you not remember stitching the word “jerk” on the back of my hair tie? I wore that hair tie in three different battles before I noticed!

Lissa: Oh, yeah! That was...inappropriate, I guess. I'm sorry. I just enjoy getting a rise out of you. But I'll stop now. Really.

Takumi: Well, all right. I mean...you should. ...Sorry if I reacted a bit harshly. But what makes me so prankable?

Lissa: Honestly? It's because you seem like you're always on edge. I thought maybe teasing you a little bit would help you relax and have some fun.

Takumi: But you realize, of course, that these pranks have me even MORE on edge! I could relax and be friendly with you if I knew nothing terrible would happen. So, just try coming up and talking to me next time, OK? I promise I'll be relaxed.

Lissa: All right, Takumi. It's a deal! It's kind of ironic, isn't it? ­I teased you because you were uptight, but the teasing just made it worse! I'm glad we had this talk. Hey, in a way, my pranks actually DID work!

Takumi: Hmpf. Well, now that you've completely destroyed any hope of an early bedtime... How about sharing a cup of tea with me?

Lissa: I'd love to! Oh, there was just one other thing...

Takumi: One second, all right? I've got to get the kettle boilAAAAUUUGH!

Lissa: ...Yeah. I was gonna warn you about the trap that I dug right there. You have to believe me when I say that I set that up BEFORE our little talk...

Takumi: Sure, sure. Now help me out of here...