Finn (Cipher)

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Finn: Devoted Blue Lance
Class Duke Knight ({{{class_type}}}) Cost 3
Symbol None None Affinities None None None None None
Attack 60 Support 10 Range 1
Quote Standard: "Don't give up, sir. One day, I know, the charges against you will be cleared and your good name restored. I know you can do this."
Plus:"I am but a knight of Leonster.
I would go anywhere, should my master will it."
Skill 1 {{{skill1}}}
Skill 2 {{{skill2}}}
Support Skill N/A
Card Code {{{card_code}}} Illustrator Karuta Shiki
Finn: Knight-in-training
Class Lance Knight ({{{class_type}}}) Cost 1
Symbol None None Affinities None None None None None
Attack 40 Support 10 Range 1
Quote "Even so, I am but a page... It honors me to have your confidence, but I doubt I'll be of much use to you."
Skill 1 {{{skill1}}}
Skill 2 {{{skill2}}}
Support Skill AttackSupport.png "Attack Emblem" Until the end of this battle, your attacking unit’s power is increased by 20.
Card Code {{{card_code}}} Illustrator