Path of Radiance Class Descriptions

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  • Classes are sorted in alphabetical order by their internal name.

Wiki-markup table

Class Internal name Description
Archer ARCHER Warriors who use bows on the battlefield to
attack enemies from afar.

HTML table

Internal name
ARCHER Warriors who use bows on the battlefield to
attack enemies from afar.
ARMOR Heavily armored knights who dominate

battlefields with their powerful lances

and superior defense.
ASSASSIN Stealthy fighters who possess the ability
to kill with a single blow.
BANDIT Axe-wielding ruffians with terrible strength
and incredible endurance.
Beast tribe
BEAST_C Demihumans who can transform into

beasts. They refuse to fight in their

human form.
Beast tribe BEAST_L Demihumans who can transform into

beasts. They refuse to fight in their

human form.
Beast tribe BEAST_T Demihumans who can transform into

beasts. They refuse to fight in their

human form.
BERSERKER Relentless warriors who live for battle. They're

at home in the mountains and at sea, and

they can kill with a single mighty blow.
Bird tribe
BIRD_C Demihumans who can transform into

birds. They refuse to fight in their

human form.
Bird tribe BIRD_HA Demihumans who can transform into

birds. They refuse to fight in their

human form.
Bird tribe BIRD_HE Demihumans who can transform into

birds. They refuse to fight in their

human form.
BISHOP Dedicated priests, rewarded for their

devotion, who can use both sacred

staves and light magic.
CAT Demihumans of the beast tribe in cat form.

They are nimble fighters whose speed in

battle is unsurpassed.
CHILD Children of the local residents.
They possess no combat skills.
CITIZEN Locals serfs, farmers, and peasants. They
are average people with no combat skills.
CLERIC Holy women who use sacred staves to

heal injured allies. They are not soldiers

and cannot wield weapons.
CROW Demihumans of the bird tribe in raven form.
They possess great wisdom and peerless speed.
Wyvern Rider
DRAGONKNIGHT High-flying knights who wield lances and

possess high defense. They are vulnerable

to bow attacks and wind magic.
Wyvern Lord
DRAGONMASTER Wyvern-mounted knights of superior skill

with lances and axes. Their movement is

King Daein
DRAGONMASTER_A The king of Daein, a bitter enemy.
Dragon tribe
DRAGON_R Demihumans who can transform into

dragons. They refuse to fight in their

human form.
Dragon tribe DRAGON_W Demihumans who can transform into

dragons. They refuse to fight in their

human form.
Falcon Knight
FALCONKNIGHT Swift sky warriors who wield both lances and

swords with equal proficiency. Their movement

is fantastic.
Princess Crimea
FALCONKNIGHT_E The fallen princess of Crimea. She rides her

winged steed and fights wielding both sword

and staff.
FIGHTER Axe-wielding fighters who march into battle
with superior strength but poor defense.
GENERAL Knights of great skill who wield both lances

and swords with equal ease. Their incredible

defense is a point of pride among generals.
HALBERDIER Veteran soldiers who wield their lances with

only one hand. They possess superior

abilities all around.
HAWK Demihumans of the bird tribe in hawk form.

They possess powerful wings and peerless

combat skills.
HERO Decorated knights who have risen above

their fellow soldiers and earned the right

of command.
HERON Demihumans of the bird tribe in heron form.

They possess graceful wings and peerless

magic power.
HERO_GREIL A professional soldier of unsurpassed skill.
He wields both axes and swords.
LION Demihumans of the beast tribe in lion form.

Regarded as the kings of all beasts, they

overwhelm foes with their tremendous strength.
MAGE Magic-wielding warriors who can attack enemies

both near and far. Their constitution and

defense levels are poor.
PALADIN Mounted knights whose unrivaled movement
is only one of their exceptional abilities.
Pegasus Knight
PEGASUSKNIGHT Airborne knights who wield lances and possess

high magic resistance. They are vulnerable

to bow attacks and wind magic.
PRIEST Spiritual guides who wield sacred staves to
heal wounded allies.
RANGER Highly versatile warriors dedicated to improving

their martial skills. They wield swords with

remarkable skill.
Red Dragon
REDDRAGON Demihumans of the dragon tribe in red dragon

form. Their physical strength eclipses that

of all other races.
SAGE Advanced scholars of arcane lore. Although

they specialize in magic tomes, they can also

wield any staves they acquire.
SNIPER Seasoned fighters who possess unparalleled

accuracy with their bows. Every archer

aspires to this level of expertise.
Sword Knight
Lance Knight
Axe Knight
Bow Knight
SOCIALKNIGHT Mounted knights with swift movement who
can wield a variety of weapons.
SOLDIER Common soldiers of average abilities who wield
lances in battle.
SWORDER Fighters who live and die by the skill of their

sword arms. Their speed and skills are superior

to almost any other swordfighter.
SWORDMASTER Lightning-fast swordsmen who have mastered

the art of the sword. Their skills are peerless

and lethal.
THIEF Multitalented knaves who are skilled

at picking locks and stealing items

from unwary foes.
TIGER Demihumans of the beast tribe in tiger form.

They are valiant warriors who possess

tremendous combat skills.
VALKYRIE Mounted priestesses who wield sacred
staves and swords.
WARRIOR Stalwart fighters who take pride in their

strength with both the axe and bow.

They possess superior attack skills.
White Dragon
WHITEDRAGON Demihumans of the dragon tribe in white

dragon form. Their magic power surpasses

that of other dragons.