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|A good weapon ages well, like friends or wine.
|A good weapon ages well, like friends or wine.
[[Category:Game Scripts]][[Category:Awakening Scripts]]

Revision as of 13:05, 26 April 2013


Name Type Quote
Avatar Buy Hmm, what to buy...
Sell Hmm, what to sell...
Forge Hmm, which weapon...
Chrom Buy What do you think I need, Robin?
Sell Robin... Are we strapped for funds?
Forge Which of my weapons did you want to forge?
Lissa Buy I love shopping! Oh...for me?! Thanks!
Sell Hey, Robin, which will fetch the most gold?
Forge Thanks! I could use a stronger weapon.
Frederick Buy You are buying me something? How thoughtful.
Sell My possessions are Ylisse's possessions.
Forge A keen weapon can make or break a knight.
Sully Buy For me? Hot damn!
Sell Hell, take it. I don't need any of this crap.
Forge You hone the weapon. I'll hone the knight.
Virion Buy Sell me true love, and I would pay any price.
Sell What?! Are we truly so impoverished?
Forge ...Improve on perfection? Pah. I dare you to try.
Stahl Buy I wonder if they sell hair-brushes... No, seriously.
Sell Wait... My stuff is actually worth something?
Forge What, my weapons? Sure, forge away!
Vaike Buy You need Teach to walk you through shopping basics?
Sell Anything the Vaike touched should fetch a good price!
Forge You can forge weapons, but you can't forge the Vaike.
Miriel Buy Would a modicum of frugality hurt now and then?
Sell A scholar once said: if you thirst for gold, liquidize.
Forge May I watch? I find this whole process fascinating.
Sumia Buy Oh no! You're spending our gold and it's all my fault...
Sell I wish I had more valuable things to offer...
Forge It's a shame they can't forge a less clumsy me.
Kellam Buy I doubt I need anything of significance. You know me.
Sell Go ahead. Sell my life. I'll be over here.
Forge Paint it a bright color... I'm trying to turn heads.
Donnel Buy Reckon I could cobble somethin' together instead!
Sell Ya think my stuff is worth anythin'? 'Cause I doubt it.
Forge Ya think they can upgrade my ol' tin hat?
Lon'qu Buy ...For me?
Sell ...What are you taking from me now?
Forge ...Make it a strong one.
Ricken Buy Ooh! I want that one! Get me that one!
Sell You're selling my stuff? Oh...oh, all right...
Forge You'd better not dumb my weapons down. Promise!
Maribelle Buy I'll take two tins of your finest tea and a silk bonnet.
Sell Surely there are easier ways to line our war chest?
Forge Give me something that will shame my lowborn foes.
Gaius Buy Is this the sweet shop? ...Hey, you lied to me!
Sell I demand 10% of the take for, uh, sugary diversions.
Forge You can use an anvil, sure. But can you use an oven?
Panne Buy What silly things you humans will trade gold for!
Sell I am amazed we can profit from such meager supplies.
Forge Oh, a "forge"? And here I was all dressed to forage.
Cordelia Buy Please don't get anything too expensive...
Sell Help yourself. These items belong to all of us.
Forge Strength should come from the wielder.
Gregor Buy Gregor better at cutting throat than cutting deal.
Sell Oy, I am sellsword, yes? Not sword seller!
Forge If you are having forging money, maybe pay Gregor?
Nowi Buy A present for Nowi? How did you know?!
Sell Nowi's stuff! Hands off!
Forge Why pay for a forge? I've got built-in bellows!
Libra Buy I need only the earth at my feet and the heavens above.
Sell May these belongings bless us with what funds we need.
Forge I am honored you think my weapons a wise investment.
Tharja Buy A gift? If you try to sell it back later, I may hurt you.
Sell This was your plan all along...wasn't it...
Forge No promises that I won't kill you with it later...
Anna Buy Hmph. Not much of a selection, is there?
Sell Think you can get a good price? At my shop you can.
Forge Perhaps I should start my own upgrading service.
Olivia Buy You're shopping for me? Oh, but I... Thank you!
Sell Sell whatever you need to. I don't mind.
Forge I do feel a little safer with a strong weapon in hand...
Cherche Buy What a charming little establishment they run here.
Sell Oh, am I holding surplus? I had no idea.
Forge I'll let Minerva decide if you did a good job.
Henry Buy Yay! Excesssive spending!
Sell Should we mention the hex or just sell it as is?
Forge Ooh! Put spikes on it! Make it something brutal!
Say'ri Buy Forgive me... I know these funds belong to Ylisse.
Sell Mayhap I have a thing or two we could put to market.
Forge Aye, a sharp weapon is second only to a sharp wit.
Tiki Buy Ah, shopping! Finally, a concept older than I am.
Sell I wish I kept my old stuff. It'd be worth a fortune now.
Forge A fine weapon develops a history all its own.
Basilio Buy I must be getting old if you're doing my shopping!
Sell I should have brought some Feroxi treasure to sell...
Forge You design the weapon, Robin. I'll swing it!
Flavia Buy Loosening those purse strings for me? Very kind.
Sell You dare sell the khan's royal treasure? Ha ha.
Forge A little fire can temper a man as well as a sword.
Name Type Quote
Lucina Buy I long for the day shopping is all we need worry about.
Sell Go ahead. The gold will serve a greater cause.
Forge Would you like to name the new weapon for me?
Morgan Buy Oh gods, I love shopping! What shall we buy?
Sell I bet we could get a lot more money for your gear!
Forge You're going to upgrade my weapons? Thanks!
Owain Buy Get me something mighty! Something...LEGENDARY!
Sell Please, no! All my stuff has sentimental value!
Forge A cool new weapon is going to need a cool new name...
Inigo Buy There's so much I want... How will we decide?!
Sell Imagine the shame if they refused to buy my things!
Forge I want something that looks as good as it feels!
Brady Buy Got anything that'll make me automatically stronger?
Sell Hey, be my guest. Sell whatever you want.
Forge Wish they could instantly upgrade me, too!
Kjelle Buy I wonder if they have any cool-looking armor?
Sell You can sell anything—except my armor.
Forge I have to upgrade myself just to keep up!
Cynthia Buy I could spend all day just admiring the wares.
Sell Can we actually sell things brought from the future?
Forge I want a weapon fit for a hero like me!
Severa Buy I want this, that, and everything!
Sell What cheek! You can't sell my things!
Forge Are you saying I'm not strong enough?
Gerome Buy Only buy what you need, okay?
Sell Sell whatever you like. I don't mind.
Forge Craft me a weapon not even Minerva could bite in half.
Yarne Buy Something to keep me safe and sound, if you please.
Sell With each item sold, my sense of unease grows.
Forge Make it as strong as humanly possible!
Laurent Buy I'll be satisfied if it meets my basic requirements.
Sell If you don't need it, there's no point hanging on to it.
Forge I'm amazed what they can do with old gear nowadays.
Noire Buy I hope none of their wares have a sinister history...
Sell Don't tell me our money is running out!
Forge How do they do it? Not with a hex, I pray!
Nah Buy Don't worry. I won't beg and plead for the best.
Sell Sell whatever. I don't care about material goods.
Forge Can we call the new weapon anything we like?
Gangrel Buy Shopping for Gangrel? How times have changed.
Sell Hoping for a king's riches? I'm just a dog now.
Forge I want something so deadly it KILLS to look at it!
Walhart Buy Save your gold. I will not be coddled.
Sell Hmph. Gold for the war is gold for Walhart.
Forge I have no need of a forge. I make my own strength.
Emmeryn Buy For...me...?
Sell What is mine...is yours...
Forge Give me...strength...
Yen'fay Buy I need nothing fancy. Any old items will do.
Sell Aye, help yourself. These are naught but objects.
Forge Mercy, Robin. My weapon could use work.
Aversa Buy For me? How unusually thoughtful of you.
Sell You want to sell this? Careful. I might get pouty.
Forge I deserve a more...rugged weapon, don't you agree?
Priam Buy You're going to buy me something? Well thanks.
Sell Sell what you will. I don't care.
Forge A good weapon ages well, like friends or wine.