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|...An item?

Revision as of 06:28, 29 March 2013


Character Quote
Chrom Huh? Did someone drop this?
Robin (Male) What’s this? Hm… Perhaps we could use it…
Robin (Female) What’s this? Hmm… Don't mind if I do…
Lissa Whoa! Did I just step on something? I hope I didn’t break it…
Frederick …Hmm? I’d better pick this up lest someone stumble on it…
Sully Hey! Who left this crap lying around?!
Virion What is this filthy thing? Ah well, I suppose I may as well give it a noble home.
Stahl What's this? Is it edible? I haven't eaten in minutes…
Vaike Huh? A present from one of Ol’ Vaike’s fans? How thoughtful!
Miriel Did someone misplace this? People ought properly secure their possessions...
Sumia What's this? Ooh, I can't wait to show Chrom...
Kellam ...Huh? Hidden in plain sight. ...Just like someone I know...
Donnel What in tarnation? I ain't seen nothin' like this back on the farm.
Lon'qu ...Urgh. What did I just step on?
Ricken Huh? Did somebody lose this? That is so irresponsible.
Maribelle Hmm, what's this? ...Well, I see little point in just leaving it here.
Gaius What's this? Candy? Not candy?
Panne Hmm? The man-spawn use such strange tools.
Cordelia Oh, did someone lose this? Perhaps I might deliver it...
Gregor Oy! Why is junk lying around?
Nowi Ooh! What's this? Finders keepers!
Libra ...What's this? Oh, Naga be praised!
Tharja What have we here? Maybe I can use it for my hexes.
Olivia What's that? It's just lying there... I suppose it'd be all right to take it...?
Cherche Did you find something, Minerva? Here, let me see it.
Henry Ooh... Mysterious object!
Anna What's this? Well, well, it'll look great in my shop.
Say'ri From whence did this come?
Tiki …What is this?
Basilio What in the world... Did Chrom drop this?
Flavia Someone misplaced this, eh? I'll ask Chrom about it later.
Lucina Hmm? What have we here?
Morgan (Male) What's this? I'd better hold on to it.
Morgan (Female) What's this? I'd better hold on to it.
Owain What's this? Have I found the legendary item of...er...legend?
Inigo What's this on the ground? ...Perhaps some lovely lass dropped it?
Brady Some bloke must'a lost this, yah? ...Suppose I'd better hang on to it.
Kjelle Huh? I had better pick this up before someone trips on it.
Cynthia Ooh, free stuff! I call dibs!
Severa Ugh! Who left this here?! Oh, now I guess I'm supposed to pick it up, is that it? *sigh*
Gerome Minerva, must you pick up every little... Wait-what do you ahve there? Let me see.
Yarne Ah! A rabbit trap! ...Oh, wait, it's just some human junk.
Laurent My word-a misplaced item? Does no one adequately secure their belongings?
Noire Ack! What is this? An enemy trap? A curse from my mother?!
Nah What is this? ...Well, if nobody else wants it...
Gangrel What's this junk?!
Walhart What is this? Ha ha, an item! KNEEL BEFORE YOUR NEW MASTER!
Emmeryn What... Who...
Yen'fay ...An item?
Legacy characters What's this…?