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{{original|contributor=Generic Officer|}}<br>
==Main Story==
<b>(Page is under construction)</b>
<i>Before battle</i><br>
Of all the battles in the war so far, the contest for Fort Pinell is
the fiercest to date. And from this horrific clash of weapons and
wills, the Crimean army emerges bloodied and exhausted, yet victorious.
The prize of Fort Pinell is no small thing, but it is the promise of
additional reinforcements from Gallia-- and the large Begnion army
encamped in Castle Daein--that keeps the breath of hope alive in the
soldiers' hearts. There is one other pivotal piece in Daein's defense
of the former Crimean capital--the severely undermanned Castle Nados.
As the day's end draws near, Tibarn's small force of hawks and Gallians
cease their attacks and return to camp headquarters.<br>
Ah, well met. From the looks of things, the battle ended in our favor.<br>
We claimed victory. Yet Daein had more troops than we expected, and it
was a hard-fought battle.<br>
I don't have the best news to report, either.<br>
What is it?<br>
As the day ended, we withdrew as planned. But as we were leaving,
reinforcements began flooding in from the capital.<br>
Mmm... That's a piece of ill news.<br>
The men that were originally guarding the castle were nothing special,
but...There was one who appeared midbattle and crushed an entire unit
by himself. He was so much stronger than the others, it was as if a
wolf had appeared in a kennel of blind, newborn pups.<br>
What did he look like?<br>
He was covered from toe to tip in black armor. That made it difficult
to judge his size, but I think he was bigger than me. If my intuition's
right, he is the villian you've all been talking about.<br>
The Black Knight... He's in that castle!<br>
<i>Bastian is alive</i><br>
General Ike! Please come with me. We're getting ready to have a war
council and discuss tomorrow's battle.<br>
<i>Bastian was killed</i><br>
<b>Crimean Soldier</b><br>
General Ike! Please proceed to that tent over there. We are having a
war council on tomorrow's battle.<br>
<i>Conversation continues</i><br>
===Bastian and Geoffrey are alive===
<i>Bastian and Geoffrey are alive</i><br>
So the Black Knight's in that castle, is he?<br>
There's little doubt of it.<br>
That beorc's a real handful. Even when I attacked him in cat form, I
barely scratched him!<br>
It's his armor. It's apparently blessed by the goddess. Ordinary
weapons, natural or no, can't damage it.<br>
Oh, that's just swell. So how are we supposed to defeat him? Angry
Leave that to me. I've got a sword that should be effective against
I don't like it, but I suppose there's no choice. We don't use weapons
or shields. Those are beorc tools for beorc alone.<br>
Very well, if the villain in question appears, we'll leave him to
General Ike. Now then, shall we determine who among us storms the
Ike... Can I talk to you?<br>
Not right now, Mist. We're discussing battle strategy.<br>
I know that. Even so... Please? It'll only take a moment.<br>
Mist... I promise I'll make time later. Be patient and wait quietly.<br>
What is it, O beauteous one?<br>
I feel...a bit dizzy. May I rest a moment?<br>
Oh, what foul deed is this that rears its head? The gods of war do
charge a heavy toll. Bewitch us, and attack our very minds! The
princess, she is faint and o'er tired. Forgive your humble servant this
Hark, my dear, and bless me with your arm. Good folk, we shall retire
for a spell.<br>
Of course. Princess, please rest and allow us to proceed with these
Th-thank you. I'm sorry.<br>
===Geoffrey was killed===
<i>Geoffrey was killed</i><br>
So the Black Knight's in that castle, is he?<br>
There's little doubt of it.<br>
That beorc's a real handful. Even when I attacked him in cat form, I
barely scratched him!<br>
It's his armor. It's apparently blessed by the goddess. Ordinary
weapons, natural or no, can't damage it.<br>
Oh, that's just swell. So how are we supposed to defeat him? Angry
Leave that to me. I've got a sword that should be effective against
I don't like it, but I suppose there's no choice. We don't use weapons
or shields. Those are beorc tools for beorc alone.<br>
Very well, if the villain in question appears, we'll leave him to
General Ike. Now then, shall we determine who among us storms the
Ike... Can I talk to you?<br>
Not right now, Mist. We're discussing battle strategy.<br>
I know that. Even so... Please? It'll only take a moment.<br>
Mist... I promise I'll make time later. Be patient and wait quietly.<br>
What is it, O beauteous one?<br>
I feel...a bit dizzy. May I rest a moment?<br>
Oh, what foul deed is this that rears its head? The gods of war do
charge a heavy toll. Bewitch us, and attack our very minds! The
princess, she is faint and o'er tired. Forgive your humble servant this
Hark, my dear, and bless me with your arm. Good folk, we shall retire
for a spell.<br>
Yes, let's take a small break, shall we? Princess Elincia, this way
Th-thank you. I'm sorry.<br>
===Bastian was killed===
<i>Bastian was killed</i><br>
So the Black Knight's in that castle, is he?<br>
There's little doubt of it.<br>
That beorc's a real handful. Even when I attacked him in cat form, I
barely scratched him!<br>
It's his armor. It's apparently blessed by the goddess. Ordinary
weapons, natural or no, can't damage it.<br>
Oh, that's just swell. So how are we supposed to defeat him? Angry
Leave that to me. I've got a sword that should be effective against
I don't like it, but I suppose there's no choice. We don't use weapons
or shields. Those are beorc tools for beorc alone.<br>
All right, we'll leave the toppling of the giant knight to Ike. Now we
need to decide who's going to the castle in the first place.<br>
Ike... Can I talk to you?<br>
Not right now, Mist. We're discussing battle strategy.<br>
I know that. Even so... Please? It'll only take a moment.<br>
Mist... I promise I'll make time later. Be patient and wait quietly.<br>
I feel...a bit dizzy. May I rest a moment?<br>
Of course! My apologies! If something were to happen to you, all our
talk of war would be a waste of time, wouldn't it? Why not step away
for a while?<br>
A very good idea. Princess, please retire and allow us to proceed with
these preparations.<br>
Th-thank you. I'm sorry.<br>
===Bastian and Geoffrey were killed===
<i>Bastian and Geoffrey were killed</i><br>
So the Black Knight's in that castle, is he?<br>
There's little doubt of it.<br>
That beorc's a real handful. Even when I attacked him in cat form, I
barely scratched him!<br>
It's his armor. It's apparently blessed by the goddess. Ordinary
weapons, natural or no, can't damage it.<br>
Oh, that's just swell. So how are we supposed to defeat him? Angry
Leave that to me. I've got a sword that should be effective against
I don't like it, but I suppose there's no choice. We don't use weapons
or shields. Those are beorc tools for beorc alone.<br>
All right, we'll leave the toppling of the giant knight to Ike. Now we
need to decide who's going to the castle in the first place.<br>
Ike... Can I talk to you?<br>
Not right now, Mist. We're discussing battle strategy.<br>
I know that. Even so... Please? It'll only take a moment.<br>
Mist... I promise I'll make time later. Be patient and wait quietly.<br>
I feel...a bit dizzy. May I rest a moment?<br>
Of course! My apologies! If something were to happen to you, all our
talk of war would be a waste of time, wouldn't it? Why not step away
for a while?<br>
A good idea. Princess, please retire and allow us to proceed with these
Th-thank you. I'm sorry.<br>
<i>Conversation continues</i><br>
What is it?<br>
Come on, Mist. You realize the princess was making time for you to talk
with me, don't you?<br>
...Well, um... I thought I could talk to you later, but then I changed
my mind and wanted to talk to you now.<br>
I've been hoping to talk to you, too. I haven't heard very much from
you since the other day.<br>
Yeah... I'm sorry. When you told us that story...I was so
shocked...That's why.<br>
The part about Mother's death...and about Father, right?<br>
That's only natural. So, you have come to some kind of understanding
with it all? Is that it?<br>
At first, I couldn't believe it. The stuff about the medallion and the
revival of the dark god and all of that? None of it... None of it
sounded real. And everything about Father...That was even more
It was all I could think about. But...But I didn't want to think about
it anymore. It made my head hurt. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't
even sleep. I would just lie awake at night and stare at the tent walls.<br>
Yeah, I was the same way.<br>
I guess my body finally reached its limit. Last night, I fell asleep.
And when I woke up this morning...I don't know. It was all gone. I only
had one emotion left.<br>
One emotion? What was it?<br>
It's hard to say... Sympathy, I suppose.<br>
For Mother?<br>
Uh-huh. And for Father. I think more for him than anyone else... Father
and Mother were in love, weren't they? And then the medallion, it made
Father go...what did you say? Berserk?<br>
When he returned to himself, he found Mother...When, when Father died,
it hurt so much...I thought I was going to die. Father must have felt
the same. No, he must have felt even worse.<br>
I think you're right. And Father kept it all to himself, too. Mother,
the medallion, being hunted...He never said a word to us. It was his
burden alone.<br>
The man who killed Father was that knight we saw in Port Toha. Right?
The one in the black armor?<br>
You're going to fight him, aren't you. For Father.<br>
Yes, I am. That's one thing I won't let anyone else do in my stead.<br>
Trying to stop you is pointless. I know. If I were stronger, if I were
a swordfighter, I'd be doing the same thing.<br>
But...you must keep your promise. You promised to lead the company in
Father's place, and to protect me. If you go and get yourself killed,
I'll never forgive you.<br>
I understand. That's why I'm not going to lose!<br>
...I know!<br>
<i>Bastian is alive</i><br>
How are you feeling, Princess?<br>
Um... It was a lie. I'm not feeling unwell at all. I'm sorry I fooled
Ah, I knew it all along. It was all for Ike and Mist, was it not? It
would appear, my dear Princess, that you care for them greatly.<br>
I witnessed the death of both my father and mother...Soldiers fell one
after the other...And then I...I was separated from Geoffrey...It was
Ike and his friends who rescued me. If not for them, I...I'm sure I
would be dead now. My lord Ike and Mist, too, know the pain that I
carry with me. The pain of losing one's parents in war. That may
account for why the two of them, right from the beginning, were so warm
and friendly. They gave me the support I needed to survive. Mist and I
have continuously encouraged each other to go on. So...<br>
They rescued you and are your patrons. There are those among the
soldiers who complain in jealousy of Ike's station, but...It is a
trivial matter. We, the retainers of House Crimea, find this general
very much<br>
to our liking.<br>
...Ah, Bastian. I'm pleased to hear it.<br>
Enough plain speaking! I must ready my silver tongue anew! Shall we
return to the council?<br>
<i>Exit base</i><br>
Sir Knight. The Crimean army will renew their assault of the castle
momentarily. The troops we face are not the half-breeds we fought
yesterday. It is the army that bested General Bertram. They are not
what one would call an easy opponent.<br>
<b>Black Knight</b><br>
Hmph. Resolve it.<br>
I beg your pardon?<br>
<b>Black Knight</b><br>
Hafedd, you are in command. The castle defenses are on your shoulders.
I have business with General Ena.<br>
Is everyone ready? The castle's strength has been bolstered with
reinforcements from the capital. We must strike now, before any more
can arrive. If the Black Knight appears, don't try to engage him. He is
mine. I will take care of him!<br>
<i>Hafedd is attacked</i><br>
If not for a whim of His Majesty, I would not be facing you here. For a
warrior, meeting a powerful foe is a joy above all others... And for
this I give thanks to the king! Now, let us enjoy the gift we have been
<i>Hafedd is killed</i><br>
It appears...this is the end...Gwaaa... Hurrrkkk... Aaahhhh...<br>
<i>After battle</i><br>
The one I seek is behind these doors. Don't follow me. I'm going in
Ike! Wait! I'm going with--<br>
No, Soren. We have to let Ike go alone. The Black Knight is his.
Defeating him is a crucial step that Ike must take in order to truly
get over the death of his father.<br>
Idiocy! I'll hear no more of this naive nonsense! What if something
happens to him? What then?<br>
I think Ike has gained the composure to keep calm and judge whether or
not he can match an opponent. If, in fact, he can't...it means he's
reached his full potential, and that's all there is to him. We just
have to accept that. But I believe in Ike. I trust him. His life is not
his alone any longer. I don't believe he's so irresponsible as to leave
his companions behind by choosing to engage in a contest he cannot win.
Please, Soren, you must feel the same way. Don't you?<br>
...I don't like it. Sometimes, bravery and good judgment aren't enough.<br>
Commander Greil... Watch over your son.<br>
==Base Conversation==
Commander, can I speak to you for a moment?<br>
What is it, Titania?<br>
I have...something important to ask of you.<br>
All right, what is it?<br>
I want you to tell me...about the night Commander Greil was killed. I
understand that it's difficult for you. However, I need to know. I have
to. Just tell it once... It's all I ask. If you can't, I... His death
will be something I'll never be able to face.<br>
I feel I've done you a terrible disservice by not telling you earlier.
It's just that... There was a lot I had to get clear in my own mind. I
know I've kept you waiting.<br>
So you'll tell me?<br>
Yes. I think I've finally come to a point where I can face it.<br>
All right. Whenever you're ready.<br>
That night... I've already told you everything up to where I was on my
way into the forest, right? At the head of the path, Father had told me
to go back to the fort--but I had a bad feeling and followed him
anyway. When I entered the clearing, he and the Black Knight were
already fighting. They seemed to be evenly matched at first. Then they
exchanged a few more blows, and suddenly Father was sent flying. They
spoke to each other for a moment, but...I was so far away, I couldn't
hear what they said. Then the Black Knight threw a sword at Father's
feet. I think he wanted Father to pick it up and use it.<br>
But Father didn't touch the sword. He just readied his axe again and
charged.......It was over in an instant. I...I couldn't believe my own
eyes. They...they looked like they were embracing...Just... Standing
there. Frozen. But, I saw the Black Knight's blade...It was protruding
from Father's back, and shining in the moonlight.<br>
Oh, Greil...<br>
When the knight pulled his sword out, Father sagged and fell
backwards... I ran and tried to catch him, but I couldn't hold him, and
we both fell to the ground. The wound Father had taken was terrible,
but at that point, he was still alive.<br>
The Black Knight approached and said, "Give it to me." I had no idea
what he was talking about. I do now, though. He had been sent by King
Ashnard to retrieve the medallion. Father told him he'd thrown the
medallion away, but the knight didn't believe him. Then he tried to get
Father to talk by threatening to kill me...and Mist. I was so angry, I
leapt up and attacked him, but it was useless. I didn't give up,
though. I didn't care what happened to me, and I attacked again.<br>
Of all the stubbornness...<br>
If King Gallia hadn't been nearby, I probably would have died that
night, too.<br>
After the Black Knight vanished, I simply...All I could think was that
I didn't want Father to die. He... He was still alive. I thought if I
could just get him back to the fort, we could save him. I clung to
that...false hope...and started walking toward the light of the fort...
I just kept walking...<br>
...Thank you, Ike. It must have been so hard for you.<br>
Commander Greil died on your back. His last moments must have
been...much happier than I had imagined......Thank you... Now I can
finally...move past my grief...<br>
I, um... There's something else I haven't told you about.<br>
I...met him... I met the Black Knight again.<br>
We fought.<br>
You did well to keep your life.<br>
I'm not the same boy I was on that night. I've grown a lot. I've worked
hard. Yet, even so, I wasn't able to defeat him.<br>
There's nothing you can do about that. Not even Commander Greil could
defeat him. You're not ready to--<br>
It's not that. It's not that my blade work wasn't good enough.<br>
Then, what do you mean?<br>
Titania, it's his armor. It's impervious to damage.<br>
What? That's not possible. Even the strongest--<br>
He said his armor had been blessed by the goddess. He said only weapons
that were also blessed could hurt him.<br>
Where are we supposed to get something like that?<br>
I have one here.<br>
Ah! Ike! That sword... Where...<br>
The night after Father died, I went back to that clearing by myself.
I'd hoped to...I'd hoped to find some clues that might help me hunt
down the knight. The sword was still there. I brought it back with me,
and I've been hiding it ever since. I wasn't thinking about using it. I
believed that if I just carried the sword with me, I'd meet the Black
Knight again.&nbsp; And it worked.<br>
So this sword will work against him?<br>
It's supposed to. It was made to contest Alondite, which is the sword
wielded by the Black Knight.<br>
Do you think you have a chance?<br>
...I'll win.<br>
All right. I won't stop you. Use that sword to avenge Commander Greil.
But listen, Ike... You must promise me one thing.<br>
What is it?<br>
When you meet him, you'll exchange blows. If, at that moment, you don't
feel you stand a chance...you must flee. There are times when running
away is not the same as losing.<br>
Don't you believe in me, Titania?<br>
Of course I do. One day, you will defeat the Black Knight. I'm sure of
it. That's why I don't want you to lose your life on the first
go-around. When the time comes, I promise not to interfere. And I won't
let anyone else interfere, either. I want you to face him, one-on-one.
And I want you to be calm and use your own best judgement. At times,
withdrawing can be the key that<br>
unlocks a future victory. Don't forget that.<br>
[[Category:Game Scripts]][[Category:Path of Radiance Scripts]]
[[Category:Game Scripts]][[Category:Path of Radiance Scripts]]

Latest revision as of 04:03, 19 April 2011

This content was originally provided by Generic Officer.

Main Story

Before battle

Of all the battles in the war so far, the contest for Fort Pinell is the fiercest to date. And from this horrific clash of weapons and wills, the Crimean army emerges bloodied and exhausted, yet victorious. The prize of Fort Pinell is no small thing, but it is the promise of additional reinforcements from Gallia-- and the large Begnion army encamped in Castle Daein--that keeps the breath of hope alive in the soldiers' hearts. There is one other pivotal piece in Daein's defense of the former Crimean capital--the severely undermanned Castle Nados. As the day's end draws near, Tibarn's small force of hawks and Gallians cease their attacks and return to camp headquarters.

Ah, well met. From the looks of things, the battle ended in our favor.

We claimed victory. Yet Daein had more troops than we expected, and it was a hard-fought battle.

I don't have the best news to report, either.

What is it?

As the day ended, we withdrew as planned. But as we were leaving, reinforcements began flooding in from the capital.

Mmm... That's a piece of ill news.

The men that were originally guarding the castle were nothing special, but...There was one who appeared midbattle and crushed an entire unit by himself. He was so much stronger than the others, it was as if a wolf had appeared in a kennel of blind, newborn pups.

What did he look like?

He was covered from toe to tip in black armor. That made it difficult to judge his size, but I think he was bigger than me. If my intuition's right, he is the villian you've all been talking about.

The Black Knight... He's in that castle!

Bastian is alive

General Ike! Please come with me. We're getting ready to have a war council and discuss tomorrow's battle.

Bastian was killed

Crimean Soldier
General Ike! Please proceed to that tent over there. We are having a war council on tomorrow's battle.

Conversation continues

Bastian and Geoffrey are alive

Bastian and Geoffrey are alive

So the Black Knight's in that castle, is he?

There's little doubt of it.

That beorc's a real handful. Even when I attacked him in cat form, I barely scratched him!

It's his armor. It's apparently blessed by the goddess. Ordinary weapons, natural or no, can't damage it.

Oh, that's just swell. So how are we supposed to defeat him? Angry looks?

Leave that to me. I've got a sword that should be effective against him...

I don't like it, but I suppose there's no choice. We don't use weapons or shields. Those are beorc tools for beorc alone.

Very well, if the villain in question appears, we'll leave him to General Ike. Now then, shall we determine who among us storms the castle?

Ike... Can I talk to you?

Not right now, Mist. We're discussing battle strategy.

I know that. Even so... Please? It'll only take a moment.

Mist... I promise I'll make time later. Be patient and wait quietly.


What is it, O beauteous one?

I feel...a bit dizzy. May I rest a moment?

Oh, what foul deed is this that rears its head? The gods of war do charge a heavy toll. Bewitch us, and attack our very minds! The princess, she is faint and o'er tired. Forgive your humble servant this trespass.

Hark, my dear, and bless me with your arm. Good folk, we shall retire for a spell.

Of course. Princess, please rest and allow us to proceed with these preparations.

Th-thank you. I'm sorry.

Geoffrey was killed

Geoffrey was killed

So the Black Knight's in that castle, is he?

There's little doubt of it.

That beorc's a real handful. Even when I attacked him in cat form, I barely scratched him!

It's his armor. It's apparently blessed by the goddess. Ordinary weapons, natural or no, can't damage it.

Oh, that's just swell. So how are we supposed to defeat him? Angry looks?

Leave that to me. I've got a sword that should be effective against him...

I don't like it, but I suppose there's no choice. We don't use weapons or shields. Those are beorc tools for beorc alone.

Very well, if the villain in question appears, we'll leave him to General Ike. Now then, shall we determine who among us storms the castle?

Ike... Can I talk to you?

Not right now, Mist. We're discussing battle strategy.

I know that. Even so... Please? It'll only take a moment.

Mist... I promise I'll make time later. Be patient and wait quietly.


What is it, O beauteous one?

I feel...a bit dizzy. May I rest a moment?

Oh, what foul deed is this that rears its head? The gods of war do charge a heavy toll. Bewitch us, and attack our very minds! The princess, she is faint and o'er tired. Forgive your humble servant this trespass.

Hark, my dear, and bless me with your arm. Good folk, we shall retire for a spell.

Yes, let's take a small break, shall we? Princess Elincia, this way please.

Th-thank you. I'm sorry.

Bastian was killed

Bastian was killed

So the Black Knight's in that castle, is he?

There's little doubt of it.

That beorc's a real handful. Even when I attacked him in cat form, I barely scratched him!

It's his armor. It's apparently blessed by the goddess. Ordinary weapons, natural or no, can't damage it.

Oh, that's just swell. So how are we supposed to defeat him? Angry looks?

Leave that to me. I've got a sword that should be effective against him...

I don't like it, but I suppose there's no choice. We don't use weapons or shields. Those are beorc tools for beorc alone.

All right, we'll leave the toppling of the giant knight to Ike. Now we need to decide who's going to the castle in the first place.

Ike... Can I talk to you?

Not right now, Mist. We're discussing battle strategy.

I know that. Even so... Please? It'll only take a moment.

Mist... I promise I'll make time later. Be patient and wait quietly.


I feel...a bit dizzy. May I rest a moment?

Of course! My apologies! If something were to happen to you, all our talk of war would be a waste of time, wouldn't it? Why not step away for a while?

A very good idea. Princess, please retire and allow us to proceed with these preparations.

Th-thank you. I'm sorry.

Bastian and Geoffrey were killed

Bastian and Geoffrey were killed

So the Black Knight's in that castle, is he?

There's little doubt of it.

That beorc's a real handful. Even when I attacked him in cat form, I barely scratched him!

It's his armor. It's apparently blessed by the goddess. Ordinary weapons, natural or no, can't damage it.

Oh, that's just swell. So how are we supposed to defeat him? Angry looks?

Leave that to me. I've got a sword that should be effective against him...

I don't like it, but I suppose there's no choice. We don't use weapons or shields. Those are beorc tools for beorc alone.

All right, we'll leave the toppling of the giant knight to Ike. Now we need to decide who's going to the castle in the first place.

Ike... Can I talk to you?

Not right now, Mist. We're discussing battle strategy.

I know that. Even so... Please? It'll only take a moment.

Mist... I promise I'll make time later. Be patient and wait quietly.


I feel...a bit dizzy. May I rest a moment?

Of course! My apologies! If something were to happen to you, all our talk of war would be a waste of time, wouldn't it? Why not step away for a while?

A good idea. Princess, please retire and allow us to proceed with these preparations.

Th-thank you. I'm sorry.

Conversation continues

What is it?


Come on, Mist. You realize the princess was making time for you to talk with me, don't you?

...Well, um... I thought I could talk to you later, but then I changed my mind and wanted to talk to you now.

I've been hoping to talk to you, too. I haven't heard very much from you since the other day.

Yeah... I'm sorry. When you told us that story...I was so shocked...That's why.

The part about Mother's death...and about Father, right?


That's only natural. So, you have come to some kind of understanding with it all? Is that it?

At first, I couldn't believe it. The stuff about the medallion and the revival of the dark god and all of that? None of it... None of it sounded real. And everything about Father...That was even more unbelievable.
It was all I could think about. But...But I didn't want to think about it anymore. It made my head hurt. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't even sleep. I would just lie awake at night and stare at the tent walls.

Yeah, I was the same way.

I guess my body finally reached its limit. Last night, I fell asleep. And when I woke up this morning...I don't know. It was all gone. I only had one emotion left.

One emotion? What was it?

It's hard to say... Sympathy, I suppose.

For Mother?

Uh-huh. And for Father. I think more for him than anyone else... Father and Mother were in love, weren't they? And then the medallion, it made Father go...what did you say? Berserk?
When he returned to himself, he found Mother...When, when Father died, it hurt so much...I thought I was going to die. Father must have felt the same. No, he must have felt even worse.

I think you're right. And Father kept it all to himself, too. Mother, the medallion, being hunted...He never said a word to us. It was his burden alone.

The man who killed Father was that knight we saw in Port Toha. Right? The one in the black armor?


You're going to fight him, aren't you. For Father.

Yes, I am. That's one thing I won't let anyone else do in my stead.

Trying to stop you is pointless. I know. If I were stronger, if I were a swordfighter, I'd be doing the same thing.


But...you must keep your promise. You promised to lead the company in Father's place, and to protect me. If you go and get yourself killed, I'll never forgive you.

I understand. That's why I'm not going to lose!

...I know!

Bastian is alive

How are you feeling, Princess?

Um... It was a lie. I'm not feeling unwell at all. I'm sorry I fooled you.

Ah, I knew it all along. It was all for Ike and Mist, was it not? It would appear, my dear Princess, that you care for them greatly.

I witnessed the death of both my father and mother...Soldiers fell one after the other...And then I...I was separated from Geoffrey...It was Ike and his friends who rescued me. If not for them, I...I'm sure I would be dead now. My lord Ike and Mist, too, know the pain that I carry with me. The pain of losing one's parents in war. That may account for why the two of them, right from the beginning, were so warm and friendly. They gave me the support I needed to survive. Mist and I have continuously encouraged each other to go on. So...

They rescued you and are your patrons. There are those among the soldiers who complain in jealousy of Ike's station, but...It is a trivial matter. We, the retainers of House Crimea, find this general very much
to our liking.

...Ah, Bastian. I'm pleased to hear it.

Enough plain speaking! I must ready my silver tongue anew! Shall we return to the council?


Exit base

Sir Knight. The Crimean army will renew their assault of the castle momentarily. The troops we face are not the half-breeds we fought yesterday. It is the army that bested General Bertram. They are not what one would call an easy opponent.

Black Knight
Hmph. Resolve it.

I beg your pardon?

Black Knight
Hafedd, you are in command. The castle defenses are on your shoulders. I have business with General Ena.


Is everyone ready? The castle's strength has been bolstered with reinforcements from the capital. We must strike now, before any more can arrive. If the Black Knight appears, don't try to engage him. He is mine. I will take care of him!

Hafedd is attacked

If not for a whim of His Majesty, I would not be facing you here. For a warrior, meeting a powerful foe is a joy above all others... And for this I give thanks to the king! Now, let us enjoy the gift we have been given.

Hafedd is killed

It appears...this is the end...Gwaaa... Hurrrkkk... Aaahhhh...

After battle

The one I seek is behind these doors. Don't follow me. I'm going in alone.

Ike! Wait! I'm going with--

No, Soren. We have to let Ike go alone. The Black Knight is his. Defeating him is a crucial step that Ike must take in order to truly get over the death of his father.

Idiocy! I'll hear no more of this naive nonsense! What if something happens to him? What then?

I think Ike has gained the composure to keep calm and judge whether or not he can match an opponent. If, in fact, he can't...it means he's reached his full potential, and that's all there is to him. We just have to accept that. But I believe in Ike. I trust him. His life is not his alone any longer. I don't believe he's so irresponsible as to leave his companions behind by choosing to engage in a contest he cannot win. Please, Soren, you must feel the same way. Don't you?

...I don't like it. Sometimes, bravery and good judgment aren't enough.

Commander Greil... Watch over your son.

Base Conversation


Commander, can I speak to you for a moment?

What is it, Titania?

I have...something important to ask of you.

All right, what is it?

I want you to tell me...about the night Commander Greil was killed. I understand that it's difficult for you. However, I need to know. I have to. Just tell it once... It's all I ask. If you can't, I... His death will be something I'll never be able to face.

I feel I've done you a terrible disservice by not telling you earlier. It's just that... There was a lot I had to get clear in my own mind. I know I've kept you waiting.

So you'll tell me?

Yes. I think I've finally come to a point where I can face it.

All right. Whenever you're ready.

That night... I've already told you everything up to where I was on my way into the forest, right? At the head of the path, Father had told me to go back to the fort--but I had a bad feeling and followed him anyway. When I entered the clearing, he and the Black Knight were already fighting. They seemed to be evenly matched at first. Then they exchanged a few more blows, and suddenly Father was sent flying. They spoke to each other for a moment, but...I was so far away, I couldn't hear what they said. Then the Black Knight threw a sword at Father's feet. I think he wanted Father to pick it up and use it.


But Father didn't touch the sword. He just readied his axe again and charged.......It was over in an instant. I...I couldn't believe my own eyes. They...they looked like they were embracing...Just... Standing there. Frozen. But, I saw the Black Knight's blade...It was protruding from Father's back, and shining in the moonlight.

Oh, Greil...

When the knight pulled his sword out, Father sagged and fell backwards... I ran and tried to catch him, but I couldn't hold him, and we both fell to the ground. The wound Father had taken was terrible, but at that point, he was still alive.


The Black Knight approached and said, "Give it to me." I had no idea what he was talking about. I do now, though. He had been sent by King Ashnard to retrieve the medallion. Father told him he'd thrown the medallion away, but the knight didn't believe him. Then he tried to get Father to talk by threatening to kill me...and Mist. I was so angry, I leapt up and attacked him, but it was useless. I didn't give up, though. I didn't care what happened to me, and I attacked again.

Of all the stubbornness...

If King Gallia hadn't been nearby, I probably would have died that night, too.


After the Black Knight vanished, I simply...All I could think was that I didn't want Father to die. He... He was still alive. I thought if I could just get him back to the fort, we could save him. I clung to that...false hope...and started walking toward the light of the fort... I just kept walking...

...Thank you, Ike. It must have been so hard for you.


Commander Greil died on your back. His last moments must have been...much happier than I had imagined......Thank you... Now I can finally...move past my grief...



I, um... There's something else I haven't told you about.


I...met him... I met the Black Knight again.


We fought.

You did well to keep your life.

I'm not the same boy I was on that night. I've grown a lot. I've worked hard. Yet, even so, I wasn't able to defeat him.

There's nothing you can do about that. Not even Commander Greil could defeat him. You're not ready to--

It's not that. It's not that my blade work wasn't good enough.

Then, what do you mean?

Titania, it's his armor. It's impervious to damage.

What? That's not possible. Even the strongest--

He said his armor had been blessed by the goddess. He said only weapons that were also blessed could hurt him.

Where are we supposed to get something like that?

I have one here.

Ah! Ike! That sword... Where...

The night after Father died, I went back to that clearing by myself. I'd hoped to...I'd hoped to find some clues that might help me hunt down the knight. The sword was still there. I brought it back with me, and I've been hiding it ever since. I wasn't thinking about using it. I believed that if I just carried the sword with me, I'd meet the Black Knight again.  And it worked.

So this sword will work against him?

It's supposed to. It was made to contest Alondite, which is the sword wielded by the Black Knight.

Do you think you have a chance?

...I'll win.

All right. I won't stop you. Use that sword to avenge Commander Greil. But listen, Ike... You must promise me one thing.

What is it?

When you meet him, you'll exchange blows. If, at that moment, you don't feel you stand a chance...you must flee. There are times when running away is not the same as losing.

Don't you believe in me, Titania?

Of course I do. One day, you will defeat the Black Knight. I'm sure of it. That's why I don't want you to lose your life on the first go-around. When the time comes, I promise not to interfere. And I won't let anyone else interfere, either. I want you to face him, one-on-one. And I want you to be calm and use your own best judgement. At times, withdrawing can be the key that
unlocks a future victory. Don't forget that.
