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|Promise? I hate being alone...
|Promise? I hate being alone...
|'Tis I, Gharnef.
|'Tis I, Gharnef.

Revision as of 04:14, 15 March 2013


Shadow Dragon

Name Event Quote
Prince Marth Greeting I am Marth, prince of Altea.
Challenge I will prevail!
Recruitment Let us fight together!
Caeda Greeting Tell me: do you believe in love?
Challenge You'd turn your sword on me?
Recruitment I knew you were a fine person.
Ogma Greeting I am a mercenary of Talys.
Challenge I knew we'd have to settle this.
Recruitment I'll help in whatever way I can.
Navarre Greeting I answer to the clink of coin.
Challenge Will you weep tears or blood?
Recruitment My sword is yours.
Merric Greeting My name's Merric. I'm a mage.
Challenge Wait... Why are we fighting?!
Recruitment Mine is the ultimate magic!
Nyna Greeting I am Princess Nyna of Archanea.
Challenge You are certain we must fight?
Recruitment Destiny brought us together.
Linde Greeting I'm Pontifex Miloah's daughter.
Challenge Try me, then!
Recruitment I will fight with you.
Minerva Greeting I am Minerva of Macedon.
Challenge Then you leave me no choice.
Recruitment My gratitude.
Tiki Greeting I am last of the divine dragons.
Challenge No... Stop... Come no closer...
Recruitment Promise? I hate being alone...
Gharnef Greeting 'Tis I, Gharnef.
Challenge That's what you think!
Recruitment Ha! I shall lend you my power.

Fire Emblem (Blazing Sword)

Name Event Quote
Eliwood Greeting I'm a noble of Pherae.
Challenge I've no love for war...
Recruitment Well, I am here to help.
Hector Greeting I'm Marquess Ostia's brother.
Challenge I'll witness your skills firsthand!
Recruitment Well met!
Lyn Greeting I am Lyn, of the Lorca tribe.
Challenge I've got to fight back!
Recruitment You'd let me travel with you?
Florina Greeting It’s me… Florina.
Challenge I’m sorry…
Recruitment I think I could be of help!
Matthew Greeting I specialize in acquisitions...
Challenge Whoa! S-Stay your arm!
Recruitment I’m going with you!
Serra Greeting I’m Serra. Nice to meet you.
Challenge Ewww! I loathe violence!
Recruitment Wait for me! I’m coming, too!
Karel Greeting I'm Karel. My sword is my life.
Challenge Heh. This is no tea party.
Recruitment Very well. I will join you.
Nino Greeting Um, can I help you?
Challenge I will become worthy… I will.
Recruitment I can travel with you?
Jaffar Greeting I'm no one's killing engine.
Challenge So be it...
Recruitment ...Do not think us "friends."
Nergal Greeting This place... Why am I here?
Challenge Yes! Use all your strength!
Recruitment You cannot alter destiny.

The Sacred Stones

Name Event Quote
Ephraim Greeting I am Ephraim, Prince of Renais.
Challenge I don't pick fights I cannot win.
Recruitment I'd appreciate your help.
Eirika Greeting My name is Eirika.
Challenge We will drive you back!
Recruitment Let’s go, then.
Seth Greeting Who goes there?
Challenge Prepare yourself.
Recruitment Then let's be off.
Moulder Greeting May I help you?
Challenge Be reasonable…
Recruitment At last, some happy news.
Lute Greeting I'm a mage! Possibly the best.
Challenge You are simply no match for me.
Recruitment I'm superior, after all.
Amelia Greeting I'm Amelia, a soldier of Grado.
Challenge ...I have to fight you?
Recruitment I'll do my best.
Innes Greeting I'm the prince of Frelia.
Challenge Trying to fight me is a mistake.
Recruitment Hm. Very well.
Marisa Greeting What?
Challenge I'll accept a match anytime.
Recruitment I'll fight at your side.
L'Arachel Greeting I serve the powers above!
Challenge We were brought here to win!
Recruitment Clearly, I must accompany you.
Lyon Greeting I am Prince Lyon of Grado.
Challenge I will surely...destroy you...
Recruitment I will always be on your side.

Path of Radiance

Name Event Quote
Ike Greeting I'm from the Greil Mercenaries.
Challenge Nice knowing you!
Recruitment Seems we should fight together.
Elincia Greeting I'm heir to the Crimean throne.
Challenge I'll face this challenge unafraid!
Recruitment I'll join you on the battle lines.
Titania Greeting I colead the Greil Mercenaries.
Challenge I will meet your challenge.
Recruitment Let's fight this together.
Soren Greeting Do you need something?
Challenge Violence isn't the best solution.
Recruitment Fine... But I belong elsewhere.
Mist Greeting I'm Mist. Ike's sister.
Challenge I'd rather not come to blows...
Recruitment Let's go teach those bad guys!
Mia Greeting I'm Mia, a Crimean mercenary.
Challenge That settles it, then!
Recruitment Right. You don't mind, do you?
Zihark Greeting I'm from the Toha vigilantes.
Challenge I dislike such contests.
Recruitment I will join your group.
Lucia Greeting I'm Lucia, a knight of Crimea.
Challenge The time for battle is upon us!
Recruitment Of course. I'd be honored.
Geoffrey Greeting I'm Geoffrey, a Crimean knight.
Challenge Glory to Crimea!
Recruitment All right. Count me in.
Ashnard Greeting Who are you, dog?
Challenge Don't disappoint me!
Recruitment The things I'm willing to do...

Radiant Dawn

Name Event Quote
Micaiah Greeting I'm one of the Dawn Brigade.
Challenge The Goddess judges all equally.
Recruitment All right. Let's go.
Sothe Greeting I'm Sothe of the Dawn Brigade.
Challenge I'll give you a fight.
Recruitment What a strange twist of chance.
Edward Greeting I'm part of the Dawn Brigade.
Challenge Don't you look down on me!
Recruitment Sure. I'll go with you.
Leonardo Greeting What could you possibly want?
Challenge We're totally outclassed...
Recruitment I'll do what I can.
Brom Greeting Who are you?
Challenge You dang fools...
Recruitment I could lend ya a hand.
Nephenee Greeting What? Why are you staring?
Challenge I reckon you should clear out.
Recruitment But I'm just a country girl...
Sigrun Greeting You address the Holy Guard!
Challenge We will engage you now!
Recruitment I will not leave your side.
Sanaki Greeting I am Sanaki, apostle of Begnion.
Challenge I will not give up.
Recruitment I shall fight with you.
Sephiran Greeting I am a man without a past.
Challenge You insist on a fight?
Recruitment But...I know only despair...
Black Knight Greeting I'm one of Daein's Four Riders.
Challenge Have at me and learn your folly.
Recruitment I shall be your shield.