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==Main story==
==Main story==
<i>(Prologue III Starts)</i><br>
The 7th Platoon and its commander,<br>
The 7th Platoon and its commander, Chris, are all present and
[Chris], are all present and accounted<br>
accounted for, yes? From today forth, you will train together as a
for, yes?<br>
team in your bid to become fully-fledged knights. The first half of
From today forth, you will train together as<br>
your training will focus on developing your practical skills.
a team in your bid to become fully-fledged<br>
Without further ado, I will introduce the senior knight who is to be
your instructor.<br>
The first half of your training will focus on<br>
developing your practical skills.<br>
Without further ado, I will
introduce the<br>
senior knight who is to be your instructor.<br>
I am Cain, the knight in charge of your<br>
I am Cain, the knight in charge of your practical training! To hone
practical training!<br>
your practical skills, we will have a contest in the form of combat.
To hone your practical skills, we will have a<br>
If you let your guard down, it won't be just an injury you'll be
contest in the form of combat.<br>
walking home with!<br>
If you let your guard down, it won't
be just<br>
an injury you'll be walking home with!<br>
Even amongst the Altean knights, Cain is one<br>
Even amongst the Altean knights, Cain is one of our strongest men.
of our strongest men.<br>
You must all become strong enough to earn his approval.<br>
You must all become strong enough to earn<br>
his approval.<br>
<i>(Cain instructs the 7th Platoon)</i><br>
<i>(Cain instructs the 7th Platoon)</i><br>
Well then, let's begin today's training!<br>
Well then, let's begin today's training! Your enemies will consist
Your enemies will consist of us Altean knights, <br>
of us Altean knights, as well as brave warriors whom I am proud to
as well as brave warriors whom I am proud<br>
call friends. The opponents are determined by the ability of each
to call friends.<br>
platoon. 7th Platoon, your opponent is...<br>
The opponents are determined by the ability<br>
of each platoon. 7th Platoon, your opponent<br>
Line 52: Line 33:
Oh, it's Princess Caeda!<br>
Oh, it's Princess Caeda! Prince Marth's fiancee! She's so pretty...
Prince Marth's fiancee!<br>
She's so pretty...<br>
I feel nervous at the thought of fighting her...<br>
I feel nervous at the thought of fighting her...<br>
<i>(</i><i>Normal mode</i><i>)</i><br>
My squires, my friends; please go easy on me.<br>
Let us see if you've got the ability. Talys's mercenaries shall
fight you first.<br>
Oh, it's Princess Caeda!<br>
Prince Marth's fiancee!<br>
She's so pretty...<br>
I feel nervous at the thought of fighting her...<br>
<i>Caeda leaves</i><br>
<i>(</i><i>Normal mode - Talys's mercenaries defeated</i><i>)</i><br>
My squires, my friends; please go easy on me.<br>
I see you know how to fight well. In that case, I will fight you
<i>Caeda appears on screen</i><br>
Oh, it's Princess Caeda!<br>
Prince Marth's fiancee!<br>
She's so pretty...<br>
I feel nervous at the thought of fighting her...<br>
<i>(Other Units vs. Caeda)</i><br>
Let us see if you've got the ability.<br>
Talys's mercenaries shall fight you first.<br>
<i>Caeda leaves</i><br>
I see you know how to fight well.<br>
Fear won't help you; approach with confidence and the intent to
In that case, I will fight you next.<br>
<i>Caeda appears on screen</i><br>
<i>(Avatar (as Mercenary) vs. Caeda)</i><br>
<i>(Other Units vs. Caeda)</i><br>
Fear won't help you; approach with<br>
You're a mercenary, aren't you...? Tee hee. This looks promising.
confidence and the intent to fight.<br>
Come, show me what you can do with your sword!<br>
<i>(Avatar (as Knight) vs. Caeda)</i><br>
<i>(Avatar/My Unit (as Mercenary) vs. Caeda)</i><br>
You're a mercenary, aren't you...?<br>
An armored knight... I'll be at a disadvantage with the way that I
Tee hee. This looks promising.<br>
fight. But I won't lose so easily! Come, show me what you've got!<br>
Come, show me what you can do with
<i>(Avatar (as Cavalier) vs. Caeda)</i><br>
<i>(Avatar/My Unit (as Knight) vs. Caeda)</i><br>
An armored knight...<br>
You're a cavalier, huh? Looks like you'll be a good match for me.
I'll be at a disadvantage with the way that<br>
I fight. But I won't lose so easily!<br>
Come, show me what you've got!<br>
Come, show me what you've got!<br>
<i>(Avatar (as Fighter) vs. Caeda)</i><br>
<i>(Avatar/My Unit (as Cavalier) vs. Caeda)</i><br>
You're a cavalier, huh?<br>
So you're a fighter, Chris? Of the lance and the axe, the axe is
Looks like you'll be a good match for me. Come, show me what you've
advantageous... I might be at a slight disadvantage, but I won't
lose easily! Come, show me what you've got!<br>
<i>(Avatar (as Archer) vs. Caeda)</i><br>
<i>(Avatar/My Unit (as Fighter) vs. Caeda)</i><br>
So you're a fighter, [Chris]?<br>
Chris, you're an archer!? The bane of us pegasus knights... B-but I
Of the lance and the axe, the axe is<br>
will not sit idly by and lose to you! Show me everything you have!<br>
I might be at a slight disadvantage,<br>
but I won't lose easily!<br>
Come, show me what you've got!<br>
<i>(Avatar (as Mage) vs. Caeda)</i><br>
<i>(Avatar/My Unit (as Archer) vs. Caeda)</i><br>
[Chris], you're an archer!?<br>
So you're a mage, Chris? Pegasus knights are resistant to magic, you
The bane of us pegasus knights...<br>
know. I'm not going to lose this one. Come, show me what you've got!<br>
B-but I will not sit idly by and
lose to you!<br>
Show me everything you have!<br>
<i>(Avatar (as Myrmidon) vs. Caeda)</i><br>
<i>(Avatar/My Unit (as Mage) vs. Caeda)</i><br>
So you're a mage, [Chris]?<br>
Chris, you're a myrmidon, huh? Teehee. I feel somewhat drawn to you.
Pegasus knights are resistant to magic,<br>
you know.<br>
I'm not going to lose this one.<br>
Come, show me what you've got!<br>
<i>(Avatar/My Unit (as Myrmidon) vs. Caeda)</i><br>
[Chris], you're a myrmidon, huh?<br>
Teehee. I feel somewhat drawn to you.<br>
We should be friends from now on.But that doesn't mean I'll go easy
We should be friends from now on.But that doesn't mean I'll go easy
on you in<br>
on you in this fight. Come, Chris, show me what you can do with that
this fight.<br>
sword of yours!<br>
Come, [Chris], show me what you can do<br>
with that sword of yours!<br>
<i>(Avatar (as Pegasus Knight) vs. Caeda)</i><br>
<i>(Avatar/My Unit (as Pegasus Knight) vs. Caeda)</i><br>
Well, well, [Chris], you're a pegasus knight,<br>
Well, well, Chris, you're a pegasus knight, just like me. Teehee. We
just like me.<br>
have so much in common... But I won't go easy on you for this
Teehee. We have so much in common...<br>
battle. You and your pegasus... Shall we take to the skies?<br>
But I won't go easy on you for
this battle.<br>
You and your pegasus...<br>
Shall we take to the skies?<br>
<i>(Caeda defeated)</i><br>
<i>(if Caeda is defeated)</i><br>
<i>(Victory cleared)</i><br>
That was a thrilling fight.<br>
That was a thrilling fight. You are the first squires to have bested
You are the first squires to have bested me<br>
me in combat. Promise me that you'll become knights worthy of
in combat.<br>
helping Marth.<br>
Promise me that you'll become knights worthy<br>
of helping Marth.<br>
<b>Avatar/My Unit</b>:<br>
Of course, Princess Caeda.<br>
Of course, Princess Caeda.<br>
If you ever need help during the practical<br>
If you ever need help during the practical training, do call on me.
training, do call on me.<br>
And I'll fight, but as your companion.<br>
And I'll fight, but as your companion.<br>
<b>Avatar/My Unit</b>:<br>
Hm? We'd gladly appreciate
Hm? We'd gladly appreciate your help, but I'm not sure if we would
your help, but<br>
be allowed to.<br>
I'm not sure if we would be allowed to.<br>
What should we do?<br>
What should we do? I know, how about we ask Sir Jagen?<br>
I know, how about we ask Sir Jagen?<br>
<i>(Avatar asks Jagen about Caeda joining)</i><br>
That was a thrilling fight.<br>
You are the first squires to have bested me<br>
in combat.<br>
Promise me that you'll become knights worthy<br>
of helping Marth.<br>
<b>Avatar/My Unit</b>:<br>
Of course, Princess Caeda.<br>
If you ever need help during the practical<br>
training, do call on me.<br>
And I'll fight, but as your companion.<br>
<b>Avatar/My Unit</b>:<br>
Hm? We'd gladly appreciate your help, but<br>
I'm not sure if we would be allowed to.<br>
What should we do?<br>
I know, how about we ask Sir Jagen?<br>
<i>(Avatar/My Unit asks Jagen about Caeda joining)</i><br>
I have no qualms about your proposal.<br>
I have no qualms about your proposal. You may borrow the help of
You may borrow the help of friends if they<br>
friends if they offer as much.<br>
offer as much.<br>
What a relief.<br>
What a relief. I'm certain Princess Caeda will make a reliable ally.<br>
I'm certain Princess Caeda will make a<br>
reliable ally.<br>
<b>Avatar/My Unit</b>:<br>
But, is it really alright to rely on others?<br>
But, is it really alright to rely on others? I don't see how this
I don't see how this fits with our training...<br>
fits with our training...<br>
Hmph. Don't tell me you're still in the dark<br>
Hmph. Don't tell me you're still in the dark about Prince Marth's
about Prince Marth's method of fighting<br>
method of fighting during the War of Shadows?<br>
during the War of Shadows?<br>
<i>(</i><i>Answer "No"</i><i>)</i><br>
No, this I know. The League led by Prince Marth didn't just consist
of Altea: It went beyond the frontiers of nationality, and included
friend and foe alike...<br>
I have no qualms about your proposal.<br>
Yes. Our victory was not just the accomplishment of us Altean
You may borrow the help of friends if they<br>
knights. Overcoming status and position; being able to fight
offer as much.<br>
together as equals... That is how Prince Marth fights. No matter
when an ally came to our side, they could instantly join the battle
with us. That is also a necessary skill for an Altean knight.<br>
What a relief.<br>
I see... That will be important to our training. I understand now.<br>
I'm certain Princess Caeda will make a<br>
reliable ally.<br>
<b>Avatar/My Unit</b>:<br>
But, is it really alright to rely on others?<br>
I don't see how this fits with our training...<br>
Hmph. Don't tell me you're still in the dark<br>
about Prince Marth's method of fighting<br>
during the War of Shadows?<br>
<b>Avatar/My Unit</b>:<br>
No, this I know.<br>
The League led by Prince Marth didn't just<br>
consist of Altea:<br>It went beyond the frontiers of nationality,<br>
and included friend and foe alike...<br><b>Jagen</b>:<br>Yes. Our victory was not just
accomplishment of us Altean knights.<br>Overcoming status and position;
being able<br>
to fight together as equals...<br>
That is how Prince Marth fights.<br>No matter when an ally came to our
they could instantly join the battle with us.<br>That is also a
necessary skill for an Altean<br>
knight.<br><b>Avatar/My Unit</b>:<br>I see...<br>
That will be important to our training.<br>
I understand now.<br>
If we can combine our strengths when we<br>
If we can combine our strengths when we fight, I'm sure we can
fight, I'm sure we can achieve anything.<br>
achieve anything. Right, Chris?Yes, you're right.40|F|<br>
Right, [Chris]?Yes, you're right.40|F|<br>
<i>(Answer "Yes")</i><br>
<b>Avatar/My Unit</b>:<br>
No, this I know.<br>
Yes, I'm sorry. I'm not familiar with the details.<br>
The League led by Prince Marth didn't just<br>
consist of Altea:<br>
It went beyond the frontiers of nationality,<br>
and included friend and foe alike...<br>
Yes. Our victory was not just the<br>
accomplishment of us Altean knights.<br>
Overcoming status and position; being able<br>
to fight together as equals...<br>
That is how Prince Marth fights.<br>
No matter when an ally came to our side,<br>
they could instantly join the battle with us.<br>
That is also a necessary skill for an Altean<br>
<b>Avatar/My Unit</b>:<br>
I see...<br>
That will be important to our training.<br>
I understand now.<br>
If we can combine our strengths when we<br>
fight, I'm sure we can achieve anything.<br>
Right, [Chris]?Yes, you're right.40|F|<br>
<i>(If the player chose Yes)</i><br>
<b>Avatar/My Unit</b>:<br>
Yes, I'm sorry.<br>
I'm not familiar with the details.<br>
Then I shall tell you.<br>
Then I shall tell you. Our victory in the previous war was not just
Our victory in the previous war was not just<br>
by merit of Altea. Gathering and fighting together with allies of
by merit of Altea.<br>
various positions and statuses... This is how Prince Marth fights.
Gathering and fighting together with allies<br>
No matter when an ally came to our side, they could instantly join
of various positions and statuses...<br>
the battle with us. That is also a necessary skill for an Altean
This is how Prince Marth fights.<br>
No matter when an ally came to our
they could instantly join the battle with us.<br>
That is also a necessary skill for an Altean<br>
<b>Avatar/My Unit</b>:<br>
I see...<br>
I understand now.<br>
If we can combine our strengths when we<br>
fight, I'm sure we can achieve anything.<br>
Right, [Chris]?<br>
<b>Avatar/My Unit</b>:<br>
Yes, you're right.<br>
<b>Avatar/My Unit</b>:<br>
Yes, I'm sorry.<br>
I'm not familiar with the details.<br>
<b>Jagen</b>:<br>Then I shall tell you.<br>
Our victory in the previous war was not just<br>
by merit of Altea.<br>
Gathering and fighting together with allies<br>
of various positions and statuses...<br>
This is how Prince Marth fights.<br>
No matter when an ally came to our side,<br>
they could instantly join the battle with us.<br>
That is also a necessary skill for an Altean<br>
<b>Avatar/My Unit</b>:<br>
I see...<br>
I see... I understand now.<br>
I understand now.<br>
If we can combine our strengths when we<br>
If we can combine our strengths when we fight, I'm sure we can
fight, I'm sure we can achieve anything.<br>
achieve anything. Right, Chris?<br>
Right, [Chris]?<br>
<b>Avatar/My Unit</b>:<br>
Yes, you're right.<br>
Yes, you're right.
[[Category:Game Scripts]][[Category:Heroes of Light and Shadow Scripts]]
[[Category:Game Scripts]][[Category:Heroes of Light and Shadow Scripts]]

Revision as of 20:03, 26 February 2013


This content was originally provided by King Marth 64.

Main story

The 7th Platoon and its commander, Chris, are all present and accounted for, yes? From today forth, you will train together as a team in your bid to become fully-fledged knights. The first half of your training will focus on developing your practical skills. Without further ado, I will introduce the senior knight who is to be your instructor.

I am Cain, the knight in charge of your practical training! To hone your practical skills, we will have a contest in the form of combat. If you let your guard down, it won't be just an injury you'll be walking home with!

Even amongst the Altean knights, Cain is one of our strongest men. You must all become strong enough to earn his approval.

(Cain instructs the 7th Platoon)

Well then, let's begin today's training! Your enemies will consist of us Altean knights, as well as brave warriors whom I am proud to call friends. The opponents are determined by the ability of each platoon. 7th Platoon, your opponent is...

My squires, my friends; please go easy on me.

Oh, it's Princess Caeda! Prince Marth's fiancee! She's so pretty... I feel nervous at the thought of fighting her...

(Normal mode)

Let us see if you've got the ability. Talys's mercenaries shall fight you first.

Caeda leaves

(Normal mode - Talys's mercenaries defeated)

I see you know how to fight well. In that case, I will fight you next.

Caeda appears on screen

(Other Units vs. Caeda)

Fear won't help you; approach with confidence and the intent to fight.

(Avatar (as Mercenary) vs. Caeda)

You're a mercenary, aren't you...? Tee hee. This looks promising. Come, show me what you can do with your sword!

(Avatar (as Knight) vs. Caeda)

An armored knight... I'll be at a disadvantage with the way that I fight. But I won't lose so easily! Come, show me what you've got!

(Avatar (as Cavalier) vs. Caeda)

You're a cavalier, huh? Looks like you'll be a good match for me. Come, show me what you've got!

(Avatar (as Fighter) vs. Caeda)

So you're a fighter, Chris? Of the lance and the axe, the axe is advantageous... I might be at a slight disadvantage, but I won't lose easily! Come, show me what you've got!

(Avatar (as Archer) vs. Caeda)

Chris, you're an archer!? The bane of us pegasus knights... B-but I will not sit idly by and lose to you! Show me everything you have!

(Avatar (as Mage) vs. Caeda)

So you're a mage, Chris? Pegasus knights are resistant to magic, you know. I'm not going to lose this one. Come, show me what you've got!

(Avatar (as Myrmidon) vs. Caeda)

Chris, you're a myrmidon, huh? Teehee. I feel somewhat drawn to you. We should be friends from now on.But that doesn't mean I'll go easy on you in this fight. Come, Chris, show me what you can do with that sword of yours!

(Avatar (as Pegasus Knight) vs. Caeda)

Well, well, Chris, you're a pegasus knight, just like me. Teehee. We have so much in common... But I won't go easy on you for this battle. You and your pegasus... Shall we take to the skies?

(Caeda defeated)



That was a thrilling fight. You are the first squires to have bested me in combat. Promise me that you'll become knights worthy of helping Marth.

Of course, Princess Caeda.

If you ever need help during the practical training, do call on me. And I'll fight, but as your companion.

Hm? We'd gladly appreciate your help, but I'm not sure if we would be allowed to.

What should we do? I know, how about we ask Sir Jagen?

(Avatar asks Jagen about Caeda joining)

I have no qualms about your proposal. You may borrow the help of friends if they offer as much.

What a relief. I'm certain Princess Caeda will make a reliable ally.

But, is it really alright to rely on others? I don't see how this fits with our training...

Hmph. Don't tell me you're still in the dark about Prince Marth's method of fighting during the War of Shadows?

(Answer "No")

No, this I know. The League led by Prince Marth didn't just consist of Altea: It went beyond the frontiers of nationality, and included friend and foe alike...

Yes. Our victory was not just the accomplishment of us Altean knights. Overcoming status and position; being able to fight together as equals... That is how Prince Marth fights. No matter when an ally came to our side, they could instantly join the battle with us. That is also a necessary skill for an Altean knight.

I see... That will be important to our training. I understand now.

If we can combine our strengths when we fight, I'm sure we can achieve anything. Right, Chris?Yes, you're right.40|F|

(Answer "Yes")

Yes, I'm sorry. I'm not familiar with the details.

Then I shall tell you. Our victory in the previous war was not just by merit of Altea. Gathering and fighting together with allies of various positions and statuses... This is how Prince Marth fights. No matter when an ally came to our side, they could instantly join the battle with us. That is also a necessary skill for an Altean knight.

I see... I understand now.

If we can combine our strengths when we fight, I'm sure we can achieve anything. Right, Chris?

Yes, you're right.