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<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
Hello. You’re in a good mood. Find a new weapon you like?<br>
Hello. You’re in a good mood. Find a new weapon you like?<br>
<i>Mood - Question (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
You seem happy today, Emm. Is your memory clearing up?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
Oh, I’m just having a regular day. You’re the one who looks happy!<br>
Oh, I’m just having a regular day. You’re the one who looks happy!<br>
<i>Mood - Answer (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
I'm just glad to have you back. That's all.<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
I’ve noticed you vanish from camp sometimes. Where is it you go?<br>
I noticed you vanish from camp sometimes. Where is it you go?<br>
<i>Hobby - Question (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
Emm, you've been wandering off alone a lot lately. It's starting to worry me.<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
If I’m not napping, I’m swinging a sword. ... Predictable, I know.<br>
If I’m not napping, I’m swinging a sword. ...Predictable, I know.<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
You know me—training, breaking things with my sword... I guess you don't remember.<br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
I’ve often wondered what drives you. Do you have any dreams or aspirations?<br>
I’ve often wondered what drives you. Do you have any dreams or aspirations?<br>
<i>Dream - Question (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
Emm, you need to find new dreams. You can't dwell forever on what you've lost.<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
I just want to be strong enough to keep my friends and loved ones safe.<br>
I just want to be strong enough to keep my friends and loved ones safe.<br>
<i>Dream - Answer (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
I dream of being strong enough to protect the realm you loved. And I swear I will.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
You know, you’ve grown very skilled. Care to pair up in the coming battle?
You know, you’ve grown very skilled. Care to pair up in the coming battle?<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
Emm, you need to be careful out there. Stay close to me and be my support.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
All right. Together, we’ll be unstoppable. We’ll smash right through their ranks!
All right. Together, we’ll be unstoppable. We’ll smash right through their ranks!<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
Of course, Emm. I won't let anyone hurt you again.<br>
Line 55: Line 69:
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
Tell me about the future, <child>...<br>
Tell me about the future, <child>. How did you pass the time?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
Well, you missed a lot before we met. More than I could ever describe.<br>
Well, you missed a lot before we met. More than I could ever describe.<br>
We should have a meal and share these stories-Just the two of us.<br>
We should have a meal and share these stories—just the two of us.<br>
That way I can learn more about you, too.
That way I can learn more about you, too.
Line 64: Line 78:
How are you holding up, <child>? I’ve been worried.<br>
How are you holding up, <child>? I’ve been worried.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
I'm just fine. Sorry if I worried you.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
You must have sacrificed a lot to come back in time, <child>. Anything you need?<br>
You must have sacrificed a lot to come back in time, <child>. Anything you need?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
That's all right, <child>. I appreciate the thought.<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
<Child>, we should train sometime. See how you fare against your father!<br>
<Child>, we should train sometime. See how you fare against your father!<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
Well, I never turn down a challenge. But don't think I'll pull my punches just for you.<br>
<i>Hobby from another time - Question</i><br>
Tell me about the future, <child>. How did you pass the time?<br>
<i>Hobby from another time- Answer</i><br>
===Robin (Male)===
===Robin (Male)===
Line 109: Line 116:
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
I love you, <lover>. I'm lucky to have you by my side.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
You're embarrassing me! But...I love you, too.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
You seem...different, <lover>. You look even more lovely than ever.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Really? Well, thank you. You look quite breathtaking yourself.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, promise you won't leave me. Promise you'll stay safe.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
I'll stay safe if you promise to do the same. I want to grow old together.<br>
I'll stay safe if you promise to do the same. I want to grow old together.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, what's that sticking out of your pocket?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Oh no! You saw it? ...Well, it's a gift. I was hoping to surprise you.<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
<Child>, are you comfortable talking about the future? I’d like to know more.<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
I lived a checkered life, it seems. And that’s just the part of it I remember. I’m not entirely sure what sort of person I was before meeting Chrom. But what I do know, I’d like to share with you. Let’s sit down tonight and talk more.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Are you all right, <child>? You’ve been working yourself silly recently.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
You can see right through your father, <child>. But don’t worry, I’ll be fine.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<Child>, is there anything you need? Why not let your father get it for you?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Thank you. That’s kind of you. How about a book detailing battle strategies?<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
<Child>, let’s train together. I want to see how you adapt to my strategies.<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
Anytime you want. But don’t think you’re going to outwit your father!<br>
===Robin (Female)===
===Robin (Female)===
Line 208: Line 236:
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
Hey, how come you're in such a great mood? ...New haircut?<br>
Hey, how come you're in such a great mood? ...New haircut?<br>
<i>Mood - Question (to Chrom)</i><br>
Hey, Chrom, how come you're in such a great mood? ...New haircut?<br>
<i>Mood - Question (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
Hey, Emm, how come you're in such a great mood? Did you remember who I am?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
No, I’m just glad the two of us got to talk! There’s always too many people around.
No, I’m just glad the two of us got to talk! There’s always too many people around.<br>
<i>Mood - Answer (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
No, but you'd be beautiful no matter how dirty your face got. I miss you, Emm.<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
How come you vanish after each battle?Do you have a hobby or whatever?<br>
How come you vanish after each battle? Do you have a hobby or whatever?<br>
<i>Hobby - Question (to Chrom)</i><br>
You seem busier than ever these days, Chrom. Anything important?<br>
<i>Hobby - Question (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
Emm, where do you wander off to these days? You need to stay where it's safe.<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
I keep an eye on my brother. He’s always breaking stuff when he trains.<br>
I keep an eye on my brother. He’s always breaking stuff when he trains.<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer (to Chrom)</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer (to Chrom)</i><br>
I make sure you don’t break stuff! Emm was furious when you smashed up the palace.<br>
I make sure you don’t break stuff! Emm was furious when you smashed up the palace.<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
I make sure Chrom doesn't break stuff! You were mad when he smashed up the palace.<br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
Line 223: Line 262:
<i>Dream - Question (to Chrom)</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question (to Chrom)</i><br>
You have any dreams for the future, Chrom? Sometimes I feel like life has no direction…<br>
You have any dreams for the future, Chrom? Sometimes I feel like life has no direction…<br>
<i>Dream - Question (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
What do you dream about, Emm? You should be thinking about your future.<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
I want to be a proper lady like my sister. … But don’t tell anyone I said that.<br>
I want to be a proper lady like my sister. …But don’t tell anyone I said that.<br>
<i>Dream - Answer (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
I want to be a proper lady like you. You're my dream, Emm!<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
It’s nice having strong people like you around. Can we team up next time?<br>
It’s nice having strong people like you around. Can we team up next time?<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
Emm, let's fight together during the next battle. I want to show you how strong I got!<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
Okay! I’ll do my best. Together we can take whatever the bad guys throw at us.<br>
Okay! I’ll do my best. Together we can take whatever the bad guys throw at us.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
Of course, Emm! I'll never let anybody hurt you again. I promise!<br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
I love you, <lover>. I just know we’re going to be together forever!<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
Thanks, <lover>. I never get tired of hearing that. I love you, too!<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, you look so handsome today. I feel like a slob in comparison!<br>
<Lover>, you look so handsome today. I feel like a slob in comparison!<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Stop it, you tease! I know I’ve got a long way to go before I act like a lady.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Line 247: Line 294:
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
I’m fine. Trust me. ...Now stop scowling! I’m not gonna die. I promise.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What have you got there, <lover>? And don't try to hide it from me!<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Oh! This is my special health tonic. I was gonna save it for when you needed it.<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
What was the future like for you, <child>?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
Well, believe it or not, I fought with the Shepherds like the rest. The court was too stuffy for me. Gotta follow your dreams, right? Same goes for you, <child>. So what if people mock you? Believe in yourself!<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Are you hurt, <child>? Let me get my stuff.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
I, uh, wouldn’t worry... You certainly are a bundle of energy, <child>.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Hey, <child>, why don’t you let me buy you something? I’m your mother, right?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Thanks! How about a nice dress? Something regal.<br>
Thanks! How about a nice dress? Something regal.<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Let’s train for a bit, <child>. I can hold my own as a Shepherd!<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
You’re on! ...Oh, look at the time. Can we take a rain check?<br>
Line 284: Line 346:
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
You look lovely as always, <lover>. My heart is utterly at your mercy.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
My heart soars to hear those words. I love you too, my sweet.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
Ah, <lover>, you are looking lovely as always.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
I will stay close. I would never do anything to make you sad.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, please stay close to me when we fight. I'll protect you with my life.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
I will stay close. I would never do anything to make you sad.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What are you carting around there, my love? Can I give you a hand?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Alas, caught in the act! ...I bought this pendant for you! So much for the surprise.<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
<Child>, what was life like in the future? ...If you don't mind me asking.<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
Until you arrived, I fought and worked only on the Shepherds' behalf. The usual knightly things—digging wells, knitting warm clothes... Shall I make you a jacket? I could stitch "Papa's Pride and Joy" on the back.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
You seem dreadfully tired, <child>. Is there anything I can do for you?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
Oh, don't worry. I'm in as good of shape as I've ever been.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Is there anything I can get for you, <child>? My child deserves it.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
The thought is enough. ...That, or a week's worth of prechopped firewood.<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
I enjoy fighting by your side, but why don't we spar with each other now and then?<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
Of course. But a clash that epic will require an equally epic venue! I shall think on it.<br>
Line 317: Line 403:
Got any aspirations? I have a crapload of respect for people who follow their dreams.<br>
Got any aspirations? I have a crapload of respect for people who follow their dreams.<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
I want to train until I'm the best damned knight I can be–better than any man!<br>
I want to train until I'm the best damned knight I can be—better than any man!<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
Line 327: Line 413:
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
I love the crap out of you, <lover>. Have I told you that?<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
Well I love you more. So how's that?<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
You look dashing today. How many damn times do you plan on making me fall for you?<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Hey, easy on the mushy stuff. I'm not the blushing-bride type.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Why can't you be more damn careful, <lover>? I don't want to lose you.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
You worry too much. Nobody's killing me as long as I've got you to take care of. <br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What are you hiding, you sneaky little mule-brain? I'm on to you.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
This? Oh, I, uh, made some winter clothes for you. And don't complain! I did my best.<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
So, <child>, what's a day in the future really like?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
To be honest, I've spent most of my time in the Shepherds. Put most of the men to shame, at that! That's why I know you can hold your own against any Tom, Dick, or Risen. You're a tough girl, just like your mother.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
You okay <child>? It's hell out there, and I get worried.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
Ha! I'm not allowed to have an off day? Don't worry, I'll pull through.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What are you hiding, you sneaky little mule-brain? I’m on to you.<br>
Need anything, <child>? Your mother has to look after you.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
All right, how about we train together? I expect one hell of a match!<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
You're a tough kid, you know that? We should train together more.<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
Anytime you want. Just don't put your mother to shame. Got it, smart aleck?<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
My, you positively glow today. Has my dashing entrance left you enraptured?
My, you positively glow today. Has my dashing entrance left you enraptured?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
Oh, it’s not that at all. I am simply having a good hair day.
Oh, it’s not that at all. I am simply having a good hair day.<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
Line 367: Line 472:
You have a grace about you when you fight. What do you say to battling by my side?<br>
You have a grace about you when you fight. What do you say to battling by my side?<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
Of course. Our every move shall be a saga in the making! The bards will swoom.<br>
Of course. Our every move shall be a saga in the making! The bards will swoon.<br>
Line 373: Line 478:
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
Greetings, my beloved wife. You look more radiant than ever.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
You put the bards to shame with your words. And that is why I love you so.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
You look more fetching than ever, my love. Flowers would wilt from jealousy.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
You agree, then? That I am handsome? I thought you fell in love with my humility!<br>
You agree, then? That I am handsome? I thought you fell in love with my humility!<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
My love, don't you think you've been a bit reckless on the battlefield of late? I worry.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
Thank you, my love. But do not fear for me. Epic heroes are so hard to strike down!
Thank you, my love. But do not fear for me. Epic heroes are so hard to strike down!<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Good day, <lover>. What is that you're holding behind your back?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Ah! You noticed. 'Tis a deed to lands in Rosanne—a token of my love for you.<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
Tell me, my valiant child, what was it like in the future? How did you pass the days?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
I am so glad you asked! My history is a storied one, I assure you. *ahem* Once upon a time, in the land of Rosanne, the angels wept as a noble babe cried his... Huh? Wait, don't go!<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Are you all right, <child>? You seem to have lost a bit of your luster.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
I'm fine, I assure you. Perhaps you're staring at me too much? It does happen.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Hello, <child>. Is there anything your father might provide you?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
A scarf would be nice. Or matching scarves for the two of... Eh? Why are you glaring?<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
You've grown nearly as skilled as I, <child>. Shall we train together?<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
Anything for my own flesh and blood! But if you best me, let's keep that a family secret.<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
Why so cheery? Did they serve your favorite breakfast?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
Oh, no, I just had a good meal, that's all. Want to eat together next time?<br>
Oh, no, I just had a good meal, that's all. Want to eat together next time?<br>
Line 410: Line 535:
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
You're a great ally on the battlefield. Mind if we pair up next time?<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
Sure, if you don't mind. I bet we'll make for a devastating duo.<br>
Sure, if you don't mind. I bet we'll make for a devastating duo.<br>
Line 417: Line 542:
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
I love you, <lover>, and I want to stay with you forever.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
Oh, well, I love you too. But where did that come from?<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
When the gods made you, they broke the mold. You're just amazing, <lover>.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Me? You're the real find! I've never met anyone so smart and beautiful.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Take it easy out there, <lover>. I don't want anything to happen to you.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
Don't worry, I'm not checking out anytime soon. As long as you need me, I'll be there.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Hey, <lover>, what are you holding behind your back?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
This? Oh, it’s a flower I picked. It reminds me of you.<br>
This? Oh, it’s a flower I picked. It reminds me of you.<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
So, um, <child>? How did you pass your time in the future?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
What do I do? I guess I eat, and train, and fight. Then I oversleep. It's a life.<br>
Want to get dinner in town one of these days? See if you inherited my appetite?<br>
Heh heh, all right, I'd better save up so I can take you someplace nice.<br>
Hmm, but that requires work... I'd better get something to eat first.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Hey, <child>, are you all right? I know it's been a long, hard march.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
Yeah, I'm all right. ...You sure like to worry about me, don't you?<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Need anything, <child>? Maybe something you had to leave in the future?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
I'd just like to spend some time together. We're always so busy!<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
We should train together, <child>. I want to see what you're made of!<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
Sounds like fun to me. I'd better grab a meal now to save up energy.<br>
Line 440: Line 590:
Hey, you look like you're in good spirits! Just finished some secret trainin'?<br>
Hey, you look like you're in good spirits! Just finished some secret trainin'?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
Nah. Teach is happy because he... Er, his friend managed to bring a weapon for once.<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
Line 455: Line 605:
Nice work out there! You and Teach should partner up for the next fight.<br>
Nice work out there! You and Teach should partner up for the next fight.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
Who is the Vaike to say no? If it's a combat genius ya want, I'm your man.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
Gods, I love you, <lover>! I swear we're made for each other.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
Well, I love you more! See? There's no battle Ol' Vaike can lose.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
You're a knockout, <lover>, ya know that? Ain't no luckier man alive!<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
For serious?! I...I mean, of course Teach is aware of his manly charms!<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, promise you'll stay safe. "Vaike the Widower" hardly inspires fear.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
Pfft, relax. You could toss me off a cliff and the ground would be lucky to survive!<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Whatcha got there, <lover>? Don't try to hide it. The Vaike sees all!<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Aw, ya ruined it! It's the hair ornament ya wanted. I was gonna surprise ya...<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
Hey, kiddo. What was the future like? I bet Vaike Junior was the talk of the town!<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
What? Ya don't know? The Vaike is a household name!<br>
What? Ya don't know? The Vaike is a household name!<br>
Line 488: Line 638:
Our family teaches Chrom's everything they know! It's tradition! ...Starting right now.<br>
Our family teaches Chrom's everything they know! It's tradition! ...Starting right now.<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
You look jubilant today. Have you devised a new algorithm for sorting your possessions?<br>
You okay, <child>? Your old man's seen Risen with more spark in their eyes.<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
No. ...I'm sorry, but could you straighten your clothes? They're not even.<br>
Pfft, don't worry about your old man. ...Wait, are you checkin' up on me?<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
You know, kiddo, if you need anything, Dad's more than happy to snag it for ya.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
How 'bout a statue of Ol' Vaike I can put right in the middle of Ylisstol's courtyard?<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Hey, kid, Wanna go a round with your old man? Want Teach to teach ya?<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
You're on! Ain't no way in a million dozen years you'll out-Vaike your old man!<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
You look jubilant today. Have you devised a new algorithm for sorting your possessions?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
No. ...I'm sorry, but could you straighten your clothes? They're not even.<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
You never stay long after returning to camp. What manner of endeavors do you pursue?<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
I primarily read. ...And I put every book back exactly where I found it.<br>
I primarily read. ...And I put every book back exactly where I found it.<br>
Line 507: Line 675:
Would you pair up with me? Fighting in teams increases our probability of success.<br>
Would you pair up with me? Fighting in teams increases our probability of success.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
Aptly put. Teaming up ameliorates our chances of success. ... Very well, I am yours.<br>
Aptly put! Teaming up ameliorates our chances of success. ...Very well, I am yours.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
Why do I never tire of you, <lover>? You are so simple, and yet...so complex.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
I have unambiguous feelings for you as well. I hope that never experiences variance.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
Are you getting...handsomer? Love has clouded my keen powers of observation.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Thank you for the compliment. …Oh! My heart rate just increased 5.7 percent.<br>
Thank you for the compliment. …Oh! My heart rate just increased 5.7 percent.<br>
Line 528: Line 696:
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What do you have there, <lover>? Perhaps you should lighten your load.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
This is a document of your every action. I find it comforting in these chaotic times.<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
Tell me about the future, <child>. What strange phenomena does it hold?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
I tend to be a bit obsessive, so I spent most of my time cleaning and sorting.<br>
The Shepherds excel at fighting, but their organization skills make me bilious.<br>
Whatever is left lying around must be burned. ...See? Fire does the trick.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Are you all right, <child>? I detect the absence of your usual alacrity.<br>
Are you all right, <child>? I detect the absence of your usual alacrity.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
I am perfectly fine. Show me the logic in flying into a panic.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What may I secure for you, <child>? I must see to the well-being of my child.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Oh, did I project a sense of material need? I appreciate the thought, but I will get by.<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Shall we practice together, my child? I'd like to burn through some surplus tomes.<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
Very well. Name a precise time and date, and I shall assess your ability.<br>
Line 546: Line 730:
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
So, what's the first thing you do after a long battle?<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
I make sure everyone else is safe and sound. Nothing hurts like losing a comrade.<br>
I make sure everyone else is safe and sound. Nothing hurts like losing a comrade.<br>
Line 563: Line 747:
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
I love you, <lover>. It warms my heart whenever you're close.
I love you, <lover>. It warms my heart whenever you're close.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
I love you too! Promise me you'll be mine and mine alone, forever.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
You’re so dashing, <lover>. I’m lucky you don’t find some prettier girl.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Oh, you're just saying that! Hee hee! ...Sorry, I'm not good with compliments.<br>
Oh, you're just saying that! Hee hee! ...Sorry, I'm not good with compliments.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Your hands are so warm, my love. Promise I'll never lose you.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
No foe could ever drive us appart. And anyway, I’m tougher than I look.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What have you got there, my love? You seem eager not to lose it.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Oh, this? I made you a lunch. Sorry if it's squished. I dropped it. ...Twice.<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
Hey, what’s so funny? Did I put my breastplate on backward?<br>
What kind of things did you do in the future, <child>?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
Um, no... Wait, you actually SEE me?<br>
I struggled for a long time to keep up with the rest of the Shepherds. I must have picked every last flower in court trying to divine my place in the world. But eventually, things clicked and I fit in. You'll find a home here, too. I know it.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Are you all right, <child>? You must be more careful out there.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
I'm doing just fine, I promise. Okay?<br>
<i>Gift - Question </i><br>
Need anything, <child>? Your trip through time must have been hard on you.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer </i><br>
Thanks, but just the thought is enough. You're the greatest gift I could ask for.<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
You're such a strong child, <child>. Want to go train together?<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
I'd never say no to my beautiful daughter, even if I do make a buffoon of myself.<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
Hey, what’s so funny? Did I put my breastplate on backward?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
Um, no... Wait, you actually SEE me?<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
Line 595: Line 799:
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
I'm curious--what's the one thing you want more than anything?<br>
I'm curious—what's the one thing you want more than anything?<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
To stand out.<br>
To stand out.<br>
Line 607: Line 811:
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
I love you, <lover>. You'll always be safe with me.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
Thank you. But I already know I'm the luckier one to have you.<br>
I'm so glad we found each other. Well, mostly that you found me...<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
I wish I knew your secret, <lover>. You're so lovely, I can spot you a mile away.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Thank you. But I already know I'm the luckier one to have you.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
For a moment there, I thought I'd lost you. Promise you'll never leave, <lover>.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
Don't worry. I may be hard to spot, but I'm even harder to kill.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, you dropped this. What is it?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Oh... I wanted to surprise you with that. I guess I'm only good at hiding myself...<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
<Child>, how did you pass your time in the future?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
Well, until you showed up, I made an art form of being ignored. It's a wonder you stand out so much. You must take after your mother. ...Gods, can't I even count on heredity to leave a mark on the world?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Are you all right, <child>? You look ready to pass out...<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
Don't worry. I feel better just knowing someone is paying attention.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Let's see... Fatherly, fatherly... Oh! <Child>, is there anything you need?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Only for more people to notice me, and you can't tie a ribbon around that.<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
<Child>, could we practice together sometime? I want to turn heads.<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
Sure. I promise I'll be there—even if I might be a little hard to spot.<br>
Line 635: Line 860:
Say, what do ya do after the battle's over and ya got time to yerself?<br>
Say, what do ya do after the battle's over and ya got time to yerself?<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
I write home a lot. My ma must be worried sick by now.<br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
Ya sure fight hard out there! I reckon yer fightin' for some big dreams, huh?<br>
Ya sure fight hard out there! I reckon yer fightin' for some big dreams, huh?<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
Aw, I just dream of makin' a difference so I can go home with my chest puffed out!<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
Line 650: Line 875:
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
When yer around, <lover>, I feel like I'm a mile off the ground. It's true love!<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
Well, I love ya even more, and I'll guard ya with every bone in my body!<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
Ya sure are pretty <lover>, not a day goes by I don’t think it.<br>
Ya sure are pretty <lover>, not a day goes by I don’t think it.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Ya really mean it?! Yee-haw! Ain't no one ever said that to me 'fore!<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Line 666: Line 890:
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Whatcha got there, <lover>? I don't remember ya havin' that 'fore.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Oh, this? Just a trinket I picked up in town. Reckoned it might look fine on ya...<br>
<i>Mood - Question (to men)</i><br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
What kinda stuff did ya do in the future, <child>?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
Well, up until recently, I was just an ordinary villager. Ain't got a whole lot to brag about 'cept you. Know some funny stories, though! Say, why don't I read ya some letters from my village? They're a hoot!<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
How ya holdin' up there, <child>? Ya look a mite green in the gills.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
Don't ya go rufflin' yer feathers over me. Reckon I'll be just fine.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Need anything, <child>? Yer pa wants to take good care of ya!<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Well, thank ya kindly! But there ain't no call to go spendin' a lot of gold.<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
<Child>, could we practice together sometime? I want to turn heads.<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
Gosh, sure! But go easy on me now. I ain't the toughest bull in the pen.<br>
<i>Mood - Question (to men)</i><br>
Why the stupid grin? Did someone tell a funny joke?<br>
Why the stupid grin? Did someone tell a funny joke?<br>
<i>Mood - Question (to women)</i><br>
<i>Mood - Question (to women)</i><br>
Wh-what are you ginning about? Did someone tell a funny joke?<br>
Wh-what are you ginning about? Did someone tell a funny joke?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer (to men)</i><br>
No. Am I not allowed to enjoy a pleasant conversation?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer (to women)</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer (to women)</i><br>
None of your business. I'm the same as always. Now begone!<br>
None of your business. I'm the same as always. Now begone!<br>
Line 685: Line 932:
I practice! With my sword! ...Now mind your own business.<br>
I practice! With my sword! ...Now mind your own business.<br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question (to men)</i><br>
Do you have dreams?<br>
Do you have dreams?<br>
<i>Dream - Question (to women)</i><br>
Do you have...dreams?<br>
<i>Dream - Answer (to men)</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer (to men)</i><br>
I dream of mastering the blade, no matter what other weapons I add to my arsenal.<br>
I dream of mastering the blade, no matter what other weapons I add to my arsenal.<br>
Line 692: Line 941:
My dream? To master the sword. ...Now leave me be!
My dream? To master the sword. ...Now leave me be!
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question (to men)</i><br>
You know, we should take on more foes together.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question (to women)</i><br>
I'd be willing to, uh, take on more foes together. If it pleases you.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer (to men)</i><br>
As you wish. I offer no guarantees of success, though.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer (to women)</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer (to women)</i><br>
Fight with you? A woman?¹ Nngh, fine! But I demand ample space. …AMPLE!<br>
Fight with you? A woman?! Nngh, fine! But I demand ample space. …AMPLE!<br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
I love you, <lover>. ...Don't make me say it twice.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
D-don’t say that so loud! ...But I love you, too.<br>
D-don’t say that so loud! ...But I love you, too.<br>
Line 707: Line 960:
You look...lovelier than ever, <lover>.<br>
You look...lovelier than ever, <lover>.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
I...what? Nngh... Flattery will get you nowhere!<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, if you die out there... I'll kill you.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
Never you worry. I won't die when I know you still need me.<br>
Never you worry. I won't die when I know you still need me.<br>
Line 717: Line 970:
You dropped something, <lover>.<br>
You dropped something, <lover>.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
It's an accessory I brought for you. Just entering a women's establishment was hell...<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
What were your days like before we met, <child>?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
You should know I have few fatherly stories to share... I once did questionable things just to win my next meal. But I will strive to live more honorably to avoid disgracing you.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
<Child>? You look ill.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
I'm fine. Don't trouble yourself.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Do you need anything, <child>? I am your father, after all. Speak.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
No. But it was kind of you to ask. Thank you.<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
<Child>, let us spar for a bit.<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
You may regret it, but very well.<br>
Line 723: Line 1,000:
What are you so happy about? Did you find a puppy? ...Can I see it?<br>
What are you so happy about? Did you find a puppy? ...Can I see it?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
No. I just finally worked out how to use this difficult magic. Want to see?<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
Line 743: Line 1,020:
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
I really care about you, <lover>. I hope you never get tired of hearing that.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
Hey, I love you, too! You're so important to me.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
You're so pretty, <lover>. My throat gets all dry whenever I look at you.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Really? Thanks! Just give me time, all right? I'll be twice the man I am now!<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, will we always be together? I worry some tragedy is going to part us.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
Worried about me? Don't be. I already SWORE to myself I'd survive adolescence.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, you dropped this. ...What's that look you're giving me? Is it important?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
This is medicine to, um, make me taller. It'll help me take care of you!<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
So, <child>, what do people do in the future? What did you do?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
Well, I've sort of been the runt around here. Enemies mock me, Chrom coddles me... But now I'm a father—well, father-to-be—so anyone who overlooks me is just stupid. ...Thanks for showing up. I really needed this confidence boost.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
You look dreadful, <child>. Should I fetch a priest or a cleric?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
I guess there's no fooling you. But don't worry. I'll be all right.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Is there anything you’d like? I’m your papa, so you should let me get it.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Well, all right. Can you make me taller? ...No, I mean it. Could you work on that?<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Let's go practice together, <child>. I want to see who's more advanced!<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
All right. I may be small, but don't you dare underestimate me!<br>
Line 786: Line 1,087:
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
I love you, <lover>. We belong together always.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
M-must you say such mortifying things? I...I love you, too. There! Conversation over!<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, I...I just wanted you to know how handsome you look today.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Thank you. I try to look my best around the man I love.<br>
Thank you. I try to look my best around the man I love.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Don't even ENTERTAIN the thought of dying out there, my love. I swear...<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
I'll be all right. I'm too worried about you to keel over just yet.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
You dropped something, <lover>. What is it?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
These are the finest of tea leaves. ...Hey, who said I got them for you?!<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
How did you spend your days in the future, <child>?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
Before you arrived, I was kidnapped by Gangrel and faced all manner of evils. But none of that compares to what you must have seen... Well, be at peace. You're safe with me. Together we shall set the future right.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Are you feeling all right, <child>? I could go fetch my staff...<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
Ugh, how frail do you think I am? Worry about yourself for a change.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Tell me what you need, <child>. I'll not allow my child to go without.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
I would like a nice, frilly dress. And if it's not haute couture, I'll make YOU wear it!<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Shall we train together, <child>? ...Moms are tough. Haven't you heard?<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
Vell well. I accept your challenge. But don't come crying to me if you lose.<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
Why so happy? Did you score some cakes? Maybe a box of cookies?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
Nope. I always smile when I'm chewing. Hey, you want some of these bonbons?<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
Line 824: Line 1,146:
If I give you a cookie, can we team up during the coming battle?<br>
If I give you a cookie, can we team up during the coming battle?<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
Sure. Just promise you'll reward me in gold...or better yet, snacks!<br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
I love you more than pudding, <lover>. There, I said it.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
That's sweet of you to say. And I like sweet. Guess I picked the right lady!<br>
That's sweet of you to say. And I like sweet. Guess I picked the right lady!<br>
Line 840: Line 1,162:
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
You're safe with me, <lover>. I won't ever let anything happen to you.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
Don't worry about me. I'll find a way to keep breathing just as long as you need me.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Whatcha got there, <lover>? Is it dessert? Don't hold out on me.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Ah, damn. So much for keeping it a secret. Here. I, uh, baked this for you yesterday.<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
<Child>, what were the confection... Er, conditions like in the future?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
Wanna hear about my past? That'll cost ya some... Oh, you brought cookies!<br>
You take after your old man. Mmm... *crunch*<br>
Wow. These are so good, I might just talk to you for free next time!<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Everything all right, <child>? If you're tired, eat something sweet.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
Nah, you're imagining it. Anyway, nothing a freshly baked pie won't fix!<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Need anything, <child>? Your pop's got a knack for wish fulfillment.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Well, why not bake me something sweet? You can bake, right? ...RIGHT?<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Let's spar, <child>. If you sting like a bee, I'll teach ya how to collect honey.<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
As long as we get to have cupcakes after, I'm game.<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
I've never seen you so happy. Did they serve carrots for breakfast?<br>
I've never seen you so happy. Did they serve carrots for breakfast?<br>
Line 861: Line 1,208:
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
We taguel often call humans the "dreaming race." What is your dream?<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
Last night I dreamt I raided a carrot patch. ...Is that not the sort of dream you mean?<br>
Last night I dreamt I raided a carrot patch. ...Is that not the sort of dream you mean?<br>
Line 873: Line 1,220:
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, have I ever told you taguel females fancy men like you? <br>
I love you, <lover>. It pleases me to be united with a human like this.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
You humans speak plainly. At times, I admire that. ...And my love is yours as well.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, have I ever told you taguel females fancy men like you?<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
A funny habit, these periodic compliments. ...Very well. You are also attractive.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Swear to me you stay alive, my mate. I have been left alone once already.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
I swear I will survive—both for the taguel and for you.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What is that, <lover>? Some tool of a man-spawn?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
This is a taguel talisman. Here, I made one for you.<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
How did you spend your days in the future, my child?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
I was alone for some time before joining the Shepherds. All our kind were massacred.<br>
So I know the pain you must have felt when I died in the future.<br>
Perhaps that is a lesson to fear death. Not for myself or our race...but for you.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Are you well, <child>? You look as though something gave you a jolt.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
It is nice of you to care, but please do not get so excited. Loud noises hurt my ears.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<Child>, do you need anything? A taguel child deserves every comfort.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
...Just a carrot will do.<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Shall we practice together, <child>? Those with Taguel blood must stay agile.<br>
Shall we practice together, <child>? Those with Taguel blood must stay agile.<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
Very well. See if you can best me, then. A parent takes pride in being surpassed.<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
Did you just meet the love of your life? You look so happy!<br>
Did you just meet the love of your life? You look so happy!<br>
<i>Mood - Question (to Chrom)</i><br>
You look so happy, Chrom. Did you just sweep another woman off her feet?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
Ha ha! Where did you get that idea? I just like being in good company, that's all.<br>
Ha ha! Where did you get that idea? I just like being in good company, that's all.<br>
<i>Mood - Answer (to Chrom)</i><br>
No, Chrom... The thing I like is just a bit further out of reach.<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
I haven't seen you around camp in a while. What have you been up to?<br>
I haven't seen you around camp in a while. What have you been up to?<br>
<i>Hobby - Question (to Chrom)</i><br>
Ah, Chrom! I haven't seen you around camp. How have you been passing the time?<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
Oh, I'm always running errands to town. My pegasus is suited for that sort of thing.<br>
Oh, I'm always running errands to town. My pegasus is suited for that sort of thing.<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer (to Chrom)</i><br>
Oh, I'm always running errands to town. Can I pick anything up for you?<br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
We all have to work hard to fulfill our dreams. What are yours?<br>
<i>Dream - Question (to Chrom)</i><br>
What kind of things do you dream of, Chrom?<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
I just want my days to be filled with joy. You never know which will be your last.<br>
I just want my days to be filled with joy. You never know which will be your last.<br>
<i>Dream - Answer (to Chrom)</i><br>
I have more dreams than I can count, but I know some are not meant to be.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
Why don't we fight together next time? You don't have to do everything alone.<br>
<i>Fighting Todether - Question (to Chrom)</i><br>
Er, Chrom, I was wondering if... Well, it would honor me to fight together.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
Of course. I would welcome the change of pace.<br>
Of course. I would welcome the change of pace.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer (to Chrom)</i><br>
YES! That would be... I would be honored! Truly!<br>
Line 925: Line 1,307:
I love you, <lover>. You're the only one I don't have to be perfect around.<br>
I love you, <lover>. You're the only one I don't have to be perfect around.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
I love you too. I’ve never been happier!<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, why is it you only captivate me more as time goes on?<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Thank you. I strive to be the best woman I can for the man I love.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, look me in the eye and promise you’ll stay safe for me.<br>
<Lover>, look me in the eye and promise you’ll stay safe for me.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
Peace. You know I'm not an easy woman to kill. I won't leave you.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Oops! <Lover>, you dropped this. ...Wait, what is it?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
It’s medicine to heal any wound. You’re always putting yourself in danger.<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
How did you spend your time in the future, <child>?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
Well, I used to be painfully lonely and in love with a man I could not have. I even dreamt of death... But I found another man who sustains me and a daughter I can be proud of. So trust me—no matter how dark things seem, you will always pull through it.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Are you all right, <child>? You look completely out of it.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
Ha ha! I’m fine. Don’t worry so much! Your mother is a tough woman.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Is there anything you need, <child>? Don’t be afraid to ask your mother.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Really? Thank you. Why don’t we get matching hair ornaments? I’ll pay!<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
<Child>, come spar with me. I know you’re capable of greater things than I.<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
All right. But don't underestimate your mother.<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
You are looking happily today. Perhaps you find gold lying around, yes?<br>
You are looking happily today. Perhaps you find gold lying around, yes?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
Line 949: Line 1,352:
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
*Sigh* No one here has the fun. What do you do to kill time?<br>
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Sigh* No one here has the fun. What do you do to kill time?<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
Gregor take odd jobs, of course. Sellsword must earn living like anyone else.<br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
Line 966: Line 1,369:
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
Guess what Gregor love most today. Need hint? Gregor stand in front of answer.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
Gregor love <lover> too. Would perhaps win in contest of affection, yes?<br>
Gregor love <lover> too. Would perhaps win in contest of affection, yes?<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
Gregor is lucky man to have most attractive and smart woman alive.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
See? Gregor's wife not only smart and beautiful—she have great taste in men!<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Be careful, <lover>! Gregor is very sad if wife bite dust, yes?<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
Oh ho, you are worried! How very cute. But Gregor not kick buckets so easily.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, did you drop this? What is this thing?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Is jewel Gregor receive for bashing heads. You want? It look very nice on you, yes?<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
<Child>, what was future like? Curious minds wishing to know, yes?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
...Gregor's past? What funny and adorable questions you are asking! Perhaps <child> trying to charm Gregor into lifetime of parenting? Oh ho! ...Was jest, was jest! Of course Gregor keep family safe through this mess.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Tired, <child>? You look ready to make with the zonking out.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
You notice, then? Very astute. But Gregor is much tougher than you think.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<Child>, you need anything? Gregor overbearing protective type.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Ah! Always thinking of your family, like Gregor. But smile is gift enough.<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Come, <child>. Train with father. If you win, dinner is onto the house!<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
A familiar duel. Gregor like this idea. Shall we make not-so-gentlemanly bet?<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
Why so chipper? Did you make a new friend?<br>
Why so chipper? Did you make a new friend?<br>
<i>Mood - Question (to Chrom)</i><br>
Hi, Chrom! You look happy today. Did you make a new friend?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
Nope! I'm just happy to have my freedom and be around all these fun people.<br>
Nope! I'm just happy to have my freedom and be around all these fun people.<br>
<i>Mood - Answer (to Chrom)</i><br>
Nope! I'm just super happy to see you, Chrom.<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
How come you always disappear after battles? Did you pick up a hobby?<br>
How come you always disappear after battles? Did you pick up a hobby?<br>
<i>Hobby - Question (To Chrom)</i><br>
How come you always disappear after battles, Chrom? You can trust me!<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
Oh, I'm always going around talking to people. I love a good story!<br>
Oh, I'm always going around talking to people. I love a good story!<br>
Line 998: Line 1,431:
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
Hey, what do you dream about? I could always use some new ideas to fill the years.<br>
Hey, what do you dream about? I could always use some new ideas to fill the years.<br>
<i>Dream - Question (to Chrom)</i><br>
Chrom, what's your biggest dream? I need some new ideas to fill the millennia.<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
I've always wanted to transform into new things. Cat... Bird... Ooo, maybe a spider!<br>
I've always wanted to transform into new things. Cat... Bird... Ooo, maybe a spider!<br>
Line 1,003: Line 1,438:
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
Wanna fight together next time? I bet we'd make a dangerous duo.<br>
Wanna fight together next time? I bet we'd make a dangerous duo.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question (to Chrom)</i><br>
Wanna fight together next time, Chrom? That would make me feel extra safe.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
Okay! I'll do my very bestest.<br>
Okay! I'll do my very bestest.<br>
Line 1,009: Line 1,446:
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, you're my favorite bestest person in the whole world. I love you silly!<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
Really? Well, I love you even more!<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
You're so strong, <lover>! I love watching my baby fight.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Thanks! But I guess I should probably act a little more grown up.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
You're so warm, <lover>. I don't ever want to lose you. ...Promise?<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
But I'm a dragon! I'm the one who should be worried about losing YOU first!<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What is that, <lover>? I saw you trying to hide it. Show me!<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Oh, these stones? I found them. Aren't they pretty? I'll give you one if you want.<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
Hey, <child>! Tell me about the future. What kind of things did you do?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
Well, okay. But my backstory is pretty epic. A thousand years is a long time! Why don't I tell it in installments? Like a bedtime story each night. If we're lucky, I'll finish it before that untimely death you warned me about!<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
You okay, <child>? Your mother is very worried.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
Don't worry about old Nowi. I'm really a big scary dragon, remember?<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Hey, kiddo. Is there anything you need? You know your mom has got it covered.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Thanks! Should I make a list? How's your memory? Can we go shopping together?<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Come on, <child>, let's train! I can't practice with humans or I'll hurt them.<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
All right! But promise to take cover if I start breathing doom and destruction.<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
You look to be in fine spirits. Have the gods answered your prayers?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
Not exactly. A smile is simply my way of thanking Naga for my time with you.<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
What is the first thing you do after returning to camp?<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
If there is a place of worship nearby, I pray there and purify my heart.<br>
If there is a place of worship nearby, I pray there and purify my heart.<br>
Line 1,043: Line 1,501:
Dreams are a powerful thing. What is it that you seek for yourself?<br>
Dreams are a powerful thing. What is it that you seek for yourself?<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
As trite as it sounds, I dream only of peace and happiness for all the gods' creatures.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
Line 1,053: Line 1,511:
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
My love, you look quite fetching, as usual. I must take care to focus during battle.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
I love you too. You are as much a part of my life as Naga herself.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
My love, you look quite fetching, as usual. I must take care to focus during battle.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Well ... it is a comfort to not be called 'voluptuous' for a change. Thank you.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Take care out there, <lover>. I do not wish for the gods to have you just yet.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
Be at peace. I intend to stay with you as long as the gods allow.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
You dropped something, <lover>. Is it important?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
This is a powerful amulet. ...I was hoping to surprise you with it.<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
<Child>, might I ask you about the past? What was it like?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
Gods above, I thank you for blessing me with so inquisitive a child, and for all the... Er, sorry. I drift into prayer sometimes. But I suppose that answers your question! I will pray for you as well, that you may be delivered from all the coming evils.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Are you all right, <child>? I can heal you, if you like.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
It's ... all right. I will entrust my recovery to the gods.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<Child>, is there nothing you need? You can ask your father for anything.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Thank you, but I desire only a happy future for you.<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
<Child>, shall we practice a bit? Show me and the gods how you've grown.<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
If you think me ample practice, then yes, of course. I will heal wounds I inflict.<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
Well, lah-dee-dah. Don't you look happy. Trying to make the gloomy woman feel bad?<br>
Well, lah-dee-dah. Don't you look happy. Trying to make the gloomy woman feel bad?<br>
<i>Mood - Question (to Robin)</i><br>
You look happy today, Robin. Fallen victim to a certain someone's curse?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
Go away. What do you care how I feel?<br>
Go away. What do you care how I feel?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer (to Robin)</i><br>
Maybe I’m simply happy to be around you. Does that thought...scare you?<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
Have I mentioned you've been acting odd lately? Why do you wander off from camp?<br>
Have I mentioned you've been acting odd lately? Why do you wander off from camp?<br>
<i>Hobby - Question (to Robin)</i><br>
So, Robin. How do you fill your spare time? Inquiring minds want to know.<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
What do you think? I hack together hexes and fish for fools to try them on. ...Busy?<br>
What do you think? I hack together hexes and fish for fools to try them on. ...Busy?<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer (to Robin)</i><br>
Me? Oh, I uh...try to divine my own future! ...With you.<br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
I've devised a hex to make dreams come true. Tell me your desires and hold still...<br>
<i>Dream - Question (to Robin)</i><br>
Robin, you always study so hard. Do you have some secret goal? A dream?<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
Dreaming is dull. Who wants to walk around with sparkles in their eyes? Not me.<br>
Dreaming is dull. Who wants to walk around with sparkles in their eyes? Not me.<br>
<i>Dream - Answer (to Robin)</i><br>
You want to know? You care, don’t you?! I dream that you’ll... Gah! I can’t say it!<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
Our foes grow stronger. Why don’t you and I fight together next time?<br>
Our foes grow stronger. Why don’t you and I fight together next time?<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question (to Robin)</i><br>
Have I told you that I admire your strength, Robin? We should team up.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
Oh, I see. You think I'm too weak and puny to fend for myself. Have it your way...<br>
Oh, I see. You think I'm too weak and puny to fend for myself. Have it your way...<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer (to Robin)</i><br>
Fight with you? YES! I mean...YES! I won’t let those monsters touch you.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
I love you, <lover>. And if you cheat on me, the consequences will be dire.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
I feel the same. ...Haven't we been over this?<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
You look handsomer than usual today, <lover>. ...The hex worked.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
I may have used underhanded means to achieve that effect. Just so you know.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Still in one piece, <lover>? If you die before me, you'd better run in the afterlife.<br>
Still in one piece, <lover>? If you die before me, you'd better run in the afterlife.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
Don't worry. I'll be with you always. ...Even if it's as a vengeful ghost.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What's that you have there, <lover>? You can't hide anything from me.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
It's an accessory. Why don't you put it on? Let everyone know you BELONG to me.<br>
It's an accessory. Why don't you put it on? Let everyone know you BELONG to me.<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
Hey, you look cheery! Find a nice weapon on sale?<br>
Tell me about the future, <child>. ...What? I'm curious.<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
Oh, you know—hex this, hex that. I've always been a girl with dark tendencies. And since you're my daughter you should probably learn the trade. ...Or at least sacrifice to advance it. Care to help me test the teethgrinder hex?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Are you all right, <child>? You look pale. That may be my fault...<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
I'm always like that. Now stop looking at me like I have the plague.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Anything you need, <child>? You deserve a reward for being my guinea pig.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
How about some animal bones? ...And no, it's not for curses. I'm making a flute.<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
<Child>, can I practice on you? ...I mean, practice WITH you?<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
Bold words. But don't say I didn't warn you if you start barking like a dog.<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
Hey, you look cheery! Find a nice weapon on sale?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
Actually, I just go some hot new items in. Are you in a spending mood?<br>
Actually, I just go some hot new items in. Are you in a spending mood?<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
Hey, what do you do in your spare time? ...shop, I hope?<br>
Hey, what do you do in your spare time? ...Shop, I hope?<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
Me? I do inventory. Want to watch? I'm a whiz at counting vulneraries.<br>
Me? I do inventory. Want to watch? I'm a whiz at counting vulneraries.<br>
Line 1,134: Line 1,650:
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
Well, we've got a tough battle ahead. Can I could on you?<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
Sure. But let's not do anything reckless. A dead shopkeeper earns no profits.<br>
Sure. But let's not do anything reckless. A dead shopkeeper earns no profits.<br>
Line 1,141: Line 1,657:
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
Robin, you're second to nothing except gold. ...Kidding! You're number one.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
Thanks, baby. I love you too. Want to go in the back room and...count gold?<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
Hey, handsome! You're nicer to look at with each passing day, you know that?<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Ha ha! Thanks, that's sweet. You're looking pretty studly yourself today!<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Please be careful out there, Robin. We're supposed to open a store together!<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
What? I would never leave my shop behi... Er, I mean, I'd never leave YOU behind.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What have you got there, Robin? Is it rare? Is it marketable? Let me see!<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Oh, this? I was about to put it on the sale rack. Want to buy it off me?<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
Sooo, what's popular in the future? I need to stay ahead of the trends.<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
I've been traveling and selling as long as I can remember. Oh, the lands I've seen!
Which reminds me, I need to introduce you to my sisters. You have a LOT of aunts!
...You might say you were born into discounts.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Hey, are you okay? You were up all night reading.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
Really? Don't worry about me. I feel fine! Never better, in fact.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Is there anything you need? You know Mom runs the best store around.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Nah, my suppliers have got me covered. That's nice of you to offer, though!<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Wow, kiddo, you are fast at stocking the store shelves. Want to race sometime?<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
Sure, but go easy on me. I'm not the spring chicken I used to be!<br>
Line 1,172: Line 1,714:
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
Dreams are easy to chase, but hard to catch. What do you dream about?<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
I just want to be the best dancer around. ...If I can get over my stage fright first.<br>
I just want to be the best dancer around. ...If I can get over my stage fright first.<br>
Line 1,179: Line 1,721:
I feel very safe around you, you know that? Can I fight with you in the next battle?<br>
I feel very safe around you, you know that? Can I fight with you in the next battle?<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
I can't do much besides dance, but that would be wonderful!<br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, I love you so much. You give me the courage to say that.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
I love you, too. And I always will.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<Lover>! Don't stare like that. You're so handsome, you'll make me blush...<br>
<Lover>! Don't stare like that. You're so handsome, you'll make me blush...<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Oh, stop. Are you trying to make my heart race?!<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, PROMISE me you won't get yourself hurt. I couldn't bear to lose you.<br>
<Lover>, PROMISE me you won't get yourself hurt. I couldn't bear to lose you.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
I know. I'm sorry if I worry you. I'll just have to get stronger, okay.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What do you have there, <lover>? If you're busy, I can put it away for you.<br>
What do you have there, <lover>? If you're busy, I can put it away for you.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Oh, this? It's just a gift...for you. I guess I should have hidden it better.<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
<Child>, you came from the future, right? How did you spend your days?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
My life so far has been mostly practice, practice, practice. I have stage fright, but it's worth it to see other people smiling back. But you're the one I want to make happy most of all. Sometimes I see a hint of sadness in your eyes and I...worry.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
My gosh, <child>! Are you all right? You look like you've been through an ordeal.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
I'm all right. I promise! Please, don't trouble yourself.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Is there anything you need, <child>? You know I would do anything for you.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
That's kind of you to offer. But all I need is the pleasant conversation!<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
<Child>, would you mind training with me? I'm too shy to ask anyone else.<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
A-are you sure? Just thinking about raising a sword at my own child makes me nervous.<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
Why so cheerful? Did you stumble upon a cute little caterpillar?<br>
Why so cheerful? Did you stumble upon a cute little caterpillar?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
Line 1,217: Line 1,780:
We all need dreams to sustain us. What are yours?<br>
We all need dreams to sustain us. What are yours?<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
Well, I would love to see Minerva's child one day. Wouldn't that be magical?<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
Line 1,227: Line 1,790:
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
I adore you, <lover>. Never forget that.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
I love you, too. ...Now say that again.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
Is it just me, or do you get more handsome with each passing day?<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
You know the right things to say to a lady. But you're the nicer one to look at.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Please be careful, <lover>. I am so scared I might lose you.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere. You need someone to look after you.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What do you have there, my love? Hardly something you would need in battle, no?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
It's a cookbook. I take pride in broiling more than my foes, I'll have you know.<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
Tell me, <child>, what was your day-to-day life in the future like?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
You are the first to ask me that in a while. Well, why don't we talk over tea? And soon—before you go off on your own again. Promise? Otherwise I will have to send Minerva to hunt you down.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
How are you feeling, <child>? You look a bit pale today.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
Don't worry. I can deal with any problems that arise.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Do you need anything, <child>? Your journey here must have been difficult.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Thank you, but just the thought is more than enough, my dear.<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Come practice with me, <child>. It will be good for you.<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
Very well. For my darling child, anything!<br>
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<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
We all need a dream worth dying for. Or a death worth deaming about! What's yours? <br>
We all need a dream worth dying for. Or a death worth dreaming about! What's yours? <br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
I want to die a horrible, bloody death that's completely painless. ...I don't like ouchies.<br>
I want to die a horrible, bloody death that's completely painless. ...I don't like ouchies.<br>
Line 1,271: Line 1,855:
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<lover>, I love you so much, my spleen hurts. ...I hope that's normal.<br>
<Lover>, I love you so much, my spleen hurts. ...I hope that's normal.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
I love you too! Since that's settled, can I hex you so you can't look at other guys?<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, you're as cute as a dead puppy. I'm head over heels for you!<br>
<Lover>, you're as cute as a dead puppy. I'm head over heels for you!<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Woo-hoo! I've been told I grow on people. It's my secret power.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Can I hold your hand, <lover>? I'm having morbid thoughts.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
Don't worry. I won't die a gory death just yet. And no curse will ever part us!<br>
Don't worry. I won't die a gory death just yet. And no curse will ever part us!<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What have you got there, <lover>? And why are you trying to hide it?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Oh, I made this trinket out of dread animal parts. You want it? It'd look good on you.<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
What's the future like, <child>? Do pegasi evolve into aquatic creatures?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
I mostly just sling curses and hang out with crows. But I'm not about to add deadbeat dad to my list of hobbies! I'll take care of you. Even if I die a horrible death, I'll protect you from the... Hey, why the long face?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
You look beat, <child>. Want me to work out some knots? ...With a fork?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
Wow, you see right through me. ...Wait, does that mean I finally turned invisible?!<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<Child>, can I get you anything using the horrible power of dark magic?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Really? How about a sick weapon I can use to maim people and protect you?<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
<Child>, why don't we have a little mock battle? I promise not to curse you!<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
Okay, but my magic is kind of scary, so we should set up a safe word first.<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
Zounds! You look spirited. Did you steal off last night for a bit of secret training?<br>
<i>Mood - Question (to Yen'fay)</i><br>
Brother, I can see you are in high spirits. It pleases me to see you at peace again.<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
Nay. I was simply remembering more joyful times in Chon'sin.<br>
Nay. I was simply remembering more joyful times in Chon'sin.<br>
<i>Mood - Answer (to Yen'fay)</i><br>
Aye, verily. Mayhap you are not the same Yen'fay, but you are still flesh and blood.<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
If I may ask, how do you spend your idle hours in camp?<br>
If I may ask, how do you spend your idle hours in camp?<br>
<i>Hobby - Question (to Yen'fay)</i><br>
Brother, how do you pass the hours when the fighting has subsided?<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
I perform what services I can for the Ylissean army. 'Tis the least I can do.<br>
I perform what services I can for the Ylissean army. 'Tis the least I can do.<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer (to Yen'fay)</i><br>
I aid Chrom in what ways I can. 'Tis the very least I can do.<br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
Have you any dreams? It need not always be distressing to ponder the future.<br>
<i>Dream - Question (to Yen'fay)</i><br>
Brother, do you have any dreams?<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
I dream of restoring Chon'sin to glory.<br>
I dream of restoring Chon'sin to glory.<br>
<i>Dream - Answer (to Yen'fay)</i><br>
I dream of restoring Chon'sin to glory. We share one dream, Brother.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
Our foes have grown strong of late. Mayhap we could join our might in the next battle.<br>
Our foes have grown strong of late. Mayhap we could join our might in the next battle.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question (to Yen'fay)</i><br>
Brother, let us join our blades in the coming battle.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
Very well. I am not too proud to accept the help, nor offer mine in return.<br>
Very well. I am not too proud to accept the help, nor offer mine in return.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer (to Yen'fay)</i><br>
Aye. I know your fighting style better than anyone. Our blades shall sing as one!<br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
I find my thoughts wandering to you of late. You have captured my heart utterly.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
Shh! These whisperings of love ought to be saved for a more...private place.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
I must confess, <lover>, you have stolen my heart anew with your bravery.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Fie! Must you toss those words about so idly? I am not used to such compliments.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Vow to me that you will stay alive, my love. I have lost too many companions already.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
Aye, I swear it. I know too well the pain of being left behind.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What are you hiding there, <lover>? My sharp eye detects a prize.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
I bought you some cakes. ...Oh, fie! Just eat them and stop glaring.<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
How strange it is to learn I have a daughter, Morgan. Can you tell me of the future?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
I would not know where to begin, but I agree—'tis a conversation to be had. Let me share one lesson I have learned: trust your family, no matter what. I was forced to turn my blade upon my brother: I do not wish the same for you.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Morgan, are you unwell? You have an air of fatigue about you.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
Worry not! I've no troubles I cannot overcome on my own.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Morgan, might I get you aught you need? My daughter deserves the best.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Then set aside some time for us to talk. We spend too much time training and fighting.<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Morgan, will you not train with me? I long to see what you can do.<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
Aye, that's the spirit. But I must prepare myself before facing my own blood!<br>
Line 1,348: Line 1,991:
I've met so many people with just as many dreams. What is it that you strive for?<br>
I've met so many people with just as many dreams. What is it that you strive for?<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
I want lots of friends. I know I'll lose them one day, but it beats never meeting at all.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
Can I count on you in the coming battle? I need a strong fighting partner like you.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
Of course. I'll do my best. And it's always flattering to be asked for help!<br>
Of course. I'll do my best. And it's always flattering to be asked for help!<br>
Line 1,358: Line 2,001:
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
I wish we could stay together always, <lover>.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
I love you too-more with each passing day.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
Every day makes you a finer man, my love. I wish I could grow old like you.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Really? I'm fairly certain I'm the same as always, but it's still nice of you to say.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
My love, promise you'll stay with me as long as you can. I can't bear to lose you to war.<br>
My love, promise you'll stay with me as long as you can. I can't bear to lose you to war.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
I fear I will be the one left behind. But I'll stay with you until the day you pass me by.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What have you got there, <lover>? I don't remember seeing that before.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
It's a dragonstone from long ago. Its power is gone, so...why don't you keep it for me?<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
Goodness, Morgan, I'm still amazed I even HAVE a child. ...Tell me about the future.<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
Well, it's a long story, VERY long, in fact. How about one little anecdote?<br>
I used to be friends with Marth, the famous king. He was a kind man, but...<br>
But he had a commanding gaze. I miss him greatly, and I shall never forget him.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Morgan, you look sleepy. Need a dose of dragonbreath to wake you up?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
Really? How odd. I feel just fine. Well, whatever it is, I'm sure it will pass.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Morgan, do you need anything? I'd like to get a gift for my daughter.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
How about hair ornament? I've been wearing this one for ages. ...Literally.<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
You sleep even more than me, Morgan. Maybe we should compete to stay awake!<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
Well, all right, but I'll have to hold back. Otherwise I'll destroy you in seconds.<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
What's with the happy face? Did you just come back from a good massage?<br>
<i>Mood - Question (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
Why so happy, Emmeryn? Did you just come back from a good massage?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
What the hell are you talking about? Can't I be happy to see a friend?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
What are you talking about? Can't I be happy to see a friend?<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
When you're not killing Risen, how do you kill time?<br>
<i>Hobby - Question (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
Emmeryn, what do you do to kill time?<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
I train, of course! Same as I did back in Regna Ferox.<br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
One thing's for certain--we all need a dream. So what's yours?<br>
One thing's for certain—we all need a dream. So what's yours?<br>
<i>Dream - Question (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
One thing's for certain—we all need a dream. What's yours, Emmeryn?<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
I'd like to keep winning the tournament and keep that oaf Basilio off my throne!<br>
I'd like to keep winning the tournament and keep that oaf Basilio off my throne!<br>
Line 1,395: Line 2,069:
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
I must say, I like the way you move. Why don't we team up in the coming battle?<br>
I must say, I like the way you move. Why don't we team up in the coming battle?<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
You fight very well, Emmeryn. Why don't we team up in the coming battle?<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
It's a deal! I'm no lone wolf when I don't have to be.<br>
It's a deal! I'm no lone wolf when I don't have to be.<br>
Line 1,401: Line 2,077:
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
Robin, since no one else is around to hear... I love you.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
Hah, I know! I love you too, and I will for all the days to come.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
What a man you've become, Robin! You've come a long way since I met you...<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
I don't work myself up over appearances. ...But it's still flattering. Thanks.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Don't get stupid out there, my love. I don't want to be a widow.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
Don't worry about me! I've survived my share of ugly wars.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What have you got there, Robin? Bought yourself a new toy?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
This? It's a fleece from Regna Ferox. If you like it, it's yours.<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
Morgan, I'm so proud to have you as a daughter. Did I treat you well in the future?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
Well, back in Regna Ferox, I spent most of my time training myself and my men. Only the strongest earn the title of Khan. But I wanted it, fought for it, and here I am. Strategy matters, but never undervalue hard work. You have to start on your goals early.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Morgan, you look dreadful! Need your mother to whip you back into shape?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
Oof, is it that bad? I must be getting old. Well, nothing some exercise won't cure.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Morgan, don't be afraid to ask if you need anything. All right?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
I could use some strong warriors for the next tournament. Are you volunteering?<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Got time to train, Morgan? If you win, I’ll make you the new khan! Ha!<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
You like a good battle, like your mother! All right, do your worst.<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
Look at you, grinning like a fool! Slipping back home from a naughty night in town?<br>
<i>Mood - Question (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
Emmeryn, you look happy. Did you sneak out and have some fun for a change?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
Ha! Aren't you reading into it a little too much? ...Not that I'm not amused.<br>
Ha! Aren't you reading into it a little too much? ...Not that I'm not amused.<br>
Line 1,428: Line 2,127:
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
So what do you do for kicks?<br>
So what do you do for kicks?<br>
<i>Hobby - Question (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
Emmeryn, don't you do anything for fun? Life isn't all battles. ...Unfortunately.<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
I chop firewood. People seem to think I'm good at it. Doubles as axe practice, too!<br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
What are your dreams? You should think of these things while you're young!<br>
<i>Dream - Question (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
What do you dream about, Emmeryn? Don't wait until you get to be my age.<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
I dream about winning the tournament and taking back my throne! What else?<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
What do you say you and I team up on the battlefield? I think we're a good fit.<br>
What do you say you and I team up on the battlefield? I think we're a good fit.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
Emmeryn, nothing would make me happier than to fight the next battle by your side.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
You have excellent taste! All right, why not? Let's make the enemy weep!<br>
You have excellent taste! All right, why not? Let's make the enemy weep!<br>
Line 1,444: Line 2,149:
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
I love you, Robin, and I dare you to stop me.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
Trying to melt the barbarian's heart again? It might just be working.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
Is it just me, Robin, or have you gotten prettier overnight?<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Aw, I'm the same lug as always, but have YOU gotten prettier overnight?<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Robin, promise you won't do anything reckless. Especially not for me.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
Ha! Don't worry. I already died once, and I'm not looking to repeat the experience.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What have you got there, Robin? Why not just store it with the convoy?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Oh, this is from the Feroxi treasure vault. I thought it would look good on you! Here.<br>
==Child Characters==
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
What's new, Morgan? You manage to remember anything?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
I just live life as it pleases me. I started as a pirate, and now I'm a khan. You've got to try everything while you're young and see what sticks. If you can't get your old memories back, pack your life with exciting new ones!<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
You look a little woozy today, kid. Trying to worry your old man?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
Don't worry. I'll get my color back in no time. Save your ideas for when it matters.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Anything you need, Morgan? Just name it! You can ask your father for whatever.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
I'd like my throne back, but I guess that's a tall order. Bwa ha ha!<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Grab a weapon, Morgan. Let's see if you've got the makings of a khan!<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
Bwa ha ha! That's the spirit! Once the war's over, I'll put you through the Feroxi ropes!<br>
==Child Characters==
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
Line 1,485: Line 2,211:
I feel so empowered around you. Have I mentioned that? Why don't we team up?<br>
I feel so empowered around you. Have I mentioned that? Why don't we team up?<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
Of course. I will protect you with my life, the same as all my comrades.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
I love you, <lover>. May we be together always.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
I love you as well. Don't you dare think of dying out there.<br>
I love you as well. Don't you dare think of dying out there.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
You look more dashing than ever! To me, you are the finest man in the world.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Oh, thank you! You look dashing as well.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Please take care of yourself out there. I do not want to see another loved one slain.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
Don’t worry. I promise to remain by your side as long as you need me.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What is that, my dear? Can I help you store it in the convoy?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Oh, it’s just a lunch I made you for the road. I hope it tastes all right...<br>
<i>Life - Question (to her mother)</i><br>
<i>Life - Question (to mother)</i><br>
Mother, what was your life like before you met me?<br>
Mother, what was your life like before you met me?<br>
<i>Life - Question (to Chrom)</i><br>
<i>Life - Question (to Chrom)</i><br>
I'm so glad we can be together again, father. Tell me more about your life.<br>
I'm so glad we can be together again, Father. Tell me more about your life.<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to her mother)</i><br>
<i>Life - Answer (to mother)</i><br>
You want to know about the future? I have told you most of what I know. Why don’t we talk about the few memories I have of you? We could sit down over dinner. I would like that very much.<br>
You want to know about the future? I have told you most of what I know. Why don’t we talk about the few memories I have of you? We could sit down over dinner. I would like that very much.<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to Chrom)</i><br>
I remember a little of a more peaceful time when I was very small. I pretended I was captain of my very own Junior Shepherds!  Be kind to baby Lucina if she does such silly things. They...may be all she has.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to her mother)</i><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to mother)</i><br>
Mother, you look pale. Should I get help? Lie down for a bit!<br>
Mother, you look pale. Should I get help? Lie down for a bit!<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to Chrom)</i><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to Chrom)</i><br>
Father, how are you feeling? Are you hurt? I could not bear to lose you...<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to her mother)</i><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to mother)</i><br>
I appreciate your concern, Mother. But you need to take care of yourself, too.<br>
I appreciate your concern, Mother. But you need to take care of yourself, too.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Chrom)</i><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Chrom)</i><br>
Line 1,527: Line 2,255:
<i>Gift - Question (to her mother)</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question (to mother)</i><br>
Mother, do you need anything? I finally have the chance to be a good daughter.<br>
Mother, do you need anything? I finally have the chance to be a good daughter.<br>
<i>Gift - Question (to Chrom)</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question (to Chrom)</i><br>
Father, can I get you anything? I rarely get a chance to thank you for all you've done.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to mother)</i><br>
Oh! Thank you. But just being able to spend time with you is a wonderful gift.<br>
Oh! Thank you. But just being able to spend time with you is a wonderful gift.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to Chrom)</i><br>
I just want a brighter future. I can deal with any hardship now in exchange.<br>
<i>Training - Question (to her mother)</i><br>
<i>Training - Question (to mother)</i><br>
Mother, why don’t we have a little contest to see whose cooking Father prefers?<br>
Mother, why don’t we have a little contest to see whose cooking Father prefers?<br>
<i>Training - Question (to Chrom)</i><br>
<i>Training - Question (to Chrom)</i><br>
Father, can I challenge you to another fight? I still have much to learn.<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
<i>Training - Answer (to mother)</i><br>
A contest? I’d rather not...but if you insist, I will not hold back.<br>
A contest? I’d rather not...but if you insist, I will not hold back.<br>
<i>Training - Answer (to Chrom)</i><br>
Of course, Father! I lost the battle in the arena, but much has changed since then!<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
Morgan, was your future more peaceful than mine? I wish you could remember.<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
I came from the future, like you. Mine was a dark one, though, and full of despair. I wonder if you returned here for the same reason—to right some terrible wrong. If so, then let us set things right together. We will save all possible futures!<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Morgan, you seem unwell. Is everything all right?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
I'm fine, thank you. Don't get so excited.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Morgan, is there anything you desire? I wish to spoil my daughter silly.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Thank you, but the thing I want most is something I must win by my own strength.<br>
<i>Hobby from another time- Question</i><br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Morgan, why don't we train for a bit? I want to see what my daughter is capable of.<br>
<i>Hobby from another time- Answer</i><br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
I remember a little of a more peaceful time when I was very small. I pretended I was captain of my very own Junior Shepherds!  Be kind to baby Lucina if she does such silly things. They...may be all she has.<br>
Very well. After all, you will need to learn to wield Falchion one day.<br>
===Morgan (Male)===
===Morgan (Male)===
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
It's so nice to see you in good spirits! Did you think up a good battle strategy?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
Oh, no! I just remembered your remarkable fighting while trying to hatch a strategy.<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
What do you do when you finish fighting?<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
I try to stay up late and study strategy like my mother. ...But I usually conk out.<br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
My mother always said to dream big while you're still young. What do you dream of?<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
I want to be a great tactician like my mother! But I'll have to study hard.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
How would you feel about joining forces in the next battle?<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
Of course! I'm no match for my mother, but I'll think of some plan to see us through!<br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
I love you, <lover>. I may not remember much, but I will never forget you.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
I feel the same about you. I suppose I'm lucky I wound up in this time!<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
You are so attractive, <lover>. I can hardly focus on my studies!<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Trying to score points with me? Well...it's working. And you're amazing too!<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Go easy on yourself, <lover>. It would sadden me to lose you.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
Don't worry. I promise to stay alive. I've even devised a few strategies. Ha!<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Um, <lover>,what do you have sticking out of your satchel there?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Oh no, you saw it? I was hoping to surprise you with a present.<br>
<i>Life - Question (to his father)</i><br>
<i>Life - Question (to Robin)</i><br>
<i>Life - Question (to Robin)</i><br>
Hey, Mother! What was your life like before you met me?<br>
Hey, Mother! What was your life like before you met me?<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to Robin)</i><br>
<i>Life - Answer (to Robin)</i><br>
The future? I hardly remember anything, so I'm not sure what to say. I certainly don't remember the impending doom and despair Lucina speaks of. ...It's hard to believe that's how the world will turn out...<br>
The future? I hardly remember anything, so I'm not sure what to say. I certainly don't remember the impending doom and despair Lucina speaks of. ...It's hard to believe that's how the world will turn out...<br><br>
<i>Life - Answer (to his father)</i><br>
Well, I can’t remember anything about the future. But seeing how close you and Mother are now, I imagine you will be then, too. I must have been so happy. So lucky! But...that’s all I can come up with. I’m sorry.<br>
<i>Life - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, tell me about your life until you met me. I want to know all about you.<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to father)</i><br>
Well, I can’t remember anything about the future. But seeing how close you and Mother are now, I imagine you will be then, too. I must have been so happy. So lucky! But...that’s all I can come up with. I’m sorry.<br><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to Robin)</i><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to Robin)</i><br>
Mother, are you all right? We need your mind, but not at the expense of your health.<br>
Mother, are you all right? We need your mind, but not at the expense of your health.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Robin)</i><br>
You're the one always working hard! If I can't handle this, how will I live up to you?<br><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, are you all right? You look pale. I had better think of a solution!<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to father)</i><br>
Thank you, Father, but it's all right. Nothing will get me down easily.<br><br>
<i>Gift - Question (to Robin)</i><br>
Mother, is there anything you need? I’d like to get you presents now and then.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to Robin)</i><br>
How about that book you're always reading? It looks really educational.<br><br>
<i>Gift - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, tell me what I can get for you. Anything! It's the least I can do.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to father)</i><br>
I'd just like to spend more time with you! I want to get to know you better.<br><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Training - Question (to Robin)</i><br>
<Parent>, is there anything you need? I’d like to get you presents now and then.<br>
Mother, I've studied up. We should train together and see whose strategy prevails!<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Training - Answer (to Robin)</i><br>
All right! That will give me a chance to see how you fight. But go easy on me...<br><br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
<i>Training - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, come practice with me. I want to see how you react in battle.<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
<i>Training - Answer (to father)</i><br>
All right. But I must admit, I’m a little nervous to face you!<br>
All right. But I must admit, I’m a little nervous to face you!<br>
Line 1,623: Line 2,386:
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
It's so nice to see you in good spirits! Did you think up a good battle strategy?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
Oh, no! I just remembered your remarkable fighting while trying to hatch a strategy.<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
What do you do when you finish fighting?<br>
What do you do when you finish fighting?<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
I try to stay up late and study strategy like my father. ...But I usually conk out.<br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
Line 1,647: Line 2,410:
I love you, <lover>. I may not remember much, but I will never forget you.<br>
I love you, <lover>. I may not remember much, but I will never forget you.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
I feel the same about you. I suppose I'm lucky I wound up in this time!<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
You are so attractive, <lover>. I can hardly focus on my studies!<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Trying to score points with me? Well ... It's working, And you're amazing, too!<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Line 1,660: Line 2,423:
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Um, <lover>, what do you have sticking out of your satchel there?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Oh no, you saw it? I was hoping to surprise you with a present.<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
<i>Life - Question (to Robin)</i><br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
Hey, Father! What was you life like before you met me?<br>
The future? I hardly remember anything, so I'm not sure what to say. I certainly don't remember the impending doom and despair Lucina speaks of. ...It's hard to believe that's how the world will turn out.
<i>Life - Question (to mother)</i><br>
Mother, tell me about your life until you met me. I want to know all about you.<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to Robin)</i><br>
The future? I hardly remember anything, so I'm not sure what to say.<br>
I certainly don't remember the impending doom and despair Lucina speaks of.<br>
...It's hard to believe that's how the world will turn out.<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to mother)</i><br>
Well, I can't remember anything about the future.<br>
But seeing how close you and Father are now, I imagine you will be then, too.<br>
I must have been so happy. So lucky! But...that's all I can come up with.<br>
I'm sorry.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to Robin)</i><br>
Father, are you all right? We need your mind, but not at the expense of your health.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to mother)</i><br>
Mother, are you all right? You look pale, I had better think of a solution!<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Robin)</i><br>
You’re the one always working hard! If I can’t handle this, how will I live up to you?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to mother)</i><br>
Thank you, Mother, but it's all right. Nothing will get me down that easily.<br>
<i>Gift - Question (to Robin)</i><br>
Father, is there anything you need? I’d like to get you presents now and then.<br>
<i>Gift - Question (to mother)</i><br>
Mother, tell me what I can get for you. Anything! It's the least I can do.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to mother)</i><br>
I'd just like to spend more time with you! I want to get to know you a lot better.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to Robin)</i><br>
How about that book you’re always reading? It looks really educational.<br>
<i>Training - Question (to Robin)</i><br>
Father, I’ve studied up. We should train together and see whose strategy prevails!<br>
<i>Training - Question (to mother)</i><br>
Mother, come practice with me. I want to see how you react in battle.<br>
<i>Training - Answer  (to mother)</i><br>
All right. But I must admit, I'm a little nervous to face you!<br>
<i>Training - Answer  (to Robin)</i><br>
All right! That will give me a chance to see how you fight. But go easy on me...<br>
Line 1,674: Line 2,474:
Why the smile? Was my ultimate attack truly that breathtaking?<br>
Why the smile? Was my ultimate attack truly that breathtaking?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
No, I'm just glad I've been able to keep my sword hand in check. Apocalypse averted!<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
Line 1,684: Line 2,484:
Today I came one step closer to my place in the sagas. What do you dream of?<br>
Today I came one step closer to my place in the sagas. What do you dream of?<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
How bold of you to ask! I dream only of claiming my rightful place in the sagas.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
Line 1,694: Line 2,494:
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
I love you, <lover>. Not even the whims of time can part us.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
I love you, too. Even when immortalized in poetry, I shall be yours to command.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
You look lovely, <lover>. Your eyes twinkle like earthly stars.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Well, I must maintain a charming image for my love. ...And the poets. But mostly you.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, stay close to me in battle. No foe shall snuff out the light of my life!<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
Fear not. I swear I shall not be vanquished, no matter the foes aligned against me!<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What do you have there, <lover>? *gasp* It sparkles like...like the legendary...<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
This is "Goddess." I named it for you, my love, though it pales next to your beauty.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Life - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, tell me about your life before we met. I've always wanted to know.<br>
<i>Life - Question (to Lissa)</i><br>
Mother, you always ask me about the future, but I want to know about your life so far.<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to father)</i><br>
I have few memories of you, Father, but I remember you taking me to the armory.
I used to get uncomfortable when you inscribed "I Love Lissa" on your purchases.
You haven't already started doing that, have you? Oh boy...<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to Lissa)</i><br>
In the future, I fought Risen and added to my vast library of weapon names. Let me show you my finest weapon of all! ...It’s actually just a piece of a staff. But I named it “Lissa.” You were holding it when you... Well, it’s my greatest treasure.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, that scar is huge! It's amazing! ...Er, I mean, are you all right?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to Lissa)</i><br>
Mother, I’ve devised some new names for my moves! Do you think they sound good?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to father)</i><br>
Don't worry. I always look weak after unleashing the extent of my powers.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Lissa)</i><br>
Thank you, mother, but I like my new scar. It adds mystique to my persona.<br>
<i>Gift - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, do you need anything? Your son shall deliver it forthwith.<br>
<i>Gift - Question (to Lissa)</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question (to Lissa)</i><br>
Mother, do you need anything? I'm having a "dutiful son" moment.<br>
Mother, do you need anything? I'm having a "dutiful son" moment.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to father)</i><br>
How about a new eye color? Oh! What if I had two DIFFERENTLY COLORED eyes?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to Lissa)</i><br>
How about a smoking weapon, then? Ask Uncle Chrom for something legendary!<br>
<i>Training - Question (to father)</i><br>
Fight me, Father! I must surpass you and mark my passage into adulthood!<br>
<i>Training - Question (to Lissa)</i><br>
Mother, fight me! In the future, I was never able to best you in combat.<br>
<i>Training - Answer (to father)</i><br>
At last, this day has come. Have at thee, Father! Watch your son rise to glory!<br>
<i>Training - Answer (to Lissa)</i><br>
No! You promised to go easy on me in the future and beat me to a pulp anyway!<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
Say, what was I like in the future? Do you remember anything?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
Well, I very rarely talk about myself, but all right. You are my son, after all. Before arriving in this era, I battled in a parallel timeline to save the world. My crusade became known as the...Hey! Are you listening?!<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
You look down somehow...Gods! Has the unbridled power within you awakened?!<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
Don't worry, I'm my usual self. Though I may have...pushed myself too hard today.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Tell me, my almighty offspring, do you need anything?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
I have you. What else could I possibly need?<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
When and how did you grow so powerful? I must know! Fight with me now!<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
Gladly. But remember, you brought the calamity of my omnipotence upon yourself.<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Mood - Question (to women)</i><br>
You wear a radiant smile today. Perhaps you were pondering having tea with me?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Question (to men)</i><br>
Why the silly grin? Don't tell me you saw me practicing my dances!<br>
<i>Mood - Answer (to women)</i><br>
Not at all! Do I really seem that happy? It flatters me you even noticed.<br>
Not at all! Do I really seem that happy? It flatters me you even noticed.<br>
<i>Mood - Answer (to men)</i><br>
Sadly, no... I simply caught a glimpse of a lovely maiden.<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question (to men)</i><br>
What do you do when we have spare time between battles?<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question (to women)</i><br>
I've always wondered how ladies like you spend their free time. Care to share?<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer(to men)</i><br>
My little secret. But it's nothing worth mentioning.<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer(to women)</i><br>
Join me for tea, and perhaps you'll learn how I fill my private time.<br>
Join me for tea, and perhaps you'll learn how I fill my private time.<br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
What do you dream about? People like us should share these things!<br>
What do you dream about? People like us should share these things!<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer (to men)</i><br>
I dream of being a danc... Uh, I mean, sweeping the ladies off their feet!<br>
I dream of being a danc... Uh, I mean, sweeping the ladies off their feet!<br>
<i>Dream - Answer (to women)</i><br>
I dream of being a danc... Uh, I mean, being a man worthy of your affection.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question(to men)</i><br>
You know, you're fun to be around. Why don't we fight together in the next battle?<br>
You know, you're fun to be around. Why don't we fight together in the next battle?<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer (to males)</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question(to women)</i><br>
Why don't you and I fight together in the coming battle? Beauty inspires me.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer (to men)</i><br>
I'll do my best. Together, we should be able to handle any foe!<br>
I'll do my best. Together, we should be able to handle any foe!<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer (to females)</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer (to women)</i><br>
Fight with you? I would be honored beyond words, my lady.<br>
Fight with you? I would be honored beyond words, my lady.<br>
Line 1,749: Line 2,616:
I love being with you, <lover>. Today more than ever.<br>
I love being with you, <lover>. Today more than ever.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
But, that's my line! ...Geez, I can see why this works so well on the ladies.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
You always have the sweetest expression, my love. And a heart to match, of course.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
You're a lovely sight yourself. I'll have to be careful no one else tries to steal you!<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Can I hold you for a moment, my love? I dreamt that I lost you for good...<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
Don't worry. I cannot bear the thought of you crying. Just stay happy.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What are you hiding there, <lover>? Can I help you with it?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Oh! This is a pendant I bought you. Turn around and I'll help you put it on.<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
<i>Life - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, how did you spend your time before we met?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
<i>Life - Question (to Olivia)</i><br>
Mother, you certainly were beautiful when you were young. Tell me about your life!<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to father)</i><br>
<i>Hobby from another time- Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby from another time- Answer</i><br>
Hmm... When Mother was still alive, she talked about you a lot. <br>
Hmm... When Mother was still alive, she talked about you a lot. <br>
About how brave and kind you were. You must have earned a lot of points!<br>
About how brave and kind you were. You must have earned a lot of points!<br>
I was actually quite shocked at how aver... Er, never mind.<br>
I was actually quite shocked at how aver... Er, never mind.<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to Olivia)</i><br>
In the future? I used to pester you to dance for me. You were so shy about it, you would hide behind me like you were the child! Ha! But when it mattered, you always stood between me and danger. So when you turn your back on me now, I remember. ...And it saddens me.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, did you recover from that spill by the pond? You’re lucky no one else saw.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to Olivia)</i><br>
Mother, did I catch you flirting with another man? Please don't erase my existence.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to father)</i><br>
Don't worry, Father. I'll be all right.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Olivia)</i><br>
Don’t worry, Mother. I’m fine. I just tend to push myself in front of the fairer sex.<br>
<i>Gift - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, is there anything you would like? I did so little for you in the future...<br>
<i>Gift - Question (to Olivia)</i><br>
Mother, do you need anything? A gift, perhaps, to cheer you up?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to father)</i><br>
Something that would help me with the ladies? Or gold! A large gold ingot!<br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to Olivia)</i><br>
Thank you, but just a smile will suffice.<br>
<i>Training - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, could we train together? I want to see if I’ve gotten any stronger.<br>
<i>Training - Question (to Olivia)</i><br>
Mother, you move so gracefully in battle. Will you teach me your secrets?<br>
<i>Training - Answer (to father)</i><br>
You and me? Well, all right. If I win, I can brag to the ladies!<br>
<i>Training - Answer (to Olivia)</i><br>
Well, of course. But you taught me all of my swordplay, so you have an unfair edge!<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
Morgan, do you remember if your future is different from mine?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
My days are... Er, they WERE mostly spent flirting with girls. Is that boring? I should be asking about YOUR life! Did you have a special lady to call your own? If you did, and she's here, and you happen to break up...do let your father know.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
You seem quiet today. Are you feeling ill?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
I hope the ladies haven't noticed. That would certainly hurt my chances.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
My son must be popular with the ladies. Need anything for your next date?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
You’re no burden to me! If anything, your laughter is uplifting.<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Say, why don't we have a contest to see who can get a date the fastest?<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
All right. But only if we compete for the heart of a lovely maiden!<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
Why the big grin? You look like ya just saw me catch an axe in the face or somethin'.<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
Nope. I'm just glad to see ya ain't got no serious injuries.<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
Line 1,796: Line 2,710:
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
Let's try takin' on the enemy as a team. I can put up a fight, too!<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
Sure thing. I ain't no brawler, but I can strike fear into any foe.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
I love ya, <lover>. I swear I'll keep ya safe, no matter what.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
I love ya, too. ...Dammit! I'm so moved, I can't even say nothin' clever.<br>
I love ya, too. ...Dammit! I'm so moved, I can't even say nothin' clever.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, ya look lovelier than ever before. Other dames pale in comparison!<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
That's nice of ya to say, considering most people find me terrifyin'. I'm a lucky man!<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Don't do anything crazy out there, Morgan. I need ya, yeah?<br>
Don't do anything crazy out there, <lover>. I need ya, yeah?<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
I ain't going nowheres. Think I'd leave ya here to boo-hoo yourself silly?<br>
I ain't going nowheres. Think I'd leave ya here to boo-hoo yourself silly?<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, your satchel's packed to the brim today. Whatcha got in there?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
It's an armlet I bought for ya. Was gonna surprise ya, but I guess the jig is up...<br>
<i>Life - Question (to his mother)</i><br>
<i>Life - Question (to Maribelle)</i><br>
Ma, what was life like for ya before I turned up?<br>
<i>Life - Question (to his father)</i><br>
<i>Life - Question (to father)</i><br>
Tell me about life before I came along, Pop.<br>
Tell me about life before I came along, Pop.<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to Maribelle)</i><br>
The you from the future smothered me, to be perfectly honest. You’d pack lunches for me, hold my hand while walkin’ up stairs... You were so busy doing the heavy lifting for me that I turned into a total wimp! Ya wouldn’t even let me fend for myself in the end. So next time, lemme protect YOU!<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to father)</i><br>
I mostly practiced fightin' in the future. I never had your knack for warfare, see? Half the time, I'd wind up with an axe buried in my face or worse. Nasty stuff. But I wanted to learn how to hold my own and fight for the world ya tried to protect.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to Maribelle)</i><br>
That was quite a spill, Mother. You taking up slapstick? ...Sorry, lemme heal ya.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to father)</i><br>
Let me look at that injury from before, Pop. ...Yeesh, pretty nasty. You all right?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Maribelle)</i><br>
Me? I'm alive and kickin'. You're the one what's always out of breath, old-timer!<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to father)</i><br>
Aw, don't ya go worryin' about me, Pop. You're the one with bags under your eyes!<br>
<i>Gift - Question (to Maribelle)</i><br>
Anything I can get for ya, Ma? I didn’t do much for ya in the future...<br>
<i>Gift - Question (to father)</i><br>
Need anything, Pop? I feel I needs to be a better son or somethin'.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to Maribelle)</i><br>
A more hands-off ma would be nice. No more addin' frills to my shirt, capisce?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to father)</i><br>
Well, I dropped a staff in the ravine. Mind climbin' down to... Of course ya do.<br>
<i>Training - Question (to Maribelle)</i><br>
I remember you bein’ good at violin, Ma. Wanna see who’s better?<br>
<i>Training - Question (to father)</i><br>
We should have a duel sometime, Pop. I needs to build up my fightin’ muscles!<br>
<i>Training - Answer (to Maribelle)</i><br>
A challenge? I dunno—especially if it’s one’a your tea-drinkin’ contests again.<br>
<i>Training - Answer (to father)</i><br>
You wanna fight your own son? You're on! Grab a staff and let's see who hits harder.<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
Morgan, what were things like in your future. Do ya remember if I was alive?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
I mostly just practiced with weapons - to hilarious effect, of course. Gimme a bow, and I'll fire IT instead of the arrow. I don't know an axe from an anchovy! I couldn't have added up to much in the future, but at least I didn't kill ya.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Morgan, you seem awful quiet. Ya feeling all right? Should I get my staff?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
I've had people take jabs at how I dress, but that's the first jab at my complexion!<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Need anything, kid? Can't have ya bein' rough around the edges like your pop.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
How 'bout the vulneraries I dropped in the ravine back there? ...No? Didn't think so.<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Morgan, any son of mine must have a gift for the violin. Wanna see who's better?<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
My fightin' style's nothing to look at—but if ya still wanna see it, you're on.<br>
Line 1,855: Line 2,819:
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
Let's be together always, <lover>. I've never loved anyone like you.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
Well...I love you, too. But don't make me say it again. It's embarrassing!<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, you look absolutely dashing. I cannot take my eyes off you.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Wh-where did that come from? Please, such compliments catch me off guard...<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Don't wander off on the battlefield, <lover>. I have to keep you safe.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
Wipe that frown off your face. I'm stronger than any woman you could find.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, is something caught on your weapon? You should be careful.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
These? They're leather armlets. I made a matching pair...if you want one.<br>
<i>Life - Question(to Sully)</i><br>
You fought wonderfully in that last battle, Mother. Has your life always been like this?<br>
<i>Life - Question(to father)</i><br>
Father, tell me all about your days before we met.<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to Sully)</i><br>
In the future, you and I used to train together. You were as strong as any man, and I suppose that valor rubbed off on me. I wanted to be like you—even best you one day. But then you... You were gone before I got the chance.<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to father)</i><br>
Well, when I was really little, you and I used to wage mock battles. You never really gave it your all, though. Said you didn't want to "leave a dent." Heh. But I'm older now. How about a real match? Come on, I'm a tough cookie!<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to Sully)</i><br>
Mother, you look faint today. Did you eat any strange plants while hunting?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to father)</i><br>
Feeling better, Father? You chopped more fingers than onions while cooking last night!<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Sully)</i><br>
It’s all right, Mother. This is nothing compared to what I saw in the future<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to father)</i><br>
It's kind of you to worry, but I can shake off a little training fatigue. Thank you.<br>
<i>Gift - Question (to Sully)</i><br>
Mother, do you need anything? I’d like to be of help.<br>
<i>Gift - Question (to father)</i><br>
Tell me, do you need anything? A good daughter looks after her father.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to Sully)</i><br>
...Could you stop all the women who look up to you from sending ME fan mail?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to father)</i><br>
I would just like to go for a walk with you. Maybe we could shop for weapons together.<br>
<i>Training - Question (to Sully)</i><br>
Mother, we’ve trained with weapons. Why don’t we have a potato-peeling contest?<br>
<i>Training - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, if you find the time, I was wondering if we could train together.<br>
<i>Training - Answer (to Sully)</i><br>
You’re on. I’m always eager to learn more from you!<br>
<i>Training - Answer (to father)</i><br>
I would love that! But you'd better wear your best armor. I hit back hard!<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
Morgan, do you remember nothing at all about your future?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
I have spent most of my days training to be a strong woman—stronger than any man. But that doesn't mean I look down on all men as weak! They have their...uses. Just because I prefer strong men with rippling... Wait, where is this going?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Morgan, you look tired. Have I pushed you too hard with the training?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
It's fine. I feel right as rain, so don't you worry.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Morgan, I can't pretend to be motherly, but let me buy you something you need.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
You're no trouble to me at all. Why don't you spar with me for a bit?<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Morgan, I challenge you! Let's see which of us is stronger!<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
All right. I can't wait to see how you fight!<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
You look happy. Did you cook up a slick new catchphrase?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
Nuh-uh! I came up with a new heroic battle stance. You want to see it?<br>
Nuh-uh! I came up with a new heroic battle stance. You want to see it?<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
How do you spend your free time? We should take whatever breathers we can.<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
I make sure everyone is safe! Seeing another crisis averted makes me happy.<br>
I make sure everyone is safe! Seeing another crisis averted makes me happy.<br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
So, what do you dream of doing one day?<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
I dream of becoming someone's hero! I want to protect the people who matter.<br>
I dream of becoming someone's hero! I want to protect the people who matter.<br>
Line 1,899: Line 2,922:
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
You're my shining prince, <lover>. I will always love you.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
I love you, too. I want to just hug you into tiny little pieces!<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
You are such a stud, <lover>! The legends just won't do you justice.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Really? That's so sweet of you to say! Every heroine needs a dash of cute, right?<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Don't get too close to the front lines, <lover>. I don't want to lose you!<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
Don't worry. Heroes never die. They keep YOU from dying.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What have you got there, <lover>? You shouldn't hide stuff from your lady.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
This? It's a handmade brooch to hold a cape on! See? I made different colors.<br>
<i>Life - Question (to Sumia)</i><br>
Mother, what was your life like before we met? You don’t mind telling me, do you?<br>
<i>Life - Question (to father)</i><br>
It’s nice to spend some quality time, Father. Tell me about your life so far!<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to Sumia)</i><br>
Even in the future, I wanted to be a hero. I think it stemmed from having a klutzy mom. But when it really counted, I wasn't able to protect you. You protected me. I never forgave myself, so I decided to train myself silly and never let you get hurt again!<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to father)</i><br>
My life in the future? Well, I cared for Mother’s pegasus after she...you know. And I trained hard and learned how to fight! ...It was tough without a dad to teach me. But now that we’ve got the chance, why don’t we practice together?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to Sumia)</i><br>
Aaaugh! Mother, your arm is bleeding! Are you gonna make it? Help! Someone!<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, you look less than heroic today. Are you okay? Are you getting old?!<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer(to Sumia)</i><br>
I'm fine, Mother. Don't get carried away. I can take my share of pegasus spills!<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to father)</i><br>
Huh? I'm totally fine. But thanks for worrying about me, Father.<br>
<i>Gift - Question (to Sumia)</i><br>
Mother what do you want for you next birthday? It was our tradition in the future!<br>
<i>Gift - Question (to father)</i><br>
Can I get you anything, Father? I want to you you happy!<br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to Sumia)</i><br>
A new cape! Something that flutters in the wind and whispers the cause of justice.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to father)</i><br>
How about a father-daughter special move? One that will make a foe's knees knock!<br>
<i>Training - Question (to Sumia)</i><br>
Mother, I challenge you to see whose flower-petal readings are more accurate!<br>
<i>Training - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, you look so heroic today! Let's have a practice match.<br>
<i>Training - Answer (to Sumia)</i><br>
All right, but I won’t pull any punches just because it’s you. Heroes play for keeps!<br>
<i>Training - Answer (to father)</i><br>
A fated battle between father and daughter? How I’ve longed for this day!<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
I would love to know more about your future, Morgan. Do I end up a big hero?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
I mostly just worked on being heroic. A blend of power and swagger, you know? My big gimmick was that I came from the future, but that's no so special anymore... Hmm. Maybe I'll be a fighting mama now! Could you pretend you're in distress?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Morgan, you look tired. Are you all right? Heroes have to stay in top form!<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
What?! A pale avenger? Oh no! I'd better put on makeup. ...Or a mask!<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Morgan, do you need anything? I want to come through for my daughter!<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
How about a father-daughter special move? One that will make a foe's knees knock!<br>
I need someone to take up my mantle after I'm gone. Interested in a career in heroics?<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
You look like you've got hero potential, Morgan. But let's see if you can outdo me!<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
A challenge? Trying to surpass your mom, is that it? Bring it on, kiddo!<br>
Line 1,943: Line 3,003:
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
Ugh, what are you sneering about? Did you meet someone dreamy?<br>
Ugh, what are you sneering about? Did you meet someone dreamy?<br>
<i>Mood - Question (to Chrom)</i><br>
What are you so happy about, Chrom? Did you and your wife have a "moment"?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
No! It's a romance thing. Would you like a few tips?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer (to Chrom)</i><br>
No! It's a romance thing. You ought to know—you and your wife get along so well.<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
How do you while away your free time? Not that we ever get any...<br>
How do you while away your free time? Not that we ever get any...<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
I have my routines. I comb my hair, primp... It's the only way I feel good about myself.<br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
I hear people with dreams have more luck with their love lives. What are your dreams?<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
I dream of being perfect like my mother. ...But don't you dare tell anyone!<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
With your talent, we ought to try taking on some enemies together. I deserve as much!<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question (to Chrom)</i><br>
Chrom, we ought to try taking on some foes together. I deserve a strong partner!<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
Hmph, whatever. But just this once! I don't need you to make me feel proud of myself.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
I love you, <lover>. Just in case I haven't mentioned it.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
I love you, too. And if you cheat on me, I'll rip your eyebrows off with pliers.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
You're still my favorite thing to look at, <lover>—more now than ever!<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Of course. I look after my appearance. You should be proud of your lady.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Look at that gash, <lover>! Can't you take care of yourself for me?<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
I'm not going to die. You're not going to LET me die, remember?<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
You dropped something, <lover>. Wait...since when did you have this?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
I baked this for you. Now open wide and don't dare complain about the taste!<br>
<i>Life - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, I hear you used to be attractive. Good! Tell me what life before me was like.<br>
<i>Life - Question (to Cordelia)</i><br>
Mother, you must have been so lonely before I showed up. What was it like?<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to father)</i><br>
The future? It was awful, obviously. The men had these pouty doomsday faces. And the accessory shops? Empty! What? Oh, well yes, the world was on the brink of annihilation, but the MEN? Gods!<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to Cordelia)</i><br>
You and I fought all the time in the future. You always put your knightly duties first. I would say, 'Who matters more to you, me or Chrom! Why don’t you MARRY him?' I guess I didn’t realize that would be my last chance to talk with you. ...What? I’m not crying! This is...sweat! I’m sweating! Ugh, it’s so hot in here!<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to father) </i><br>
Father, look at your hair! You have to take better care of it!<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to Cordelia) </i><br>
Mother, I saw you staring at Chrom. Are you sure you're really over him?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to father)</i><br>
I would have preferred a "you look lovely today." But thanks for worrying, Father.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Cordelia) </i><br>
I’ll TELL you if I’m not all right. Just worry about yourself, please.<br>
<i>Gift - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, is there anything you need? Daddy's little girl wants to do something nice!<br>
<i>Gift - Question (to Cordelia)</i><br>
Mother, do you need anything? I’m about to go shopping for some new accessories.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to father)</i><br>
That's a rare kindness from you, Father. But no thank you. The thought is enough.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to Cordelia)</i><br>
How about a handsome man I can wrap around my little finger? Know anyone?<br>
<i>Training - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, let's have a quick match! I'm a pretty tough opponent when I mean to be.<br>
<i>Training - Question (to Cordelia)</i><br>
Mother, since you have so many suitors, want to see which of us gets more men?<br>
<i>Training - Answer (to father)</i><br>
You want to beat on your own daughter? Hmph. Bruise me and I’ll never forgive you.<br>
<i>Training - Answer (to Cordelia</i><br>
What? Sure, I’ll accept your challenge...if you’ll tell me how I can finally surpass you!<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
You're as cute as your mother, Morgan! Do you remember what I'm like in the future?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
I spent my days becoming a more desirable woman, of course. In fact... I'm probably MORE desirable in your future, since I'm getting an early start here. Don't you remember any of this, or do I wind up that forgettable? Why are you averting your eyes? ANSWER ME!<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Morgan, you look like a run-down revenant. That's not like you at all! You're scaring me.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
What?! Did the skin cream not work? Ugh, it's all over. My life is in ruins...<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Morgan, can I buy you something? Please? My daughter should really dress better.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Now you're in for it. I love to shop. Clothes, shoes, accessories... Got a pen?<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Morgan, let's see who can eat the most pie. ...What? I'm feeling hungry.<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
You really get into it, huh? How about we skip the training and go shopping instead?<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
You look thrilled. Did Minerva like you when you petted her?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
No, it's simply...heartening to have someone's ear from time to time.<br>
No, it's simply...heartening to have someone's ear from time to time.<br>
Line 1,996: Line 3,120:
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
Do you have any dreams, friend?<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
Only of returning to the future from this illusory world I inhabit now.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
Line 2,008: Line 3,132:
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
I love you, <lover>. No matter what befalls us, these feelings will not change.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
I know. And I love you, too.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<lover>, you look lovelier every moment. How am I to focus in battle?<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
It pleases me to hear that from the only woman who matters.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Stay by my side, <lover>, where none can harm you.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
Very well. But if I do fall, promise you won't go back in time to attempt to change it.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What is that you've got there, <lover>? It's very unusual.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
This is a jewel Minerva had. Would you like it? I think it would suit you.<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Life - Question (to father)</i><br>
<Father>, tell me more about your days before I arrived.<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Life - Question (to Cherche)</i><br>
Mother...I mean, Cherche. What was your life like before I came here?<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to father)</i><br>
You're some nerve, trying to pry into my private life. Trying to know the future! How about I ask you a favor instead? Promise me you won't let Cherche fly too high after giving birth to me. She will fall and have terrible headaches the rest of her days.<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to Cherche)</i><br>
I mostly cared for Minerva in the future. She took to me rather quickly—sooner than wyverns usually do. You were so shocked! ...No. Not you—not some illusion. My real mother. And she’s dead now. ....We shouldn’t have brought this up.<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to father)</i><br>
Nothing feels better than surviving a battle. What do you do to celebrate?<br>
<Father>, is that a wyvern bite? Don't tell me Minerva nipped at you.<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to Cherche)</i><br>
Mother, I saw your Minerva attack someone. Should I be worried?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Cherche)</i><br>
Thank you, but you should look after yourself first.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to father)</i><br>
Trying to be fatherly? I am just fine. You can worry about your own business.<br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question (to father)</i><br>
<Father>, I realize I should treat you more like a father. Can I buy you a gift?<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question (to Cherche)</i><br>
Cherche, I often see you at the town shops. Is there something I might buy for you?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to father)</i><br>
How about a male partner for Minerva? ...What do you mean, "impossible"?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to Cherche)</i><br>
Just money for Minerva’s food will do. She eats five times as much as other wyverns.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Training - Question (to father)</i><br>
Please, you have to fight alongside me! The taguel will die out without you!<br>
Challenge me, <father>. In the future, I could not defeat my father, but here...<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Training - Question (to Cherche)</i><br>
Challenge me, Cherche, wyvern to wyvern. No doubt we’ve developed our own styles.<br>
<i>Training - Answer (to father)</i><br>
A challenge? If you like. In fact, I could use just such a distraction.<br>
<i>Training - Answer (to Cherche)</i><br>
All right. I admit, I have wondered what you are truly capable of.<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
Morgan, what was I like in the future from whence you came?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
I certainly can't believe I father you. I go through great pains not to leave a mark. ...But until recently I lived in my own future. Would you like to hear about it? It may not jog your memory, but I am still willing to make time.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Morgan, are you feeling all right?<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
I am in good health. Never fear. You needn't get so worked up.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Morgan, tell me if you need anything. You are my child - I would know you better.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
A partner for Minerva? I doubt you'll have much luck catching a male wyvern.<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Challenge me, Morgan. We must see if the son surpasses the father!<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
What? If we both die, that will be the end of our race! Let's just practice hopping, okay?<br>
Trying to study my technique? You'll find it's difficult to copy. But as you wish.<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
You seem to be in excellent spirits. Did you discover a book to your liking?<br>
Hey! What are you grinning about? Are you laughing at the poor, doomed bunny?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
Are you kidding? I'm happy because you look strong enough to save me in a pinch.<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
Nothing feels better than surviving a battle. What do you do to celebrate?<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
I do self-preservation exercises in the woods. Gotta be ready for anything!<br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
I've heard a theory that verbalizing dreams makes them come true. Care to test it?<br>
Hey, what do you dream about?<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
Not going extinct!<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
Please, you have to fight alongside me! The taguel will die out without you!<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
All right. But you take the lead. I'll do my bunny thing from the back lines.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, I seriously love you. ...Almost more than life itself!<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
I love you, too. I'd hop to your rescue in a taguel heartbeat!<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
You know, you would look stunning in rabbit ears. ...Not that you're not stunning now!<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
You think? Then I'd better be extra careful not to kick the bucket!<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Don't get hurt out there, <lover>. I'd die from grief, and thus ends the taguel!<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
Don't worry, I'm a lot hardier than I let on. I've got a whole race to keep alive.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What have you got there, <lover>? I hear something jingling.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
This? It's a taguel good-luck charm. I got it to keep you safe.<br>
<i>Life - Question (to father)</i><br>
Hey, Father! What was life like for you before I turned up?<br>
<i>Life - Question (to Panne)</i><br>
Whew, what a relief to have another taguel around. What was life like before we met?<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to father)</i><br>
The future was the same as now, as far as I'm concerned—death around every corner! And I would climb trees or dig holes to get away from it. When you think about it, I've gotten a lot braver. Now, I actually stand and fight!<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to Panne)</i><br>
The future was terrifying! Every day I held my breath and waited for the end. If I died, the world would forget about the taguel—about you. I couldn't bear that! So I decided to survive, no matter how craven it made me look.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, you sneeze a lot around me. Are you allergic to taguel?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Miriel)</i><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to Panne)</i><br>
You're...worried about me? ...Who are you, and what have you done with my mother?<br>
Mother, you cut your ear! Will you make it? 'Cause if you're doomed, I'm doomed!<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to father)</i><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to father)</i><br>
Worried I'll go extinct, huh? Well, at least I have you to protect me.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Panne)</i><br>
Nope, no jolt. If I'd heard anything, I'd have fled the premises in a second!<br>
<i>Gift - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, do you need anything? I don't know what to get a human father.<br>
<i>Gift - Question (to Panne)</i><br>
Mother, what do you need? We taguel need to stick by each other.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to father)</i><br>
More brothers and sisters with taguel ears! An entire RACE depends on it!<br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to Panne)</i><br>
Could you pop out some more taguel siblings? ...Ack, what! Don't scowl at me!<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Training - Question (to Panne)</i><br>
You have such great hearing, Mother! Why don't we have a hearing contest?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Training - Question (to father)</i><br>
Very funny. Oh, I see. You're trying to make me laugh. That's funny, too.<br>
Train with me, Father. I need to be strong to ward off extinction!<br>
<i>Training - Answer (to Panne)</i><br>
What? If we both die, that will be the end of our race! Let's just practice hopping, okay?<br>
<i>Training - Answer (to father)</i><br>
F-f-fight? Well, all right. But promise you won't kill me off!<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
What was your future like, Morgan? Were there other bunn...I mean, taguel?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
Oh, I just lived in fear of annihilation. The usual stuff... But you have taguel blood! No bunny ears, but you're still one of us! That is such a relief. ...Wait, no it's not! Now I have to worry about two people! Aaaugh!<br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Morgan, you look sleepy. Are you all right?<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
Oh my gods! It's happening! I'm going extinct! Think of something, Morgan!<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Morgan, should I buy you bunny ears so you feel like you fit in? ...No? What, then?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Anything I want? All right...will you wear bunny ears, since you didn't inherit mine?<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Morgan, let's train together. If you turn out to be stronger, you have to protect me!<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
Well, all right. If I get hurt, put these bunny ears on and pray that the seed is strong...<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
You seem to be in excellent spirits. Did you discover a book to your liking?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
No. For once our shelves are all organized! I am most grateful.<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
How do you spend your free time between battles?<br>
How exactly do you spend your free time?<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
I pass the hours by reading the books of this era-a whole library I had thought lost.<br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
Returning to the past helped me find my dreams. What are yours?<br>
I've heard a theory that verbalizing dreams makes them come true. Care to test it?<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
I dream that my long years as a dragonkin can be spent with humans like you.<br>
I dream of becoming a true scholar--one who can sort the truth from the legends.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
Would you like to team up during the next battle? Our odds would greatly improve.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
Indeed, that sounds like a fine idea. It would no doubt boost morale all around.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
I... I love you, <Lover>. I feel it important that you know.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
Oh?! Well, I love you, too - if we're spelling out our feelings, that is.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
Look at me, <lover>. ...Ah, you are truly are a beauty to behold.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Thank you! But needless to say, I see you as the finer specimen.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, swear you won't get killed. I die myself at the very thought!<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
You worry too much, that's why I love you. I promise to avoid what perils I can.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, your satchel is stuffed to the brim. What have you got in there?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
It's a hair ornament. Just walking into the shop took courage, but... I hope you like it.<br>
==SpotPass Characters==
<i>Life - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, tell me about your life before we met.<br>
<i>Life - Question (to Miriel)</i><br>
Mother, how did you spend your days before we met?<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to father)</i><br>
The future? Hmm...very well. How about we start with a warning? You should endeavor to put things back where you found them! The arguments your sloppiness started with Mother - we almost needed counseling! ...There, that was a nice, healthy talk. Now we can be a normal family.<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to Miriel)</i><br>
I spent my time trying to find you. You were such a perfectionist, you somehow managed to die without leaving a corpse. So I clung to the silly hope that maybe you had not died at all. For all I know, my "time travel" was all some ruse of yours. ...I wouldn't put it past you.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, has your hairline receded? I'm quite concerned...for both of us.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to Miriel)</i><br>
Mother, you dropped this. Are you ill?! You never drop things!<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to father)</i><br>
Thank you, but I’m perfectly fine. You should look after yourself.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Miriel)</i><br>
You're...worried about me? ...Who are you, and what have you done with my mother?<br>
<i>Gift - Question (to father)</i><br>
Is there anything you need, Father? I know of no other way to be a good son to you.<br>
<i>Gift - Question (to Miriel)</i><br>
Mother, you’ve been burning through your possessions. Can I help pay for a restock?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to father)</i><br>
You’re offering to buy me something? ...How much gold is in your possession?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to Miriel)</i><br>
Thank you. Perhaps you could start by reimbursing me for my time-travel expenses.<br>
<i>Training - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, fight me! I have lots of pent up frustra... A lot of new spells to show you!<br>
<i>Training - Question (to Miriel)</i><br>
Mother, would you mind training together? I could never beat you in the future.<br>
<i>Training - Answer (to father)</i><br>
Really? Very well. You'll need the training. Mother ALWAYS won when you two fought.<br>
<i>Training - Answer (to Miriel)</i><br>
Planning to unload your extra tomes on your only son? ...Very efficient! I approve.<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
Could you tell me anything more about your future, Morgan?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
Well, I am more interested in whether or not we even exist on the same time axis. The marriage between your mother and I changed the future - created a NEW future. Which means... Which means... I should lie down for a bit. My head hurts.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Morgan, you have a dull look about you today. Is everything all right?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
Are you certain? I feel the same as always. Perhaps it's a trick of the light.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Morgan, do you lack for anything? Any son of mine should be aware of his provisions.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Might I inquire about your budget first? My needs tend to run into the quintuple digits.<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Morgan, you are exceptionally organized. Shall we have a battle of tidiness?<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
A splendid idea. If I use all these spare tomes on you, I won't have to sort them!<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
Ha! You look proud of yourself. Have you struck upon some cruel new scheme?<br>
Why the look of glee? Did someone hit you with a happiness curse?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
Very funny. Oh, I see. You're trying to make me laugh. That's funny, too.<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
Hard to enjoy the more bawdy diversions in wartime. How do you fend off boredom?<br>
If you don't mind me asking, how do you pass the time when you're not fighting?<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
I do whatever I please, and it's none of your damn business.<br>
Battles take a toll on me, so I sleep. Then I find that I CAN'T sleep, and I suffer all day.<br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
Do you have any dreams you could share? I could use some inspiration.<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
Bah! I dream of nothing. Dreams will only drive their twisted dagger into your back.<br>
I dream of having the guts to stand up to people. ...Oh gods! I've said too much!<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
What do you say you and I team up and take the next commander down personally?<br>
You give me courage during battle. Why don't we fight together next time?<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
You mean gang up on the enemy? Ha! That sounds deliciously underhanded.<br>
All right. Two is safer than one!<br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
Please don't push yourself, <Lover>. I worry about you because... I love you.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
I love you, too. I feel safe from danger when I'm with you.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
You look amazing in profile. I never want to leave your side!<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
F-flattery will get you nowhere. You know full well YOU'RE the real catch!<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<Lover>, stay by my side. Don't leave me behind the way my parents did.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
Do I look that close to my own demise? ...Sorry, I'll try to put up a tougher front.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
You dropped something, <Lover>. ...Wait, what is this?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
It's a hairpin - a gift you should accept gratefully before I change my mind.
These are talismans I bought for you. Take any you like—I have loads of them.<br>
<i>Life - Question (to Tharja)</i><br>
Mother, what were things like before you met me?<br>
<i>Life - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, what was your typical day like before we met?<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to Tharja)</i><br>
In the future, you used me as a guinea pig.
You subjected me to all kinds of nasty curses on a day-to-day basis!
But when it mattered, you used your magic to sacrifice yourself and... save me.
But try to leave me again, and I'll hex you back a hundredfold!<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to father)</i><br>
My future consisted of being subjected to Mother's crazy hexes. But I remember being happy every time you showed up and saved me. Remember to look after me when I'm born in this time. ...I'll need it.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to Tharja)</i><br>
"Mother, you were making weird gestures. Is that a hex? Or some kind of spasm?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, you were babbling in your sleep last night. Are you all right?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Tharja)</i><br>
You know I always look pale, Mother. It’s your runny-nose hex that’s got me down...<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to father)</i><br>
I'm fine, Father. Thank you for caring.<br>
<i>Gift - Question (to Tharja)</i><br>
Mother, do you need anything? By which I mean something NOT related to curses.<br>
<i>Gift - Question (to father)</i><br>
Can I get you anything you need, Father? I have a little gold to spare...<br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to Tharja)</i><br>
How about all your hexing paraphernalia? The world will be a better place.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to father)</i><br>
I can ask for anything? Hmm... How about gold?<br>
<i>Training - Question (to Tharja)</i><br>
I’ve learned a few hexes of my own, Mother. Want to take me on?<br>
<i>Training - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, I want to be stronger. Will you have a match to help me train?<br>
<i>Training - Answer (to Tharja)</i><br>
As if saying no would stop you! Just spare me the runny-nose curse. It was horrible...<br>
<i>Training - Answer (to father)</i><br>
A fight? If you hit me, Mother's curse will activate and you'll get the same injury...<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
In your future, Morgan, am I a good mother?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
What good will it do you to know about me? Wait. Did the enemy hire you to spy on me? Are you planning to spring some curse? I know where this is going! You have my mother's wicked blood in you, too! The greatest dangers are under one's own roof, clearly!<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Um, Morgan, are you all right?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
I always look sickly—it's in my blood. But I'm more or less healthy. Honest.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
M-Morgan, can I get you anything you need? ...If I don't scare you off?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
...Just gold. Lots of gold.<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Morgan, you're great at attacking from a safe distance. Care to have a little contest?<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
Okay. But if you hit me, my mother's curse will activate and you'll get the same injury.<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
Why are you smiling like that? It's my silly name, isn't it? Ugh.<br>
<i>Mood - Question (to Chrom)</i><br>
Why are you smiling like that, Chrom? It's my silly name, isn't it? Ugh.<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
To be honest, I was thinking how nice it'd be to have your name instead of mine.<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
How do you spend your free time between battles?<br>
<i>Hobby - Question (to Chrom)</i><br>
Chrom, how do you spend your free time between battles?<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
I observe humans. They do such silly, fascinating things...<br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
Returning to the past helped me find my dreams. What are yours?<br>
<i>Dream - Question (to Chrom)</i><br>
Returning to the past helped me find my dreams. What are yours, Chrom?<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
I dream that my long years as a dragonkin can be spent with humans like you.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
I feel stronger with you by my side. Why don't we join forces in the coming battle?<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question (to Chrom)</i><br>
I feel stronger with you by my side, Chrom. Why don't we join forces in the next battle?<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
Of course! I would feel better off with a battle partner, too! I'll do my best.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
I love you, <lover>. I wish I could stay with you forever.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
I love you, too. If I were in dragon form, I would want to just ... gobble you up!<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
Why is it you are so pleasant to look at, <lover>? So strong and dashing!<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Thank you. You cut a dashing figure youself, I'll have you know.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Promise me you won't leave me behind <lover>.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
I'm stronger than I look. Don't worry---I'll keep us both safe. Just you watch.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What do you have there, <lover>? I've never seen anything like it.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
It's an accessory I made from one of my old fangs. Would you like it? I have tons.<br>
<i>Life - Question (to Nowi)</i><br>
Mother, are you busy? I was wondering what your life was like before we met.<br>
<i>Life - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, what was your life like before we met? I want to know all about you.<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to Nowi)</i><br>
My future was filled with battles, so I suppose not much has changed here... You were already gone, so I had no one to teach me how dragonkin fight. It was hard! Anyway, I'm glad I have you back. I feel like I could talk with you for days!<br>
<i>Life - Answer (to father)</i><br>
The future? Well...my last memory was of what to pack for my journey through time. I settled on a few sensible outfits and a comfortable pillow. ...But alas, they vanished during the trip. I suppose someone in SOME dimension is getting an excellent night’s sleep.<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to Nowi)</i><br>
Mother, did I see you walking of with a stranger? Are you trying to get abducted?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, you look deathly today. Tell me you didn't accidentally drink dragon's blood!<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Nowi)</i><br>
Thank you. Believe me, the concern is mutual.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer (to father)</i><br>
Thank you, but I'm tough for my age. Everything is just fine.<br>
<i>Gift - Question (to Nowi)</i><br>
Mother, do you need anything? I want to be a good daughter.<br>
<i>Gift - Question (to father)</i><br>
Is there anything you need, Father? I want to buy you a present.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to Nowi)</i><br>
Could you give me a new name? ...What? Is that a problem?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer (to father)</i><br>
A dragonstone would be lovely, but will you survive the mountain climb to get one?<br>
<i>Training - Question (to Nowi)</i><br>
Mother, my dragonbreath has grown more powerful. Shall we have a little contest?<br>
<i>Training - Question (to father)</i><br>
Father, might we have a mock battle? I promise to tone down my dragonbreath.<br>
<i>Training - Answer (to Nowi)</i><br>
Very well, but do not hold back! For you, Mother, I will withstand all the pain!<br>
<i>Training - Answer (to father)</i><br>
A challenge? Very well—as long as you promise to survive my dragonbreath.<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
Can't you recall anything about your future, Morgan? What about me? Was I there?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
I was in my own future until recently... Shall I tell you about that? I would rather forget those dark times and focus on what's to come. A little forward thinking goes a long way!<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Are you all right, Morgan? You look fatigued.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
Dragonkin always look pale in dragon form. You needn't concern yourself.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Morgan, is there anything you need? You can be honest with your mother.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Why, thank you! How about a small forest creature for a pet? Happy hunting.<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
I've heard you are quite bright, Morgan. Shall we have a little contest of wits?<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
I'll accept your challenge...if you can provide assurances you can survive dragonbreath.<br>
==SpotPass Characters==
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
Ha! You look proud of yourself. Have you struck upon some cruel new scheme?<br>
<i>Mood - Question (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
You look wretchedly happy. Have some of your memories returned?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
Of course not! When have I ever been content with anything, mule-brain?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
I should have SCARRED your face, so your brother would end me good and proper...<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
Hard to enjoy the more bawdy diversions in wartime. How do you fend off boredom?<br>
<i>Hobby - Question (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
Why do you wander off like that after battles, fool? You'll get hurt.<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
I do whatever I please, and it's none of your damn business.<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
I usually just let my mind wander. I'd lend you a hand, if you had the sense to ask.<br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
You there. Don't you have any ambition? And grand dreams?<br>
<i>Dream - Question (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
This might sound strange coming from me, but what will you do from here on out?<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
Bah! I dream of nothing. Dreams will only drive their twisted dagger into your back.<br>
<i>Dream - Answer (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
Me? You should be thinking about yourself. ...Not that it's any concern of mine.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
What do you say you and I team up and take the next commander down personally?<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
You know, you should let me take the lead in the next fight. It's dangerous out there.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
You mean gang up on the enemy? Ha! That sounds deliciously underhanded.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer (to Emmeryn)</i><br>
Well...all right. How am I supposed to say no to you?<br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
You look fetching today. Trying to drag me deeper into your web?<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
Ugh, I know how you feel without you spelling it out! Don't expect me to say it.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
You know, Robin, in the right light, you are truly ravishing.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
I know. You set a high standard, so of course I have to keep up appearances.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Why did you put yourself in danger like that? Trying to beat me to the grave?<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
Fine. I don't care if I live or die, so I may as well live and care for you.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What have you there, Robin? I demand to see it. Give it here.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
It's a hairpin—a gift you should accept gratefully before I change my mind.<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
Tell me about my future. ...Do I even have one?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
Ha! You mean you haven't heard? Your father was a turd with a crown. You should be ashamed to have been born into such disgrace. Now go away. I'll tell you the moment I do anything fatherly enough to merit your pride.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Why are you so quiet today? It's eerie when you don't talk.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
Haven't you noticed? I'm always a little gray in the face. Stop worrying.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Is there anything you need? Your father shall plunder whatever you desire!<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
You think I need some trinket bought with a child's pocket change? Spare me.<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Grab a weapon and let's have it out. Show me how dirty you can fight!<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
You want to challenge me? Stupid brat. Didn't inherit your father's brains, did you?<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
You look happy enough to conquer continents. What is the occasion?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
Is that so? I would sooner leave my current disposition to your feeble imagination.<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
Tell me. How is it you fill your time when you're not slaying foes?<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
When I'm not fighting, I'm training for the next fight. It is all that I live for.<br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
Do you ever dream of great things? The road to glory is paved with grand designs.<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
Dreams? ...Once I sought to rule the world. Now I dream only of greater strength.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
You know, you've grown very skilled. I could use one with your talents on the battlefield.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
Me, help you? Very well! Just see you don't squander the advantage.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
Perhaps I don't say it enough, Robin, but... I love you.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
... My heart is yours as well.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
My star, your beauty never ceases to amaze. I am proud to be your husband.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Trying to make the Conqueror blush? Ha! If any woman can do it, it's you.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Robin, stay close to me when we fight. None shall harm you, I swear it.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
I will be with you there and always, as I have vowed to do.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What have you there, my star? A secret, perhaps?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
This? Just a trinket I plucked from among the rabble. I hope it pleases you.<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
Morgan, spin me a tale from the future. How did you spend your days?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
I simply...conquered. Power was my justice, my everything. I brought the world to new depths of terror. I let it... intoxicate me. You will need strength like mine in these trying times. Try to wield it wisely.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
I admire your late-night bouts with studying, but you must rest for battle.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
You needn't worry. My complexion is pale by nature.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Speak, and you shall have all you desire. What may your father win for you?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
I need neither gifts nor sentiment. The fierce blood in your veins is tribute enough.<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Come, let us spar! We shall see how strong the Conqueror's blood runs in you.<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
Pah! You think to challenge me? Very well. Show your father how far you have come!<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
Why are you...grinning? Is my face dirty?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
No... You're just...fun to...be around...<br>
<i>Mood - Answer (to Chrom/Lissa/Gangrel)</i><br>
No... I can't...remember a thing... I'm sorry...<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
When the battle is over...why do you go off...on your own?<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
I go for walks...<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer (to Chrom/Lissa/Gangrel)</i><br>
I'm just...going for walks. I'm sorry I...worried you.<br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
Do you have...dreams?<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
I just...want to...know everyone better...<br>
<i>Dream - Answer (to Chrom/Lissa/Gangrel)</i><br>
I just...want to...know you better...<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
You're so strong... Can we fight together...in the next battle?<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
Yes...of course. I won't...let anyone harm you.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
I love you... Hee hee...<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
I...I love you, too!<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
You look so...handsome today...<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
You...mean it? That's so...sweet.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Promise me...you won't get killed...I need you...<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
I'll stay safe for you... I could not bear...for you to grieve...<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What do you...have... Can I see?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
It's...a flower. ...For you!<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
What happens to me...in the future?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
You and me...are so alike. Blank slates... I worry that...what happened to you...is my fault as well. You deserve...a better mother...but I am glad...to meet my daughter.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Are you...all right? I’m...worried about you.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
I’ll be fine. Promise you...won’t worry.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Is there anything...you need?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Just my...memories back...<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
I want to...get stronger... Would you mind...practicing?<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
Of course... I’ll do my best...<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
'Tis good to see you in high spirits, friend. Have you been trusted with a secret?<br>
<i>Mood - Question (to Say'ri)</i><br>
That is a lovely smile you wear, Say'ri. Does it please you to fight alongside me again?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
Nay. But today's meditation has cleared my mind of all negative thoughts.<br>
<i>Mood - Answer (to Say'ri)</i><br>
Joining this army has lifted the burden from my heart. ...As has my reunion with you.<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
The quiet after battle dulls the wits. How do you keep your mind clear?<br>
<i>Hobby - Question (to Say'ri)</i><br>
The quiet after battle dulls the wits. How do you keep your mind clear, Say'ri?<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
I train lest I overthink my troubles...but I ought help out more with army affairs.<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer (to Say'ri)</i><br>
I fear I am too often left alone with my thoughts. I ought help out more instead.<br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
Dreams give us purpose and the power to do the impossible. What are yours?<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
I dream of rebuilding Chon'sin in whatever role I can. This time she shall know no war.<br>
<i>Dream - Answer (to Say'ri)</i><br>
I dream of rebuilding Chon'sin in whatever role I can. As do you, no doubt.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
The opposition has grown stronger. We ought join our might in the days to come.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question (to Say'ri)</i><br>
Say'ri, fight with me in the coming battle! We will triumph over our foes together.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
Aye, 'twould delight me to offer what aid I can.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer (to Say'ri)</i><br>
Naught would please me more. If only we could have done it sooner...<br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
I love you, Robin. I must say it for fear this be my final chance.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
I love you as well. I will protect you whatever the cost.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
You are lovely, Robin, and let no other man who looks upon you question it.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
If you see me that way, then I am fortunate, for you are the lovely one to behold.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Robin, you are my sun. Swear to me that you shall never set.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
I would never give you cause to grieve. Do not mistake me for the Yen'fay of this world.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Robin, something is poking out of your satchel. Might I see it?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Tis a special vulnerary capable of healing any wound. I was saving it for you...<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
Morgan, since I am to be your father, could you tell me more of the future?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
Hmm... I will speak more of my past when the time is right. I still need time to sort through the choices and the mistakes I have made. ...Easy now. You did not offend. You simply remind me that I must do better.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
How  fare ye, Morgan? You must not push yourself hard on the battlefield.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
Peace, child. I will be alright.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Morgan, allow me to provide for you. Name any object that you desire.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Nay, you are no burden to me. You are my precious son.<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Morgan, prithee practice with your father. Do you have the makings of a swordsman?<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
Aye, a sound suggestion. I was beginning to get a bit rusty.<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
Oh my. What's that lascivious grin? Are you plotting to kill me, or...?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
No. Were you hoping to have some sort of scintillating conversation?<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
I've always wondered how you spend your time off the battlefield.<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
I usually go for a swim in the lake. ...Sometimes even in proper attire.<br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
So tell me, what do you dream about?<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
My dream used to be to serve Validar. But now, I suppose my dream is to atone.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
This next battle will be a rough roll in the hay. Maybe we should compare equipment.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
Of course. You're all my comrades now. But I promise to take special care of you.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
We met under sad circumstances, Robin, but I’ve never been happier.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
...Are you trying to make me blush? You naughty thing!<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
Hello, my love. Why is it that with so many men out there, I still find you alluring?<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
You’re just being a tease. And yet, I find it wildly attractive.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Be careful out there, Robin. I forbid you to die without my permission.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
I wouldn’t worry. The fates seem terribly reluctant to let me die.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What do you have there, my love? A bit unusual for you to be lugging about, mmm?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Hee hee! You noticed. Well, it’s a gift for you, love. Shame on you for peeking.<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
Validar's blood runs in your veins. Did that affect you in the future?<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
I would rather not dwell on the past. I have done nothing a mother would be proud of. And if you know my future, I'd just as soon be spared the details. Gods know a sad, manipulative vixen like me is unlikely to meet a pretty end.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
You can't go hobbling around with sleep in your eyes. What will people think?<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
Oh dear. Does it show? Well, don't worry. I probably just need more sleep.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Do you need anything? I could perhaps teach you how to get the things you want...<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Well, some perfume would be nice. Any little fragrance you're fond of.<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Let's have a little duel, I want to see how your skills have progressed.<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
Very well. But remember—a woman can disarm some men with no weapon at all.<br>
<i>Mood - Question</i><br>
You look quite happy. Was meat on the menu today?<br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
Amusing, but no. I was just recalling an episode from my past.<br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
How do you kill time, friend?<br>
<i>Hobby - Answer</i><br>
I hunt for food. Just say the word if you fancy bear, boar, or any other beast.<br>
<i>Dream - Question</i><br>
Have any dreams, friend?<br>
<i>Dream - Answer</i><br>
My dream is to do battle with the world's greatest fighters, even if it costs me my life.<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Question</i><br>
I wish to fight alongside you in our next battle. Do you accept?<br>
<i>Fighting Together - Answer</i><br>
A wise choice, as I will let no foe touch you. But stay close...<br>
<i>"I love you." - Question</i><br>
I treasure you, Robin. Stay with me always.<br>
<i>"I love you." - Answer</i><br>
I love you as well - more than any other.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Question</i><br>
I must confess, Robin, you look more radiant today than ever.<br>
<i>"You're beautiful." - Answer</i><br>
Thank you. You look radiant as well.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Question</i><br>
Stay close to me in battle, Robin. I will not lose you.<br>
<i>"Don't leave me." - Answer</i><br>
Me? Die? I rush to victory, not defeat.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
What have you got there, Robin? And what's the big secret?<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
It's a necklace...for you. Cheaply made, but a queen's jewels if worn by you.<br>
<i>Life - Question</i><br>
Morgan, I was hoping you would share some tales from the future. Anything at all.<br>
<i>Life - Answer</i><br>
Until recently, I lived in a secluded village and trained to be the world's strongest. But leaving that village changed my life, because it gave me you. It will be fun to return one day and tell my old friends of these happy developments.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Question</i><br>
Are you unwell, Morgan? Warriors need rest, remember.<br>
<i>"Are you ill?" - Answer</i><br>
Really? I feel fine. I'm sorry to worry you.<br>
<i>Gift - Question</i><br>
Morgan, do you need anything? Allow me to offer what fatherly gestures I can.<br>
<i>Gift - Answer</i><br>
Raw meat would do.<br>
<i>Training - Question</i><br>
Fight me, Morgan. You are my son, and I expect great things.<br>
<i>Training - Answer</i><br>
All right. But I hold back for no one. Son or not, you will lose.<br>
[[Category:Game Scripts]][[Category:Awakening Scripts]]
[[Category:Game Scripts]][[Category:Awakening Scripts]]

Latest revision as of 19:17, 9 September 2015


Initial Characters


Mood - Question
Hello. You’re in a good mood. Find a new weapon you like?
Mood - Question (to Emmeryn)
You seem happy today, Emm. Is your memory clearing up?
Mood - Answer
Oh, I’m just having a regular day. You’re the one who looks happy!
Mood - Answer (to Emmeryn)
I'm just glad to have you back. That's all.

Hobby - Question
I noticed you vanish from camp sometimes. Where is it you go?
Hobby - Question (to Emmeryn)
Emm, you've been wandering off alone a lot lately. It's starting to worry me.
Hobby - Answer
If I’m not napping, I’m swinging a sword. ...Predictable, I know.
Hobby - Answer (to Emmeryn)
You know me—training, breaking things with my sword... I guess you don't remember.

Dream - Question
I’ve often wondered what drives you. Do you have any dreams or aspirations?
Dream - Question (to Emmeryn)
Emm, you need to find new dreams. You can't dwell forever on what you've lost.
Dream - Answer
I just want to be strong enough to keep my friends and loved ones safe.
Dream - Answer (to Emmeryn)
I dream of being strong enough to protect the realm you loved. And I swear I will.

Fighting Together - Question
You know, you’ve grown very skilled. Care to pair up in the coming battle?
Fighting Together - Question (to Emmeryn)
Emm, you need to be careful out there. Stay close to me and be my support.
Fighting Together - Answer
All right. Together, we’ll be unstoppable. We’ll smash right through their ranks!
Fighting Together - Answer (to Emmeryn)
Of course, Emm. I won't let anyone hurt you again.

"I love you." - Question
I love you, <lover>. I just want to make sure I say that often.
"I love you." - Answer
Well...I love you too. It’s a bit silly to just say it like that, but there it is.

"You're beautiful." - Question
<Lover>, I never get tired of looking at you.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
You’re the one who’s beautiful. I’m a lucky man to have you.

"Don't leave me." - Question
How are you holding up, <lover>? I couldn’t bear to lose you.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Don’t worry. I’m doing just fine. I would never leave you to fend for yourself.

Gift - Question
You dropped something, <lover>. Is this...
Gift - Answer
Oh! That’s a gift for you. I remember how your eyes lit up when you saw it in town.

Life - Question
Tell me about the future, <child>. How did you pass the time?
Life - Answer
Well, you missed a lot before we met. More than I could ever describe.
We should have a meal and share these stories—just the two of us.
That way I can learn more about you, too.

"Are you ill?" - Question
How are you holding up, <child>? I’ve been worried.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
I'm just fine. Sorry if I worried you.

Gift - Question
You must have sacrificed a lot to come back in time, <child>. Anything you need?
Gift - Answer
That's all right, <child>. I appreciate the thought.

Training - Question
<Child>, we should train sometime. See how you fare against your father!
Training - Answer
Well, I never turn down a challenge. But don't think I'll pull my punches just for you.

Robin (Male)

Mood - Question
You seem to be in a good mood. Did someone tell a funny joke?
Mood - Answer
Huh? No, I was just thinking about some crafty tactics you and I could use in battle.

Hobby - Question
I was going to ask: how do you pass time when we’re not fighting?
Hobby - Answer
I retire to my tent and work out new strategies. Or take walks when I’m down.

Dream - Question
What do you dream about?
Dream - Answer
I dream of being a great tactician. That’s why I study whatever I can get my hands on!

Fighting Together - Question
Would you be interested in fighting by my side in the coming battle?
Fighting Together - Answer
Certainly! I’ll devise some strategies and drop by later.

"I love you." - Question
I love you, <lover>. I'm lucky to have you by my side.
"I love you." - Answer
You're embarrassing me! But...I love you, too.

"You're beautiful." - Question
You seem...different, <lover>. You look even more lovely than ever.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Really? Well, thank you. You look quite breathtaking yourself.

"Don't leave me." - Question
<Lover>, promise you won't leave me. Promise you'll stay safe.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
I'll stay safe if you promise to do the same. I want to grow old together.

Gift - Question
<Lover>, what's that sticking out of your pocket?
Gift - Answer
Oh no! You saw it? ...Well, it's a gift. I was hoping to surprise you.

Life - Question
<Child>, are you comfortable talking about the future? I’d like to know more.
Life - Answer
I lived a checkered life, it seems. And that’s just the part of it I remember. I’m not entirely sure what sort of person I was before meeting Chrom. But what I do know, I’d like to share with you. Let’s sit down tonight and talk more.

"Are you ill?" - Question
Are you all right, <child>? You’ve been working yourself silly recently.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
You can see right through your father, <child>. But don’t worry, I’ll be fine.

Gift - Question
<Child>, is there anything you need? Why not let your father get it for you?
Gift - Answer
Thank you. That’s kind of you. How about a book detailing battle strategies?

Training - Question
<Child>, let’s train together. I want to see how you adapt to my strategies.
Training - Answer
Anytime you want. But don’t think you’re going to outwit your father!

Robin (Female)

Mood - Question
You seem to be in a good mood. Did someone tell a funny joke?
Mood - Answer
Huh? No, I was just thinking about some crafty tactics you and I could use in battle.

Hobby - Question
I was going to ask: how do you pass time when we’re not fighting?
Hobby - Answer
I retire to my tent and work out new strategies. Or take walks when I’m down.

Dream - Question
What do you dream about?
Dream - Answer
I dream of being a great tactician. That’s why I study whatever I can get my hands on!

Fighting Together - Question
Would you be interested in fighting by my side in the coming battle?
Fighting Together - Answer
Certainly! I’ll devise some strategies and drop by later.

"I love you." - Question
I love you, <lover>. I’m lucky to have you by my side.
"I love you." - Answer
Stop it! You’re making me blush. ...But I love you, too.

"You're beautiful." - Question
You seem...different, <lover>. You look even more handsome than always!
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Really? Well, thank you. You look quite dashing yourself!

"Don't leave me." - Question
<Lover>, promise you won’t leave me. Promise you’ll stay safe.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
I’ll stay safe if you promise to do the same. I want to grow old together.

Gift - Question
<Lover>, what’s that sticking out of your pocket?
Gift - Answer
Oh no! You saw it? ...Well, it’s a gift. I was hoping to surprise you.

Life - Question
<Child>, are you comfortable talking about the future? I'd like to know more.
Life - Answer
I’ve lived a checkered life, it seems. And that’s just the part of it I remember. I’m not entirely sure what sort of person I was before meeting Chrom. But what I do know, I’d like to share with you. Let’s sit down tonight and talk more.

"Are you ill?" - Question
Are you all right, <child>? You’ve been working yourself silly these days.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
You can see right through your mother, <child>. But don’t worry, I’ll be fine.

Gift - Question
<Child>, is there anything you need? Why not let your mother get it for you?
Gift - Answer
Thank you, that’s sweet. How about a book detailing battle strategies?

Training - Question
<Child>, let’s train together. I want to see how you adapt to my strategies.
Training - Answer
Sure, anytime you want. But don’t think you’re going to outwit your mother!


Mood - Question
Hey, how come you're in such a great mood? ...New haircut?
Mood - Question (to Chrom)
Hey, Chrom, how come you're in such a great mood? ...New haircut?
Mood - Question (to Emmeryn)
Hey, Emm, how come you're in such a great mood? Did you remember who I am?
Mood - Answer
No, I’m just glad the two of us got to talk! There’s always too many people around.
Mood - Answer (to Emmeryn)
No, but you'd be beautiful no matter how dirty your face got. I miss you, Emm.

Hobby - Question
How come you vanish after each battle? Do you have a hobby or whatever?
Hobby - Question (to Chrom)
You seem busier than ever these days, Chrom. Anything important?
Hobby - Question (to Emmeryn)
Emm, where do you wander off to these days? You need to stay where it's safe.
Hobby - Answer
I keep an eye on my brother. He’s always breaking stuff when he trains.
Hobby - Answer (to Chrom)
I make sure you don’t break stuff! Emm was furious when you smashed up the palace.
Hobby - Answer (to Emmeryn)
I make sure Chrom doesn't break stuff! You were mad when he smashed up the palace.

Dream - Question
Hey, what are your dreams for the future? Sometimes I feel like life has no direction…
Dream - Question (to Chrom)
You have any dreams for the future, Chrom? Sometimes I feel like life has no direction…
Dream - Question (to Emmeryn)
What do you dream about, Emm? You should be thinking about your future.
Dream - Answer
I want to be a proper lady like my sister. …But don’t tell anyone I said that.
Dream - Answer (to Emmeryn)
I want to be a proper lady like you. You're my dream, Emm!

Fighting Together - Question
It’s nice having strong people like you around. Can we team up next time?
Fighting Together - Question (to Emmeryn)
Emm, let's fight together during the next battle. I want to show you how strong I got!
Fighting Together - Answer
Okay! I’ll do my best. Together we can take whatever the bad guys throw at us.
Fighting Together - Answer (to Emmeryn)
Of course, Emm! I'll never let anybody hurt you again. I promise!


"I love you." - Question
I love you, <lover>. I just know we’re going to be together forever!
"I love you." - Answer
Thanks, <lover>. I never get tired of hearing that. I love you, too!

"You're beautiful." - Question
<Lover>, you look so handsome today. I feel like a slob in comparison!
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Stop it, you tease! I know I’ve got a long way to go before I act like a lady.

"Don't leave me." - Question
You're not hurt, are you, <lover>? Don't do anything reckless.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
I’m fine. Trust me. ...Now stop scowling! I’m not gonna die. I promise.

Gift - Question
What have you got there, <lover>? And don't try to hide it from me!
Gift - Answer
Oh! This is my special health tonic. I was gonna save it for when you needed it.

Life - Question
What was the future like for you, <child>?
Life - Answer
Well, believe it or not, I fought with the Shepherds like the rest. The court was too stuffy for me. Gotta follow your dreams, right? Same goes for you, <child>. So what if people mock you? Believe in yourself!

"Are you ill?" - Question
Are you hurt, <child>? Let me get my stuff.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
I, uh, wouldn’t worry... You certainly are a bundle of energy, <child>.

Gift - Question
Hey, <child>, why don’t you let me buy you something? I’m your mother, right?
Gift - Answer
Thanks! How about a nice dress? Something regal.

Training - Question
Let’s train for a bit, <child>. I can hold my own as a Shepherd!
Training - Answer
You’re on! ...Oh, look at the time. Can we take a rain check?


Mood - Question
You seem to be in a fine mood. Was bear meat on the menu today?
Mood - Answer
No, I was just thinking about starting fires. …Er, campfires, of course.

Hobby - Question
You never seem bored, do you? How do you spend your rainy days?
Hobby - Answer
You mean when I’m not serving the Shepherds? I gather rare mushrooms.

Dream - Question
I’ve noticed you’ve been working hard. Trying to fulfill some lifelong dream?
Dream - Answer
I dream only of helping us all attain what we seek.

Fighting Together - Question
How would you feel about fighting together in the next battle?
Fighting Together - Answer
I would be honored to keep you safe. Let our enemies break themselves against us!


"I love you." - Question
You look lovely as always, <lover>. My heart is utterly at your mercy.
"I love you." - Answer
My heart soars to hear those words. I love you too, my sweet.

"You're beautiful." - Question
Ah, <lover>, you are looking lovely as always.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
I will stay close. I would never do anything to make you sad.

"Don't leave me." - Question
<Lover>, please stay close to me when we fight. I'll protect you with my life.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
I will stay close. I would never do anything to make you sad.

Gift - Question
What are you carting around there, my love? Can I give you a hand?
Gift - Answer
Alas, caught in the act! ...I bought this pendant for you! So much for the surprise.

Life - Question
<Child>, what was life like in the future? ...If you don't mind me asking.
Life - Answer
Until you arrived, I fought and worked only on the Shepherds' behalf. The usual knightly things—digging wells, knitting warm clothes... Shall I make you a jacket? I could stitch "Papa's Pride and Joy" on the back.

"Are you ill?" - Question
You seem dreadfully tired, <child>. Is there anything I can do for you?
"Are you ill?" - Answer
Oh, don't worry. I'm in as good of shape as I've ever been.

Gift - Question
Is there anything I can get for you, <child>? My child deserves it.
Gift - Answer
The thought is enough. ...That, or a week's worth of prechopped firewood.

Training - Question
I enjoy fighting by your side, but why don't we spar with each other now and then?
Training - Answer
Of course. But a clash that epic will require an equally epic venue! I shall think on it.


Mood - Question
Well, you look damned happy to be alive. You win your last practice match or what?
Mood - Answer
You wish. I’m just in a good mood because I feel like it. Reasons are for chumps!

Hobby - Question
Hey, how come I never see you in camp after battles?
Hobby - Answer
Usually I’m maintaining my weapons or training. But I go on walks, too.

Dream - Question
Got any aspirations? I have a crapload of respect for people who follow their dreams.
Dream - Answer
I want to train until I'm the best damned knight I can be—better than any man!

Fighting Together - Question
You’re doing great out there. Why don’t you and me tag-team some Risen scum?
Fighting Together - Answer
Of course! Damned if I’ll let you down.


"I love you." - Question
I love the crap out of you, <lover>. Have I told you that?
"I love you." - Answer
Well I love you more. So how's that?

"You're beautiful." - Question
You look dashing today. How many damn times do you plan on making me fall for you?
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Hey, easy on the mushy stuff. I'm not the blushing-bride type.

"Don't leave me." - Question
Why can't you be more damn careful, <lover>? I don't want to lose you.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
You worry too much. Nobody's killing me as long as I've got you to take care of.

Gift - Question
What are you hiding, you sneaky little mule-brain? I'm on to you.
Gift - Answer
This? Oh, I, uh, made some winter clothes for you. And don't complain! I did my best.

Life - Question
So, <child>, what's a day in the future really like?
Life - Answer
To be honest, I've spent most of my time in the Shepherds. Put most of the men to shame, at that! That's why I know you can hold your own against any Tom, Dick, or Risen. You're a tough girl, just like your mother.

"Are you ill?" - Question
You okay <child>? It's hell out there, and I get worried.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
Ha! I'm not allowed to have an off day? Don't worry, I'll pull through.

Gift - Question
Need anything, <child>? Your mother has to look after you.
Gift - Answer
All right, how about we train together? I expect one hell of a match!

Training - Question
You're a tough kid, you know that? We should train together more.
Training - Answer
Anytime you want. Just don't put your mother to shame. Got it, smart aleck?


Mood - Question
My, you positively glow today. Has my dashing entrance left you enraptured?
Mood - Answer
Oh, it’s not that at all. I am simply having a good hair day.

Hobby - Question
I have always wondered how people like you fill their days.
Hobby - Answer
I go around collecting herbs to make tea. A civilized thing to do, wouldn’t you say?

Dream - Question
Come, friend. Tell me of your dreams.
Dream - Answer
Why dream when you live the legendary life OTHERS dream of?

Fighting Together - Question
You have a grace about you when you fight. What do you say to battling by my side?
Fighting Together - Answer
Of course. Our every move shall be a saga in the making! The bards will swoon.


"I love you." - Question
Greetings, my beloved wife. You look more radiant than ever.
"I love you." - Answer
You put the bards to shame with your words. And that is why I love you so.

"You're beautiful." - Question
You look more fetching than ever, my love. Flowers would wilt from jealousy.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
You agree, then? That I am handsome? I thought you fell in love with my humility!

"Don't leave me." - Question
My love, don't you think you've been a bit reckless on the battlefield of late? I worry.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Thank you, my love. But do not fear for me. Epic heroes are so hard to strike down!

Gift - Question
Good day, <lover>. What is that you're holding behind your back?
Gift - Answer
Ah! You noticed. 'Tis a deed to lands in Rosanne—a token of my love for you.

Life - Question
Tell me, my valiant child, what was it like in the future? How did you pass the days?
Life - Answer
I am so glad you asked! My history is a storied one, I assure you. *ahem* Once upon a time, in the land of Rosanne, the angels wept as a noble babe cried his... Huh? Wait, don't go!

"Are you ill?" - Question
Are you all right, <child>? You seem to have lost a bit of your luster.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
I'm fine, I assure you. Perhaps you're staring at me too much? It does happen.

Gift - Question
Hello, <child>. Is there anything your father might provide you?
Gift - Answer
A scarf would be nice. Or matching scarves for the two of... Eh? Why are you glaring?

Training - Question
You've grown nearly as skilled as I, <child>. Shall we train together?
Training - Answer
Anything for my own flesh and blood! But if you best me, let's keep that a family secret.


Mood - Question
Why so cheery? Did they serve your favorite breakfast?
Mood - Answer
Oh, no, I just had a good meal, that's all. Want to eat together next time?

Hobby - Question
Sometimes it helps to just unwind, huh? What do you like to do in your spare time?
Hobby - Answer
I make sure my weapons are in tip-top shape, and then I find out about food!

Dream - Question
Got any big plans for the future? What do you dream about doing?
Dream - Answer
Well, once a knight, always a knight. But I'd like to try the world's best food just once.

Fighting Together - Question
You're a great ally on the battlefield. Mind if we pair up next time?
Fighting Together - Answer
Sure, if you don't mind. I bet we'll make for a devastating duo.


"I love you." - Question
I love you, <lover>, and I want to stay with you forever.
"I love you." - Answer
Oh, well, I love you too. But where did that come from?

"You're beautiful." - Question
When the gods made you, they broke the mold. You're just amazing, <lover>.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Me? You're the real find! I've never met anyone so smart and beautiful.

"Don't leave me." - Question
Take it easy out there, <lover>. I don't want anything to happen to you.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Don't worry, I'm not checking out anytime soon. As long as you need me, I'll be there.

Gift - Question
Hey, <lover>, what are you holding behind your back?
Gift - Answer
This? Oh, it’s a flower I picked. It reminds me of you.


Life - Question
So, um, <child>? How did you pass your time in the future?
Life - Answer
What do I do? I guess I eat, and train, and fight. Then I oversleep. It's a life.
Want to get dinner in town one of these days? See if you inherited my appetite?
Heh heh, all right, I'd better save up so I can take you someplace nice.
Hmm, but that requires work... I'd better get something to eat first.

"Are you ill?" - Question
Hey, <child>, are you all right? I know it's been a long, hard march.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
Yeah, I'm all right. ...You sure like to worry about me, don't you?

Gift - Question
Need anything, <child>? Maybe something you had to leave in the future?
Gift - Answer
I'd just like to spend some time together. We're always so busy!

Training - Question
We should train together, <child>. I want to see what you're made of!
Training - Answer
Sounds like fun to me. I'd better grab a meal now to save up energy.


Mood - Question
Hey, you look like you're in good spirits! Just finished some secret trainin'?
Mood - Answer
Nah. Teach is happy because he... Er, his friend managed to bring a weapon for once.

Hobby - Question
So whaddya do to kill time? You're hardly ever around camp.
Hobby - Answer
The Vaike strives for greater perfection, of course. All role models should!

Dream - Question
Hey, so what do ya dream about doin' one day?
Dream - Answer
Well, nothin', really. The Vaike is already master of all!

Fighting Together - Question
Nice work out there! You and Teach should partner up for the next fight.
Fighting Together - Answer
Who is the Vaike to say no? If it's a combat genius ya want, I'm your man.


"I love you." - Question
Gods, I love you, <lover>! I swear we're made for each other.
"I love you." - Answer
Well, I love you more! See? There's no battle Ol' Vaike can lose.

"You're beautiful." - Question
You're a knockout, <lover>, ya know that? Ain't no luckier man alive!
"You're beautiful." - Answer
For serious?! I...I mean, of course Teach is aware of his manly charms!

"Don't leave me." - Question
<Lover>, promise you'll stay safe. "Vaike the Widower" hardly inspires fear.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Pfft, relax. You could toss me off a cliff and the ground would be lucky to survive!

Gift - Question
Whatcha got there, <lover>? Don't try to hide it. The Vaike sees all!
Gift - Answer
Aw, ya ruined it! It's the hair ornament ya wanted. I was gonna surprise ya...


Life - Question
Hey, kiddo. What was the future like? I bet Vaike Junior was the talk of the town!
Life - Answer
What? Ya don't know? The Vaike is a household name!
Born to Brawl? Selected to Shepherd? Surely those names stood the test of time!
Our family teaches Chrom's everything they know! It's tradition! ...Starting right now.

"Are you ill?" - Question
You okay, <child>? Your old man's seen Risen with more spark in their eyes.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
Pfft, don't worry about your old man. ...Wait, are you checkin' up on me?

Gift - Question
You know, kiddo, if you need anything, Dad's more than happy to snag it for ya.
Gift - Answer
How 'bout a statue of Ol' Vaike I can put right in the middle of Ylisstol's courtyard?

Training - Question
Hey, kid, Wanna go a round with your old man? Want Teach to teach ya?
Training - Answer
You're on! Ain't no way in a million dozen years you'll out-Vaike your old man!


Mood - Question
You look jubilant today. Have you devised a new algorithm for sorting your possessions?
Mood - Answer
No. ...I'm sorry, but could you straighten your clothes? They're not even.

Hobby - Question
You never stay long after returning to camp. What manner of endeavors do you pursue?
Hobby - Answer
I primarily read. ...And I put every book back exactly where I found it.

Dream - Question
Studies have shown ambition nourishes even the most logical minds. Do you dream?
Dream - Answer
I simply wish to demystify all the world's mysteries. No trifling endeavor, I know.

Fighting Together - Question
Would you pair up with me? Fighting in teams increases our probability of success.
Fighting Together - Answer
Aptly put! Teaming up ameliorates our chances of success. ...Very well, I am yours.


"I love you." - Question
Why do I never tire of you, <lover>? You are so simple, and yet...so complex.
"I love you." - Answer
I have unambiguous feelings for you as well. I hope that never experiences variance.

"You're beautiful." - Question
Are you getting...handsomer? Love has clouded my keen powers of observation.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Thank you for the compliment. …Oh! My heart rate just increased 5.7 percent.

"Don't leave me." - Question
<Lover>, apply yourself in moderation, or you shall leave me a widow.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
I make no strict guarantees, but I shall endeavor not to bring tears to your eyes.

Gift - Question
What do you have there, <lover>? Perhaps you should lighten your load.
Gift - Answer
This is a document of your every action. I find it comforting in these chaotic times.

Life - Question
Tell me about the future, <child>. What strange phenomena does it hold?
Life - Answer
I tend to be a bit obsessive, so I spent most of my time cleaning and sorting.
The Shepherds excel at fighting, but their organization skills make me bilious.
Whatever is left lying around must be burned. ...See? Fire does the trick.

"Are you ill?" - Question
Are you all right, <child>? I detect the absence of your usual alacrity.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
I am perfectly fine. Show me the logic in flying into a panic.

Gift - Question
What may I secure for you, <child>? I must see to the well-being of my child.
Gift - Answer
Oh, did I project a sense of material need? I appreciate the thought, but I will get by.

Training - Question
Shall we practice together, my child? I'd like to burn through some surplus tomes.
Training - Answer
Very well. Name a precise time and date, and I shall assess your ability.


Mood - Question
What a nice smile! I guess you were happy with what my flower-petal fortune said.
Mood - Answer
Oh, you know... I used the flower petals to tell my fortune, and things are looking up.

Hobby - Question
So, what's the first thing you do after a long battle?
Hobby - Answer
I make sure everyone else is safe and sound. Nothing hurts like losing a comrade.

Dream - Question
The flower-petal fortune said your dreams will come true! What do you dream about?
Dream - Answer
Well… I’d like to tell a fortune with griffon feathers for a change. Does that count?

Fighting Together - Question
I know I have a ways to go, but why don't we try fighting together in the next battle?
Fighting Together - Answer
I'd love to. I just hope I don't trip or get in the way.


"I love you." - Question
I love you, <lover>. It warms my heart whenever you're close.
"I love you." - Answer
I love you too! Promise me you'll be mine and mine alone, forever.

"You're beautiful." - Question
You’re so dashing, <lover>. I’m lucky you don’t find some prettier girl.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Oh, you're just saying that! Hee hee! ...Sorry, I'm not good with compliments.

"Don't leave me." - Question
Your hands are so warm, my love. Promise I'll never lose you.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
No foe could ever drive us appart. And anyway, I’m tougher than I look.

Gift - Question
What have you got there, my love? You seem eager not to lose it.
Gift - Answer
Oh, this? I made you a lunch. Sorry if it's squished. I dropped it. ...Twice.

Life - Question
What kind of things did you do in the future, <child>?
Life - Answer
I struggled for a long time to keep up with the rest of the Shepherds. I must have picked every last flower in court trying to divine my place in the world. But eventually, things clicked and I fit in. You'll find a home here, too. I know it.

"Are you ill?" - Question
Are you all right, <child>? You must be more careful out there.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
I'm doing just fine, I promise. Okay?

Gift - Question
Need anything, <child>? Your trip through time must have been hard on you.
Gift - Answer
Thanks, but just the thought is enough. You're the greatest gift I could ask for.

Training - Question
You're such a strong child, <child>. Want to go train together?
Training - Answer
I'd never say no to my beautiful daughter, even if I do make a buffoon of myself.


Mood - Question
Hey, what’s so funny? Did I put my breastplate on backward?
Mood - Answer
Um, no... Wait, you actually SEE me?

Hobby - Question
It's funny. Sometimes I can't find YOU after a battle. What are you up to?
Hobby - Answer
Oh, I'm usually standing in the middle of the camp, counting the people who ignore me.

Dream - Question
I'm curious—what's the one thing you want more than anything?
Dream - Answer
To stand out.

Fighting Together - Question
I don't think the enemy even sees me. Can I fight with you next time?
Fighting Together - Answer
Of course! I'll be your invisible shield.


"I love you." - Question
I love you, <lover>. You'll always be safe with me.
"I love you." - Answer
I'm so glad we found each other. Well, mostly that you found me...

"You're beautiful." - Question
I wish I knew your secret, <lover>. You're so lovely, I can spot you a mile away.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Thank you. But I already know I'm the luckier one to have you.

"Don't leave me." - Question
For a moment there, I thought I'd lost you. Promise you'll never leave, <lover>.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Don't worry. I may be hard to spot, but I'm even harder to kill.

Gift - Question
<Lover>, you dropped this. What is it?
Gift - Answer
Oh... I wanted to surprise you with that. I guess I'm only good at hiding myself...

Life - Question
<Child>, how did you pass your time in the future?
Life - Answer
Well, until you showed up, I made an art form of being ignored. It's a wonder you stand out so much. You must take after your mother. ...Gods, can't I even count on heredity to leave a mark on the world?

"Are you ill?" - Question
Are you all right, <child>? You look ready to pass out...
"Are you ill?" - Answer
Don't worry. I feel better just knowing someone is paying attention.

Gift - Question
Let's see... Fatherly, fatherly... Oh! <Child>, is there anything you need?
Gift - Answer
Only for more people to notice me, and you can't tie a ribbon around that.

Training - Question
<Child>, could we practice together sometime? I want to turn heads.
Training - Answer
Sure. I promise I'll be there—even if I might be a little hard to spot.


Mood - Question
Well now, don't you look pleased as a pig! Did ya do well in the last battle?
Mood - Answer
Naw, I'm just tickled to be among such a brave group'a folks like y'all!

Hobby - Question
Say, what do ya do after the battle's over and ya got time to yerself?
Hobby - Answer
I write home a lot. My ma must be worried sick by now.

Dream - Question
Ya sure fight hard out there! I reckon yer fightin' for some big dreams, huh?
Dream - Answer
Aw, I just dream of makin' a difference so I can go home with my chest puffed out!

Fighting Together - Question
Hey, would ya mind fightin' with me durin' the next battle? I can tell yer a pro.
Fighting Together - Answer
Me? Are ya sure? Well, sure! I’ll do the best dang job I can.


"I love you." - Question
When yer around, <lover>, I feel like I'm a mile off the ground. It's true love!
"I love you." - Answer
Well, I love ya even more, and I'll guard ya with every bone in my body!

"You're beautiful." - Question
Ya sure are pretty <lover>, not a day goes by I don’t think it.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Ya really mean it?! Yee-haw! Ain't no one ever said that to me 'fore!

"Don't leave me." - Question
I won’t let anybody hurt ya, <lover>. Promise to stay close!
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Don't worry! I ain't smart and I ain't strong, but I can take a lickin'!

Gift - Question
Whatcha got there, <lover>? I don't remember ya havin' that 'fore.
Gift - Answer
Oh, this? Just a trinket I picked up in town. Reckoned it might look fine on ya...

Life - Question
What kinda stuff did ya do in the future, <child>?
Life - Answer
Well, up until recently, I was just an ordinary villager. Ain't got a whole lot to brag about 'cept you. Know some funny stories, though! Say, why don't I read ya some letters from my village? They're a hoot!

"Are you ill?" - Question
How ya holdin' up there, <child>? Ya look a mite green in the gills.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
Don't ya go rufflin' yer feathers over me. Reckon I'll be just fine.

Gift - Question
Need anything, <child>? Yer pa wants to take good care of ya!
Gift - Answer
Well, thank ya kindly! But there ain't no call to go spendin' a lot of gold.

Training - Question
<Child>, could we practice together sometime? I want to turn heads.
Training - Answer
Gosh, sure! But go easy on me now. I ain't the toughest bull in the pen.


Mood - Question (to men)
Why the stupid grin? Did someone tell a funny joke?
Mood - Question (to women)
Wh-what are you ginning about? Did someone tell a funny joke?
Mood - Answer (to men)
No. Am I not allowed to enjoy a pleasant conversation?
Mood - Answer (to women)
None of your business. I'm the same as always. Now begone!

Hobby - Question
What do you do when you need a distraction?
Hobby - Answer (to men)
I better my swordsmanship. Nothing else.
Hobby - Answer (to women)
I practice! With my sword! ...Now mind your own business.

Dream - Question (to men)
Do you have dreams?
Dream - Question (to women)
Do you have...dreams?
Dream - Answer (to men)
I dream of mastering the blade, no matter what other weapons I add to my arsenal.
Dream - Answer (to women)
My dream? To master the sword. ...Now leave me be!

Fighting Together - Question (to men)
You know, we should take on more foes together.
Fighting Together - Question (to women)
I'd be willing to, uh, take on more foes together. If it pleases you.
Fighting Together - Answer (to men)
As you wish. I offer no guarantees of success, though.
Fighting Together - Answer (to women)
Fight with you? A woman?! Nngh, fine! But I demand ample space. …AMPLE!


"I love you." - Question
I love you, <lover>. ...Don't make me say it twice.
"I love you." - Answer
D-don’t say that so loud! ...But I love you, too.

"You're beautiful." - Question
You look...lovelier than ever, <lover>.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
I...what? Nngh... Flattery will get you nowhere!

"Don't leave me." - Question
<Lover>, if you die out there... I'll kill you.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Never you worry. I won't die when I know you still need me.

Gift - Question
You dropped something, <lover>.
Gift - Answer
It's an accessory I brought for you. Just entering a women's establishment was hell...

Life - Question
What were your days like before we met, <child>?
Life - Answer
You should know I have few fatherly stories to share... I once did questionable things just to win my next meal. But I will strive to live more honorably to avoid disgracing you.

"Are you ill?" - Question
<Child>? You look ill.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
I'm fine. Don't trouble yourself.

Gift - Question
Do you need anything, <child>? I am your father, after all. Speak.
Gift - Answer
No. But it was kind of you to ask. Thank you.

Training - Question
<Child>, let us spar for a bit.
Training - Answer
You may regret it, but very well.


Mood - Question
What are you so happy about? Did you find a puppy? ...Can I see it?
Mood - Answer
No. I just finally worked out how to use this difficult magic. Want to see?

Hobby - Question
So what do you do when the fighting's done and you have a moment to yourself?
Hobby - Answer
I study magic! Well, actually, I play with forest creatures. ...What? They like me.

Dream - Question
Hey, so what do you dream about more than anything else?
Dream - Answer
I dream of being taller. Maybe a little more muscular. ...Stuff like that.

Fighting Together - Question
We're about to face some tough enemies. Do you think we could team up? Please?
Fighting Together - Answer
Of course. I'm so happy you asked! I guess I'll have to work twice as hard now!


"I love you." - Question
I really care about you, <lover>. I hope you never get tired of hearing that.
"I love you." - Answer
Hey, I love you, too! You're so important to me.

"You're beautiful." - Question
You're so pretty, <lover>. My throat gets all dry whenever I look at you.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Really? Thanks! Just give me time, all right? I'll be twice the man I am now!

"Don't leave me." - Question
<Lover>, will we always be together? I worry some tragedy is going to part us.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Worried about me? Don't be. I already SWORE to myself I'd survive adolescence.

Gift - Question
<Lover>, you dropped this. ...What's that look you're giving me? Is it important?
Gift - Answer
This is medicine to, um, make me taller. It'll help me take care of you!

Life - Question
So, <child>, what do people do in the future? What did you do?
Life - Answer
Well, I've sort of been the runt around here. Enemies mock me, Chrom coddles me... But now I'm a father—well, father-to-be—so anyone who overlooks me is just stupid. ...Thanks for showing up. I really needed this confidence boost.

"Are you ill?" - Question
You look dreadful, <child>. Should I fetch a priest or a cleric?
"Are you ill?" - Answer
I guess there's no fooling you. But don't worry. I'll be all right.

Gift - Question
Is there anything you’d like? I’m your papa, so you should let me get it.
Gift - Answer
Well, all right. Can you make me taller? ...No, I mean it. Could you work on that?

Training - Question
Let's go practice together, <child>. I want to see who's more advanced!
Training - Answer
All right. I may be small, but don't you dare underestimate me!


Mood - Question
Why the satisfied expression? Did you suddenly come into money?
Mood - Answer
Certainly not. This morning's tea was refreshing and put me in high spirits.

Hobby - Question
I'm always so bored after a battle. How do you pass the time?
Hobby - Answer
I study self-defense. A little "parasol fu" works wonders on thugs and brigands!

Dream - Question
If you don't mind sharing, what do you dream of doing with your life?
Dream - Answer
I want to be a big, hairy barbarian! ...Ugh, laugh, would you? It's a joke.

Fighting Together - Question
I must say, you're a reliable fighter. Why don't we join forces out there?
Fighting Together - Answer
Certainly. You won't regret your choice.


"I love you." - Question
I love you, <lover>. We belong together always.
"I love you." - Answer
M-must you say such mortifying things? I...I love you, too. There! Conversation over!

"You're beautiful." - Question
<Lover>, I...I just wanted you to know how handsome you look today.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Thank you. I try to look my best around the man I love.

"Don't leave me." - Question
Don't even ENTERTAIN the thought of dying out there, my love. I swear...
"Don't leave me." - Answer
I'll be all right. I'm too worried about you to keel over just yet.

Gift - Question
You dropped something, <lover>. What is it?
Gift - Answer
These are the finest of tea leaves. ...Hey, who said I got them for you?!

Life - Question
How did you spend your days in the future, <child>?
Life - Answer
Before you arrived, I was kidnapped by Gangrel and faced all manner of evils. But none of that compares to what you must have seen... Well, be at peace. You're safe with me. Together we shall set the future right.

"Are you ill?" - Question
Are you feeling all right, <child>? I could go fetch my staff...
"Are you ill?" - Answer
Ugh, how frail do you think I am? Worry about yourself for a change.

Gift - Question
Tell me what you need, <child>. I'll not allow my child to go without.
Gift - Answer
I would like a nice, frilly dress. And if it's not haute couture, I'll make YOU wear it!

Training - Question
Shall we train together, <child>? ...Moms are tough. Haven't you heard?
Training - Answer
Vell well. I accept your challenge. But don't come crying to me if you lose.


Mood - Question
Why so happy? Did you score some cakes? Maybe a box of cookies?
Mood - Answer
Nope. I always smile when I'm chewing. Hey, you want some of these bonbons?

Hobby - Question
So, what do you do in your sparetime? Could you go on a cookie run for me?
Hobby - Answer
I gather honey in the forest. Wanna see my bee stings?

Dream - Question
Say, you got any big dreams?
Dream - Answer
I drew up the blue print to a gingerbread house once. ...Did I just say that out loud?

Fighting Together - Question
If I give you a cookie, can we team up during the coming battle?
Fighting Together - Answer
Sure. Just promise you'll reward me in gold...or better yet, snacks!


"I love you." - Question
I love you more than pudding, <lover>. There, I said it.

"I love you." - Answer
That's sweet of you to say. And I like sweet. Guess I picked the right lady!

"You're beautiful." - Question
<Lover>, you're as cute as a bonbon. Even the fancy kind!
"You're beautiful." - Answer
You're not the first to fall for me, but you're the only one I've cared about back.

"Don't leave me." - Question
You're safe with me, <lover>. I won't ever let anything happen to you.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Don't worry about me. I'll find a way to keep breathing just as long as you need me.

Gift - Question
Whatcha got there, <lover>? Is it dessert? Don't hold out on me.
Gift - Answer
Ah, damn. So much for keeping it a secret. Here. I, uh, baked this for you yesterday.

Life - Question
<Child>, what were the confection... Er, conditions like in the future?
Life - Answer
Wanna hear about my past? That'll cost ya some... Oh, you brought cookies!
You take after your old man. Mmm... *crunch*
Wow. These are so good, I might just talk to you for free next time!

"Are you ill?" - Question
Everything all right, <child>? If you're tired, eat something sweet.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
Nah, you're imagining it. Anyway, nothing a freshly baked pie won't fix!

Gift - Question
Need anything, <child>? Your pop's got a knack for wish fulfillment.
Gift - Answer
Well, why not bake me something sweet? You can bake, right? ...RIGHT?

Training - Question
Let's spar, <child>. If you sting like a bee, I'll teach ya how to collect honey.
Training - Answer
As long as we get to have cupcakes after, I'm game.


Mood - Question
I've never seen you so happy. Did they serve carrots for breakfast?
Mood - Answer
No. But I have not had anyone to talk to for some time. It feels...nice.

Hobby - Question
We have so little free time these days... How do you spend it?
Hobby - Answer
I find a remote patch of nature and relax. Settled areas do not mix with me.

Dream - Question
We taguel often call humans the "dreaming race." What is your dream?
Dream - Answer
Last night I dreamt I raided a carrot patch. ...Is that not the sort of dream you mean?

Fighting Together - Question
It seems taguel are not the only strong ones. Shall we fight together more?
Fighting Together - Answer
If you desire it, I will keep you safe. ...I have lucky rabbit feet, after all.


"I love you." - Question
I love you, <lover>. It pleases me to be united with a human like this.
"I love you." - Answer
You humans speak plainly. At times, I admire that. ...And my love is yours as well.

"You're beautiful." - Question
<Lover>, have I ever told you taguel females fancy men like you?
"You're beautiful." - Answer
A funny habit, these periodic compliments. ...Very well. You are also attractive.

"Don't leave me." - Question
Swear to me you stay alive, my mate. I have been left alone once already.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
I swear I will survive—both for the taguel and for you.

Gift - Question
What is that, <lover>? Some tool of a man-spawn?
Gift - Answer
This is a taguel talisman. Here, I made one for you.


Life - Question
How did you spend your days in the future, my child?
Life - Answer
I was alone for some time before joining the Shepherds. All our kind were massacred.
So I know the pain you must have felt when I died in the future.
Perhaps that is a lesson to fear death. Not for myself or our race...but for you.

"Are you ill?" - Question
Are you well, <child>? You look as though something gave you a jolt.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
It is nice of you to care, but please do not get so excited. Loud noises hurt my ears.

Gift - Question
<Child>, do you need anything? A taguel child deserves every comfort.
Gift - Answer
...Just a carrot will do.

Training - Question
Shall we practice together, <child>? Those with Taguel blood must stay agile.
Training - Answer
Very well. See if you can best me, then. A parent takes pride in being surpassed.


Mood - Question
Did you just meet the love of your life? You look so happy!
Mood - Question (to Chrom)
You look so happy, Chrom. Did you just sweep another woman off her feet?
Mood - Answer
Ha ha! Where did you get that idea? I just like being in good company, that's all.
Mood - Answer (to Chrom)
No, Chrom... The thing I like is just a bit further out of reach.

Hobby - Question
I haven't seen you around camp in a while. What have you been up to?
Hobby - Question (to Chrom)
Ah, Chrom! I haven't seen you around camp. How have you been passing the time?
Hobby - Answer
Oh, I'm always running errands to town. My pegasus is suited for that sort of thing.
Hobby - Answer (to Chrom)
Oh, I'm always running errands to town. Can I pick anything up for you?

Dream - Question
We all have to work hard to fulfill our dreams. What are yours?
Dream - Question (to Chrom)
What kind of things do you dream of, Chrom?
Dream - Answer
I just want my days to be filled with joy. You never know which will be your last.
Dream - Answer (to Chrom)
I have more dreams than I can count, but I know some are not meant to be.

Fighting Together - Question
Why don't we fight together next time? You don't have to do everything alone.
Fighting Todether - Question (to Chrom)
Er, Chrom, I was wondering if... Well, it would honor me to fight together.
Fighting Together - Answer
Of course. I would welcome the change of pace.
Fighting Together - Answer (to Chrom)
YES! That would be... I would be honored! Truly!


"I love you." - Question
I love you, <lover>. You're the only one I don't have to be perfect around.
"I love you." - Answer
I love you too. I’ve never been happier!

"You're beautiful." - Question
<Lover>, why is it you only captivate me more as time goes on?
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Thank you. I strive to be the best woman I can for the man I love.

"Don't leave me." - Question
<Lover>, look me in the eye and promise you’ll stay safe for me.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Peace. You know I'm not an easy woman to kill. I won't leave you.

Gift - Question
Oops! <Lover>, you dropped this. ...Wait, what is it?
Gift - Answer
It’s medicine to heal any wound. You’re always putting yourself in danger.

Life - Question
How did you spend your time in the future, <child>?
Life - Answer
Well, I used to be painfully lonely and in love with a man I could not have. I even dreamt of death... But I found another man who sustains me and a daughter I can be proud of. So trust me—no matter how dark things seem, you will always pull through it.

"Are you ill?" - Question
Are you all right, <child>? You look completely out of it.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
Ha ha! I’m fine. Don’t worry so much! Your mother is a tough woman.

Gift - Question
Is there anything you need, <child>? Don’t be afraid to ask your mother.
Gift - Answer
Really? Thank you. Why don’t we get matching hair ornaments? I’ll pay!

Training - Question
<Child>, come spar with me. I know you’re capable of greater things than I.
Training - Answer
All right. But don't underestimate your mother.


Mood - Question
You are looking happily today. Perhaps you find gold lying around, yes?
Mood - Answer
Oh ho ho! No no! Gregor just happy to be in pleasant company.

Hobby - Question
*Sigh* No one here has the fun. What do you do to kill time?
Hobby - Answer
Gregor take odd jobs, of course. Sellsword must earn living like anyone else.

Dream - Question
World is a messy place, yes? But at least we have dreams. What are yours?
Dream - Answer
Gregor want to be rich, of course! Perhaps you hire Gregor?

Fighting Together - Question
Gregor very impressing with your skills. Maybe we should make with the teaming up.
Fighting Together - Answer
How much you pay Gregor? ...That was joke. Gregor help for free.


"I love you." - Question
Guess what Gregor love most today. Need hint? Gregor stand in front of answer.
"I love you." - Answer
Gregor love <lover> too. Would perhaps win in contest of affection, yes?

"You're beautiful." - Question
Gregor is lucky man to have most attractive and smart woman alive.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
See? Gregor's wife not only smart and beautiful—she have great taste in men!

"Don't leave me." - Question
Be careful, <lover>! Gregor is very sad if wife bite dust, yes?
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Oh ho, you are worried! How very cute. But Gregor not kick buckets so easily.

Gift - Question
<Lover>, did you drop this? What is this thing?
Gift - Answer
Is jewel Gregor receive for bashing heads. You want? It look very nice on you, yes?

Life - Question
<Child>, what was future like? Curious minds wishing to know, yes?
Life - Answer
...Gregor's past? What funny and adorable questions you are asking! Perhaps <child> trying to charm Gregor into lifetime of parenting? Oh ho! ...Was jest, was jest! Of course Gregor keep family safe through this mess.

"Are you ill?" - Question
Tired, <child>? You look ready to make with the zonking out.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
You notice, then? Very astute. But Gregor is much tougher than you think.

Gift - Question
<Child>, you need anything? Gregor overbearing protective type.
Gift - Answer
Ah! Always thinking of your family, like Gregor. But smile is gift enough.

Training - Question
Come, <child>. Train with father. If you win, dinner is onto the house!
Training - Answer
A familiar duel. Gregor like this idea. Shall we make not-so-gentlemanly bet?


Mood - Question
Why so chipper? Did you make a new friend?
Mood - Question (to Chrom)
Hi, Chrom! You look happy today. Did you make a new friend?
Mood - Answer
Nope! I'm just happy to have my freedom and be around all these fun people.
Mood - Answer (to Chrom)
Nope! I'm just super happy to see you, Chrom.

Hobby - Question
How come you always disappear after battles? Did you pick up a hobby?
Hobby - Question (To Chrom)
How come you always disappear after battles, Chrom? You can trust me!
Hobby - Answer
Oh, I'm always going around talking to people. I love a good story!

Dream - Question
Hey, what do you dream about? I could always use some new ideas to fill the years.
Dream - Question (to Chrom)
Chrom, what's your biggest dream? I need some new ideas to fill the millennia.
Dream - Answer
I've always wanted to transform into new things. Cat... Bird... Ooo, maybe a spider!

Fighting Together - Question
Wanna fight together next time? I bet we'd make a dangerous duo.
Fighting Together - Question (to Chrom)
Wanna fight together next time, Chrom? That would make me feel extra safe.
Fighting Together - Answer
Okay! I'll do my very bestest.


"I love you." - Question
<Lover>, you're my favorite bestest person in the whole world. I love you silly!
"I love you." - Answer
Really? Well, I love you even more!

"You're beautiful." - Question
You're so strong, <lover>! I love watching my baby fight.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Thanks! But I guess I should probably act a little more grown up.

"Don't leave me." - Question
You're so warm, <lover>. I don't ever want to lose you. ...Promise?
"Don't leave me." - Answer
But I'm a dragon! I'm the one who should be worried about losing YOU first!

Gift - Question
What is that, <lover>? I saw you trying to hide it. Show me!
Gift - Answer
Oh, these stones? I found them. Aren't they pretty? I'll give you one if you want.

Life - Question
Hey, <child>! Tell me about the future. What kind of things did you do?
Life - Answer
Well, okay. But my backstory is pretty epic. A thousand years is a long time! Why don't I tell it in installments? Like a bedtime story each night. If we're lucky, I'll finish it before that untimely death you warned me about!

"Are you ill?" - Question
You okay, <child>? Your mother is very worried.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
Don't worry about old Nowi. I'm really a big scary dragon, remember?

Gift - Question
Hey, kiddo. Is there anything you need? You know your mom has got it covered.
Gift - Answer
Thanks! Should I make a list? How's your memory? Can we go shopping together?

Training - Question
Come on, <child>, let's train! I can't practice with humans or I'll hurt them.
Training - Answer
All right! But promise to take cover if I start breathing doom and destruction.


Mood - Question
You look to be in fine spirits. Have the gods answered your prayers?
Mood - Answer
Not exactly. A smile is simply my way of thanking Naga for my time with you.

Hobby - Question
What is the first thing you do after returning to camp?
Hobby - Answer
If there is a place of worship nearby, I pray there and purify my heart.

Dream - Question
Dreams are a powerful thing. What is it that you seek for yourself?
Dream - Answer
As trite as it sounds, I dream only of peace and happiness for all the gods' creatures.

Fighting Together - Question
Your presence truly strengthens me. Might we join forces in the coming fight?
Fighting Together - Answer
It would be an honor. May the gods be with us both.


"I love you." - Question
My love, you look quite fetching, as usual. I must take care to focus during battle.
"I love you." - Answer
I love you too. You are as much a part of my life as Naga herself.

"You're beautiful." - Question
My love, you look quite fetching, as usual. I must take care to focus during battle.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Well ... it is a comfort to not be called 'voluptuous' for a change. Thank you.

"Don't leave me." - Question
Take care out there, <lover>. I do not wish for the gods to have you just yet.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Be at peace. I intend to stay with you as long as the gods allow.

Gift - Question
You dropped something, <lover>. Is it important?
Gift - Answer
This is a powerful amulet. ...I was hoping to surprise you with it.

Life - Question
<Child>, might I ask you about the past? What was it like?
Life - Answer
Gods above, I thank you for blessing me with so inquisitive a child, and for all the... Er, sorry. I drift into prayer sometimes. But I suppose that answers your question! I will pray for you as well, that you may be delivered from all the coming evils.

"Are you ill?" - Question
Are you all right, <child>? I can heal you, if you like.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
It's ... all right. I will entrust my recovery to the gods.

Gift - Question
<Child>, is there nothing you need? You can ask your father for anything.
Gift - Answer
Thank you, but I desire only a happy future for you.

Training - Question
<Child>, shall we practice a bit? Show me and the gods how you've grown.
Training - Answer
If you think me ample practice, then yes, of course. I will heal wounds I inflict.


Mood - Question
Well, lah-dee-dah. Don't you look happy. Trying to make the gloomy woman feel bad?
Mood - Question (to Robin)
You look happy today, Robin. Fallen victim to a certain someone's curse?
Mood - Answer
Go away. What do you care how I feel?
Mood - Answer (to Robin)
Maybe I’m simply happy to be around you. Does that thought...scare you?

Hobby - Question
Have I mentioned you've been acting odd lately? Why do you wander off from camp?
Hobby - Question (to Robin)
So, Robin. How do you fill your spare time? Inquiring minds want to know.
Hobby - Answer
What do you think? I hack together hexes and fish for fools to try them on. ...Busy?
Hobby - Answer (to Robin)
Me? Oh, I uh...try to divine my own future! ...With you.

Dream - Question
I've devised a hex to make dreams come true. Tell me your desires and hold still...
Dream - Question (to Robin)
Robin, you always study so hard. Do you have some secret goal? A dream?
Dream - Answer
Dreaming is dull. Who wants to walk around with sparkles in their eyes? Not me.
Dream - Answer (to Robin)
You want to know? You care, don’t you?! I dream that you’ll... Gah! I can’t say it!

Fighting Together - Question
Our foes grow stronger. Why don’t you and I fight together next time?
Fighting Together - Question (to Robin)
Have I told you that I admire your strength, Robin? We should team up.
Fighting Together - Answer
Oh, I see. You think I'm too weak and puny to fend for myself. Have it your way...
Fighting Together - Answer (to Robin)
Fight with you? YES! I mean...YES! I won’t let those monsters touch you.


"I love you." - Question
I love you, <lover>. And if you cheat on me, the consequences will be dire.
"I love you." - Answer
I feel the same. ...Haven't we been over this?

"You're beautiful." - Question
You look handsomer than usual today, <lover>. ...The hex worked.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
I may have used underhanded means to achieve that effect. Just so you know.

"Don't leave me." - Question
Still in one piece, <lover>? If you die before me, you'd better run in the afterlife.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Don't worry. I'll be with you always. ...Even if it's as a vengeful ghost.

Gift - Question
What's that you have there, <lover>? You can't hide anything from me.
Gift - Answer
It's an accessory. Why don't you put it on? Let everyone know you BELONG to me.

Life - Question
Tell me about the future, <child>. ...What? I'm curious.
Life - Answer
Oh, you know—hex this, hex that. I've always been a girl with dark tendencies. And since you're my daughter you should probably learn the trade. ...Or at least sacrifice to advance it. Care to help me test the teethgrinder hex?

"Are you ill?" - Question
Are you all right, <child>? You look pale. That may be my fault...
"Are you ill?" - Answer
I'm always like that. Now stop looking at me like I have the plague.

Gift - Question
Anything you need, <child>? You deserve a reward for being my guinea pig.
Gift - Answer
How about some animal bones? ...And no, it's not for curses. I'm making a flute.

Training - Question
<Child>, can I practice on you? ...I mean, practice WITH you?
Training - Answer
Bold words. But don't say I didn't warn you if you start barking like a dog.


Mood - Question
Hey, you look cheery! Find a nice weapon on sale?
Mood - Answer
Actually, I just go some hot new items in. Are you in a spending mood?

Hobby - Question
Hey, what do you do in your spare time? ...Shop, I hope?
Hobby - Answer
Me? I do inventory. Want to watch? I'm a whiz at counting vulneraries.

Dream - Question
Take my word for it - the world is full of big dreamers. So what do you dream about?
Dream - Answer
Me? I dream of big profits, obviously. So drop by my shop and help a girl out!

Fighting Together - Question
Well, we've got a tough battle ahead. Can I could on you?
Fighting Together - Answer
Sure. But let's not do anything reckless. A dead shopkeeper earns no profits.


"I love you." - Question
Robin, you're second to nothing except gold. ...Kidding! You're number one.
"I love you." - Answer
Thanks, baby. I love you too. Want to go in the back room and...count gold?

"You're beautiful." - Question
Hey, handsome! You're nicer to look at with each passing day, you know that?
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Ha ha! Thanks, that's sweet. You're looking pretty studly yourself today!

"Don't leave me." - Question
Please be careful out there, Robin. We're supposed to open a store together!
"Don't leave me." - Answer
What? I would never leave my shop behi... Er, I mean, I'd never leave YOU behind.

Gift - Question
What have you got there, Robin? Is it rare? Is it marketable? Let me see!
Gift - Answer
Oh, this? I was about to put it on the sale rack. Want to buy it off me?

Life - Question
Sooo, what's popular in the future? I need to stay ahead of the trends.
Life - Answer
I've been traveling and selling as long as I can remember. Oh, the lands I've seen! Which reminds me, I need to introduce you to my sisters. You have a LOT of aunts! ...You might say you were born into discounts.

"Are you ill?" - Question
Hey, are you okay? You were up all night reading.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
Really? Don't worry about me. I feel fine! Never better, in fact.

Gift - Question
Is there anything you need? You know Mom runs the best store around.
Gift - Answer
Nah, my suppliers have got me covered. That's nice of you to offer, though!

Training - Question
Wow, kiddo, you are fast at stocking the store shelves. Want to race sometime?
Training - Answer
Sure, but go easy on me. I'm not the spring chicken I used to be!


Mood - Question
Hello. You're certainly glowing today. Did someone dance for you?
Mood - Answer
Not at all. But it's nice to be noticed.

Hobby - Question
I need other hobbies besides dancing. How do you pass the time?
Hobby - Answer
I usually try to help out where I can. Cooking, stocking weapons...you know.

Dream - Question
Dreams are easy to chase, but hard to catch. What do you dream about?
Dream - Answer
I just want to be the best dancer around. ...If I can get over my stage fright first.

Fighting Together - Question
I feel very safe around you, you know that? Can I fight with you in the next battle?
Fighting Together - Answer
I can't do much besides dance, but that would be wonderful!


"I love you." - Question
<Lover>, I love you so much. You give me the courage to say that.
"I love you." - Answer
I love you, too. And I always will.

"You're beautiful." - Question
<Lover>! Don't stare like that. You're so handsome, you'll make me blush...
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Oh, stop. Are you trying to make my heart race?!

"Don't leave me." - Question
<Lover>, PROMISE me you won't get yourself hurt. I couldn't bear to lose you.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
I know. I'm sorry if I worry you. I'll just have to get stronger, okay.

Gift - Question
What do you have there, <lover>? If you're busy, I can put it away for you.
Gift - Answer
Oh, this? It's just a gift...for you. I guess I should have hidden it better.

Life - Question
<Child>, you came from the future, right? How did you spend your days?
Life - Answer
My life so far has been mostly practice, practice, practice. I have stage fright, but it's worth it to see other people smiling back. But you're the one I want to make happy most of all. Sometimes I see a hint of sadness in your eyes and I...worry.

"Are you ill?" - Question
My gosh, <child>! Are you all right? You look like you've been through an ordeal.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
I'm all right. I promise! Please, don't trouble yourself.

Gift - Question
Is there anything you need, <child>? You know I would do anything for you.
Gift - Answer
That's kind of you to offer. But all I need is the pleasant conversation!

Training - Question
<Child>, would you mind training with me? I'm too shy to ask anyone else.
Training - Answer
A-are you sure? Just thinking about raising a sword at my own child makes me nervous.


Mood - Question
Why so cheerful? Did you stumble upon a cute little caterpillar?
Mood - Answer
No, I just got to watch my dear Minerva shed her skin. It was incredible!

Hobby - Question
Oh! Where have you been? I haven't seen you for a while.
Hobby - Answer
I try to wash and mend our clothes. Fashion like this is hard to come by!

Dream - Question
We all need dreams to sustain us. What are yours?
Dream - Answer
Well, I would love to see Minerva's child one day. Wouldn't that be magical?

Fighting Together - Question
How are you holding up? I was wondering if we could fight together for a change.
Fighting Together - Answer
If it pleases you. Together, we can face any opponent without fear.


"I love you." - Question
I adore you, <lover>. Never forget that.
"I love you." - Answer
I love you, too. ...Now say that again.

"You're beautiful." - Question
Is it just me, or do you get more handsome with each passing day?
"You're beautiful." - Answer
You know the right things to say to a lady. But you're the nicer one to look at.

"Don't leave me." - Question
Please be careful, <lover>. I am so scared I might lose you.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere. You need someone to look after you.

Gift - Question
What do you have there, my love? Hardly something you would need in battle, no?
Gift - Answer
It's a cookbook. I take pride in broiling more than my foes, I'll have you know.


Life - Question
Tell me, <child>, what was your day-to-day life in the future like?
Life - Answer
You are the first to ask me that in a while. Well, why don't we talk over tea? And soon—before you go off on your own again. Promise? Otherwise I will have to send Minerva to hunt you down.

"Are you ill?" - Question
How are you feeling, <child>? You look a bit pale today.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
Don't worry. I can deal with any problems that arise.

Gift - Question
Do you need anything, <child>? Your journey here must have been difficult.
Gift - Answer
Thank you, but just the thought is more than enough, my dear.

Training - Question
Come practice with me, <child>. It will be good for you.
Training - Answer
Very well. For my darling child, anything!


Mood - Question
You look happy as a hog! Were you out there playing with the crows, too?
Mood - Answer
Oh, no. I was just playing hide-and-seek with the nicest black cat. It's my lucky day!

Hobby - Question
Hey, I'm bored! Got any ideas about how to pass the time?
Hobby - Answer
I collect crow feathers. Maybe if I gather enough, I can fly. Fingers crossed!

Dream - Question
We all need a dream worth dying for. Or a death worth dreaming about! What's yours?
Dream - Answer
I want to die a horrible, bloody death that's completely painless. ...I don't like ouchies.

Fighting Together - Question
You fight really funny. We should try taking on the enemy together!
Fighting Together - Answer
All right. We'll sweep up the enemy with my curses and your skills!


"I love you." - Question
<Lover>, I love you so much, my spleen hurts. ...I hope that's normal.
"I love you." - Answer
I love you too! Since that's settled, can I hex you so you can't look at other guys?

"You're beautiful." - Question
<Lover>, you're as cute as a dead puppy. I'm head over heels for you!
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Woo-hoo! I've been told I grow on people. It's my secret power.

"Don't leave me." - Question
Can I hold your hand, <lover>? I'm having morbid thoughts.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Don't worry. I won't die a gory death just yet. And no curse will ever part us!

Gift - Question
What have you got there, <lover>? And why are you trying to hide it?
Gift - Answer
Oh, I made this trinket out of dread animal parts. You want it? It'd look good on you.


Life - Question
What's the future like, <child>? Do pegasi evolve into aquatic creatures?
Life - Answer
I mostly just sling curses and hang out with crows. But I'm not about to add deadbeat dad to my list of hobbies! I'll take care of you. Even if I die a horrible death, I'll protect you from the... Hey, why the long face?

"Are you ill?" - Question
You look beat, <child>. Want me to work out some knots? ...With a fork?
"Are you ill?" - Answer
Wow, you see right through me. ...Wait, does that mean I finally turned invisible?!

Gift - Question
<Child>, can I get you anything using the horrible power of dark magic?
Gift - Answer
Really? How about a sick weapon I can use to maim people and protect you?

Training - Question
<Child>, why don't we have a little mock battle? I promise not to curse you!
Training - Answer
Okay, but my magic is kind of scary, so we should set up a safe word first.


Mood - Question
Zounds! You look spirited. Did you steal off last night for a bit of secret training?
Mood - Question (to Yen'fay)
Brother, I can see you are in high spirits. It pleases me to see you at peace again.
Mood - Answer
Nay. I was simply remembering more joyful times in Chon'sin.
Mood - Answer (to Yen'fay)
Aye, verily. Mayhap you are not the same Yen'fay, but you are still flesh and blood.

Hobby - Question
If I may ask, how do you spend your idle hours in camp?
Hobby - Question (to Yen'fay)
Brother, how do you pass the hours when the fighting has subsided?
Hobby - Answer
I perform what services I can for the Ylissean army. 'Tis the least I can do.
Hobby - Answer (to Yen'fay)
I aid Chrom in what ways I can. 'Tis the very least I can do.

Dream - Question
Have you any dreams? It need not always be distressing to ponder the future.
Dream - Question (to Yen'fay)
Brother, do you have any dreams?
Dream - Answer
I dream of restoring Chon'sin to glory.
Dream - Answer (to Yen'fay)
I dream of restoring Chon'sin to glory. We share one dream, Brother.

Fighting Together - Question
Our foes have grown strong of late. Mayhap we could join our might in the next battle.
Fighting Together - Question (to Yen'fay)
Brother, let us join our blades in the coming battle.
Fighting Together - Answer
Very well. I am not too proud to accept the help, nor offer mine in return.
Fighting Together - Answer (to Yen'fay)
Aye. I know your fighting style better than anyone. Our blades shall sing as one!


"I love you." - Question
I find my thoughts wandering to you of late. You have captured my heart utterly.
"I love you." - Answer
Shh! These whisperings of love ought to be saved for a more...private place.

"You're beautiful." - Question
I must confess, <lover>, you have stolen my heart anew with your bravery.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Fie! Must you toss those words about so idly? I am not used to such compliments.

"Don't leave me." - Question
Vow to me that you will stay alive, my love. I have lost too many companions already.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Aye, I swear it. I know too well the pain of being left behind.

Gift - Question
What are you hiding there, <lover>? My sharp eye detects a prize.
Gift - Answer
I bought you some cakes. ...Oh, fie! Just eat them and stop glaring.

Life - Question
How strange it is to learn I have a daughter, Morgan. Can you tell me of the future?
Life - Answer
I would not know where to begin, but I agree—'tis a conversation to be had. Let me share one lesson I have learned: trust your family, no matter what. I was forced to turn my blade upon my brother: I do not wish the same for you.

"Are you ill?" - Question
Morgan, are you unwell? You have an air of fatigue about you.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
Worry not! I've no troubles I cannot overcome on my own.

Gift - Question
Morgan, might I get you aught you need? My daughter deserves the best.
Gift - Answer
Then set aside some time for us to talk. We spend too much time training and fighting.

Training - Question
Morgan, will you not train with me? I long to see what you can do.
Training - Answer
Aye, that's the spirit. But I must prepare myself before facing my own blood!


Mood - Question
What are you grinning about? Let me guess-you want my hair ornament.
Mood - Answer
No, silly! You're just fun to be around. You remind me of someone I was once close to.

Hobby - Question
Say, how do you pass your time in camp?
Hobby - Answer
I do as much as I can. Walks, cooking... I never know when my next sleep will come.

Dream - Question
I've met so many people with just as many dreams. What is it that you strive for?
Dream - Answer
I want lots of friends. I know I'll lose them one day, but it beats never meeting at all.

Fighting Together - Question
Can I count on you in the coming battle? I need a strong fighting partner like you.
Fighting Together - Answer
Of course. I'll do my best. And it's always flattering to be asked for help!


"I love you." - Question
I wish we could stay together always, <lover>.
"I love you." - Answer
I love you too-more with each passing day.

"You're beautiful." - Question
Every day makes you a finer man, my love. I wish I could grow old like you.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Really? I'm fairly certain I'm the same as always, but it's still nice of you to say.

"Don't leave me." - Question
My love, promise you'll stay with me as long as you can. I can't bear to lose you to war.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
I fear I will be the one left behind. But I'll stay with you until the day you pass me by.

Gift - Question
What have you got there, <lover>? I don't remember seeing that before.
Gift - Answer
It's a dragonstone from long ago. Its power is gone, so...why don't you keep it for me?

Life - Question
Goodness, Morgan, I'm still amazed I even HAVE a child. ...Tell me about the future.
Life - Answer
Well, it's a long story, VERY long, in fact. How about one little anecdote?
I used to be friends with Marth, the famous king. He was a kind man, but...
But he had a commanding gaze. I miss him greatly, and I shall never forget him.

"Are you ill?" - Question
Morgan, you look sleepy. Need a dose of dragonbreath to wake you up?
"Are you ill?" - Answer
Really? How odd. I feel just fine. Well, whatever it is, I'm sure it will pass.

Gift - Question
Morgan, do you need anything? I'd like to get a gift for my daughter.
Gift - Answer
How about hair ornament? I've been wearing this one for ages. ...Literally.

Training - Question
You sleep even more than me, Morgan. Maybe we should compete to stay awake!
Training - Answer
Well, all right, but I'll have to hold back. Otherwise I'll destroy you in seconds.


Mood - Question
What's with the happy face? Did you just come back from a good massage?
Mood - Question (to Emmeryn)
Why so happy, Emmeryn? Did you just come back from a good massage?
Mood - Answer
What the hell are you talking about? Can't I be happy to see a friend?
Mood - Answer (to Emmeryn)
What are you talking about? Can't I be happy to see a friend?

Hobby - Question
When you're not killing Risen, how do you kill time?
Hobby - Question (to Emmeryn)
Emmeryn, what do you do to kill time?
Hobby - Answer
I train, of course! Same as I did back in Regna Ferox.

Dream - Question
One thing's for certain—we all need a dream. So what's yours?
Dream - Question (to Emmeryn)
One thing's for certain—we all need a dream. What's yours, Emmeryn?
Dream - Answer
I'd like to keep winning the tournament and keep that oaf Basilio off my throne!

Fighting Together - Question
I must say, I like the way you move. Why don't we team up in the coming battle?
Fighting Together - Question (to Emmeryn)
You fight very well, Emmeryn. Why don't we team up in the coming battle?
Fighting Together - Answer
It's a deal! I'm no lone wolf when I don't have to be.


"I love you." - Question
Robin, since no one else is around to hear... I love you.
"I love you." - Answer
Hah, I know! I love you too, and I will for all the days to come.

"You're beautiful." - Question
What a man you've become, Robin! You've come a long way since I met you...
"You're beautiful." - Answer
I don't work myself up over appearances. ...But it's still flattering. Thanks.

"Don't leave me." - Question
Don't get stupid out there, my love. I don't want to be a widow.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Don't worry about me! I've survived my share of ugly wars.

Gift - Question
What have you got there, Robin? Bought yourself a new toy?
Gift - Answer
This? It's a fleece from Regna Ferox. If you like it, it's yours.

Life - Question
Morgan, I'm so proud to have you as a daughter. Did I treat you well in the future?
Life - Answer
Well, back in Regna Ferox, I spent most of my time training myself and my men. Only the strongest earn the title of Khan. But I wanted it, fought for it, and here I am. Strategy matters, but never undervalue hard work. You have to start on your goals early.

"Are you ill?" - Question
Morgan, you look dreadful! Need your mother to whip you back into shape?
"Are you ill?" - Answer
Oof, is it that bad? I must be getting old. Well, nothing some exercise won't cure.

Gift - Question
Morgan, don't be afraid to ask if you need anything. All right?
Gift - Answer
I could use some strong warriors for the next tournament. Are you volunteering?

Training - Question
Got time to train, Morgan? If you win, I’ll make you the new khan! Ha!
Training - Answer
You like a good battle, like your mother! All right, do your worst.


Mood - Question
Look at you, grinning like a fool! Slipping back home from a naughty night in town?
Mood - Question (to Emmeryn)
Emmeryn, you look happy. Did you sneak out and have some fun for a change?
Mood - Answer
Ha! Aren't you reading into it a little too much? ...Not that I'm not amused.

Hobby - Question
So what do you do for kicks?
Hobby - Question (to Emmeryn)
Emmeryn, don't you do anything for fun? Life isn't all battles. ...Unfortunately.
Hobby - Answer
I chop firewood. People seem to think I'm good at it. Doubles as axe practice, too!

Dream - Question
What are your dreams? You should think of these things while you're young!
Dream - Question (to Emmeryn)
What do you dream about, Emmeryn? Don't wait until you get to be my age.
Dream - Answer
I dream about winning the tournament and taking back my throne! What else?

Fighting Together - Question
What do you say you and I team up on the battlefield? I think we're a good fit.
Fighting Together - Question (to Emmeryn)
Emmeryn, nothing would make me happier than to fight the next battle by your side.
Fighting Together - Answer
You have excellent taste! All right, why not? Let's make the enemy weep!


"I love you." - Question
I love you, Robin, and I dare you to stop me.
"I love you." - Answer
Trying to melt the barbarian's heart again? It might just be working.

"You're beautiful." - Question
Is it just me, Robin, or have you gotten prettier overnight?
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Aw, I'm the same lug as always, but have YOU gotten prettier overnight?

"Don't leave me." - Question
Robin, promise you won't do anything reckless. Especially not for me.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Ha! Don't worry. I already died once, and I'm not looking to repeat the experience.

Gift - Question
What have you got there, Robin? Why not just store it with the convoy?
Gift - Answer
Oh, this is from the Feroxi treasure vault. I thought it would look good on you! Here.

Life - Question
What's new, Morgan? You manage to remember anything?
Life - Answer
I just live life as it pleases me. I started as a pirate, and now I'm a khan. You've got to try everything while you're young and see what sticks. If you can't get your old memories back, pack your life with exciting new ones!

"Are you ill?" - Question
You look a little woozy today, kid. Trying to worry your old man?
"Are you ill?" - Answer
Don't worry. I'll get my color back in no time. Save your ideas for when it matters.

Gift - Question
Anything you need, Morgan? Just name it! You can ask your father for whatever.
Gift - Answer
I'd like my throne back, but I guess that's a tall order. Bwa ha ha!

Training - Question
Grab a weapon, Morgan. Let's see if you've got the makings of a khan!
Training - Answer
Bwa ha ha! That's the spirit! Once the war's over, I'll put you through the Feroxi ropes!

Child Characters


Mood - Question
What are you smiling about? Did you see me break the training dummies again?
Mood - Answer
No. I'm just happy for the company and laughter. It's still a new feeling.

Hobby - Question
I was wondering how you pass your leisure time.
Hobby - Answer
I often gaze at the stars. They seem brighter now than they did in the future.

Dream - Question
Do you have any dreams for the future?
Dream - Answer
Only to undo the dark future to come. I'd give my life to see that dream realized.

Fighting Together - Question
I feel so empowered around you. Have I mentioned that? Why don't we team up?
Fighting Together - Answer
Of course. I will protect you with my life, the same as all my comrades.


"I love you." - Question
I love you, <lover>. May we be together always.
"I love you." - Answer
I love you as well. Don't you dare think of dying out there.

"You're beautiful." - Question
You look more dashing than ever! To me, you are the finest man in the world.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Oh, thank you! You look dashing as well.

"Don't leave me." - Question
Please take care of yourself out there. I do not want to see another loved one slain.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Don’t worry. I promise to remain by your side as long as you need me.

Gift - Question
What is that, my dear? Can I help you store it in the convoy?
Gift - Answer
Oh, it’s just a lunch I made you for the road. I hope it tastes all right...

Life - Question (to mother)
Mother, what was your life like before you met me?
Life - Question (to Chrom)
I'm so glad we can be together again, Father. Tell me more about your life.
Life - Answer (to mother)
You want to know about the future? I have told you most of what I know. Why don’t we talk about the few memories I have of you? We could sit down over dinner. I would like that very much.
Life - Answer (to Chrom)
I remember a little of a more peaceful time when I was very small. I pretended I was captain of my very own Junior Shepherds! Be kind to baby Lucina if she does such silly things. They...may be all she has.

"Are you ill?" - Question (to mother)
Mother, you look pale. Should I get help? Lie down for a bit!
"Are you ill?" - Question (to Chrom)
Father, how are you feeling? Are you hurt? I could not bear to lose you...
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to mother)
I appreciate your concern, Mother. But you need to take care of yourself, too.
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Chrom)
That’s kind of you to ask, Father. But I worry about you, too.

Gift - Question (to mother)
Mother, do you need anything? I finally have the chance to be a good daughter.
Gift - Question (to Chrom)
Father, can I get you anything? I rarely get a chance to thank you for all you've done.
Gift - Answer (to mother)
Oh! Thank you. But just being able to spend time with you is a wonderful gift.
Gift - Answer (to Chrom)
I just want a brighter future. I can deal with any hardship now in exchange.

Training - Question (to mother)
Mother, why don’t we have a little contest to see whose cooking Father prefers?
Training - Question (to Chrom)
Father, can I challenge you to another fight? I still have much to learn.
Training - Answer (to mother)
A contest? I’d rather not...but if you insist, I will not hold back.
Training - Answer (to Chrom)
Of course, Father! I lost the battle in the arena, but much has changed since then!

Life - Question
Morgan, was your future more peaceful than mine? I wish you could remember.
Life - Answer
I came from the future, like you. Mine was a dark one, though, and full of despair. I wonder if you returned here for the same reason—to right some terrible wrong. If so, then let us set things right together. We will save all possible futures!

"Are you ill?" - Question
Morgan, you seem unwell. Is everything all right?
"Are you ill?" - Answer
I'm fine, thank you. Don't get so excited.

Gift - Question
Morgan, is there anything you desire? I wish to spoil my daughter silly.
Gift - Answer
Thank you, but the thing I want most is something I must win by my own strength.

Training - Question
Morgan, why don't we train for a bit? I want to see what my daughter is capable of.
Training - Answer
Very well. After all, you will need to learn to wield Falchion one day.

Morgan (Male)

Mood - Question
It's so nice to see you in good spirits! Did you think up a good battle strategy?
Mood - Answer
Oh, no! I just remembered your remarkable fighting while trying to hatch a strategy.

Hobby - Question
What do you do when you finish fighting?
Hobby - Answer
I try to stay up late and study strategy like my mother. ...But I usually conk out.

Dream - Question
My mother always said to dream big while you're still young. What do you dream of?
Dream - Answer
I want to be a great tactician like my mother! But I'll have to study hard.

Fighting Together - Question
How would you feel about joining forces in the next battle?
Fighting Together - Answer
Of course! I'm no match for my mother, but I'll think of some plan to see us through!


"I love you." - Question
I love you, <lover>. I may not remember much, but I will never forget you.
"I love you." - Answer
I feel the same about you. I suppose I'm lucky I wound up in this time!

"You're beautiful." - Question
You are so attractive, <lover>. I can hardly focus on my studies!
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Trying to score points with me? Well...it's working. And you're amazing too!

"Don't leave me." - Question
Go easy on yourself, <lover>. It would sadden me to lose you.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Don't worry. I promise to stay alive. I've even devised a few strategies. Ha!

Gift - Question
Um, <lover>,what do you have sticking out of your satchel there?
Gift - Answer
Oh no, you saw it? I was hoping to surprise you with a present.

Life - Question (to Robin)
Hey, Mother! What was your life like before you met me?
Life - Answer (to Robin)
The future? I hardly remember anything, so I'm not sure what to say. I certainly don't remember the impending doom and despair Lucina speaks of. ...It's hard to believe that's how the world will turn out...

Life - Question (to father)
Father, tell me about your life until you met me. I want to know all about you.
Life - Answer (to father)
Well, I can’t remember anything about the future. But seeing how close you and Mother are now, I imagine you will be then, too. I must have been so happy. So lucky! But...that’s all I can come up with. I’m sorry.

"Are you ill?" - Question (to Robin)
Mother, are you all right? We need your mind, but not at the expense of your health.
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Robin)
You're the one always working hard! If I can't handle this, how will I live up to you?

"Are you ill?" - Question (to father)
Father, are you all right? You look pale. I had better think of a solution!
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to father)
Thank you, Father, but it's all right. Nothing will get me down easily.

Gift - Question (to Robin)
Mother, is there anything you need? I’d like to get you presents now and then.
Gift - Answer (to Robin)
How about that book you're always reading? It looks really educational.

Gift - Question (to father)
Father, tell me what I can get for you. Anything! It's the least I can do.
Gift - Answer (to father)
I'd just like to spend more time with you! I want to get to know you better.

Training - Question (to Robin)
Mother, I've studied up. We should train together and see whose strategy prevails!
Training - Answer (to Robin)
All right! That will give me a chance to see how you fight. But go easy on me...

Training - Question (to father)
Father, come practice with me. I want to see how you react in battle.
Training - Answer (to father)
All right. But I must admit, I’m a little nervous to face you!

Morgan (Female)

Mood - Question
It's so nice to see you in good spirits! Did you think up a good battle strategy?
Mood - Answer
Oh, no! I just remembered your remarkable fighting while trying to hatch a strategy.

Hobby - Question
What do you do when you finish fighting?
Hobby - Answer
I try to stay up late and study strategy like my father. ...But I usually conk out.

Dream - Question
My father always said to dream big while you're still young. What do you dream of?
Dream - Answer
I want to be a great tactician like my father! But I'll have to study hard.

Fighting Together - Question
How would you feel about joining forces in the next battle?
Fighting Together - Answer
Of course! I'm no match for my father, but I'll think of some plan to see us through!


"I love you." - Question
I love you, <lover>. I may not remember much, but I will never forget you.
"I love you." - Answer
I feel the same about you. I suppose I'm lucky I wound up in this time!

"You're beautiful." - Question
You are so attractive, <lover>. I can hardly focus on my studies!
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Trying to score points with me? Well ... It's working, And you're amazing, too!

"Don't leave me." - Question
Go easy on yourself, <lover>. It would sadden me to lose you.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Don't worry. I promise to stay alive. I've even devised a few strategies. Ha!

Gift - Question
Um, <lover>, what do you have sticking out of your satchel there?
Gift - Answer
Oh no, you saw it? I was hoping to surprise you with a present.


Life - Question (to Robin)
Hey, Father! What was you life like before you met me?
Life - Question (to mother)
Mother, tell me about your life until you met me. I want to know all about you.
Life - Answer (to Robin)
The future? I hardly remember anything, so I'm not sure what to say.
I certainly don't remember the impending doom and despair Lucina speaks of.
...It's hard to believe that's how the world will turn out.
Life - Answer (to mother)
Well, I can't remember anything about the future.
But seeing how close you and Father are now, I imagine you will be then, too.
I must have been so happy. So lucky! But...that's all I can come up with.
I'm sorry.

"Are you ill?" - Question (to Robin)
Father, are you all right? We need your mind, but not at the expense of your health.
"Are you ill?" - Question (to mother)
Mother, are you all right? You look pale, I had better think of a solution!
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Robin)
You’re the one always working hard! If I can’t handle this, how will I live up to you?
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to mother)
Thank you, Mother, but it's all right. Nothing will get me down that easily.

Gift - Question (to Robin)
Father, is there anything you need? I’d like to get you presents now and then.
Gift - Question (to mother)
Mother, tell me what I can get for you. Anything! It's the least I can do.
Gift - Answer (to mother)
I'd just like to spend more time with you! I want to get to know you a lot better.
Gift - Answer (to Robin)
How about that book you’re always reading? It looks really educational.

Training - Question (to Robin)
Father, I’ve studied up. We should train together and see whose strategy prevails!
Training - Question (to mother)
Mother, come practice with me. I want to see how you react in battle.
Training - Answer (to mother)
All right. But I must admit, I'm a little nervous to face you!
Training - Answer (to Robin)
All right! That will give me a chance to see how you fight. But go easy on me...


Mood - Question
Why the smile? Was my ultimate attack truly that breathtaking?
Mood - Answer
No, I'm just glad I've been able to keep my sword hand in check. Apocalypse averted!

Hobby - Question
Even the Chosen One needs a day of rest. How do you fill your spare time?
Hobby - Answer
Me? I secretly battle with evil. The forces of darkness fall upon me at every moment!

Dream - Question
Today I came one step closer to my place in the sagas. What do you dream of?
Dream - Answer
How bold of you to ask! I dream only of claiming my rightful place in the sagas.

Fighting Together - Question
My sword hand! I cannot control it! I...I need your help!
Fighting Together - Answer
I understand. You seek the power of the heroic bloodline. ...Very well!


"I love you." - Question
I love you, <lover>. Not even the whims of time can part us.
"I love you." - Answer
I love you, too. Even when immortalized in poetry, I shall be yours to command.

"You're beautiful." - Question
You look lovely, <lover>. Your eyes twinkle like earthly stars.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Well, I must maintain a charming image for my love. ...And the poets. But mostly you.

"Don't leave me." - Question
<Lover>, stay close to me in battle. No foe shall snuff out the light of my life!
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Fear not. I swear I shall not be vanquished, no matter the foes aligned against me!

Gift - Question
What do you have there, <lover>? *gasp* It sparkles like...like the legendary...
Gift - Answer
This is "Goddess." I named it for you, my love, though it pales next to your beauty.

Life - Question (to father)
Father, tell me about your life before we met. I've always wanted to know.
Life - Question (to Lissa)
Mother, you always ask me about the future, but I want to know about your life so far.
Life - Answer (to father)
I have few memories of you, Father, but I remember you taking me to the armory. I used to get uncomfortable when you inscribed "I Love Lissa" on your purchases. You haven't already started doing that, have you? Oh boy...
Life - Answer (to Lissa)
In the future, I fought Risen and added to my vast library of weapon names. Let me show you my finest weapon of all! ...It’s actually just a piece of a staff. But I named it “Lissa.” You were holding it when you... Well, it’s my greatest treasure.

"Are you ill?" - Question (to father)
Father, that scar is huge! It's amazing! ...Er, I mean, are you all right?
"Are you ill?" - Question (to Lissa)
Mother, I’ve devised some new names for my moves! Do you think they sound good?
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to father)
Don't worry. I always look weak after unleashing the extent of my powers.
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Lissa)
Thank you, mother, but I like my new scar. It adds mystique to my persona.

Gift - Question (to father)
Father, do you need anything? Your son shall deliver it forthwith.
Gift - Question (to Lissa)
Mother, do you need anything? I'm having a "dutiful son" moment.
Gift - Answer (to father)
How about a new eye color? Oh! What if I had two DIFFERENTLY COLORED eyes?
Gift - Answer (to Lissa)
How about a smoking weapon, then? Ask Uncle Chrom for something legendary!

Training - Question (to father)
Fight me, Father! I must surpass you and mark my passage into adulthood!
Training - Question (to Lissa)
Mother, fight me! In the future, I was never able to best you in combat.
Training - Answer (to father)
At last, this day has come. Have at thee, Father! Watch your son rise to glory!
Training - Answer (to Lissa)
No! You promised to go easy on me in the future and beat me to a pulp anyway!

Life - Question
Say, what was I like in the future? Do you remember anything?
Life - Answer
Well, I very rarely talk about myself, but all right. You are my son, after all. Before arriving in this era, I battled in a parallel timeline to save the world. My crusade became known as the...Hey! Are you listening?!

"Are you ill?" - Question
You look down somehow...Gods! Has the unbridled power within you awakened?!
"Are you ill?" - Answer
Don't worry, I'm my usual self. Though I may have...pushed myself too hard today.

Gift - Question
Tell me, my almighty offspring, do you need anything?
Gift - Answer
I have you. What else could I possibly need?

Training - Question
When and how did you grow so powerful? I must know! Fight with me now!
Training - Answer
Gladly. But remember, you brought the calamity of my omnipotence upon yourself.


Mood - Question (to women)
You wear a radiant smile today. Perhaps you were pondering having tea with me?
Mood - Question (to men)
Why the silly grin? Don't tell me you saw me practicing my dances!
Mood - Answer (to women)
Not at all! Do I really seem that happy? It flatters me you even noticed.
Mood - Answer (to men)
Sadly, no... I simply caught a glimpse of a lovely maiden.

Hobby - Question (to men)
What do you do when we have spare time between battles?
Hobby - Question (to women)
I've always wondered how ladies like you spend their free time. Care to share?
Hobby - Answer(to men)
My little secret. But it's nothing worth mentioning.
Hobby - Answer(to women)
Join me for tea, and perhaps you'll learn how I fill my private time.

Dream - Question
What do you dream about? People like us should share these things!
Dream - Answer (to men)
I dream of being a danc... Uh, I mean, sweeping the ladies off their feet!
Dream - Answer (to women)
I dream of being a danc... Uh, I mean, being a man worthy of your affection.

Fighting Together - Question(to men)
You know, you're fun to be around. Why don't we fight together in the next battle?
Fighting Together - Question(to women)
Why don't you and I fight together in the coming battle? Beauty inspires me.
Fighting Together - Answer (to men)
I'll do my best. Together, we should be able to handle any foe!
Fighting Together - Answer (to women)
Fight with you? I would be honored beyond words, my lady.


"I love you." - Question
I love being with you, <lover>. Today more than ever.
"I love you." - Answer
But, that's my line! ...Geez, I can see why this works so well on the ladies.

"You're beautiful." - Question
You always have the sweetest expression, my love. And a heart to match, of course.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
You're a lovely sight yourself. I'll have to be careful no one else tries to steal you!

"Don't leave me." - Question
Can I hold you for a moment, my love? I dreamt that I lost you for good...
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Don't worry. I cannot bear the thought of you crying. Just stay happy.

Gift - Question
What are you hiding there, <lover>? Can I help you with it?
Gift - Answer
Oh! This is a pendant I bought you. Turn around and I'll help you put it on.

Life - Question (to father)
Father, how did you spend your time before we met?
Life - Question (to Olivia)
Mother, you certainly were beautiful when you were young. Tell me about your life!
Life - Answer (to father)
Hmm... When Mother was still alive, she talked about you a lot.
About how brave and kind you were. You must have earned a lot of points!
I was actually quite shocked at how aver... Er, never mind.
Life - Answer (to Olivia)
In the future? I used to pester you to dance for me. You were so shy about it, you would hide behind me like you were the child! Ha! But when it mattered, you always stood between me and danger. So when you turn your back on me now, I remember. ...And it saddens me.

"Are you ill?" - Question (to father)
Father, did you recover from that spill by the pond? You’re lucky no one else saw.
"Are you ill?" - Question (to Olivia)
Mother, did I catch you flirting with another man? Please don't erase my existence.
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to father)
Don't worry, Father. I'll be all right.
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Olivia)
Don’t worry, Mother. I’m fine. I just tend to push myself in front of the fairer sex.

Gift - Question (to father)
Father, is there anything you would like? I did so little for you in the future...
Gift - Question (to Olivia)
Mother, do you need anything? A gift, perhaps, to cheer you up?
Gift - Answer (to father)
Something that would help me with the ladies? Or gold! A large gold ingot!
Gift - Answer (to Olivia)
Thank you, but just a smile will suffice.

Training - Question (to father)
Father, could we train together? I want to see if I’ve gotten any stronger.
Training - Question (to Olivia)
Mother, you move so gracefully in battle. Will you teach me your secrets?
Training - Answer (to father)
You and me? Well, all right. If I win, I can brag to the ladies!
Training - Answer (to Olivia)
Well, of course. But you taught me all of my swordplay, so you have an unfair edge!

Life - Question
Morgan, do you remember if your future is different from mine?
Life - Answer
My days are... Er, they WERE mostly spent flirting with girls. Is that boring? I should be asking about YOUR life! Did you have a special lady to call your own? If you did, and she's here, and you happen to break up...do let your father know.

"Are you ill?" - Question
You seem quiet today. Are you feeling ill?
"Are you ill?" - Answer
I hope the ladies haven't noticed. That would certainly hurt my chances.

Gift - Question
My son must be popular with the ladies. Need anything for your next date?
Gift - Answer
You’re no burden to me! If anything, your laughter is uplifting.

Training - Question
Say, why don't we have a contest to see who can get a date the fastest?
Training - Answer
All right. But only if we compete for the heart of a lovely maiden!


Mood - Question
Why the big grin? You look like ya just saw me catch an axe in the face or somethin'.
Mood - Answer
Nope. I'm just glad to see ya ain't got no serious injuries.

Hobby - Question
Everyone gets so busy when we return to camp. How do ya pass the time?
Hobby - Answer
I'm usually practicin' with weapons. Don't get too close, though-my aim is rubbish.

Dream - Question
What are your dreams? People always laugh at me what when I talk about mine.
Dream - Answer
I wanna be a violinist. I'm actually pretty good, I think. ...All right, go on. Laugh.

Fighting Together - Question
Let's try takin' on the enemy as a team. I can put up a fight, too!
Fighting Together - Answer
Sure thing. I ain't no brawler, but I can strike fear into any foe.


"I love you." - Question
I love ya, <lover>. I swear I'll keep ya safe, no matter what.
"I love you." - Answer
I love ya, too. ...Dammit! I'm so moved, I can't even say nothin' clever.

"You're beautiful." - Question
<Lover>, ya look lovelier than ever before. Other dames pale in comparison!
"You're beautiful." - Answer
That's nice of ya to say, considering most people find me terrifyin'. I'm a lucky man!

"Don't leave me." - Question
Don't do anything crazy out there, <lover>. I need ya, yeah?
"Don't leave me." - Answer
I ain't going nowheres. Think I'd leave ya here to boo-hoo yourself silly?

Gift - Question
<Lover>, your satchel's packed to the brim today. Whatcha got in there?
Gift - Answer
It's an armlet I bought for ya. Was gonna surprise ya, but I guess the jig is up...


Life - Question (to Maribelle)
Ma, what was life like for ya before I turned up?
Life - Question (to father)
Tell me about life before I came along, Pop.
Life - Answer (to Maribelle)
The you from the future smothered me, to be perfectly honest. You’d pack lunches for me, hold my hand while walkin’ up stairs... You were so busy doing the heavy lifting for me that I turned into a total wimp! Ya wouldn’t even let me fend for myself in the end. So next time, lemme protect YOU!
Life - Answer (to father)
I mostly practiced fightin' in the future. I never had your knack for warfare, see? Half the time, I'd wind up with an axe buried in my face or worse. Nasty stuff. But I wanted to learn how to hold my own and fight for the world ya tried to protect.

"Are you ill?" - Question (to Maribelle)
That was quite a spill, Mother. You taking up slapstick? ...Sorry, lemme heal ya.
"Are you ill?" - Question (to father)
Let me look at that injury from before, Pop. ...Yeesh, pretty nasty. You all right?
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Maribelle)
Me? I'm alive and kickin'. You're the one what's always out of breath, old-timer!
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to father)
Aw, don't ya go worryin' about me, Pop. You're the one with bags under your eyes!

Gift - Question (to Maribelle)
Anything I can get for ya, Ma? I didn’t do much for ya in the future...
Gift - Question (to father)
Need anything, Pop? I feel I needs to be a better son or somethin'.
Gift - Answer (to Maribelle)
A more hands-off ma would be nice. No more addin' frills to my shirt, capisce?
Gift - Answer (to father)
Well, I dropped a staff in the ravine. Mind climbin' down to... Of course ya do.

Training - Question (to Maribelle)
I remember you bein’ good at violin, Ma. Wanna see who’s better?
Training - Question (to father)
We should have a duel sometime, Pop. I needs to build up my fightin’ muscles!
Training - Answer (to Maribelle)
A challenge? I dunno—especially if it’s one’a your tea-drinkin’ contests again.
Training - Answer (to father)
You wanna fight your own son? You're on! Grab a staff and let's see who hits harder.

Life - Question
Morgan, what were things like in your future. Do ya remember if I was alive?
Life - Answer
I mostly just practiced with weapons - to hilarious effect, of course. Gimme a bow, and I'll fire IT instead of the arrow. I don't know an axe from an anchovy! I couldn't have added up to much in the future, but at least I didn't kill ya.

"Are you ill?" - Question
Morgan, you seem awful quiet. Ya feeling all right? Should I get my staff?
"Are you ill?" - Answer
I've had people take jabs at how I dress, but that's the first jab at my complexion!

Gift - Question
Need anything, kid? Can't have ya bein' rough around the edges like your pop.
Gift - Answer
How 'bout the vulneraries I dropped in the ravine back there? ...No? Didn't think so.

Training - Question
Morgan, any son of mine must have a gift for the violin. Wanna see who's better?
Training - Answer
My fightin' style's nothing to look at—but if ya still wanna see it, you're on.


Mood - Question
It's nice to see you in good spirits. Did you win your last training match?
Mood - Answer
No. I was just thinking you would make a worthy training partner.

Hobby - Question
How do you spend your leisure time? We all need to rest our minds and bodies.
Hobby - Answer
I train, and then I train some more. Skill is my currency, and I seek to line my pockets.

Dream - Question
Dreams and goals bring out the best in us. What are yours?
Dream - Answer
I dream of becoming the ultimate warrior. And who says a woman can't do it?

Fighting Together - Question
You fight with style, you know. We should take on the enemy together.
Fighting Together - Answer
I'd be honored to fight with any man or woman willing to see my worth.


"I love you." - Question
Let's be together always, <lover>. I've never loved anyone like you.
"I love you." - Answer
Well...I love you, too. But don't make me say it again. It's embarrassing!

"You're beautiful." - Question
<Lover>, you look absolutely dashing. I cannot take my eyes off you.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Wh-where did that come from? Please, such compliments catch me off guard...

"Don't leave me." - Question
Don't wander off on the battlefield, <lover>. I have to keep you safe.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Wipe that frown off your face. I'm stronger than any woman you could find.

Gift - Question
<Lover>, is something caught on your weapon? You should be careful.
Gift - Answer
These? They're leather armlets. I made a matching pair...if you want one.


Life - Question(to Sully)
You fought wonderfully in that last battle, Mother. Has your life always been like this?
Life - Question(to father)
Father, tell me all about your days before we met.
Life - Answer (to Sully)
In the future, you and I used to train together. You were as strong as any man, and I suppose that valor rubbed off on me. I wanted to be like you—even best you one day. But then you... You were gone before I got the chance.
Life - Answer (to father)
Well, when I was really little, you and I used to wage mock battles. You never really gave it your all, though. Said you didn't want to "leave a dent." Heh. But I'm older now. How about a real match? Come on, I'm a tough cookie!

"Are you ill?" - Question (to Sully)
Mother, you look faint today. Did you eat any strange plants while hunting?
"Are you ill?" - Question (to father)
Feeling better, Father? You chopped more fingers than onions while cooking last night!
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Sully)
It’s all right, Mother. This is nothing compared to what I saw in the future
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to father)
It's kind of you to worry, but I can shake off a little training fatigue. Thank you.

Gift - Question (to Sully)
Mother, do you need anything? I’d like to be of help.
Gift - Question (to father)
Tell me, do you need anything? A good daughter looks after her father.
Gift - Answer (to Sully)
...Could you stop all the women who look up to you from sending ME fan mail?
Gift - Answer (to father)
I would just like to go for a walk with you. Maybe we could shop for weapons together.

Training - Question (to Sully)
Mother, we’ve trained with weapons. Why don’t we have a potato-peeling contest?
Training - Question (to father)
Father, if you find the time, I was wondering if we could train together.
Training - Answer (to Sully)
You’re on. I’m always eager to learn more from you!
Training - Answer (to father)
I would love that! But you'd better wear your best armor. I hit back hard!

Life - Question
Morgan, do you remember nothing at all about your future?
Life - Answer
I have spent most of my days training to be a strong woman—stronger than any man. But that doesn't mean I look down on all men as weak! They have their...uses. Just because I prefer strong men with rippling... Wait, where is this going?

"Are you ill?" - Question
Morgan, you look tired. Have I pushed you too hard with the training?
"Are you ill?" - Answer
It's fine. I feel right as rain, so don't you worry.

Gift - Question
Morgan, I can't pretend to be motherly, but let me buy you something you need.
Gift - Answer
You're no trouble to me at all. Why don't you spar with me for a bit?

Training - Question
Morgan, I challenge you! Let's see which of us is stronger!
Training - Answer
All right. I can't wait to see how you fight!


Mood - Question
You look happy. Did you cook up a slick new catchphrase?
Mood - Answer
Nuh-uh! I came up with a new heroic battle stance. You want to see it?

Hobby - Question
How do you spend your free time? We should take whatever breathers we can.
Hobby - Answer
I make sure everyone is safe! Seeing another crisis averted makes me happy.

Dream - Question
So, what do you dream of doing one day?
Dream - Answer
I dream of becoming someone's hero! I want to protect the people who matter.

Fighting Together - Question
You really stand out on the battlefield! We should fight bad guys together.
Fighting Together - Answer
Sure! I can spare a little extra oomph for you. Leave the toughies to Cynthia!


"I love you." - Question
You're my shining prince, <lover>. I will always love you.
"I love you." - Answer
I love you, too. I want to just hug you into tiny little pieces!

"You're beautiful." - Question
You are such a stud, <lover>! The legends just won't do you justice.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Really? That's so sweet of you to say! Every heroine needs a dash of cute, right?

"Don't leave me." - Question
Don't get too close to the front lines, <lover>. I don't want to lose you!
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Don't worry. Heroes never die. They keep YOU from dying.

Gift - Question
What have you got there, <lover>? You shouldn't hide stuff from your lady.
Gift - Answer
This? It's a handmade brooch to hold a cape on! See? I made different colors.

Life - Question (to Sumia)
Mother, what was your life like before we met? You don’t mind telling me, do you?
Life - Question (to father)
It’s nice to spend some quality time, Father. Tell me about your life so far!
Life - Answer (to Sumia)
Even in the future, I wanted to be a hero. I think it stemmed from having a klutzy mom. But when it really counted, I wasn't able to protect you. You protected me. I never forgave myself, so I decided to train myself silly and never let you get hurt again!
Life - Answer (to father)
My life in the future? Well, I cared for Mother’s pegasus after she...you know. And I trained hard and learned how to fight! ...It was tough without a dad to teach me. But now that we’ve got the chance, why don’t we practice together?

"Are you ill?" - Question (to Sumia)
Aaaugh! Mother, your arm is bleeding! Are you gonna make it? Help! Someone!
"Are you ill?" - Question (to father)
Father, you look less than heroic today. Are you okay? Are you getting old?!
"Are you ill?" - Answer(to Sumia)
I'm fine, Mother. Don't get carried away. I can take my share of pegasus spills!
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to father)
Huh? I'm totally fine. But thanks for worrying about me, Father.

Gift - Question (to Sumia)
Mother what do you want for you next birthday? It was our tradition in the future!
Gift - Question (to father)
Can I get you anything, Father? I want to you you happy!
Gift - Answer (to Sumia)
A new cape! Something that flutters in the wind and whispers the cause of justice.
Gift - Answer (to father)
How about a father-daughter special move? One that will make a foe's knees knock!

Training - Question (to Sumia)
Mother, I challenge you to see whose flower-petal readings are more accurate!
Training - Question (to father)
Father, you look so heroic today! Let's have a practice match.
Training - Answer (to Sumia)
All right, but I won’t pull any punches just because it’s you. Heroes play for keeps!
Training - Answer (to father)
A fated battle between father and daughter? How I’ve longed for this day!

Life - Question
I would love to know more about your future, Morgan. Do I end up a big hero?
Life - Answer
I mostly just worked on being heroic. A blend of power and swagger, you know? My big gimmick was that I came from the future, but that's no so special anymore... Hmm. Maybe I'll be a fighting mama now! Could you pretend you're in distress?

"Are you ill?" - Question
Morgan, you look tired. Are you all right? Heroes have to stay in top form!
"Are you ill?" - Answer
What?! A pale avenger? Oh no! I'd better put on makeup. ...Or a mask!

Gift - Question
Morgan, do you need anything? I want to come through for my daughter!
Gift - Answer
I need someone to take up my mantle after I'm gone. Interested in a career in heroics?

Training - Question
You look like you've got hero potential, Morgan. But let's see if you can outdo me!
Training - Answer
A challenge? Trying to surpass your mom, is that it? Bring it on, kiddo!


Mood - Question
Ugh, what are you sneering about? Did you meet someone dreamy?
Mood - Question (to Chrom)
What are you so happy about, Chrom? Did you and your wife have a "moment"?
Mood - Answer
No! It's a romance thing. Would you like a few tips?
Mood - Answer (to Chrom)
No! It's a romance thing. You ought to know—you and your wife get along so well.

Hobby - Question
How do you while away your free time? Not that we ever get any...
Hobby - Answer
I have my routines. I comb my hair, primp... It's the only way I feel good about myself.

Dream - Question
I hear people with dreams have more luck with their love lives. What are your dreams?
Dream - Answer
I dream of being perfect like my mother. ...But don't you dare tell anyone!

Fighting Together - Question
With your talent, we ought to try taking on some enemies together. I deserve as much!
Fighting Together - Question (to Chrom)
Chrom, we ought to try taking on some foes together. I deserve a strong partner!
Fighting Together - Answer
Hmph, whatever. But just this once! I don't need you to make me feel proud of myself.


"I love you." - Question
I love you, <lover>. Just in case I haven't mentioned it.
"I love you." - Answer
I love you, too. And if you cheat on me, I'll rip your eyebrows off with pliers.

"You're beautiful." - Question
You're still my favorite thing to look at, <lover>—more now than ever!
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Of course. I look after my appearance. You should be proud of your lady.

"Don't leave me." - Question
Look at that gash, <lover>! Can't you take care of yourself for me?
"Don't leave me." - Answer
I'm not going to die. You're not going to LET me die, remember?

Gift - Question
You dropped something, <lover>. Wait...since when did you have this?
Gift - Answer
I baked this for you. Now open wide and don't dare complain about the taste!

Life - Question (to father)
Father, I hear you used to be attractive. Good! Tell me what life before me was like.
Life - Question (to Cordelia)
Mother, you must have been so lonely before I showed up. What was it like?
Life - Answer (to father)
The future? It was awful, obviously. The men had these pouty doomsday faces. And the accessory shops? Empty! What? Oh, well yes, the world was on the brink of annihilation, but the MEN? Gods!
Life - Answer (to Cordelia)
You and I fought all the time in the future. You always put your knightly duties first. I would say, 'Who matters more to you, me or Chrom! Why don’t you MARRY him?' I guess I didn’t realize that would be my last chance to talk with you. ...What? I’m not crying! This is...sweat! I’m sweating! Ugh, it’s so hot in here!

"Are you ill?" - Question (to father)
Father, look at your hair! You have to take better care of it!
"Are you ill?" - Question (to Cordelia)
Mother, I saw you staring at Chrom. Are you sure you're really over him?
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to father)
I would have preferred a "you look lovely today." But thanks for worrying, Father.
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Cordelia)
I’ll TELL you if I’m not all right. Just worry about yourself, please.

Gift - Question (to father)
Father, is there anything you need? Daddy's little girl wants to do something nice!
Gift - Question (to Cordelia)
Mother, do you need anything? I’m about to go shopping for some new accessories.
Gift - Answer (to father)
That's a rare kindness from you, Father. But no thank you. The thought is enough.
Gift - Answer (to Cordelia)
How about a handsome man I can wrap around my little finger? Know anyone?

Training - Question (to father)
Father, let's have a quick match! I'm a pretty tough opponent when I mean to be.
Training - Question (to Cordelia)
Mother, since you have so many suitors, want to see which of us gets more men?
Training - Answer (to father)
You want to beat on your own daughter? Hmph. Bruise me and I’ll never forgive you.
Training - Answer (to Cordelia
What? Sure, I’ll accept your challenge...if you’ll tell me how I can finally surpass you!

Life - Question
You're as cute as your mother, Morgan! Do you remember what I'm like in the future?
Life - Answer
I spent my days becoming a more desirable woman, of course. In fact... I'm probably MORE desirable in your future, since I'm getting an early start here. Don't you remember any of this, or do I wind up that forgettable? Why are you averting your eyes? ANSWER ME!

"Are you ill?" - Question
Morgan, you look like a run-down revenant. That's not like you at all! You're scaring me.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
What?! Did the skin cream not work? Ugh, it's all over. My life is in ruins...

Gift - Question
Morgan, can I buy you something? Please? My daughter should really dress better.
Gift - Answer
Now you're in for it. I love to shop. Clothes, shoes, accessories... Got a pen?

Training - Question
Morgan, let's see who can eat the most pie. ...What? I'm feeling hungry.
Training - Answer
You really get into it, huh? How about we skip the training and go shopping instead?


Mood - Question
You look thrilled. Did Minerva like you when you petted her?
Mood - Answer
No, it's simply...heartening to have someone's ear from time to time.

Hobby - Question
I hate having time alone with my thoughts. How do you distract yourself?
Hobby - Answer
I go where no one can find me. I do not wish to create ties to this world.

Dream - Question
Do you have any dreams, friend?
Dream - Answer
Only of returning to the future from this illusory world I inhabit now.

Fighting Together - Question
We should team up and fight the enemy together. Two are more powerful than one.
Fighting Together - Answer
As you wish. But it will be a temporary alliance. Do not get too cozy.


"I love you." - Question
I love you, <lover>. No matter what befalls us, these feelings will not change.
"I love you." - Answer
I know. And I love you, too.

"You're beautiful." - Question
<lover>, you look lovelier every moment. How am I to focus in battle?
"You're beautiful." - Answer
It pleases me to hear that from the only woman who matters.

"Don't leave me." - Question
Stay by my side, <lover>, where none can harm you.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Very well. But if I do fall, promise you won't go back in time to attempt to change it.

Gift - Question
What is that you've got there, <lover>? It's very unusual.
Gift - Answer
This is a jewel Minerva had. Would you like it? I think it would suit you.


Life - Question (to father)
<Father>, tell me more about your days before I arrived.
Life - Question (to Cherche)
Mother...I mean, Cherche. What was your life like before I came here?
Life - Answer (to father)
You're some nerve, trying to pry into my private life. Trying to know the future! How about I ask you a favor instead? Promise me you won't let Cherche fly too high after giving birth to me. She will fall and have terrible headaches the rest of her days.
Life - Answer (to Cherche)
I mostly cared for Minerva in the future. She took to me rather quickly—sooner than wyverns usually do. You were so shocked! ...No. Not you—not some illusion. My real mother. And she’s dead now. ....We shouldn’t have brought this up.

"Are you ill?" - Question (to father)
<Father>, is that a wyvern bite? Don't tell me Minerva nipped at you.
"Are you ill?" - Question (to Cherche)
Mother, I saw your Minerva attack someone. Should I be worried?
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Cherche)
Thank you, but you should look after yourself first.
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to father)
Trying to be fatherly? I am just fine. You can worry about your own business.

Gift - Question (to father)
<Father>, I realize I should treat you more like a father. Can I buy you a gift?
Gift - Question (to Cherche)
Cherche, I often see you at the town shops. Is there something I might buy for you?
Gift - Answer (to father)
How about a male partner for Minerva? ...What do you mean, "impossible"?
Gift - Answer (to Cherche)
Just money for Minerva’s food will do. She eats five times as much as other wyverns.

Training - Question (to father)
Challenge me, <father>. In the future, I could not defeat my father, but here...
Training - Question (to Cherche)
Challenge me, Cherche, wyvern to wyvern. No doubt we’ve developed our own styles.
Training - Answer (to father)
A challenge? If you like. In fact, I could use just such a distraction.
Training - Answer (to Cherche)
All right. I admit, I have wondered what you are truly capable of.

Life - Question
Morgan, what was I like in the future from whence you came?
Life - Answer
I certainly can't believe I father you. I go through great pains not to leave a mark. ...But until recently I lived in my own future. Would you like to hear about it? It may not jog your memory, but I am still willing to make time.

"Are you ill?" - Question
Morgan, are you feeling all right?
"Are you ill?" - Answer
I am in good health. Never fear. You needn't get so worked up.

Gift - Question
Morgan, tell me if you need anything. You are my child - I would know you better.
Gift - Answer
A partner for Minerva? I doubt you'll have much luck catching a male wyvern.

Training - Question
Challenge me, Morgan. We must see if the son surpasses the father!
Training - Answer
Trying to study my technique? You'll find it's difficult to copy. But as you wish.


Mood - Question
Hey! What are you grinning about? Are you laughing at the poor, doomed bunny?
Mood - Answer
Are you kidding? I'm happy because you look strong enough to save me in a pinch.

Hobby - Question
Nothing feels better than surviving a battle. What do you do to celebrate?
Hobby - Answer
I do self-preservation exercises in the woods. Gotta be ready for anything!

Dream - Question
Hey, what do you dream about?
Dream - Answer
Not going extinct!

Fighting Together - Question
Please, you have to fight alongside me! The taguel will die out without you!
Fighting Together - Answer
All right. But you take the lead. I'll do my bunny thing from the back lines.


"I love you." - Question
<Lover>, I seriously love you. ...Almost more than life itself!
"I love you." - Answer
I love you, too. I'd hop to your rescue in a taguel heartbeat!

"You're beautiful." - Question
You know, you would look stunning in rabbit ears. ...Not that you're not stunning now!
"You're beautiful." - Answer
You think? Then I'd better be extra careful not to kick the bucket!

"Don't leave me." - Question
Don't get hurt out there, <lover>. I'd die from grief, and thus ends the taguel!
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Don't worry, I'm a lot hardier than I let on. I've got a whole race to keep alive.

Gift - Question
What have you got there, <lover>? I hear something jingling.
Gift - Answer
This? It's a taguel good-luck charm. I got it to keep you safe.

Life - Question (to father)
Hey, Father! What was life like for you before I turned up?
Life - Question (to Panne)
Whew, what a relief to have another taguel around. What was life like before we met?
Life - Answer (to father)
The future was the same as now, as far as I'm concerned—death around every corner! And I would climb trees or dig holes to get away from it. When you think about it, I've gotten a lot braver. Now, I actually stand and fight!
Life - Answer (to Panne)
The future was terrifying! Every day I held my breath and waited for the end. If I died, the world would forget about the taguel—about you. I couldn't bear that! So I decided to survive, no matter how craven it made me look.

"Are you ill?" - Question (to father)
Father, you sneeze a lot around me. Are you allergic to taguel?
"Are you ill?" - Question (to Panne)
Mother, you cut your ear! Will you make it? 'Cause if you're doomed, I'm doomed!
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to father)
Worried I'll go extinct, huh? Well, at least I have you to protect me.
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Panne)
Nope, no jolt. If I'd heard anything, I'd have fled the premises in a second!

Gift - Question (to father)
Father, do you need anything? I don't know what to get a human father.
Gift - Question (to Panne)
Mother, what do you need? We taguel need to stick by each other.
Gift - Answer (to father)
More brothers and sisters with taguel ears! An entire RACE depends on it!
Gift - Answer (to Panne)
Could you pop out some more taguel siblings? ...Ack, what! Don't scowl at me!

Training - Question (to Panne)
You have such great hearing, Mother! Why don't we have a hearing contest?
Training - Question (to father)
Train with me, Father. I need to be strong to ward off extinction!
Training - Answer (to Panne)
What? If we both die, that will be the end of our race! Let's just practice hopping, okay?
Training - Answer (to father)
F-f-fight? Well, all right. But promise you won't kill me off!

Life - Question
What was your future like, Morgan? Were there other bunn...I mean, taguel?
Life - Answer
Oh, I just lived in fear of annihilation. The usual stuff... But you have taguel blood! No bunny ears, but you're still one of us! That is such a relief. ...Wait, no it's not! Now I have to worry about two people! Aaaugh!

"Are you ill?" - Question
Morgan, you look sleepy. Are you all right?
"Are you ill?" - Answer
Oh my gods! It's happening! I'm going extinct! Think of something, Morgan!

Gift - Question
Morgan, should I buy you bunny ears so you feel like you fit in? ...No? What, then?
Gift - Answer
Anything I want? All right...will you wear bunny ears, since you didn't inherit mine?

Training - Question
Morgan, let's train together. If you turn out to be stronger, you have to protect me!
Training - Answer
Well, all right. If I get hurt, put these bunny ears on and pray that the seed is strong...


Mood - Question
You seem to be in excellent spirits. Did you discover a book to your liking?
Mood - Answer
No. For once our shelves are all organized! I am most grateful.

Hobby - Question
How exactly do you spend your free time?
Hobby - Answer
I pass the hours by reading the books of this era-a whole library I had thought lost.

Dream - Question
I've heard a theory that verbalizing dreams makes them come true. Care to test it?
Dream - Answer
I dream of becoming a true scholar--one who can sort the truth from the legends.

Fighting Together - Question
Would you like to team up during the next battle? Our odds would greatly improve.
Fighting Together - Answer
Indeed, that sounds like a fine idea. It would no doubt boost morale all around.


"I love you." - Question
I... I love you, <Lover>. I feel it important that you know.
"I love you." - Answer
Oh?! Well, I love you, too - if we're spelling out our feelings, that is.

"You're beautiful." - Question
Look at me, <lover>. ...Ah, you are truly are a beauty to behold.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Thank you! But needless to say, I see you as the finer specimen.

"Don't leave me." - Question
<Lover>, swear you won't get killed. I die myself at the very thought!
"Don't leave me." - Answer
You worry too much, that's why I love you. I promise to avoid what perils I can.

Gift - Question
<Lover>, your satchel is stuffed to the brim. What have you got in there?
Gift - Answer
It's a hair ornament. Just walking into the shop took courage, but... I hope you like it.

Life - Question (to father)
Father, tell me about your life before we met.
Life - Question (to Miriel)
Mother, how did you spend your days before we met?
Life - Answer (to father)
The future? Hmm...very well. How about we start with a warning? You should endeavor to put things back where you found them! The arguments your sloppiness started with Mother - we almost needed counseling! ...There, that was a nice, healthy talk. Now we can be a normal family.
Life - Answer (to Miriel)
I spent my time trying to find you. You were such a perfectionist, you somehow managed to die without leaving a corpse. So I clung to the silly hope that maybe you had not died at all. For all I know, my "time travel" was all some ruse of yours. ...I wouldn't put it past you.

"Are you ill?" - Question (to father)
Father, has your hairline receded? I'm quite concerned...for both of us.
"Are you ill?" - Question (to Miriel)
Mother, you dropped this. Are you ill?! You never drop things!
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to father)
Thank you, but I’m perfectly fine. You should look after yourself.
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Miriel)
You're...worried about me? ...Who are you, and what have you done with my mother?

Gift - Question (to father)
Is there anything you need, Father? I know of no other way to be a good son to you.
Gift - Question (to Miriel)
Mother, you’ve been burning through your possessions. Can I help pay for a restock?
Gift - Answer (to father)
You’re offering to buy me something? ...How much gold is in your possession?
Gift - Answer (to Miriel)
Thank you. Perhaps you could start by reimbursing me for my time-travel expenses.

Training - Question (to father)
Father, fight me! I have lots of pent up frustra... A lot of new spells to show you!
Training - Question (to Miriel)
Mother, would you mind training together? I could never beat you in the future.
Training - Answer (to father)
Really? Very well. You'll need the training. Mother ALWAYS won when you two fought.
Training - Answer (to Miriel)
Planning to unload your extra tomes on your only son? ...Very efficient! I approve.

Life - Question
Could you tell me anything more about your future, Morgan?
Life - Answer
Well, I am more interested in whether or not we even exist on the same time axis. The marriage between your mother and I changed the future - created a NEW future. Which means... Which means... I should lie down for a bit. My head hurts.

"Are you ill?" - Question
Morgan, you have a dull look about you today. Is everything all right?
"Are you ill?" - Answer
Are you certain? I feel the same as always. Perhaps it's a trick of the light.

Gift - Question
Morgan, do you lack for anything? Any son of mine should be aware of his provisions.
Gift - Answer
Might I inquire about your budget first? My needs tend to run into the quintuple digits.

Training - Question
Morgan, you are exceptionally organized. Shall we have a battle of tidiness?
Training - Answer
A splendid idea. If I use all these spare tomes on you, I won't have to sort them!


Mood - Question
Why the look of glee? Did someone hit you with a happiness curse?
Mood - Answer
Very funny. Oh, I see. You're trying to make me laugh. That's funny, too.

Hobby - Question
If you don't mind me asking, how do you pass the time when you're not fighting?
Hobby - Answer
Battles take a toll on me, so I sleep. Then I find that I CAN'T sleep, and I suffer all day.

Dream - Question
Do you have any dreams you could share? I could use some inspiration.
Dream - Answer
I dream of having the guts to stand up to people. ...Oh gods! I've said too much!

Fighting Together - Question
You give me courage during battle. Why don't we fight together next time?
Fighting Together - Answer
All right. Two is safer than one!


"I love you." - Question
Please don't push yourself, <Lover>. I worry about you because... I love you.
"I love you." - Answer
I love you, too. I feel safe from danger when I'm with you.

"You're beautiful." - Question
You look amazing in profile. I never want to leave your side!
"You're beautiful." - Answer
F-flattery will get you nowhere. You know full well YOU'RE the real catch!

"Don't leave me." - Question
<Lover>, stay by my side. Don't leave me behind the way my parents did.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Do I look that close to my own demise? ...Sorry, I'll try to put up a tougher front.

Gift - Question
You dropped something, <Lover>. ...Wait, what is this?
Gift - Answer
These are talismans I bought for you. Take any you like—I have loads of them.

Life - Question (to Tharja)
Mother, what were things like before you met me?
Life - Question (to father)
Father, what was your typical day like before we met?
Life - Answer (to Tharja)
In the future, you used me as a guinea pig. You subjected me to all kinds of nasty curses on a day-to-day basis! But when it mattered, you used your magic to sacrifice yourself and... save me. But try to leave me again, and I'll hex you back a hundredfold!
Life - Answer (to father)
My future consisted of being subjected to Mother's crazy hexes. But I remember being happy every time you showed up and saved me. Remember to look after me when I'm born in this time. ...I'll need it.

"Are you ill?" - Question (to Tharja)
"Mother, you were making weird gestures. Is that a hex? Or some kind of spasm?
"Are you ill?" - Question (to father)
Father, you were babbling in your sleep last night. Are you all right?
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Tharja)
You know I always look pale, Mother. It’s your runny-nose hex that’s got me down...
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to father)
I'm fine, Father. Thank you for caring.

Gift - Question (to Tharja)
Mother, do you need anything? By which I mean something NOT related to curses.
Gift - Question (to father)
Can I get you anything you need, Father? I have a little gold to spare...
Gift - Answer (to Tharja)
How about all your hexing paraphernalia? The world will be a better place.
Gift - Answer (to father)
I can ask for anything? Hmm... How about gold?

Training - Question (to Tharja)
I’ve learned a few hexes of my own, Mother. Want to take me on?
Training - Question (to father)
Father, I want to be stronger. Will you have a match to help me train?
Training - Answer (to Tharja)
As if saying no would stop you! Just spare me the runny-nose curse. It was horrible...
Training - Answer (to father)
A fight? If you hit me, Mother's curse will activate and you'll get the same injury...

Life - Question
In your future, Morgan, am I a good mother?
Life - Answer
What good will it do you to know about me? Wait. Did the enemy hire you to spy on me? Are you planning to spring some curse? I know where this is going! You have my mother's wicked blood in you, too! The greatest dangers are under one's own roof, clearly!

"Are you ill?" - Question
Um, Morgan, are you all right?
"Are you ill?" - Answer
I always look sickly—it's in my blood. But I'm more or less healthy. Honest.

Gift - Question
M-Morgan, can I get you anything you need? ...If I don't scare you off?
Gift - Answer
...Just gold. Lots of gold.

Training - Question
Morgan, you're great at attacking from a safe distance. Care to have a little contest?
Training - Answer
Okay. But if you hit me, my mother's curse will activate and you'll get the same injury.


Mood - Question
Why are you smiling like that? It's my silly name, isn't it? Ugh.
Mood - Question (to Chrom)
Why are you smiling like that, Chrom? It's my silly name, isn't it? Ugh.
Mood - Answer
To be honest, I was thinking how nice it'd be to have your name instead of mine.

Hobby - Question
How do you spend your free time between battles?
Hobby - Question (to Chrom)
Chrom, how do you spend your free time between battles?
Hobby - Answer
I observe humans. They do such silly, fascinating things...

Dream - Question
Returning to the past helped me find my dreams. What are yours?
Dream - Question (to Chrom)
Returning to the past helped me find my dreams. What are yours, Chrom?
Dream - Answer
I dream that my long years as a dragonkin can be spent with humans like you.

Fighting Together - Question
I feel stronger with you by my side. Why don't we join forces in the coming battle?
Fighting Together - Question (to Chrom)
I feel stronger with you by my side, Chrom. Why don't we join forces in the next battle?
Fighting Together - Answer
Of course! I would feel better off with a battle partner, too! I'll do my best.


"I love you." - Question
I love you, <lover>. I wish I could stay with you forever.
"I love you." - Answer
I love you, too. If I were in dragon form, I would want to just ... gobble you up!

"You're beautiful." - Question
Why is it you are so pleasant to look at, <lover>? So strong and dashing!
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Thank you. You cut a dashing figure youself, I'll have you know.

"Don't leave me." - Question
Promise me you won't leave me behind <lover>.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
I'm stronger than I look. Don't worry---I'll keep us both safe. Just you watch.

Gift - Question
What do you have there, <lover>? I've never seen anything like it.
Gift - Answer
It's an accessory I made from one of my old fangs. Would you like it? I have tons.

Life - Question (to Nowi)
Mother, are you busy? I was wondering what your life was like before we met.
Life - Question (to father)
Father, what was your life like before we met? I want to know all about you.
Life - Answer (to Nowi)
My future was filled with battles, so I suppose not much has changed here... You were already gone, so I had no one to teach me how dragonkin fight. It was hard! Anyway, I'm glad I have you back. I feel like I could talk with you for days!
Life - Answer (to father)
The future? Well...my last memory was of what to pack for my journey through time. I settled on a few sensible outfits and a comfortable pillow. ...But alas, they vanished during the trip. I suppose someone in SOME dimension is getting an excellent night’s sleep.

"Are you ill?" - Question (to Nowi)
Mother, did I see you walking of with a stranger? Are you trying to get abducted?
"Are you ill?" - Question (to father)
Father, you look deathly today. Tell me you didn't accidentally drink dragon's blood!
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to Nowi)
Thank you. Believe me, the concern is mutual.
"Are you ill?" - Answer (to father)
Thank you, but I'm tough for my age. Everything is just fine.

Gift - Question (to Nowi)
Mother, do you need anything? I want to be a good daughter.
Gift - Question (to father)
Is there anything you need, Father? I want to buy you a present.
Gift - Answer (to Nowi)
Could you give me a new name? ...What? Is that a problem?
Gift - Answer (to father)
A dragonstone would be lovely, but will you survive the mountain climb to get one?

Training - Question (to Nowi)
Mother, my dragonbreath has grown more powerful. Shall we have a little contest?
Training - Question (to father)
Father, might we have a mock battle? I promise to tone down my dragonbreath.
Training - Answer (to Nowi)
Very well, but do not hold back! For you, Mother, I will withstand all the pain!
Training - Answer (to father)
A challenge? Very well—as long as you promise to survive my dragonbreath.

Life - Question
Can't you recall anything about your future, Morgan? What about me? Was I there?
Life - Answer
I was in my own future until recently... Shall I tell you about that? I would rather forget those dark times and focus on what's to come. A little forward thinking goes a long way!

"Are you ill?" - Question
Are you all right, Morgan? You look fatigued.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
Dragonkin always look pale in dragon form. You needn't concern yourself.

Gift - Question
Morgan, is there anything you need? You can be honest with your mother.
Gift - Answer
Why, thank you! How about a small forest creature for a pet? Happy hunting.

Training - Question
I've heard you are quite bright, Morgan. Shall we have a little contest of wits?
Training - Answer
I'll accept your challenge...if you can provide assurances you can survive dragonbreath.

SpotPass Characters


Mood - Question
Ha! You look proud of yourself. Have you struck upon some cruel new scheme?
Mood - Question (to Emmeryn)
You look wretchedly happy. Have some of your memories returned?
Mood - Answer
Of course not! When have I ever been content with anything, mule-brain?
Mood - Answer (to Emmeryn)
I should have SCARRED your face, so your brother would end me good and proper...

Hobby - Question
Hard to enjoy the more bawdy diversions in wartime. How do you fend off boredom?
Hobby - Question (to Emmeryn)
Why do you wander off like that after battles, fool? You'll get hurt.
Hobby - Answer
I do whatever I please, and it's none of your damn business.
Hobby - Answer (to Emmeryn)
I usually just let my mind wander. I'd lend you a hand, if you had the sense to ask.

Dream - Question
You there. Don't you have any ambition? And grand dreams?
Dream - Question (to Emmeryn)
This might sound strange coming from me, but what will you do from here on out?
Dream - Answer
Bah! I dream of nothing. Dreams will only drive their twisted dagger into your back.
Dream - Answer (to Emmeryn)
Me? You should be thinking about yourself. ...Not that it's any concern of mine.

Fighting Together - Question
What do you say you and I team up and take the next commander down personally?
Fighting Together - Question (to Emmeryn)
You know, you should let me take the lead in the next fight. It's dangerous out there.
Fighting Together - Answer
You mean gang up on the enemy? Ha! That sounds deliciously underhanded.
Fighting Together - Answer (to Emmeryn)
Well...all right. How am I supposed to say no to you?


"I love you." - Question
You look fetching today. Trying to drag me deeper into your web?
"I love you." - Answer
Ugh, I know how you feel without you spelling it out! Don't expect me to say it.

"You're beautiful." - Question
You know, Robin, in the right light, you are truly ravishing.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
I know. You set a high standard, so of course I have to keep up appearances.

"Don't leave me." - Question
Why did you put yourself in danger like that? Trying to beat me to the grave?
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Fine. I don't care if I live or die, so I may as well live and care for you.

Gift - Question
What have you there, Robin? I demand to see it. Give it here.
Gift - Answer
It's a hairpin—a gift you should accept gratefully before I change my mind.

Life - Question
Tell me about my future. ...Do I even have one?
Life - Answer
Ha! You mean you haven't heard? Your father was a turd with a crown. You should be ashamed to have been born into such disgrace. Now go away. I'll tell you the moment I do anything fatherly enough to merit your pride.

"Are you ill?" - Question
Why are you so quiet today? It's eerie when you don't talk.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
Haven't you noticed? I'm always a little gray in the face. Stop worrying.

Gift - Question
Is there anything you need? Your father shall plunder whatever you desire!
Gift - Answer
You think I need some trinket bought with a child's pocket change? Spare me.

Training - Question
Grab a weapon and let's have it out. Show me how dirty you can fight!
Training - Answer
You want to challenge me? Stupid brat. Didn't inherit your father's brains, did you?


Mood - Question
You look happy enough to conquer continents. What is the occasion?
Mood - Answer
Is that so? I would sooner leave my current disposition to your feeble imagination.

Hobby - Question
Tell me. How is it you fill your time when you're not slaying foes?
Hobby - Answer
When I'm not fighting, I'm training for the next fight. It is all that I live for.

Dream - Question
Do you ever dream of great things? The road to glory is paved with grand designs.
Dream - Answer
Dreams? ...Once I sought to rule the world. Now I dream only of greater strength.

Fighting Together - Question
You know, you've grown very skilled. I could use one with your talents on the battlefield.
Fighting Together - Answer
Me, help you? Very well! Just see you don't squander the advantage.


"I love you." - Question
Perhaps I don't say it enough, Robin, but... I love you.
"I love you." - Answer
... My heart is yours as well.

"You're beautiful." - Question
My star, your beauty never ceases to amaze. I am proud to be your husband.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Trying to make the Conqueror blush? Ha! If any woman can do it, it's you.

"Don't leave me." - Question
Robin, stay close to me when we fight. None shall harm you, I swear it.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
I will be with you there and always, as I have vowed to do.

Gift - Question
What have you there, my star? A secret, perhaps?
Gift - Answer
This? Just a trinket I plucked from among the rabble. I hope it pleases you.

Life - Question
Morgan, spin me a tale from the future. How did you spend your days?
Life - Answer
I simply...conquered. Power was my justice, my everything. I brought the world to new depths of terror. I let it... intoxicate me. You will need strength like mine in these trying times. Try to wield it wisely.

"Are you ill?" - Question
I admire your late-night bouts with studying, but you must rest for battle.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
You needn't worry. My complexion is pale by nature.

Gift - Question
Speak, and you shall have all you desire. What may your father win for you?
Gift - Answer
I need neither gifts nor sentiment. The fierce blood in your veins is tribute enough.

Training - Question
Come, let us spar! We shall see how strong the Conqueror's blood runs in you.
Training - Answer
Pah! You think to challenge me? Very well. Show your father how far you have come!


Mood - Question
Why are you...grinning? Is my face dirty?
Mood - Answer
No... You're just...fun to...be around...
Mood - Answer (to Chrom/Lissa/Gangrel)
No... I can't...remember a thing... I'm sorry...

Hobby - Question
When the battle is over...why do you go off...on your own?
Hobby - Answer
I go for walks...
Hobby - Answer (to Chrom/Lissa/Gangrel)
I'm just...going for walks. I'm sorry I...worried you.

Dream - Question
Do you have...dreams?
Dream - Answer
I just...want to...know everyone better...
Dream - Answer (to Chrom/Lissa/Gangrel)
I just...want to...know you better...

Fighting Together - Question
You're so strong... Can we fight together...in the next battle?
Fighting Together - Answer
Yes...of course. I won't...let anyone harm you.


"I love you." - Question
I love you... Hee hee...
"I love you." - Answer
I...I love you, too!

"You're beautiful." - Question
You look so...handsome today...
"You're beautiful." - Answer
You...mean it? That's so...sweet.

"Don't leave me." - Question
Promise me...you won't get killed...I need you...
"Don't leave me." - Answer
I'll stay safe for you... I could not bear...for you to grieve...

Gift - Question
What do you...have... Can I see?
Gift - Answer
It's...a flower. ...For you!

Life - Question
What happens to me...in the future?
Life - Answer
You and me...are so alike. Blank slates... I worry that...what happened to you...is my fault as well. You deserve...a better mother...but I am glad...to meet my daughter.

"Are you ill?" - Question
Are you...all right? I’m...worried about you.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
I’ll be fine. Promise you...won’t worry.

Gift - Question
Is there anything...you need?
Gift - Answer
Just my...memories back...

Training - Question
I want to...get stronger... Would you mind...practicing?
Training - Answer
Of course... I’ll do my best...


Mood - Question
'Tis good to see you in high spirits, friend. Have you been trusted with a secret?
Mood - Question (to Say'ri)
That is a lovely smile you wear, Say'ri. Does it please you to fight alongside me again?
Mood - Answer
Nay. But today's meditation has cleared my mind of all negative thoughts.
Mood - Answer (to Say'ri)
Joining this army has lifted the burden from my heart. ...As has my reunion with you.

Hobby - Question
The quiet after battle dulls the wits. How do you keep your mind clear?
Hobby - Question (to Say'ri)
The quiet after battle dulls the wits. How do you keep your mind clear, Say'ri?
Hobby - Answer
I train lest I overthink my troubles...but I ought help out more with army affairs.
Hobby - Answer (to Say'ri)
I fear I am too often left alone with my thoughts. I ought help out more instead.

Dream - Question
Dreams give us purpose and the power to do the impossible. What are yours?
Dream - Answer
I dream of rebuilding Chon'sin in whatever role I can. This time she shall know no war.
Dream - Answer (to Say'ri)
I dream of rebuilding Chon'sin in whatever role I can. As do you, no doubt.

Fighting Together - Question
The opposition has grown stronger. We ought join our might in the days to come.
Fighting Together - Question (to Say'ri)
Say'ri, fight with me in the coming battle! We will triumph over our foes together.
Fighting Together - Answer
Aye, 'twould delight me to offer what aid I can.
Fighting Together - Answer (to Say'ri)
Naught would please me more. If only we could have done it sooner...


"I love you." - Question
I love you, Robin. I must say it for fear this be my final chance.
"I love you." - Answer
I love you as well. I will protect you whatever the cost.

"You're beautiful." - Question
You are lovely, Robin, and let no other man who looks upon you question it.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
If you see me that way, then I am fortunate, for you are the lovely one to behold.

"Don't leave me." - Question
Robin, you are my sun. Swear to me that you shall never set.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
I would never give you cause to grieve. Do not mistake me for the Yen'fay of this world.

Gift - Question
Robin, something is poking out of your satchel. Might I see it?
Gift - Answer
Tis a special vulnerary capable of healing any wound. I was saving it for you...

Life - Question
Morgan, since I am to be your father, could you tell me more of the future?
Life - Answer
Hmm... I will speak more of my past when the time is right. I still need time to sort through the choices and the mistakes I have made. ...Easy now. You did not offend. You simply remind me that I must do better.

"Are you ill?" - Question
How fare ye, Morgan? You must not push yourself hard on the battlefield.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
Peace, child. I will be alright.

Gift - Question
Morgan, allow me to provide for you. Name any object that you desire.
Gift - Answer
Nay, you are no burden to me. You are my precious son.

Training - Question
Morgan, prithee practice with your father. Do you have the makings of a swordsman?
Training - Answer
Aye, a sound suggestion. I was beginning to get a bit rusty.


Mood - Question
Oh my. What's that lascivious grin? Are you plotting to kill me, or...?
Mood - Answer
No. Were you hoping to have some sort of scintillating conversation?

Hobby - Question
I've always wondered how you spend your time off the battlefield.
Hobby - Answer
I usually go for a swim in the lake. ...Sometimes even in proper attire.

Dream - Question
So tell me, what do you dream about?
Dream - Answer
My dream used to be to serve Validar. But now, I suppose my dream is to atone.

Fighting Together - Question
This next battle will be a rough roll in the hay. Maybe we should compare equipment.
Fighting Together - Answer
Of course. You're all my comrades now. But I promise to take special care of you.


"I love you." - Question
We met under sad circumstances, Robin, but I’ve never been happier.
"I love you." - Answer
...Are you trying to make me blush? You naughty thing!

"You're beautiful." - Question
Hello, my love. Why is it that with so many men out there, I still find you alluring?
"You're beautiful." - Answer
You’re just being a tease. And yet, I find it wildly attractive.

"Don't leave me." - Question
Be careful out there, Robin. I forbid you to die without my permission.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
I wouldn’t worry. The fates seem terribly reluctant to let me die.

Gift - Question
What do you have there, my love? A bit unusual for you to be lugging about, mmm?
Gift - Answer
Hee hee! You noticed. Well, it’s a gift for you, love. Shame on you for peeking.

Life - Question
Validar's blood runs in your veins. Did that affect you in the future?
Life - Answer
I would rather not dwell on the past. I have done nothing a mother would be proud of. And if you know my future, I'd just as soon be spared the details. Gods know a sad, manipulative vixen like me is unlikely to meet a pretty end.

"Are you ill?" - Question
You can't go hobbling around with sleep in your eyes. What will people think?
"Are you ill?" - Answer
Oh dear. Does it show? Well, don't worry. I probably just need more sleep.

Gift - Question
Do you need anything? I could perhaps teach you how to get the things you want...
Gift - Answer
Well, some perfume would be nice. Any little fragrance you're fond of.

Training - Question
Let's have a little duel, I want to see how your skills have progressed.
Training - Answer
Very well. But remember—a woman can disarm some men with no weapon at all.


Mood - Question
You look quite happy. Was meat on the menu today?
Mood - Answer
Amusing, but no. I was just recalling an episode from my past.

Hobby - Question
How do you kill time, friend?
Hobby - Answer
I hunt for food. Just say the word if you fancy bear, boar, or any other beast.

Dream - Question
Have any dreams, friend?
Dream - Answer
My dream is to do battle with the world's greatest fighters, even if it costs me my life.

Fighting Together - Question
I wish to fight alongside you in our next battle. Do you accept?
Fighting Together - Answer
A wise choice, as I will let no foe touch you. But stay close...


"I love you." - Question
I treasure you, Robin. Stay with me always.
"I love you." - Answer
I love you as well - more than any other.

"You're beautiful." - Question
I must confess, Robin, you look more radiant today than ever.
"You're beautiful." - Answer
Thank you. You look radiant as well.

"Don't leave me." - Question
Stay close to me in battle, Robin. I will not lose you.
"Don't leave me." - Answer
Me? Die? I rush to victory, not defeat.

Gift - Question
What have you got there, Robin? And what's the big secret?
Gift - Answer
It's a necklace...for you. Cheaply made, but a queen's jewels if worn by you.

Life - Question
Morgan, I was hoping you would share some tales from the future. Anything at all.
Life - Answer
Until recently, I lived in a secluded village and trained to be the world's strongest. But leaving that village changed my life, because it gave me you. It will be fun to return one day and tell my old friends of these happy developments.

"Are you ill?" - Question
Are you unwell, Morgan? Warriors need rest, remember.
"Are you ill?" - Answer
Really? I feel fine. I'm sorry to worry you.

Gift - Question
Morgan, do you need anything? Allow me to offer what fatherly gestures I can.
Gift - Answer
Raw meat would do.

Training - Question
Fight me, Morgan. You are my son, and I expect great things.
Training - Answer
All right. But I hold back for no one. Son or not, you will lose.