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[[Heroes of Light and Shadow Script/Story|Back]]
[[Heroes of Light and Shadow Script/Story|Back]]
Soon after reclaiming the Fane of Raman,<br>
Marth's army fears pursuit from the Archanean
army and escapes towards Chiasmir Bridge.<br>
However, a new enemy attacks the Altean
army upon reaching the central islet.<br>
"The Archanean army is coming from the
north; we'll be surrounded like this."<br>
The situation is desperate! Can Marth and
his friends overcome the many perils?
==Main story==
==Main story==
(If you accepted Wendell’s hat)
[MARS enters]<br>
Huh? Chris, what's with the hat?
[PLAYER enters]<br>
This? Lord Wendell gave it to me so that my cold wouldn't get any worse.
Huh? PLAYER, what's with the hat? <br>
From Lord Wendell, I see... Chiasmir Bridge has a strong sea wind, so it's good to have a hat to keep warm. It suits you, Chris.
Really? Thank you, sire.
Lord Wendell gave it to me so that my cold<br>
<br><br>(Map Start)
wouldn't get any worse. <br>
Sire, you're safe! Chris! You too! You've guarded Prince Marth well.
Sir Cain! You made it!
From Lord Wendell, I see...<br>
Chiasmir Bridge has a strong sea wind,<br>
I'm truly glad that you came back unharmed, Cain. 
so it's good to have a hat to keep warm. <br>
It suits you, PLAYER. <br>
Yeah, somehow I managed to shake off the enemy and escape here. But the enemy is already approaching from the north.
Don't worry. We will crush them.
Thank you, sire. <br>
No, not this time. Hardin is being protected by a mysterious power: we can't lay a finger on him. So even if we fight now, we haven't a chance of winning. Please, head to the northwestern fortress. There's a boat across the river, which we can use to escape to the Khadein desert.
Sire, the free company to the south will probably make their move soon. Indeed, now's not the time to fight. For the time being, let's do as Cain suggests and make our escape. After that, we'll think of something...
I see... I don't like it, but we haven't a choice... Everyone, hurry to the northwest fortress!  
[MARS enters]<br>
<br><br>(Fighting Astram)
[KAIN enters]<br>
You traitors! I'll show you the might of Mercurius!! 
Sire, you're safe! <br>
<br><br>(Fighting Jeorge)
[MARS leaves]<br>
[PLAYER enters]<br>
You wouldn't have needed to die if you hadn't come so close, fools...
<br><br>(Fighting Hardin)
PLAYER !<br>
You too!<br>
Rebel soldiers... Come to die, have you? I'll show you the terror of Gradivus! 
You've guarded Prince Marth well. <br>
<br><br>(Fighting Hardin with Marth)
Prince Marth! I'll bury you with these very hands! 
Sir Cain!<br>
<br><br>(Fighting Hardin with Chris (F))
You made it! <br>
[PLAYER leaves]<br>
Who are you? Your face is unknown to me.
[MARS enters]<br>
Chris. I am Prince Marth's Royal Guard.  Emperor Hardin of Archanea, the prince told me that you were once a trusted friend. Why would you do something like this? 
I'm truly glad that you came back unharmed,<br>
Cain. <br>
Chris, is it...? What does it matter to you? You will die here regardless. 
<br><br>(Fighting Hardin with Chris (M))
Yeah, somehow I managed to shake off the<br>
Who are you? Your face is unknown to me.
enemy and escape here. <br>
But the enemy is already approaching from<br>
Chris. I am Prince Marth's Royal Guard. Emperor Hardin of Archanea, I never knew you in the past. But I do know this: you are now the prince's enemy.
the north. <br>
[MARS leaves]<br>
You may come, Chris. But no one may even scratch me.  You will soon know to fear... the power of the Darksphere... 
[MARS enters]<br>
<br><br>(Fighting Roger)
Don't worry.<br>
I don't want to fight you guys, but it's not as if I have a choice... 
We will crush them. <br>
<br><br>(Killing Roger)
Ugh... I just wanted to meet her... once more... once more...... 
No, not this time. <br>
<br><br>(Killing Astram)
Hardin is being protected by a mysterious<br>
power: we can't lay a finger on him. <br>
Midia... My love...
So even if we fight now, we haven't a<br>
<br><br>(Killing Jeorge)
chance of winning. <br>
Please, head to the northwestern fortress.<br>
What fools... 
There's a boat across the river, which we<br>
<br><br>(Hardin’s first message)
can use to escape to the Khadein desert. <br>
[KAIN leaves]<br>
...Hasten the preparations of the troops within the fortress. I want Marth cornered like a rat... 
[JEIGUN enters]<br>
<br><br>(Hardin’s second message)
Sire, the free company to the south will<br>
Heh heh heh... Prince, your struggle is in vain. But let us continue this game for a while.  Just know that you're fast running out of time. Soon, I will kill you myself...
probably make their move soon.<br>
<br><br>(Hardin’s third message)
Indeed, now's not the time to fight. <br>
For the time being, let's do as Cain suggests<br>
Heh heh heh... Prince Marth, it's been far too long.  
and make our escape.<br>
After that, we'll think of something... <br>
Hardin... Why did you to attack our country? What would compel you to do such an act?  I... I can't believe this. Have you really changed this much? 
Prince, I am the ruler of this continent and the Emperor of ArchaneaI will show no quarter to anyone who opposes me. That includes you, Prince... I must destroy this foul world... It is beyond salvation.  Traitors, playtime is over. You will all die here.  All soldiers, attack! Do not leave a single traitor standing! 
I see...<br>
I don't like it, but we haven't a choice... <br>
Everyone, hurry to the northwest fortress! <br>
If ya ask me, archers'll always get along well with archers. 
<br><br>(Recruiting Jeorge with Gordon)
Master! Please, wait!
[MARS enters]<br>
Hm...? Gordin? Long time no see. You seem to have gotten a little sturdier, but has your bow arm improved any? 
[KAIN enters]<br>
Yes, at the moment, I... They call me Altea's master of bows.  It's thanks to you, Master, that I've been able to progress this far. 
Sire, you're safe! <br>
[MARS leaves]<br>
And? Did you come here because you wanted to challenge your old teacher? 
[PLAYER enters]<br>
N-no! It's not like that...  ...I might be asking the impossible, but I'd like you to fight alongside us again, sir. 
You too!<br>
You've guarded Prince Marth well. <br>
Please! Master!! 
Sir Cain!<br>
I pledged allegiance to Princess Nyna, but as for Hardin... I've had it with him. Taking other countries by force, executing "rebels" without reason. The Archanean army I see now is just a collection of hired thugs. There's not even a shred of chivalry left. To return the kingdom of Archanea to what it was once before...  I must take it upon myself to turn my bow against my homeland. Gordin. Convey that to Prince Marth.
You made it! <br>
[PLAYER leaves]<br>
Thank you, Master!! 
[MARS enters]<br>
<br><br>(Recruiting Jeorge with Marth)
I'm truly glad that you came back unharmed,<br>
Wait, Sir Jeorge. I wish to speak with you
Cain. <br>
Prince Marth... Please, lower your weapon. I don't want to fight with you.
Yeah, somehow I managed to shake off the<br>
I know. As do I.  You taught Gordin how to use a bow. And you were an instructor to the junior knights of Altea. You've been a great boon to Altea: I could never fight you, Sir Jeorge.
enemy and escape here. <br>
But the enemy is already approaching from<br>
Prince...  I pledged allegiance to Princess Nyna. But I can tolerate Hardin no longer...  Taking other countries by force, executing "rebels" without reason...
the north. <br>
[MARS leaves]<br>
...Hardin was my friend. But he has changed beyond recognition.  If he is committing any sort of crime, then I shall stop him. Jeorge, please, help me. 
[MARS enters]<br>
...I understand, Prince.  To return the kingdom of Archanea to what it was once before...  I will take it upon myself to turn my bow against my homeland. 
Don't worry.<br>
<br><br>(Recruiting Roger with Caeda)
We will crush them. <br>
Good day, sir.
No, not this time. <br>
Ack! You, y-you're... Caeda! 
Hardin is being protected by a mysterious<br>
power: we can't lay a finger on him. <br>
Thank goodness, Roger. It's nice to see you again.  
So even if we fight now, we haven't a<br>
chance of winning. <br>
Uh... Uhm, you should know, I've no plans to betray Archanea.  I was just thinking about that time when you asked me "do you believe in love?"  But I'm different from who I was back then. 
Please, head to the northwestern fortress.<br>
There's a boat across the river, which we<br>
Really? But you still seem like a nice man. That's why I wanted to speak to you again.
can use to escape to the Khadein desert. <br>
[KAIN leaves]<br>
[JEIGUN enters]<br>
May I just ask, why are you fighting for Archanea? 
Sire, the free company to the south will<br>
probably make their move soon.<br>
Be-because Archanea has already taken over the world. Resistance is futile: no one can win. My life is precious to me. If I side with whoever's stronger, then I'm guaranteed to live longer...
Indeed, now's not the time to fight. <br>
For the time being, let's do as Cain suggests<br>
I see. 
and make our escape.<br>
After that, we'll think of something... <br>
A-are you disappointed with me? 
No, never. As I thought, you're fighting for what you believe in. You're not different. You're the same, kind man as when I first met you and I'm happy for that. 
I see...<br>
I don't like it, but we haven't a choice... <br>
Uhhh...  Wait- you're leaving?! 
Everyone, hurry to the northwest fortress! <br>
Yes. I too must fight for what I believe in. But I'll make a request to Marth so that we don't have to fight you.  I'm happy that we could talk again, Roger. 
W-wait!  ...As I thought, you're still very kind. Dare I say, we don't have girls quite like you back in Grust or Archanea.  Um, perhaps... I suppose I could... Aw heck, I'm going with you again! 
<br><br>(Recruiting Bantu)
[ASTRIA enters]<br>
Oh look, if it isn't Prince Marth. Long time no see, Lad.  It seems so noisy out; I wonder what's happened? 
You traitors!<br>
I'll show you the might of Mercurius!! <br>
Ah, Bantu! Fancy meeting you in a place like this. How is Tiki? 
Oh, she is no longer by my side. Lord Gotoh took her to the Ice Dragon Shrine again.
The Ice Dragon Shrine? Where's that? I've never heard of such a place...
[JORJUE enters]<br>
It's in the icy lands, far north of here. But it's no place for humans. Besides the hero Anri, no man has been there yet.
You wouldn't have needed to die if you<br>
hadn't come so close, fools... <br>
Anri?! Are you, perchance, referring to the "Realm of the Gods" from Anri's legends? 
I'm not at liberty to say anything more. If you want to know more, you should ask Lord Gotoh. Anyhow, I have a favor to ask of you. My precious firestone was stolen by thieves.  If you can get it back for me, I'll show you how it works. Thank you, Prince Marth. 
<br><br>(Stage Ending)
[HARDIN enters]<br>
Please hurry, sire. The enemy is closing in on us.
Rebel soldiers...<br>
But everyone is still fighting. I can't just leave them behind.
Come to die, have you?<br>
I'll show you the terror of Gradivus! <br>
Worry not, sire. I will remain here. I will regroup with everyone later.
Chris! But...
Sire, you of all people know that Chris is more than capable. As long as Chris is there, everyone will escape safely and reunite with you at once.  Now sire, to the boat! 
[HARDIN enters]<br>
<br><br>(If you accepted Wendell’s hat)
<br><br>(If Chris is female)
Prince Marth!<br>
I'll bury you with these very hands! <br>
I will be the rear guard. Everyone, hurry up and escape! Lord Wendell, you too! Oh, right. I just remembered, I should probably return this hat...
I don't mind if you keep it for a little longer. Do you wish to give it back?
<br><br>(If Chris is male)
[HARDIN enters]<br>
I will be the rear guard. Everyone, hurry up and escape! Lord Wendell, you too! Oh, yeah. I just remembered, I should probably return this hat... 
Who are you?<br>
I don't mind if you keep it for a little longer. Do you wish to give it back?
Your face is unknown to me. <br>
<br><br>(Say Yes)
[PLAYER enters]<br>
Yes. Thank you, it was most comfortable.  
No no, 'twas nothing. ...By the way, should I be hurrying too? 
I am Prince Marth's Royal Guard. <br>
Emperor Hardin of Archanea, the prince<br>
Erm... Yes, hurry up and escape!
told me that you were once a trusted friend. <br>
<br><br>(Say No)
Why would you do something like this? <br>
[HARDIN leaves]<br>
No... If it's alright with you, I'd like to hold on it a little longer.
[HARDIN enters]<br>
Yes, that would be splendid. ...By the way, should I be hurrying too?
PLAYER, is it...?<br>
What does it matter to you?<br>
Erm... Yes, hurry up and escape!
You will die here regardless. <br>
[HARDIN enters]<br>
Who are you?<br>
Your face is unknown to me. <br>
[PLAYER enters]<br>
I am Prince Marth's Royal Guard. <br>
Emperor Hardin of Archanea, I never knew<br>
you in the past. <br>
But I do know this: you are now the prince's<br>
enemy. <br>
[HARDIN leaves]<br>
[HARDIN enters]<br>
You may come, PLAYER.<br>
But no one may even scratch me. <br>
You will soon know to fear...<br>
the power of the Darksphere... <br>
[ROJAR enters]<br>
I don't want to fight you guys,<br>
but it's not as if I have a choice... <br>
[ASTRIA enters]<br>
Midia... My love... <br>
[JORJUE enters]<br>
What fools... <br>
[ROJAR enters]<br>
I just wanted to meet her...<br>
once more... once more...... <br>
[HARDIN enters]<br>
...Hasten the preparations of the troops<br>
within the fortress.<br>
I want Marth cornered like a rat... <br>
[HARDIN enters]<br>
Heh heh heh... Prince, your struggle is in vain.<br>
But let us continue this game for a while. <br>
Just know that you're fast running out of<br>
time. Soon, I will kill you myself... <br>
[HARDIN enters]<br>
[MARS enters]<br>
Heh heh heh...<br>
Prince Marth, it's been far too long. <br>
Why did you to attack our country?<br>
What would compel you to do such an act? <br>
I... I can't believe this.<br>
Have you really changed this much? <br>
Prince, I am the ruler of this continent and<br>
the Emperor of Archanea. <br>
I will show no quarter to anyone who opposes<br>
me. That includes you, Prince... <br>
I must destroy this foul world...<br>
It is beyond salvation. <br>
Traitors, playtime is over.<br>
You will all die here. <br>
All soldiers, attack!<br>
Do not leave a single traitor standing! <br>
[MAN1 enters]<br>
If ya ask me, archers'll always get along well<br>
with archers. <br>
[GOHDON enters]<br>
[JORJUE enters]<br>
Master! Please, wait! <br>
Hm...? Gordin?<br>
Long time no see. <br>
You seem to have gotten a little sturdier,<br>
but has your bow arm improved any? <br>
Yes, at the moment, I...<br>
They call me Altea's master of bows. <br>
It's thanks to you, Master, that I've been<br>
able to progress this far. <br>
Did you come here because you wanted to<br>
challenge your old teacher? <br>
It's not like that... <br>
...I might be asking the impossible, but I'd like<br>
you to fight alongside us again, sir. <br>
...... <br>
Please! Master!! <br>
I pledged allegiance to Princess Nyna,<br>
but as for Hardin... <br>
I've had it with him.<br>
Taking other countries by force,<br>
executing "rebels" without reason. <br>
The Archanean army I see now is just a<br>
collection of hired thugs. <br>
There's not even a shred of chivalry left. <br>
To return the kingdom of Archanea to what<br>
it was once before... <br>
I must take it upon myself to turn my bow<br>
against my homeland. <br>
Convey that to Prince Marth. <br>
Thank you, Master!! <br>
[MARS enters]<br>
[JORJUE enters]<br>
Wait, Sir Jeorge.<br>
I wish to speak with you. <br>
Prince Marth... <br>
Please, lower your weapon.<br>
I don't want to fight with you. <br>
I know. As do I. <br>
You taught Gordin how to use a bow.<br>
And you were an instructor to the junior<br>
knights of Altea. <br>
You've been a great boon to Altea:<br>
I could never fight you, Sir Jeorge. <br>
Prince... <br>
I pledged allegiance to Princess Nyna.<br>
But I can tolerate Hardin no longer... <br>
Taking other countries by force,<br>
executing "rebels" without reason... <br>
...Hardin was my friend.<br>
But he has changed beyond recognition. <br>
If he is committing any sort of crime, then<br>
I shall stop him. Jeorge, please, help me. <br>
...I understand, Prince. <br>
To return the kingdom of Archanea to what<br>
it was once before... <br>
I will take it upon myself to turn my bow<br>
against my homeland. <br>
[SHEEDA enters]<br>
[ROJAR enters]<br>
Good day, sir. <br>
You, y-you're... Caeda! <br>
Thank goodness, Roger.<br>
It's nice to see you again. <br>
Uhm, you should know, I've no plans to<br>
betray Archanea. <br>
I was just thinking about that time when you<br>
asked me "do you believe in love?" <br>
But I'm different from who I was back then. <br>
Really? But you still seem like a nice man.<br>
That's why I wanted to speak to you again. <br>
Uhh... <br>
May I just ask, why are you fighting for<br>
Archanea? <br>
Be-because Archanea has already taken<br>
over the world. Resistance is futile: no one<br>
can win. <br>
My life is precious to me.<br>
If I side with whoever's stronger, then I'm<br>
guaranteed to live longer... <br>
I see. <br>
A-are you disappointed with me? <br>
No, never.<br>
As I thought, you're fighting for what you<br>
believe in. <br>
You're not different.<br>
You're the same, kind man as when I first<br>
met you and I'm happy for that. <br>
Uhhh... <br>
Wait- you're leaving?! <br>
Yes. I too must fight for what I believe in.<br>
But I'll make a request to Marth so that we<br>
don't have to fight you. <br>
I'm happy that we could talk again, Roger. <br>
W-wait! <br>
...As I thought, you're still very kind.<br>
Dare I say, we don't have girls quite like<br>
you back in Grust or Archanea. <br>
Um, perhaps...<br>
I suppose I could...<br>
Aw heck, I'm going with you again! <br>
[MARS enters]<br>
[BANUTU enters]<br>
Oh look, if it isn't Prince Marth.<br>
Long time no see, Lad. <br>
It seems so noisy out;<br>
I wonder what's happened? <br>
Ah, Bantu!<br>
Fancy meeting you in a place like this.<br>
How is Tiki? <br>
Oh, she is no longer by my side. <br>
Lord Gotoh took her to the Ice Dragon<br>
Shrine again. <br>
The Ice Dragon Shrine?<br>
Where's that?<br>
I've never heard of such a place... <br>
It's in the icy lands, far north of here.<br>
But it's no place for humans. <br>
Besides the hero Anri, no man has been<br>
there yet. <br>
Are you, perchance, referring to the<br>
"Realm of the Gods" from Anri's legends? <br>
I'm not at liberty to say anything more.<br>
If you want to know more, you should ask<br>
Lord Gotoh. <br>
Anyhow, I have a favor to ask of you.<br>
My precious firestone was stolen by thieves. <br>
If you can get it back for me, I'll show you<br>
how it works. Thank you, Prince Marth. <br>
[MARS enters]<br>
[JEIGUN enters]<br>
Please hurry, sire.<br>
The enemy is closing in on us. <br>
But everyone is still fighting.<br>
I can't just leave them behind. <br>
[JEIGUN leaves]<br>
[PLAYER enters]<br>
Worry not, sire.<br>
I will remain here.<br>
I will regroup with everyone later. <br>
But... <br>
[PLAYER leaves]<br>
[JEIGUN enters]<br>
Sire, you of all people know that PLAYER<br>
is more than capable. <br>
As long as PLAYER is there, everyone will<br>
escape safely and reunite with you at once. <br>
Now sire, to the boat! <br>
[MARS enters]<br>
[JEIGUN enters]<br>
Please hurry, sire.<br>
The enemy is closing in on us. <br>
But everyone is still fighting.<br>
I can't just leave them behind. <br>
[JEIGUN leaves]<br>
[PLAYER enters]<br>
Worry not, sire.<br>
I will remain here.<br>
I will regroup with everyone later. <br>
But... <br>
[PLAYER leaves]<br>
[JEIGUN enters]<br>
Sire, you of all people know that PLAYER<br>
is more than capable. <br>
As long as PLAYER is there, everyone will<br>
escape safely and reunite with you at once. <br>
Now sire, to the boat! <br>
[PLAYER enters]<br>
I will be the rear guard.<br>
Everyone, hurry up and escape! <br>
[WENDEL enters]<br>
Lord Wendell, you too! <br>
Oh, right.<br>
I just remembered, I should probably return<br>
this hat... <br>
I don't mind if you keep it for a little longer.<br>
Do you wish to give it back? <br>
[PLAYER enters]<br>
I will be the rear guard.<br>
Everyone, hurry up and escape! <br>
[WENDEL enters]<br>
Lord Wendell, you too! <br>
Oh, yeah.<br>
I just remembered, I should probably return<br>
this hat... <br>
I don't mind if you keep it for a little longer.<br>
Do you wish to give it back? <br>
Thank you, it was most comfortable. <br>
No no, 'twas nothing. <br>
...By the way, should I be hurrying too? <br>
Yes, hurry up and escape! <br>
If it's alright with you, I'd like to hold on it<br>
a little longer. <br>
Yes, that would be splendid. <br>
...By the way, should I be hurrying too? <br>
Yes, hurry up and escape! <br>
[[Category:Game Scripts]][[Category:Heroes of Light and Shadow Scripts]]
[[Category:Game Scripts]][[Category:Heroes of Light and Shadow Scripts]]

Latest revision as of 03:26, 7 February 2014



Soon after reclaiming the Fane of Raman,
Marth's army fears pursuit from the Archanean army and escapes towards Chiasmir Bridge.
However, a new enemy attacks the Altean army upon reaching the central islet.
"The Archanean army is coming from the north; we'll be surrounded like this."
The situation is desperate! Can Marth and his friends overcome the many perils?

Main story

(If you accepted Wendell’s hat)

Huh? Chris, what's with the hat?

This? Lord Wendell gave it to me so that my cold wouldn't get any worse.

From Lord Wendell, I see... Chiasmir Bridge has a strong sea wind, so it's good to have a hat to keep warm. It suits you, Chris.

Really? Thank you, sire.

(Map Start)

Sire, you're safe! Chris! You too! You've guarded Prince Marth well.

Sir Cain! You made it!

I'm truly glad that you came back unharmed, Cain.

Yeah, somehow I managed to shake off the enemy and escape here. But the enemy is already approaching from the north.

Don't worry. We will crush them.

No, not this time. Hardin is being protected by a mysterious power: we can't lay a finger on him. So even if we fight now, we haven't a chance of winning. Please, head to the northwestern fortress. There's a boat across the river, which we can use to escape to the Khadein desert.

Sire, the free company to the south will probably make their move soon. Indeed, now's not the time to fight. For the time being, let's do as Cain suggests and make our escape. After that, we'll think of something...

I see... I don't like it, but we haven't a choice... Everyone, hurry to the northwest fortress!

(Fighting Astram)

You traitors! I'll show you the might of Mercurius!!

(Fighting Jeorge)

You wouldn't have needed to die if you hadn't come so close, fools...

(Fighting Hardin)

Rebel soldiers... Come to die, have you? I'll show you the terror of Gradivus!

(Fighting Hardin with Marth)

Prince Marth! I'll bury you with these very hands!

(Fighting Hardin with Chris (F))

Who are you? Your face is unknown to me.

Chris. I am Prince Marth's Royal Guard. Emperor Hardin of Archanea, the prince told me that you were once a trusted friend. Why would you do something like this?

Chris, is it...? What does it matter to you? You will die here regardless.

(Fighting Hardin with Chris (M))

Who are you? Your face is unknown to me.

Chris. I am Prince Marth's Royal Guard. Emperor Hardin of Archanea, I never knew you in the past. But I do know this: you are now the prince's enemy.

You may come, Chris. But no one may even scratch me. You will soon know to fear... the power of the Darksphere...

(Fighting Roger)

I don't want to fight you guys, but it's not as if I have a choice...

(Killing Roger)

Ugh... I just wanted to meet her... once more... once more......

(Killing Astram)

Midia... My love...

(Killing Jeorge)

What fools...

(Hardin’s first message)

...Hasten the preparations of the troops within the fortress. I want Marth cornered like a rat...

(Hardin’s second message)

Heh heh heh... Prince, your struggle is in vain. But let us continue this game for a while. Just know that you're fast running out of time. Soon, I will kill you myself...

(Hardin’s third message)

Heh heh heh... Prince Marth, it's been far too long.

Hardin... Why did you to attack our country? What would compel you to do such an act? I... I can't believe this. Have you really changed this much?

Prince, I am the ruler of this continent and the Emperor of Archanea. I will show no quarter to anyone who opposes me. That includes you, Prince... I must destroy this foul world... It is beyond salvation. Traitors, playtime is over. You will all die here. All soldiers, attack! Do not leave a single traitor standing!


If ya ask me, archers'll always get along well with archers.

(Recruiting Jeorge with Gordon)

Master! Please, wait!

Hm...? Gordin? Long time no see. You seem to have gotten a little sturdier, but has your bow arm improved any?

Yes, at the moment, I... They call me Altea's master of bows. It's thanks to you, Master, that I've been able to progress this far.

And? Did you come here because you wanted to challenge your old teacher?

N-no! It's not like that... ...I might be asking the impossible, but I'd like you to fight alongside us again, sir.


Please! Master!!

I pledged allegiance to Princess Nyna, but as for Hardin... I've had it with him. Taking other countries by force, executing "rebels" without reason. The Archanean army I see now is just a collection of hired thugs. There's not even a shred of chivalry left. To return the kingdom of Archanea to what it was once before... I must take it upon myself to turn my bow against my homeland. Gordin. Convey that to Prince Marth.

Thank you, Master!!

(Recruiting Jeorge with Marth)

Wait, Sir Jeorge. I wish to speak with you.

Prince Marth... Please, lower your weapon. I don't want to fight with you.

I know. As do I. You taught Gordin how to use a bow. And you were an instructor to the junior knights of Altea. You've been a great boon to Altea: I could never fight you, Sir Jeorge.

Prince... I pledged allegiance to Princess Nyna. But I can tolerate Hardin no longer... Taking other countries by force, executing "rebels" without reason...

...Hardin was my friend. But he has changed beyond recognition. If he is committing any sort of crime, then I shall stop him. Jeorge, please, help me.

...I understand, Prince. To return the kingdom of Archanea to what it was once before... I will take it upon myself to turn my bow against my homeland.

(Recruiting Roger with Caeda)

Good day, sir.

Ack! You, y-you're... Caeda!

Thank goodness, Roger. It's nice to see you again.

Uh... Uhm, you should know, I've no plans to betray Archanea. I was just thinking about that time when you asked me "do you believe in love?" But I'm different from who I was back then.

Really? But you still seem like a nice man. That's why I wanted to speak to you again.


May I just ask, why are you fighting for Archanea?

Be-because Archanea has already taken over the world. Resistance is futile: no one can win. My life is precious to me. If I side with whoever's stronger, then I'm guaranteed to live longer...

I see.

A-are you disappointed with me?

No, never. As I thought, you're fighting for what you believe in. You're not different. You're the same, kind man as when I first met you and I'm happy for that.

Uhhh... Wait- you're leaving?!

Yes. I too must fight for what I believe in. But I'll make a request to Marth so that we don't have to fight you. I'm happy that we could talk again, Roger.

W-wait! ...As I thought, you're still very kind. Dare I say, we don't have girls quite like you back in Grust or Archanea. Um, perhaps... I suppose I could... Aw heck, I'm going with you again!

(Recruiting Bantu)

Oh look, if it isn't Prince Marth. Long time no see, Lad. It seems so noisy out; I wonder what's happened?

Ah, Bantu! Fancy meeting you in a place like this. How is Tiki?

Oh, she is no longer by my side. Lord Gotoh took her to the Ice Dragon Shrine again.

The Ice Dragon Shrine? Where's that? I've never heard of such a place...

It's in the icy lands, far north of here. But it's no place for humans. Besides the hero Anri, no man has been there yet.

Anri?! Are you, perchance, referring to the "Realm of the Gods" from Anri's legends?

I'm not at liberty to say anything more. If you want to know more, you should ask Lord Gotoh. Anyhow, I have a favor to ask of you. My precious firestone was stolen by thieves. If you can get it back for me, I'll show you how it works. Thank you, Prince Marth.

(Stage Ending)

Please hurry, sire. The enemy is closing in on us.

But everyone is still fighting. I can't just leave them behind.

Worry not, sire. I will remain here. I will regroup with everyone later.

Chris! But...

Sire, you of all people know that Chris is more than capable. As long as Chris is there, everyone will escape safely and reunite with you at once. Now sire, to the boat!

(If you accepted Wendell’s hat)

(If Chris is female)

I will be the rear guard. Everyone, hurry up and escape! Lord Wendell, you too! Oh, right. I just remembered, I should probably return this hat...

I don't mind if you keep it for a little longer. Do you wish to give it back?

(If Chris is male)

I will be the rear guard. Everyone, hurry up and escape! Lord Wendell, you too! Oh, yeah. I just remembered, I should probably return this hat...

I don't mind if you keep it for a little longer. Do you wish to give it back?

(Say Yes)

Yes. Thank you, it was most comfortable.

No no, 'twas nothing. ...By the way, should I be hurrying too?

Erm... Yes, hurry up and escape!

(Say No)

No... If it's alright with you, I'd like to hold on it a little longer.

Yes, that would be splendid. ...By the way, should I be hurrying too?

Erm... Yes, hurry up and escape!