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<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
<i>Mood - Answer</i><br>
Huh? No, I was just thinking about some crafty tactics you and I could use in battle.
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>
<i>Hobby - Question</i><br>

Revision as of 23:21, 21 January 2013


Initial Characters


Mood - Question
Hello. You’re in a good mood. Find a new weapon you like?
Mood - Answer
Oh, I’m just having a regular day. You’re the one who looks happy!

Hobby - Question
I’ve noticed you vanish from camp sometimes. Where is it you go?
Hobby - Answer
If I’m not napping, I’m swinging a sword. ... Predictable, I know.

Dream - Question
I’ve often wondered what drives you. Do you have any dreams or aspirations?
Dream - Answer
I just want to be strong enough to keep my friends and loved ones safe.

Fighting Together - Question
You know, you’ve grown very skilled. Care to pair up in the coming battle?
Fighting Together - Answer
All right. Together, we’ll be unstoppable. We’ll smash right through their ranks!

Robin (Male 1)

Mood - Question
Mood - Answer
Huh? No, I was just thinking about some crafty tactics you and I could use in battle.

Hobby - Question
I was going to ask: how do you pass time when we’re not fighting?
Hobby - Answer
I retire to my tent and work out new strategies. Or take walks when I’m down.

Dream - Question
What do you dream about?
Dream - Answer
I dream of being a great tactician. That’s why I study whatever I can get my hands on!

Fighting Together - Question
Would you be interested in fighting by my side in the coming battle?
Fighting Together - Answer
Certainly! I’ll devise some strategies and drop by later.


Mood - Question
Mood - Answer
No, I’m just glad the two of us got to talk! There’s always too many people around.

Hobby - Question
How come you vanish after each battle?Do you have a hobby or whatever?
Hobby - Answer
I keep an eye on my brother. He’s always breaking stuff when he trains.
Hobby - Answer (to Chrom)
I make sure you don’t break stuff! Emm was furious when you smashed up the palace.

Dream - Question
Hey, what are your dreams for the future? Sometimes I feel like life has no direction…
Dream - Answer
I want to be a proper lady like my sister. … But don’t tell anyone I said that.

Fighting Together - Question
It’s nice having strong people like you around. Can we team up next time?
Fighting Together - Answer
Okay! I’ll do my best. Together we can take whatever the bad guys throw at us.


Mood - Question
You seem to be in a fine mood. Was bear meat on the menu today?
Mood - Answer
No, I was just thinking about starting fires. …Er, campfires, of course.

Hobby - Question
You never seem bored, do you? How do you spend your rainy days?
Hobby - Answer
You mean when I’m not serving the Shepherds? I gather rare mushrooms.

Dream - Question
I’ve noticed you’ve been working hard. Trying to fulfill some lifelong dream?
Dream - Answer
I dream only of helping us all attain what we seek.

Fighting Together - Question
How would you feel about fighting together in the next battle?
Fighting Together - Answer
I would be honored to keep you safe. Let our enemies break themselves against us!


Mood - Question
Well, you look damned happy to be alive. You win your last practice match or what?
Mood - Answer
You wish. I’m just in a good mood because I feel like it. Reasons are for chumps!

Hobby - Question
Hobby - Answer
Usually I’m maintaining my weapons or training. But I go on walks, too.

Dream - Question
Got any aspirations? I have a crapload of respect for people who follow their dreams.
Dream - Answer

Fighting Together - Question
You’re doing great out there. Why don’t you and me tag-team some Risen scum?
Fighting Together - Answer
Of course! Damned if I’ll let you down.


Mood - Question
My, you positively glow today. Has my dashing entrance left you enraptured?
Mood - Answer
Oh, it’s not that at all. I am simply having a good hair day.

Hobby - Question
I have always wondered how people like you fill their days.
Hobby - Answer

Dream - Question
Come, friend. Tell me of your dreams.
Dream - Answer
Why dream when you live the legendary life OTHERS dream of?

Fighting Together - Question
You have a grace about you when you fight. What do you say to battling by my side?
Fighting Together - Answer
Of course. Our every move shall be a saga in the making! The bards will swoom.