Three Houses Supports/Dedue Annette
C Support
Annette: Agh! No! Oh no-- oh no-- oh no! Please tell me that wasn't the pan...
Dedue: What was that noise?
Annette: Dedue! Well, as you can
see...the pan kind of... exploded. Just
a little.
Dedue: How did you manage that?
Annette: I looked away for a moment and
the pan just went BOOM!
Ugh, I'm grateful nothing caught fire,
but now the kitchen is a mess.
Dedue: Are you hurt?
Annette: Oh, no. I just got a little
Heh, I really lucked out, didn't I?
That could have turned out much worse.
Dedue: Indeed.
But do not turn your back next time.
Your life could depend on it.
Annette: Right. Sorry. I'll be more
careful from now on.
Dedue: Let me help you.
Annette: Huh?
Dedue: I will help you clean up.
Annette: No! I can't let you do that!
This is all my fault. You shouldn't
have to help me.
Dedue: I have time.
Let us fix this quickly. We will need
to prepare more food before the others
arrive at the dining hall.
Annette: Oh, you're right. So, after we
clean up, you're also me
Dedue: You object?
Annette: Of course not! I'm just so
sorry to bother you with this.
B Support
Annette: Hi, Dedue! I wanted to thank you again for helping me out the other day. Everything was ready in time for dinner, and we all agreed the food was really tasty!
Dedue: I barely did anything.
Annette: That's silly talk! With just a
few ingredients, you made an amazing
I could never have done it, no way.
You deserve all the praise in the
Dedue: I still have much to learn.
Annette: Truly delicious food brings a
smile to people's faces.
Dedue: Until I see His Highness smile
in that way, I will spare no effort to
Annette: Well if that's your aim,
you're in luck! I've seen him shovel in
your food with gusto.
Dedue: Oh, I see. But right now His
Highness is...
Annette: Uh, sorry. Never mind. You
must be really ambitious if you're not
satisfied with that meal.
I'd love for you to teach me your
ways. I want to be a great cook too!
Dedue: Your skills are not the problem.
You merely make errors of negligence.
Annette: Well, sure... I know that. But
how can I stop making those errors?
No matter how hard I try, I always
seem to mess things up.
The pan explodes when I cook. I forget
my purse when I go shopping. That's
just how life is for a scatterbrain
like me.
Just the other day I was nearly
laughed off the training ground for
wearing mismatched shoes!
My uncle used to sigh in despair when
he saw me messing something up.
Dedue: You simply fail to pay attention
to your surroundings.
Ensure the pan is on the flame, and
that the knives are put away properly.
Look at yourself in the mirror before
you go out to make certain you have
what you need.
Everyone makes mistakes, but yours
should be easy enough to correct.
Annette: That's all great advice. Thank
you, Dedue! You really have a kind
At first I thought you were so stern
all the time.
Dedue: Am I that imposing?
Annette: Uh. Well. A bit? Maybe if you
smiled sometimes. All you have to do is
lift up the corners of your mouth, like
this. See?
Dedue: I see. I-- will try it.
B+ Support
Dedue: Forgive me.
Annette: Hehe, it's fine! Honestly,
it's pretty funny when you think about
Dedue: I did not expect the horse to
react so violently when I approached.
Annette: No kidding! And I didn't
expect the two of us to get covered in
Dedue: Animals have never taken to me.
It must be as you said-- my face is the
I have not honed my smile well enough.
I deeply regret the trouble I've caused
Annette: Don't be ridiculous! And
especially don't be sad. It's no
trouble at all, I promise.
Everyone makes mistakes. Isn't that
what you've been trying to teach me?
Dedue: Yes, I suppose so.
Annette: It does look like this will
take a while to clean up...
But if we work together, it'll be done
in no time!
Dedue: I am truly sorry.
Annette: Don't apologize. When it's
your turn for stable duty, I'm happy to
Dedue: Really?
Annette: Sure! And in return, you can
help me out when I'm on kitchen duty.
Dedue: Of course.
Annette: By the way, I tried out all
that stuff you mentioned before. About
how to not be a scatterbrain.
I'm still pretty hopeless, but thanks
to you, I'm making fewer mistakes.
It's probably not a good idea for me to
be left alone around knives and boiling
water though.
That's why it'll be really nice knowing
you have my back!
Dedue: You have changed.
Annette: Huh?
Dedue: You no longer fear approaching
me for help. You simply ask.
And now, when the need arises, I will
rely on you too.
A Support
Annette: Agh! I'm sorry! So sorry!
Dedue: What is it, Annette?
Annette: I completely forgot that it's
my turn for kitchen duty today!
Huh? Dedue... Did you do all the
kitchen prep already?
Dedue: Kitchen duty is mine today.
Annette: What? But... Did I get the day
Dedue: Yes. Yours is tomorrow.
Annette: Oh! Haha, I'm so sorry! Wow, I
really am something else...
Dedue: These things happen.
Annette: Hahaha!
Dedue: Is something funny?
Annette: Oh, no. I was just happy.
You see... My uncle is really strict.
So, you probably already know this,
but my uncle is really strict.
He wanted me to be perfect at cooking,
studying, cleaning,
washing...everything, really.
He said if I wasn't perfect, as a
knight's daughter, I'd be devaluing my
Whenever I messed up he'd look so
mad... And he'd sigh, like he'd just
lost his faith in humanity.
Dedue: That is harsh.
Annette: Oh, I know he loved me and
all... He was just kind of scary.
But you've helped me out and been
patient with me without getting mad.
I'm just so happy! Thank you, Dedue.
Dedue: I have hardly done anything.
Annette: You know what? You remind me
of my father.
Dedue: Of Gilbert?
Annette: You look scary at first
glance, but you're actually really
Dedue: Is that so...
Annette: Oh, right! Let me help you
with something, if that's OK with you!
What are you cooking today? Hopefully
I can chip in...
Dedue: It is a meat dish from Faerghus.
Annette: Uh... I'm still a complete
klutz, so I'm not going to be in the
way, am I?
Dedue: Not at all.
I was hoping that the food I made
would bring a smile to your face.
Annette: Oh, wow. That's...
Dedue: ...
Annette: Haha, well then! I can't wait
for dinnertime!
Dedue: Good.