Warriors Supports/Xander Robin

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Xander: Did you write these war council briefs, Robin? I don’t recognize the handwriting.

Robin: I did! I’ve just been trying to make my script a little more…legible. Actually, I got the idea from you, Lord Xander. Your writing is so polished! What a difference it makes when you can actually read what you just wrote.

Xander: Indeed. It’s heartening to see someone skilled, like you, seek self-improvement. My retainers, Peri and Laslow, do not show the same drive.

Robin: Really? Maybe they just don’t like to talk about it.

Xander: I don’t know about that. If there’s one thing Laslow likes to do it’s talk… He’s great at his work, when he’s not too busy flirting to do it.

Robin: I see. But what about Peri? I’ve heard stories of her bloodlust on the battlefield…

Xander: Oh, Peri has her quirks. One of which is not sitting still for more than a minute. She’s irreplaceable in battle, but as for the less violent parts of the job…

Robin: You need Laslow, despite his flirtatious tendencies. You know, charm’s not the worst quality to have.

Xander: That’s what I used to think as well! Until he started reporting for duty in tears, worked up over his latest rejection.

Robin: I don’t envy you there, Lord Xander.

Xander: I just wish there was a way to curb his desire for female attention.

Robin: That is a challenging proposition. Let me think… Maybe…maybe what he really needs is a little more confidence. Couldn’t you give him some kind of pep talk?

Xander: I’m not sure I feel comfortable getting so…er, personal with my retainers.

Robin: Q-quite right. My apologies. Wait…I’ve got it! What if all his interactions with women led him back to something work related?

Xander: An interesting thought… But how could that be accomplished?

Robin: The next time Laslow has his heart set on a young lady, you should hire her! That way, whenever he thinks about her, he will also think about work!

Xander: You have confidence in this plan?

Robin: I do! I have complete confidence.

Xander: Then perhaps I’ll give it a go. You’ve been quite helpful today, Robin. You’ve given me hope that Laslow might someday improve.

Robin: It’s an honor to assist you, Lord Xander. I’d be happy to help whenever you need me.

Xander: Thank you. I’ll be coming to you for more brilliant ideas soon enough.