Three Houses Supports/Manuela Gilbert
C Support
Gilbert: Is that singing?
Manuela: ♪The blue sea glimmers in the dark, the Red Canyon calls...♪ ♪Goddess, reach, in dreams... to her throne she falls...♪ Well, Gilbert... What do you think?
Gilbert: My lady! You were not meant to notice me.
Manuela: Nobody could miss a good man like you.
Gilbert: My apologies for interrupting. Please excuse me.
Manuela: No, Gilbert. Hold on a moment. You're not disturbing me. Truly. I want very much to know what you thought of my singing. The least you can do is tell me.
Gilbert: You were lovely. Y-you sounded lovely.
Manuela: Lovely? Is that what you really feel? Please be honest.
Gilbert: Why would you suppose I was dishonest?
Manuela: That is not the look of someone who just heard what they deem to be lovely. It hurts my confidence when my voice can't even lure a fleeting smile to your face. It's as though my singing voice has died since stepping off the Mittelfrank stage...
Gilbert: My lady Manuela, that could be no further from the truth.
Manuela: If that's the case, then, Gilbert, I challenge you to a duel! My singing versus your iron mask. I will break through, and I will see passion in your eyes!
Gilbert: Why did she leave so suddenly? And what could she have meant by a duel? Something is surely troubling her...
B Support
Manuela: ♪The blue sea glimmers in the dark, the Red Canyon calls...♪ Oh! ♪Goddess, reach, in dreams... to her throne she falls...♪ ♪To her throne she falls... Hmm hmm hmmmm...♪ There you are, Manuela. That's the old you. Ought to blow Gilbert away any day now. Huh? Oh!
Gilbert: ...
Manuela: Gilbert! How long have you been there?
Gilbert: Since the beginning of your song. I am sorry. I did not mean to disturb you.
Manuela: I don't usually let others watch me practice. Do understand that I was just practicing, Gilbert. It was not a perfect performance, so I demand you erase it from your memory immediately.
Gilbert: I will not. Such a performance would be a shame to forget. You were even livelier than before.
Manuela: Not again! How can you say that with such an expressionless... Gilbert? What's the matter? Gilbert... you're... You're smiling. My goodness!
Gilbert: Your voice must have drawn it from me. Obviously, I was taken by your beautiful voice... and also your impassioned form.
Manuela: My...form?
Gilbert: You won your challenge, my lady Manuela. I concede defeat.
Manuela: What just happened? I was only practicing and... A guarded, handsome, older man... and I'm the only lady who can raise a smile from him? Maybe you've still got it after all, Manuela. Maybe you do...